Reinforced Nasod Weapons

From Elwiki
Enhances Nasod Spear damage.
When Nasod Spear Skills are used,  Self BuffEnhanced Nasod SpearSelf BuffEnhanced Nasod Spear buff applies.
Nasod Spear Skills


Class Level Required
Code: Ultimate 99

Skill Information

Skill Level Level Required  Self BuffEnhanced Nasod SpearSelf BuffEnhanced Nasod Spear
(Upon Nasod Spear Skill Use)
Nasod Spear Skill
Range Increase
Nasod Spear Skill /
Command Damage Increase
Nasod Spear Skill
MP Usage Decrease
Duration Reactivation Cooldown
1 99 1.2× 20% 20% 10 Seconds 10 Seconds
1 99 1.2× 10% 20% 10 Seconds 10 Seconds

Affected Commands

Eve Code: Exotic Code: Nemesis Code: Ultimate

Tips and Details

  • Since the skill that triggers this passive will gain the effect right away, and the duration is identical to the cooldown, Nasod Spear skills will always gain the effect no matter what. Only the command damage requires you to trigger the passive separately.
  • As Sin Scissors is a low-cost quick Active, it is a great skill to trigger this passive with quickly if you want to boost your spear commands.
  • While under the effects of this passive, Illusion Stinger's explosions not only have their size increased, but the overall area they appear in as well, making them spread further apart. As the size increase is based on the center of the skill, the explosions start appearing directly on top of you instead of a little in front. This slightly reduces its effectiveness on smaller enemies, though the damage increase makes up for it.


Date Changes
11/30/2017 12/20/2017
  • Reinforced Nasod Weapons added.
12/15/2017 -
  • Nasod Spear Skill & Command Damage Increase decreased.
08/23/2018 09/06/2018
  • Duration decreased.
09/11/2019 09/25/2019
  • Cooldown decreased.
03/27/2021 -
06/22/2023 07/19/2023
  • None
  • Nasod Spear Command/Skill Damage Increase decreased.
12/19/2024 01/15/2025

Alternative Names

Server Name Translation
South Korea 나소드 무기 재강화 Nasod Weapon Restrengthening
Japan ナソードウェポン再強化 Reinforced Nasod Weapon
Germany Verstärkung der Nasod-Waffe Reinforced Nasod Weapon
Spain Refuerzo del arma nasod Reinforced Nasod Weapon
France Renforcement de l'arme nasod Reinforced Nasod Weapon
Italy Potenziamento dell'arma Nasod Reinforced Nasod Weapon
Poland Wzmocnienie Nazo-Broni Reinforced Nasod Weapon
United Kingdom Nasod Weapon Enhancement
Brazil Armas Nasod Reforçadas Reinforced Nasod Weapons