Histoire d'Aisha

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HistoireLe pouvoir perdu 1
Conditions d'acceptation de quête Objectifs Description


  • Compléter 5 donjons de niveau adapté (sauf Ruben, Henir et Île d'Ereda)

La fille et le vieil homme atteignirent la ruine des anciens Elians et en ouvrirent la porte.

Dialogue d'achèvement de quête
  • Aisha : Cet endroit est donc...
  • La fille avait le souffle court. Elle se tenait devant un gigantesque portail antiqué usé par le temps. Une magie complexe du temps jadis enveloppait le portail, mais la fille ne semblait pas s'en soucier.
  • Aisha : C'est ici que se trouve la bague de Mimir... Je n'aurais pas pensé qu'elle serait dans un lieu remarquable...
  • Prudemment, elle tendit la main vers le portail. Le pouvoir magique se propagea le long de sa main en lui infligeant une sensation de brûlure. Rapidement, cette force entoura tout le corps de la fille et se resserra autour d'elle. Mais la fille frémit à peine, et elle ne retira pas sa main. Lorsque ses deux mains touchèrent le symbole au centre de la porte, le pouvoir magique s'agita fortement, et la terre se mit à trembler. La fille ne sourcilla pas. Elle prit une profonde respiration. Puis elle ferma les yeux et commença à réciter une formule magique dans l'ancienne langue des Elians. Le pouvoir magique réagit aussitôt à la formule magique de la fille, se dressa une dernière fois de toute sa puissance avant de retomber. Comme toujours, la fille avait encore réussi.
  • Quenbaran : Aisha !
  • Lorsqu'à bout de souffle, le vieil homme eut rejoint la fille, le portail de la ruine antique était déjà ouvert. Le vieil homme dépassa la fille, qui souffrait encore d'une brûlure persistante, et s'approcha de la ruine pharaonique en soupirant. Il posa une main sur la tête de son unique petite-fille.
  • Quenbaran : As-tu ouvert ce portail toute seule ?
  • Aisha : Oui, grand-père ! Le symbole de cette porte était exactement le même que celui sur ce vieux manuscrit ! Je me suis dit que la formule magique du manuscrit et le portail devait être liés. J'ai juste tenté ma chance !
  • Le vieil homme se rappela qu'il n'avait jamais enseigné la langue des Elians antiques à sa petite-fille. Mais cette enfant était très maline et avide de savoir. Elle s'intéressait tout particulièrement à la magie et voulait la connaître de A à Z. Le vieil homme savait pertinemment qu'elle finirait par la maîtriser dans les moindres détails.
  • Quenbaran : La formule magique était inscrite dans la langue des Elian. Comment as-tu pu la lire ?
  • Aisha : J'ai cherché un livre sur le royaume des Elians et je l'ai déchiffré moi-même...
  • La réponse de la fille était exactement celle à laquelle le vieille homme s'attendait. Il avait mis trois ans à réunir les ouvrages, et deux années supplémentaires à en déchiffrer l'écriture. Quant à la fille, cela ne faisait qu'un an qu'elle avait eu connaissance des ouvrages et six mois seulement qu'elle avait manifesté un intérêt concret pour le sujet.
  • Quenbaran : (Elle a appris la langue des Elians en seulement six mois...)
  • Le vieil homme observait la fille qui regardait la ruine avec des yeux pétillants ; il riait, incrédule. Dans ces moments, il ne regrettait pas d'avoir cédé sa place de grand mage à sa petite-fille, malgré son jeune âge. Le pouvoir magique de l'enfant grandissait de jour en jour. La fille possédait une immense magie qui égalait facilement celle des mages d'Élios. Elle savait aussi comment mettre ce pouvoir en application. Le vieil homme était fermement convaincu que la fille deviendrait un jour une grande magicienne.
  • Aisha : Grand-père, vite !!!
  • Le légendaire artefact de la bague de Mimir possédait des pouvoirs magiques infinis. Il était forcement caché quelque part dans cette ruine. S'ils trouvaient cette bague, et si la fille parvenait à commander le pouvoir magique comme elle l'entendait... Le vieil homme avala sa salive. Dissimulant ses mains qui tremblaient, il descendit les escaliers.
  • Quenbaran : Inutile de nous presser. Cet endroit est très vaste et complexe. Si nous nous égarons, il nous sera difficile de ressortir.
  • Aisha : Ne t'inquiète pas, grand-père ! Je suis quand même la petite-fille de Quenbaran le sage, pas vrai ?
  • En silence, le vieil homme suivait la fille enthousiaste, qui fonçait tout droit en riant.
  • La ruine dans laquelle ils étaient entrés avait des allures de labyrinthes. Elle était parsemée de pierres précieuses étincelantes. Mais pour s'en emparer, il fallait prendre de très grands risques. À dix reprises, ils finirent dans des impasses, et ils durent contourner trois pièges dangereux avant de parvenir au centre de la ruine. Après tous ces efforts, le vieil homme et la fille arrivèrent devant une tablette en pierre recouverte, du sol au plafond, d'inscriptions incompréhensibles des Elians. La fille ne parvint pas à dissimuler sa déception, et commença à lire en bredouillant.
  • Aisha : Seule la sagesse de l'anneau... hm... les dieux... n'ont pas...
  • Aisha : Je ne comprends pas ce texte. Et toi, grand-père ?
  • Le vieil homme lui fit signe que non. Certains passages comportaient des inscriptions et de mots inconnus, dont ils ignoraient la signification. Ils décrivaient certainement le secret de ces ruines. Mais ils étaient sûrs d'une seule chose : la bague de Mimir était quelque part, cachée ici.
  • Aisha : Par anneau, ils veulent certainement dire bague de Mimir, non ? Nous n'avons rien trouvé. Qu'est-ce qu'on peut y faire ? Quittons ce lieu un point c'est tout, grand-père !
  • La fille passa devant la tablette en pierre d'un pas assuré. Le vieil homme se tint encore un moment devant la tablette en pierre en hochant la tête. Il fit un pas pour suivre la fille. C'est alors qu'il se produisit quelque chose d'étrange. La fille aurait dû se tenir juste devant lui, mais il ne pouvait plus la voir.
  • Quenbaran : Aisha ! Tu m'entends ? Aisha !
  • L'appel pressant du vieil homme résonnait dans la pièce. Mais il n'entendait aucune réponse de la fille.
Monnaie/Expérience Récompense normale Choisir récompense
PP - File:Pendulum of Memories.png Pendule du souvenir (7 jours) N/A
PB 0 N/A N/A
HistoireLe pouvoir perdu 2
Conditions d'acceptation de quête Objectifs Description


  • Compléter 5 donjons de niveau adapté (sauf Ruben, Henir et Île d'Ereda)

Dans la ruine, la fille et le vieil homme furent séparés. Elle erra seule à travers les décombres et finit par arriver à un gigantesque autel.

Dialogue d'achèvement de quête
  • Aisha: Grandfather!!! Grandpa!!
  • Girl's desperate shout filled the ruin but the old man's appearance was nowhere to be seen.
  • Aisha: W, what is this all of a sudden…. Where is this place?
  • Where in the ruin was this place? Where was the exit? Where was her grandfather? Everything was so confusing for the girl who was suddenly alone. She pulled herself together and tried to sense her grandfather's magic energy but not even a single magic energy could be sensed in the place where the girl was.
  • Aisha: Calm down… calm down Aisha. This won't be solved by getting anxious… Let's think… So the point when I got separated from grandpa was… …. The place with that giant slate….
  • The girl who was deep in thought as she sat leaning on the wall recalled the point when she had stopped sensing the old man's magic energy. Girl had sensed an extremely minuscule amount of magic when she had passed by the giant slate. Its power was barely an amount to give notice to so she hadn't given it much thought.
  • But come to think of it right now, it might have been just enough power to notice the intruder and activate a trap. Girl murmured about how she got tricked squarely as she stood up.
  • Aisha: I can't get out just by staying here anyways… I should try moving. Grandpa would certainly trust that I'll come to the place where the ring is likely to be so he should be heading there too.
  • Girl shouted that she won't miss any small changes this time then proudly stepped forth into the darkness.
  • Girl had wandered inside the labyrinth for so long to the point where she couldn't tell how long she had been walking anymore. But then she rubbed her eyes from a stream of light that could be barely seen far away.
  • Aisha: That places is…. Could it be….!?
  • Girl who had been moving her steps carefully wondering if her eyes were mistaken or if this was a trap inside the ruin was already dashing before she had realized.
  • Aisha: I can't believe this… It really existed….
  • Girl stood numbly in front of the giant altar. She then walked up the stairs as if she was possessed by something. Before long, the legendary artifact, 'Ring of Mimir' was in front of her eyes.
  • Aisha: So this is…the Ring of Mimir that had been only told through legends….
  • Girl who had been wordlessly looking at the ring that was giving off radiant light and somewhat familiar energy slowly stretched out her hand.
Monnaie/Expérience Récompense normale Choisir récompense
PP - N/A N/A
PB 0 N/A N/A
HistoireLe pouvoir perdu 3
Conditions d'acceptation de quête Objectifs Description


  • Compléter 5 donjons de niveau adapté (sauf Ruben, Henir et Île d'Ereda)

Though the one that found the Ring of Mimir was the girl, there were others besides the girl and the elder that were after the ring.

Dialogue d'achèvement de quête
  • When the girl came to, Ring of Mimir was already on the girl's finger.
  • Aisha: S, since when did I…..? It's almost as if I was possessed….
  • Girl who was wordlessly staring at the ring giving off radiant light shook her head strongly then moved her hand towards the ring.
  • Aisha: Grandfather said it might be a dangerous object so it shouldn't be used carelessly… I better take it off.
  • ???: That's a wise old man.
  • Girl was hastily trying to take the ring off but paused and slowly turned around her head at the voice coming from behind her. Even before she had realized, man with a large hood on was glaring at her.
  • Aisha: Who are you? Could it be…are you also after this ring?
  • Girl strengthened the grip on her staff while hiding her other hand behind her back. Staff responded to the girl's magic energy and started to give off light. Mysterious man stared the girl's reaction quietly then scoffed as he approached the girl.
  • Aisha: Back off, I'll fire this orb at you if you come any closer. It won't be easy for you to dodge my attack in this narrow place.
  • Girl bit down on her lips as she carefully examined the man's appearance. She felt an ominous aura from the man. Also, this aura had already seeped into the entire room.
  • ???: You'll be able to save yourself if you hand that ring over quietly.
  • Aisha: Hmph, you took the words right out of my mouth. This is an object that our family has been looking for generations! Do you think I'll hand it over so easily?
  • Girl examined the surroundings while backing up to distance herself from the man. Unfortunately, the surroundings were all blocked off with walls and the man was blocking the only exit.
  • ???: What a daring brat… that ring isn't something you people should covet. If you won't hand it over quietly… I'll have to use force.
  • Chilling aura from the man reached the girl. Staff that girl gripped strongly so it wouldn't shake was giving off even brighter light than before.
Monnaie/Expérience Récompense normale Choisir récompense
PP - N/A N/A
PB 0 N/A N/A
HistoireLe pouvoir perdu 4
Conditions d'acceptation de quête Objectifs Description


  • Compléter 5 donjons de niveau adapté (sauf Ruben, Henir et Île d'Ereda)

In order to get away from the suspicious man that was after the ring, the girl decided to make the first move.

Dialogue d'achèvement de quête
  • Aisha: Hohoho….. be grateful! There aren't many chances to fight properly against great genius magician Aisha!
  • Girl quickly hid herself then collected her breath. Useful magics to use in this situation and plans to obstruct the enemy's vision and escape was formulating in her head.
  • Aisha: You won't last against me for long!
  • Three orbs that got created from the girl's staff rapidly flew into the man. Man threw his body to dodge the orbs then raised his head again and looked for a place that the girl might be hiding.
  • Aisha: Where do you think you're looking?!
  • Girl didn't miss this chance. Fireball that flew into the man's back made a large sound as it exploded.
  • Aisha: (….. It won't end with just this. This is my only chance to escape.)
  • Thick smoke filled the room. Girl quickly searched around for the man's shadow. Maybe he hid himself or fell from the unexpected attack, the man couldn't be seen anywhere.
  • Aisha: (Alright, this is my chance!)
  • Girl fired couple more fireballs to clear the smoke as she dashed toward the exit. But just when she almost reached the exit, a giant wall of shadow blocked the exit.
  • ???: You thought you could escape this place? How foolish.
  • While the girl was still startled, three orbs flew towards her back. Girl barely threw her body to dodge, but almost as if it was revenge from before, the man immediately fired a fireball towards her.
  • Aisha: (They are exactly same magic that I used before…. Just how….?)
  • Girl barely managed to put up a barrier to block the attack then glared at the man while panting heavily. Man was standing right in front of the girl.
  • ???: I can let you off right here. Hand over the ring.
  • Aisha: (….He's stronger than I thought. It will be difficult to escape unless I defeat that guy…)
  • Girl backed up as she hid her hand. She smiled confidently as she held up her staff towards the man.
  • Aisha: Hah! This was just a preview. I didn't even fight properly yet! (I need more power to defeat this guy…. Ah…. The ring…!)
  • Girl recalled power of this ring that she was wearing. 'Ring of Mimir' was an object that the Landar family had been looking for a long time. It was supposed to be an object that contained infinite amount of magic energy. But it was said that they didn't even know if the ring actually existed, and even if it existed, it was an ancient artifact so it shouldn't be used carelessly.
  • Aisha: (But this is an emergency. There's no other choice.)
  • Girl sent magic energy through her staff. Staff started to give off light again.
  • Aisha: (Lend me a bit of your power!)
  • Man distanced himself from the girl then gathered the shadows that were blocking the exit around him to prepare for the girl's attack. Girl used this chance to focus all her nerves on the ring. She felt something that was familiar and warm. Then she felt an infinite power that she had never felt before flowing into her body. Light from the ring instantly started to envelop the girl.
Monnaie/Expérience Récompense normale Choisir récompense
PP - N/A N/A
PB 0 N/A N/A
HistoireLe pouvoir perdu 5
Conditions d'acceptation de quête Objectifs Description


  • Compléter 5 donjons de niveau adapté (sauf Ruben, Henir et Île d'Ereda)

When the girl tried to use the power of the ring, the ring began to radiate a light that was different from before.

Dialogue d'achèvement de quête
  • Ring's light completely surrounded the girl.
  • Aisha: (So this is…. Ring of Mimir's power…!)
  • When she carefully added power to her staff, light with different size and shape started to gather in her staff this time.
  • Aisha: (So this is what they meant by…. infinite magic energy without measurable limit. I can defeat that guy with this…)
  • Just when the girl was about to fire an orb at the man, ring started giving off different light than before and started to absorb the girl's magic energy and all other magic energy from the surroundings. Girl got startled and tried to take the ring off but couldn't help but to drop her staff and collapse due to her power being drained.
  • ???: I told you. It's not something humans can handle.
  • Ring quickly swallowed up magic energy from the girl's body.
  • Aisha: W… what…. How..?
  • She tried to somehow focus her blurry vision but the ring was even taking the girl's consciousness.
  • ???: I'll be taking the ring. Be glad that it ended with just this.
  • Girl's consciousness faded soon as the man took the ring off the girl's hand. Man put the ring that was giving off radiant light again after absorbing the girl's magic energy inside his coat then leisurely walked away.
Monnaie/Expérience Récompense normale Choisir récompense
PP - N/A N/A
PB 0 N/A N/A
HistoireLe pouvoir perdu 6
Conditions d'acceptation de quête Objectifs Description


  • Compléter 5 donjons de niveau adapté (sauf Ruben, Henir et Île d'Ereda)

Once the elder arrived at the altar, he found the girl collapsed on the ground.

Dialogue d'achèvement de quête
  • Kuenbaran: Aisha…? Aisha!
  • Old man hastily headed to the altar from the powerful magic energy that he felt from far away. But he realized he was too late when he saw the ruined altar and the girl collapsed on the ground.
  • Kuenbaran: Just what happened….?
  • Old man carefully carried the girl on his back as he bit his lips. He looked back once more to examine the altar.
  • Kuenbaran: Aisha… just what happened here…?
  • The altar was quiet as if nothing had happened. Only the old man's regrettable sighs could be heard.
  • Aisha: Ugh…
  • Girl raised her body which felt heavy like the soaked cotton.
  • Kuenbaran: Aisha! You're awake.
  • Aisha: Grandpa…?
  • Girl looked at the old man confusedly then examined the surrounding with an uneasy expression. She realized she was in an unfamiliar room and quickly tried to get up. Old man comforted the surprised girl then got her to lie back down on the bed. He then asked if the girl was feeling okay. Girl nodded while sending an uneasy gaze to the old man.
  • Aisha: Why am I here? I certainly found the ring in that altar….
  • Kuenbaran: Do you not remember anything…?
  • Girl shook her head at the old man's sigh filled voice. The altar was in shambles when the old man arrived, the girl was unconscious and collapsed at the altar's entrance and the ring was nowhere to be seen. After the girl heard all the explanation from the old man, she desperately racked up her complicated head to recall the situation when she found the ring.
  • Kuenbaran: You should take it easy for a while.
  • Aisha: … Yes.
  • Kuenbaran: Are you really alright?
  • At the old man's worry filled question, girl frowned and opened her mouth from the unfamiliar feeling that she's been feeling since she woke up.
  • Aisha: It's strange, grandpa. Magic energy… my magic energy… I can barely feel any.
  • Kuenbaran: As I thought…
  • Old man nodded as if he had expected this then grabbed the girl's hand.
  • Kuenbaran: Don't be surprised and listen, Aisha. Currently, almost all the magic energy you possessed disappeared.
  • Aisha: T, that… that can't be…
  • Kuenbaran: It's been an entire week since I brought you out of that altar. I don't know what happened at the altar but no matter how much magic energy you consumed, it shouldn't take more than a week to recover them.
  • At the old man's words, girl raised her two shaking hands and desperately tried to focus. But just like the old man said, she couldn't feel as much magic energy as before.
  • Kuenbaran: Ring of Mimir is a special ring made using the power of El. I can't explain it any other way than to say that all your powers were stolen by that ring.
  • Aisha: Then… I'm now….
  • Old man hugged the girl and patted her on the back. Girl's shivering slowly eased.
  • Kuenbaran: Don't worry, Aisha. Ring of Mimir was made by using the El's power, so the clue to get your power back must lie within the power of El.
  • Girl nodded as she closed her eyes at the old man's comforting words. Her head was still complicated and it seemed it would take more time for her to accept this radical situation, but the girl looked like she had understood her situation up to certain extent.
Monnaie/Expérience Récompense normale Choisir récompense
PP - N/A N/A
PB 0 N/A N/A
HistoireLe pouvoir perdu 7
Conditions d'acceptation de quête Objectifs Description


  • Compléter 5 donjons de niveau adapté (sauf Ruben, Henir et Île d'Ereda)

The girl made a resolution to regain her lost power.

Dialogue d'achèvement de quête
  • Kuenbaran: Aisha…. Are you researching information again? You should rest a bit…
  • Girl munched on bread that old man brought as a breakfast as she sat in a table filled with books while writing down something quickly.
  • Aisha: Of course! I feel more at ease doing something… And I might be able to find a clue about my magic power from some book!
  • Girl smiled brightly as she looked at the old man's face. After realizing she lost almost all her power, the girl shut herself in her room and kept thinking about something for couple days. But one day she suddenly started to visit all the bookstores in the area and gathered every book written about the El.
  • Kuenbaran: You still can't stress yourself. You should rest…
  • Aisha: No, grandfather. I'm completely energetic! See? I'm eating well.
  • Girl swallowed the bread remaining on the dish as she drove her head into the books again. She then raised her thumb towards the old man.
  • Kuenbaran: I see… so did you find some clues?'
  • Old man also felt more at ease after seeing the girl regain her cheerfulness. She did lose her magic power but her granddaughter was standing in front of him cheerful as she had always been.
  • Aisha: Hmm… I'm not sure yet. There's almost no data about the Ring of Mimir… and there's so much information about the El that it's hard to pick anything out.
  • Girl started rummaging through the messy desk and finally held up an old book that had been buried deep within other books. On that book which was filled with ink marks, there was a picture of large tree and El.
  • Aisha: It's a place called Ruben. I heard that the El Shard here is bit special. It's said that the ring was made from the power of El. So maybe it might react to the power of El Shards as well.
  • Old man nodded from the girl's theory then examined the details written in the book. Information about El Shard in the Ruben forest filled the book.
  • Kuenbaran: Will you leave for Ruben?
  • Aisha: Yes, not just Ruben. I'll follow everywhere that has El Shards are. That's the only thing I can do after all…
  • Old man smiled as he nodded from seeing how his granddaughter was filled with determination. It was a wordless approval of her journey.
  • Aisha: Thank you, grandpa…! I promise! When I come back…
  • Girl smiled like usual then dived into old man's arms.
  • Aisha: Not just the ring and my power…. But I'll have become much more powerful and awesome Aisha!
Monnaie/Expérience Récompense normale Choisir récompense
PP - File:Pendulum of Memories.png Pendule du souvenir N/A
PB 0 N/A N/A