
Image Name Type Description Effect Obtain
  Harmony Festival Pie Event Recovery A pie given out during Harmony Festival.
'Harmony Festival Pies don't go bad. So EAT UP!' - GM Pie
Recover 50% HP
Recover 50% MP
Removes   Enemy DebuffBurn,   Enemy DebuffPoison, and   Enemy DebuffCurse
Cooldown Time: 30 secs.
  • 2017 / 2019 ~ 2022 Harmony Festival
  Pain au Chocolat An academy favorite. A crescent shaped bread. Lots of butter is needed to make the dough. The chocolate drizzle completes the taste and adds more calories. Recover 75% HP
Recover 75% MP
Cooldown Time: 30 secs.
  3-Layer Lunch Box A multi-layered lunch box for your athletic meet! 1st layer contains sandwiches, 2nd layer contains salad, and 3rd layer contains desserts. Eat well and come in first!! Recover 75% HP
Recover 75% MP
Cooldown Time: 30 secs.
File:Highly Concentrated Recovery Potion.png Highly Concentrated Recovery Potion Recovery potion with concentrated taste. One sip will give you energy! Recover 75% HP
Recover 75% MP
Cooldown Time: 30 secs.
  • Events
File:RefinedRecoveryPotion.png Refined Recovery Potion A nicely refined potion with great effects!
One sip will give you energy!
Recover 75% HP
Recover 75% MP
Cooldown Time: 30 secs.
  • Events
  Elrios Sports Drink Make sure to keep hydrated! Recover 75% HP
Recover 75% MP
Cooldown Time: 30 secs.
  Chocolate Ganache Cake Delicious cake with soft chocolate sheets and rich dark chocolate mousse. Recover 75% HP
Recover 75% MP
Cooldown Time: 30 secs.
  Qingtuan 동양에서 봄이 오기 시작할 때 쑥과 찹쌀로 만들어 먹는 간식.
보기만 해도 봄 내음이 난다.
Recover 75% HP
Recover 75% MP
Cooldown Time: 30 secs.
  • 2019 ~ 2023 Qingming Festival Event (CN)
  Chocolate Energy Bar Exhausted already? Eat for more energy!
We're just getting started!
Recover 75% HP
Recover 75% MP
Cooldown Time: 30 secs.
  Sweet Caramel Macchiato Long waits are fun, when you're about to meet my favorite celebrity!
But you need something sweet!
Recover 75% HP
Recover 75% MP
Cooldown Time: 30 secs.
  Sparkling Jelly 반짝반짝 빛나는 신기한 젤리
탱글탱글한게 맛있어 보여!
Recover 75% HP
Recover 75% MP
Cooldown Time: 30 secs.
  Heart El Potion 신비로운 기운이 느껴지는 포션
마시면 기운이 샘솟을 것 같다!
Recover 75% HP
Recover 75% MP
Cooldown Time: 30 secs.
  Elrios City Canned Coffee 달달함과 씁쓸함이 느껴질 것 같은 음료
마시면 두뇌회전이 잘 될 것 같다!
Recover 75% HP
Recover 75% MP
Cooldown Time: 30 secs.
File:RefinedRecoveryPotion.png Unlimited Refined Recovery Potion 사용해도 사라지지 않는 특수 회복 포션
A nicely refined potion with great effects!
Recover 75% HP
Recover 75% MP
Cooldown Time: 30 secs.
  • Events
  Co-ke HP Potion Recover 30% HP
Cooldown Time: 30 secs.
  • Event
  Co-ke MP Potion Recover 120 MP
Cooldown Time: 30 secs.
  • Event
  Sport Drink 1000ml 벌컥 벌컥. 전투의 피로가 풀린다! Recover 20% HP
Recover 100 MP
Cooldown Time: 30 secs.
  • Event
  Sport Drink 500ml 벌컥 벌컥. 전투의 피로가 풀리는 듯 하다! Recover 10% HP
Recover 50 MP
Cooldown Time: 30 secs.
  • Event
  원기 F 뽀루같은 힘이여 솟아라! 기나긴 휴식에 지친 몸을 일상으로 되돌려 준다! Recover 20% HP
Recover 100 MP
Cooldown Time: 30 secs.
  • Event
  엘의 정화수 엘의 힘이 깃든 깨끗한 정화수. Recover 20% HP
Recover 50 MP
Cooldown Time: 30 secs.
  • Event
  고급 엘의 정화수 축복받은 특별한 엘로 걸러진 깨끗한 정화수. Recover 30% HP
Recover 100 MP
Cooldown Time: 30 secs.
  • Event
  최고급 수제 초콜릿 발렌타인 데이를 맞이하여 장인이 만든 수제 초콜릿. 사용자에게 활력을 불어 넣어
화염, 독, 저주 상태를 해제 해 준다.
Removes   Enemy DebuffBurn,   Enemy DebuffPoison, and   Enemy DebuffCurse
Cooldown Time: 20 secs.
  • Event
  코그반점 수타짜장면 직접 손으로 쳐서 뽑은 면발위에 싱싱한 재료로 만들어낸 짜장을 얹어 맛과 식감을 최고로 끌어 올렸다! Recover 20% HP
Recover 50 MP
Cooldown Time: 30 secs.
  • Event
  코그반점 사천짜장면 공격력 5% 증가 직접 손으로 쳐서 뽑은 면발위에 매콤한 재료로 만들어낸 사천식 짜장을 얹어 맛과 식감을 최고로 끌어 올렸다! Recover 20% HP
Physical/Magical Attack Power Increased by 5%
Cooldown Time: 30 secs.
  • Event
  빼빼로 과자 빼빼로를 만들 때 쓰이는 과자. 그냥 먹어도 맛있다! Recover 10% HP
Cooldown Time: 30 secs.
  • Event
  Complete Recovery Potion Cake Recover 100% HP
Recover 100% MP
Cooldown Time: 30 secs.
  • Event
  Beginner's Mana Potion Cake Recover 50 MP
Cooldown Time: 30 secs.
  • Event
  Intermediate Mana Potion Cake Recover 100 MP
Cooldown Time: 30 secs.
  • Event
  Intermediate Potion Cake Recover 6200 HP
Cooldown Time: 30 secs.
  • Event
  Advanced Potion Cake Recover 9200 HP
Cooldown Time: 30 secs.
  • Event
  Harmony Festival Pie A delicious pie baked for the Harmony Festival. These pies will be handed out for free from the alchemists for the party! Recover 50% HP
Recover 70 MP
Removes   Enemy DebuffBurn,   Enemy DebuffPoison, and   Enemy DebuffCurse
Cooldown Time: 30 secs
  • 20?? ~ 2016 Harmony Festival
A different item from the current Complete Recovey Potion.
Complete Recovery Potion
Medicine made from the Essence of Alchemy.
It will cure and heal all your wounds.
Recover 100% HP
Recover 100% MP
Cooldown Time: 30 secs.
  • Event
  Beginner's Potion 새로운 모험가를 환영하여 제공하는 포션 Recover 3500 HP
Cooldown Time: 30 secs.
  • Event
  Beginner's Mana Potion 새로운 모험가를 환영하여 제공하는 마나포션 Recover 50 MP
Cooldown Time: 30 secs.
  • Event
  Dragon Potion Recover 25% HP
Cooldown Time: 60 secs.
  • Event
  Dragon Mana Potion Recover 50% MP
Cooldown Time: 60 secs.
  • Event
  Soft Ice Cream Tasty Soft Ice Cream for the hot summer!! Don't eat too many or else you might have a stomachache. Recover 50% HP
Recover 120 MP
Cooldown Time: 30 secs.
  • Raven Release Event
  COBO's Special Potions Special potion supplied by COBO.
Restores HP and removes Burning effect.
Recover 15200 HP
Removes   Enemy DebuffBurn
Cooldown Time: 60 secs.
  • Entering Velder Palace Event
  Mini Strawberry Tart 2012년 최고의 연금술사가 만든 음식.
세티스티아 作.
Recover 100% HP
Recover 100% MP
Cooldown Time: 30 secs.
  • Event
  Ariel's Handmade Chocolates Ariel's Handmade Chocolates made for Valentine's Day! (Handmade Chocolate is a consumable that heals full HP and MP) Recover 100% HP
Recover 100% MP
Cooldown Time: 30 secs.
  • 2012 Valentine's Day Event
  1st Anniversary Cake A special cake to celebrate Elsword's 1st Anniversary! Recover 50% HP
Removes   Enemy DebuffBurn,   Enemy DebuffPoison, and   Enemy DebuffCurse
Cooldown Time: 60 secs
  • Elsword NA 1st Anniversary Event
  Elympics Sports Drink Fast Speed! Fast Recovery! Recover 50% HP
Recover 50% MP
Increase Moment and Jump Speed by 20% for 17 seconds.
Cooldown Time: 60 secs.
  • Elrios Elympics Event
  Pirate Potions A mysterious potion that is only for the captain of the Pirate Phorus. Recover 50% HP
Recover 50% MP
Cooldown Time: 60 secs.
  • Wanted: Phoru Pirates Event
  Cranberry Sauce Recover 50% MP
Cooldown Time: 60 secs.
  • 2012 Thanksgiving Event
  Pumpkin Pie Recover 30% MP
Recover 100 MP
Cooldown Time: 60 secs.
  할로윈 사탕 바구니 할로윈 사탕은 무슨 맛있까? 먹어도 되는 걸까? Recover 100% HP
Recover 100% MP
Cooldown Time: 30 secs.
  • 2013 Halloween Event
  헬렌의 발렌타인 데이 초콜릿 헬렌이 직접 만든 발렌타인 데이 초콜릿.
엘리오스 모험가들의 여행에 도움을 주기 위해 무료로 나눠주고 있다.
사용시 HP 50%, MP 50%가 회복된다.
Recover 50% HP
Recover 50% MP
Cooldown Time: 30 secs.
  • 2014 Valentine's Event
  헬렌의 특제 발렌타인 데이 초콜릿 헬렌이 특별히 신경써서 만든 특제 발렌타인 데이 초콜릿.
특제라 그런지 헬렌의 발렌타인 데이 초콜릿보다 2배로 맛있는 것 같다.
사용시 HP 100%, MP 100%가 회복된다.
Recover 100% HP
Recover 100% MP
Cooldown Time: 30 secs.
  Tangyuan Restores 100% of your HP and MP. Recover 100% HP
Recover 100% MP
Cooldown Time: 30 secs.
  • 2014 Lantern Festival Event (CN)
  Madness Development Research Journal You can obtain titles with this item from the Arc Tracer NPC.
You can consume this item to restore your HP and MP.
Recover 50% HP
Recover 100 MP
Cooldown Time: 30 secs.
  • Arc Tracer Release Event
  푸짐한 쌀가래떡 멥쌀과 물로 반죽한 다음 쪄내 길쭉하게 뽑아
먹기좋게 얇게 썰려있다.
Recover 50% HP
Cooldown Time: 30 secs.
  • Event
  얼큰한 사골국 한우로 만든 사골국 먹으면
그냥 먹어도 얼큰한 이 맛!
Recover 50% MP
Cooldown Time: 30 secs.
  • Event
  얼큰한 사골떡국 한우로 만든 사골국과 멥쌀로 만든 가래떡의 조합!!
이 맛은 뭐지?!!!
Recover 100% HP
Recover 100% MP
Cooldown Time: 30 secs.
  • Event
  Chuan The famous food of Xinjiang.
You can be stronger after you taste it.
Increase Additional Damage by 15% for 30 seconds.
Cooldown Time: 30 secs.
  • 2015 National Day (CN)
  Hot Pot The famous food of Sichuan.
You can be stronger after you taste it.
Increase Damage Reduction by 15% for 30 seconds.
Cooldown Time: 30 secs.
  Paomo The famous food of Xi'an.
You can be stronger after you taste it.
Increase Action Speed by 15% for 30 seconds.
Cooldown Time: 30 secs.
  Double Skin Milk The famous food of Guangzhou.
You can be stronger after you taste it.
Increase Resistance to Dark Attributes by 500 for 30 seconds.
Cooldown Time: 30 secs.
  Xiaolongbao The famous food of Shanghai.
You can be stronger after you taste it.
Increase Critical by 15% for 30 seconds.
Cooldown Time: 30 secs.
  Peking Duck The famous food of Beijing.
You can be stronger after you taste it.
Increase Resistance to Water Attributes by 15% for 30 seconds.
Cooldown Time: 30 secs.
  Kumis The famous food of Hohhot.
You can be stronger after you taste it.
Increase Resistance to Wind Attributes by 15% for 30 seconds.
Cooldown Time: 30 secs.
  Buddha Jumps Over the Wall The famous food of Fuzhou.
You can be stronger after you taste it.
Increase Resistance to Fire Attributes by 15% for 30 seconds.
Cooldown Time: 30 secs.
  Mooncake Celebrate Mid-Autumn Festival with free mooncakes. Recover 100% HP
Recover 100% MP
Cooldown Time: 30 secs.
  • 2015 Mid-Autumn Festival Event (CN)
  냉룡의 숨결 냉룡의 축복을 받은 차가운 기운. 기운을 받아들이는 것으로 지친 체력을 단숨에 회복하고, 30초간 자연 마나회복력 증가와 슈퍼아머 능력을 부여받는다.
(Can only be used in Perkisas's Ruins.)
Recover 100% HP
Recover 100% MP
Activates Super Armor in 30 seconds.
Increases mana recovery rate in 30 seconds.
Cooldown Time: 30 secs
  2016 Summer Harmony Festival Ice Cream 공존의 축제에 제공된 아이스크림.
'공존의 축제 아이스크림은 녹지 않으니 안심하고 드세요!'
Recover 50% HP
Recover 70 MP
Removes   Enemy DebuffBurn,   Enemy DebuffPoison, and   Enemy DebuffCurse.
Cooldown Time: 30 secs
  • 2016 Summer Harmony Festival
File:Moonlight Potion.png
A different item from the current Moonlight Potion.
Moonlight Potion
달빛의 기운을 담은 물약
마시면 완전히 회복될 것 같다.
Recover 100% HP
Recover 100% MP
Cooldown Time: 30 secs
  • 2016 Mid-Autumn Festival Event
달 조각을 모아 달빛을 한 웅큼 우려낸 포션.
달의 힘이 사라지면 그 효력이 사라진다고 전해진다.
달토끼가 좋아하는 포션이라고도 전해진다.
  • Mystical Moon Rabbit Event
  Zombie Cure Potion 좀비 상태에서 풀려나며, HP와 MP를 100% 회복시킬 수 있는 포션이다.
좀비 나이트 던전의 보상으로 획득할 수 있다.
HP와 MP 100% 회복
좀비가 아닌 상태에서도 사용 가능
Recover 100% HP
Recover 100% MP
Removes   Enemy DebuffZombie.
Cooldown Time: 30 secs
  • 2016 Halloween Event
A different item from the current Hard-Boiled Egg.
Hard-Boiled Egg
A delicacy of Hot Springs, Hard-boiled Egg.
Fully replenishes MP.
Doesn't share the cooldown with other MP potions.
Recover 100% MP
Cooldown Time: 30 secs.
  Sweet Love Potion A potion that contains the power of love! Recover 100% HP
Recover 100% MP
Cooldown Time: 30 secs.
  • 2017 Valentine's Day Event
  Phoru's Lunchbox Phoru's Lunch Box.
Recovers 100% of both HP and MP.
Recover 100% HP
Recover 100% MP
Cooldown time 60 secs.
A different item from the current Qingtuan.
쑥과 찹살로 제작한 봄나들이 간식. Recover 100% HP
Recover 100% MP
Cooldown Time: 30 secs.
  • 2017 Qingming Festival Event (CN)
  Hidden Emergency Food Emergency food hidden in a chest by someone.
Replenishes HP and MP by 50%.
Recover 50% HP
Recover 50% MP
Cooldown Time: 30 secs.
  Mysterious Potion A mysterious potion found from a chest.
Replenishes HP and MP by 100%.
Recover 100% HP
Recover 100% MP
Cooldown Time: 30 secs.
  Abundant Drink A drink that gives you energy.
Cures Curse, Burning, Poison, and Freezing status effects.
Recover 150 MP
Removes   Enemy DebuffCurse,   Enemy DebuffBurn,   Enemy DebuffPoison, and   Enemy DebuffExtreme Coldness.
Cooldown Time: 60 secs.
  • My Elrios Partner! Event
A different item from the current Pumpkin Flavored Candy.
Pumpkin Flavored Candy
A special candy made by Cobo Service to celebrate Halloween. Why pumpkin though? Recover 100% HP
Recover 100% MP
Cooldown Time: 30 secs.
  Sweet Chocolate This chocolate looks very sweet. It will fill you up with energy. Recover 100% HP
Recover 100% MP
Cooldown Time: 30 secs.
  • 2018 Valentine's Event
  Fragrant Spring Tea 한 모금만 입에 머금어도 기분이 좋아지는 향긋한 봄 차 Recover 100% HP
Recover 100% MP
Cooldown Time: 30 secs.
  • 2018 Qingming Festival Event (CN)
  Black Bean Noodles It completely recovers your HP and MP when you eat Black Bean Noodles. Recover 100% HP
Recover 100% MP
Cooldown Time: 30 secs.
  • Summer Weekend Event
  Velder Academy Harmony Festival Pie A pie given out during Harmony Festival.
'Harmony Festival Pies don't go bad. So EAT UP!' - GM Pie
Recover 50% HP
Recover 50% MP
Removes   Enemy DebuffBurn,   Enemy DebuffPoison, and   Enemy DebuffCurse.
Cooldown Time: 30 secs.
  • 2018 Harmony Festival Event
  Anniversary Potion A top quality recovery potion specially made for Elsword's 8th Anniversary!
One sip will give you energy!
Recover 75% HP
Recover 75% MP
Cooldown Time: 30 secs.
  • Elsword NA 8th Anniversary Event
  Peanut Zongzi Peanut Zongzi.
Increased mana recovery for a certain amount of time.
Recover 75% HP
Recover 75% MP
Increases mana recovery rate in 45 seconds.
Cooldown Time: 30 secs.
  • 2019 ~ 2021 Dragon Boat Festival Event (CN)
  Hotdog Hotdogs prepared for the Hotdog Eating Contest. For some reason... I feel like I can eat this endlessly. Recover 75% HP
Recover 75% MP
Cooldown Time: 30 secs.
  • 2019 Independence Day Event
  Combat Ration It tastes gross, but it's filling. Nothing better in the midst of battle. Recover 75% HP
Recover 75% MP
Cooldown Time: 30 secs.
  • Forward Winter Update event
  Valentine Choccolate 지쳤을 때 먹으면 굉장한 힘이 생기는 물약. 아리엘 말로는 굉장히 쓰다고 한다.
짧은 시간 동안 이동 속도가 증가한다.
Recover 75% HP
Recover 75% MP
Cooldown Time: 30 secs.
  • 2020 Valentine's Event
  Tension Up Potion 지쳤을 때 먹으면 굉장한 힘이 생기는 물약. 아리엘 말로는 굉장히 쓰다고 한다.
짧은 시간 동안 이동 속도가 증가한다.
Recover 75% HP
Recover 75% MP
Increases movement speed.
Cooldown Time: 30 secs.
  • 2020 Independence Day Event
  Neapolitan 부드러운 소스와 쫄깃한 파스타면이 합쳐진 파스타.
연휴엔 나를 위한 힐링 푸드 '[Cobo] Neapolitan'을 먹어보자!
Recover 75% HP
Recover 75% MP
Cooldown Time: 30 secs.
  • 2021 May Day Event
  Magical Sprout Slush 마셔도 마셔도 끝이 없는 슬러시. 마법같은 시원함을 한번 맛보면 에너지를 마구 뿜어낼 수 있을 것 같다!
HP와 MP를 일정량 회복한다.
Recover 75% HP
Recover 75% MP
Cooldown Time: 30 secs.
  • Elrios Jump Master! Event
  Qiao Guo A traditional food to celebrate Qixi Festival. Recover 75% HP
Recover 75% MP
Cooldown Time: 30 secs.
  • 2022 Qixi Festival Event (CN)
File:AdventurerSupportPotion.png Adventurer Support Potion Event Support A potion to handed out to support the adventurer community!
One sip will give you energy!
Recover 75% HP
Recover 75% MP
Cooldown Time: 30 secs.
  Pumpkin Flavored Candy A special candy made by Cobo Service to celebrate Halloween. Why pumpkin though? Recover 100% HP
Recover 100% MP
Cooldown Time: 30 secs.
  • 2020 ~ 2022 Halloween Event
  풍요의 떡 Does not stack with "Honey Honey Waffle". Recover 70% HP
Max HP/MP increase by 20% for 10 sec.
10% HP Recovery per sec. for 10 sec.
Cooldown Time: 30 secs.
  • 풍요 Event
  Heart Heart Cookie 마음을 전하는 쿠키. 따듯하고 포근한 맛이 난다. Recover 75% HP
Recover 75% MP
Cooldown Time: 30 secs.
  • El Search Party Present Event
  Café Hamburger Café PC방에서 간단하게 햄버거를 먹으면 HP를 50% 회복 시켜준다.
PC방 서비스 이용중에만 사용이 가능합니다.
Recover 50% HP
Cooldown Time: 30 secs.
  Café Instant Noodles PC방에서 든든하게 컵라면을 먹으면 MP를 50% 회복 시켜준다.
PC방 서비스 이용중에만 사용이 가능합니다.
Recover 50% MP
Cooldown Time: 30 secs.
  Café Black Bean Noodles PC방 끝판왕!? It completely recovers your HP and MP when you eat Black Bean Noodles.
PC방 서비스 이용중에만 사용이 가능합니다.
Recover 100% HP
Recover 100% MP
Cooldown Time: 30 secs.
  6th Anniversary Party Potion Event Potion 6th Anniversary Party Potion. Restores 60% of HP and MP. Recover 60% HP
Recover 60% MP
Cooldown Time: 30 secs.
  • Elsword NA 6th Anniversary Event
  Earth Aura Potion Potion imbued with Earth aura. Recovers HP 50% and MP 50% and temporarily increase defense. Recover 50% HP
Recover 50% MP
Increases defense for duration
Cooldown Time: 30 secs.
  Fire Aura Potion 홍염의 기운이 느껴지는 포션. HP 50%와 MP 50%를 회복하고 로쏘의 화염 고리 효과가 발동된다. Recover 50% HP
Recover 50% MP
Activates Rosso's Blazing Ring
Cooldown Time: 30 secs.
  Wind Aura Potion 바람의 기운이 느껴지는 포션. HP 50%와 MP 50%를 회복하고 일시적으로 이동력을 높여준다. Recover 50% HP
Recover 50% MP
Increases Movement Speed for duration
Cooldown Time: 30 secs.
  Water Dragon Aura Potion Potion imbued with Water Dragon aura. Recovers HP/MP 50% and heals additional HP and MP for a certain duration. Recover 50% HP
Recover 50% MP
Recovers HP and MP continuously.
Cooldown Time: 30 secs.
  Nasod Aura Potion Potion imbued with Nasod aura. Recoverys HP/MP 50% and gain Super Armor and gain Giant effect. Recover 50% HP
Recover 50% MP
Increases character size
Activates Super Armor
Cooldown Time: 30 secs.
  Sun Aura Potion 태양의 기운이 느껴지는 포션. HP 50%와 MP 50%를 회복하고 일시적으로 공격력과 방어력을 상승시켜준다. Recover 50% HP
Recover 50% MP
Increases Attack/Defense
Cooldown Time: 30 secs.
  El Potion 엘의 여인의 기운이 느껴지는 포션. HP 50%와 MP 50%를 회복하고 일정 시간동안 강제 각성. 애드가 사용 시 각성 대신 DP가 회복된다. Recover 50% HP
Recover 50% MP
Activates Awakening/DP mode
Cooldown Time: 30 secs.
  Giant Head Potion 수상한 액체가 들어있는 물약. 머리가 엄청나게 커진다고 한다.
어머~ 너무 귀엽다 얘~! -리치앙
Increases character's head size
Duration: 180 secs.
Cooldown Time: 250 secs.
  Tiny Head Potion 수상한 액체가 들어있는 물약. 머리가 엄청나게 커진다고 한다.
어머~ 너무 귀엽다 얘~! -리치앙
Decreases character's head size
Duration: 180 secs
Cooldown Time: 250 secs.
  Cake Dough Recipe Event 왠지 먹으면 엄청난 분노를 느껴 크리티컬한 공격을 할 수 있을 것만 같다.
사용 후 14번의 타격이 100% 크리티컬 발동
Next 14 attacks to have a 100% chance to critically hit.
Cooldown Time: 60 secs.
  • 2014 Valentine's Event
File:BoiledEgg.png Delicious Hard Boiled Egg A delicious hard boiled egg! It has a steaming and radiating warmth.
Recovers both HP and MP when eaten.
Recover 30% HP
Recover 30% MP
Cooldown Time: 60 secs.
  • 2015 Easter Event
  Zongzi A delicious zongzi. Recover 50% HP
Recover 150 MP
Cooldown Time: 30 secs.
  • 2015 ~ 2018 Dragon Boat Festival Event
  Mugwort & Calamus A mysterious food that is said to exorcise demons.
This amazing food restores both HP and MP while it removes Curse, Fire, and Poison effects.
Recover 30% HP
Recover 100 MP
Removes   Enemy DebuffBurn,   Enemy DebuffPoison, and   Enemy DebuffCurse
Cooldown Time: 60 secs.
  • 2016 Dragon Boat Festival Event
  디시온 강화 장치 디시온 쉴드 조각을 분석해서 사용하면 잠시동안 신체를 강화할 수 있도록 만들어진 장치 Immediately fills 3 awakening beads or gives 330 DP (Add) upon usage.
Activates Super Armor
Increases Damage Reduction by 25%
Recover 10 MP per second.
Duration: 30 secs.
Cooldown Time: 30 secs.
  Bingo Binstop Potion 빙고빙스탑 기념으로 거인의 돌사과를 갈아서 만든 포션 Recover 100% HP
Recover 100% MP
Increases character size
Increases Jumping Speed
Activates Super Armor
Increases Damage Reduction by 25%
Cooldown Time: 60 secs.
  • Bingo Binstop Event
  Every Flavor Candy A special Every Flavor Candy made by Cobo Service to celebrate Halloween.
Ew! It tastes like slimy resin!
Recover 100% HP
Recover 100% MP
Cooldown Time: 60 secs.
  Giant Head Potion April Fools Potion 수상한 액체가 들어있는 물약. 머리가 엄청나게 커진다고 한다.
어머~ 너무 귀엽다 얘~! -리치앙
Increases character's head size
Duration: 180 secs.
Cooldown Time: 250 secs.
  Tiny Head Potion 수상한 액체가 들어있는 물약. 머리가 엄청나게 커진다고 한다.
어머~ 너무 귀엽다 얘~! -리치앙
Decreases character's head size
Duration: 180 secs
Cooldown Time: 250 secs.
  Big Hands Potion 수상한 액체가 들어있는 물약. 손이 엄청나게 커진다고 한다.
손이 이렇게나 크면 무기도 잘 만들어지겠군! -호레이쇼
Decreases character's hands size
Duration: 180 secs
Cooldown Time: 250 secs.
  Big Feet Potion 수상한 액체가 들어있는 물약. 발이 엄청나게 커진다고 한다.
발이 크면 키도 큰다는 데 정말인가요? -토마
Decreases character's feet size
Duration: 180 secs
Cooldown Time: 250 secs.
  Camilla's Secret Manual Expert Skill Ticket
Skill Ticket
An item to use Camilla's Secret Manual Expert Skill. Activates Camilla's Secret Manual Advanced Skill
Cooldown Time: 30 secs.
  • Event
  Camilla's Secret Manual Basic Skill Ticket (Arc Tracer) An item to use Camilla's Secret Manual Basic Skill. Activates Panzer Buster
Cooldown Time: 30 secs.
  • Add 2nd Path Release Event
  Camilla's Secret Manual Intermediate Skill Ticket (Arc Tracer) An item to use Camilla's Secret Manual Intermediate Skill. Activates Phantom Seeker
Cooldown Time: 30 secs.
  Camilla's Secret Manual Advanced Skill Ticket (Mastermind) An item to use Camilla's Secret Manual Advanced Skill. Activates Install - Shooting Chaser
Cooldown Time: 30 secs.
  Ultimate Secret Manual Skill Ticket (Mastermind) An item to use Ultimate Secret Manual. Activates Apocalypse
Cooldown Time: 30 secs.
  Camilla's Secret Manual Basic Skill Ticket (Little Specter) An item to use Camilla's Secret Manual Basic Skill. Activates Mana Drain
Cooldown Time: 30 secs.
  • Ara 3nd Path Release Event
  Camilla's Secret Manual Intermediate Skill Ticket (Little Specter) An item to use Camilla's Secret Manual Intermediate Skill. Activates Spell: Storm
Cooldown Time: 30 secs.
  Camilla's Secret Manual Advanced Skill Ticket (Asura) An item to use Camilla's Secret Manual Advanced Skill. Activates Spell: Thunder
Cooldown Time: 30 secs.
  Ultimate Secret Manual Skill Ticket (Asura) An item to use Ultimate Secret Manual. Activates Millennium Fox
Cooldown Time: 30 secs.
  Camilla's Secret Manual Basic Skill Ticket (Dark Knight) An item to use Camilla's Secret Manual Basic Skill. Activates Injection Stigma
Cooldown Time: 30 secs.
  • Elesis 3rd Path Release Event
  Camilla's Secret Manual Intermediate Skill Ticket (Dark Knight) An item to use Camilla's Secret Manual Intermediate Skill. Activates Burning Phantom
Cooldown Time: 30 secs.
  Extreme Heavenly Love Lv. 1 Trial Itrm An item to use Extreme Heavenly Love Lv. 1. Activates Lv. 1 Extreme Heavenly Love
Cooldown Time: 60 secs.
  • 2015 Qixi Festival Event
  Extreme Heavenly Love Lv. 2 Trial Itrm An item to use Extreme Heavenly Love Lv. 2. Activates Lv. 2 Extreme Heavenly Love
Cooldown Time: 60 secs.
  Glave's Hatchet Hatchet Use to strike the target by throwing a Hatchet forward. Range of Effect: 1313
Damage: 1313% Physical/Magical Percent
Piercing: 13 Enemies
Cooldown Time: 13 secs.
  • Friday the 13th Events
  13일의 흔적 Friday the 13th 13일의 금요일날 나타나는 전설적인 자가 사용하던 도끼.
사용 시 전방에 날카로운 상처를 남기며 데미지를 입힌다
Damage: 1313% Physical/Magical Percent
Cooldown Time: 13 secs.
  • Friday the 13th Events
  Fried Chicken 2017 Recovery Half-seasoned and half-fried chicken is the best! Recover 50% HP
Recover 50% MP
Cooldown Time: 17 secs.
  • 2017 New Year's Event
  Fresh El-aid Pre-registration Potion 무더운 여름을 시원하게 만들어줄 회복 포션 Recover 75% HP
Recover 75% MP
Cooldown Time: 30 secs.
  • 2022 Summer Pre-registration
  Hot Pepper Cake N/A Eating it will make the player run unstoppably and burn any enemies touched.
Cooldown Time: 15 secs.
  • Event
  Time and Space Potion N/A Activates Super Armor
Cooldown Time: 45 secs.
  • Event
  Guild Potion N/A 길드 코인과 1:1 교환된 아이템으로. Recover 100% MP
Cooldown Time: 30 secs.
  • Event
  Guild Coin N/A A "Must Collect" item to become the Best Guild.
It is also a tasty chocolate wrapped in gold foil.
Recover 6200 HP
Cooldown Time: 30 secs.
  • Best of the Best Guilds Challenge Event
  Halloween Cookie N/A Eat this to power-up and blaze through enemies. Cooldown Time: 30 secs.
  • 2011 Halloween Event
  Super Armor Potion N/A 절대 물러서지 않는 모험가를 위하여!!
일정시간 동안 슈퍼아머 효과를 얻습니다.
Activates Super Armor
Cooldown Time: 15 secs.
  Accelerate Potion N/A 누구보다 빠르게!! 스피드가 생명이다!
일정시간 동안 이동속도와 점프속도가 증가합니다.
Increases Movement Speed and Jump Speed
Cooldown Time: 15 secs.
  Way of the Sword Potion (Destruction) N/A Destruction Mode is activated immediately upon use. Grants Destruction Mode (Elsword only)
  Way of the Sword Potion (Vitality) N/A Vitality Mode is activated immediately upon use. Grants Vitality Mode (Elsword only)
  Christmas Cake N/A It removes Poison, Fire, and Curse effects.
Santa Chloe is handing out cakes for Christmas!
Recover 50% HP
Recover 50% MP
Removes   Enemy DebuffBurn,   Enemy DebuffPoison, and   Enemy DebuffCurse
Cooldown Time: 60 secs.
  • 2011 Christmas Event
  Time and Space Potion N/A 윌리엄 시공에서 얻을 수 있는
기운으로 만들어진 포션
HP 50%증가
MP 50% 증가
Recover 50% HP
Recover 50% MP
Cooldown Time: 60 secs.
  Dumplings N/A Delicious dumplings. Recover 5000 HP
Cooldown Time: 60 secs.
  • 2012 Lunar New Year Event
  이브돌파 투캉 물약 N/A 나소드 여왕 이브의 분노로 만들어진 물약
먹으면 굉장한 힘을 발휘한다.
Cooldown Time: 120 secs.
  • Eve Release Event
  Qingtuan N/A Delicious qingtuans.
Collect 10 Qingtuans to complete the event quest.
Recover 30% HP
Recover 30% MP
Cooldown Time: 30 secs.
  • 2012 Qingming Festival Event
  Rena Potion N/A Celebrate Rena's 3rd path. Recover 100% HP
Recover 100% MP
Cooldown Time: 30 secs.
  • Rena 3rd Path Release Event
  Awakening Potion N/A Immediately fills 3 awakening beads or gives 330 DP (Add) upon usage. Grants: 3 Awakening Beads/330DP.
Cooldown Time: 30 seconds
  • Event
  영웅의 포션 N/A 잠재된 영웅의 본능을 일깨워 준다는 전설의 포션 Recover 100% HP
Recover 100% MP
Cooldown Time: 30 secs.
  • Event
  Special Potion N/A Special recovery potion. Recover 50% HP
Recover 50% MP
Cooldown Time: 30 secs.
  • Event
  전설의 물약 N/A 전설에서만 존재하던 물약이 존재하다니!!
던전에서 사용하면 어마어마한 효과가.
Recover 100% HP
Recover 100% MP
Cooldown Time: 30 secs.
  • Event
  Origin Fruit N/A A fruit to celebrate Qixi Festival. Recover 50% HP
Recover 50% MP
Cooldown Time: 30 secs.
  • 2012 Qixi Festival Event
  Disposable Pet Whistle (Attack) N/A Consume all Pet MP and use Attack Skill if Pet MP is more than 50%. Cooldown Time: 60 secs.
  Disposable Pet Whistle (Encouragement) N/A Consume all Pet MP and use Encouragement Skill if Pet MP is more than 50%. Cooldown Time: 60 secs.
  Halloween Costume Potion N/A You can transform into one of 4 random monster masks when this potion is used in Dungeons. You can transform again during awakening mode along with this potion. Transforms your head into one of 4 random monster masks.
Duration: 60 secs.
Cooldown Time: 60 secs.
  • 2012 Halloween Event
  교육용 블루불 N/A 지친 모험가의 체력과 마력을 회복시켜 주고, 각성 상태로 만들어 주는 에너지 드링크 Recover 100% HP
Recover 100% MP
Grants: 3 Awakening Beads/330DP.
Cooldown Time: 60 secs.
  • Event
  2013 Special Potion N/A 2013 Special Potion Recover 20% HP
Recover 13% MP
Cooldown Time: 36 secs.
  • 2013 New Year's Event
  사랑점 쪽지 N/A 던전에서 만난 전사 레이븐씨. 실제로는 예쁜 여고생일지도..
(물론, 레나씨가 멋진 남자일수도 있지요..) 보이는게 다가 아니랍니다.
Cooldown Time: 30 secs.
  • 2013 Valentine's Event
  강력한 포탄 조각 N/A 비법책에서 획득한 기술로 개발한 강력한 포탄 조각
퀵술롯에 넣고 사용시 lv.1 카펫바밍이 발동된다.
Activates Lv. 1 Carpet Bombing
Cooldown Time: 30 secs.
  • Chung 3rd Path Release Event
  Spirit N/A Recover 50% Spirit Energy when using by Ara. Recover 50% HP
Recover 50% MP
Recover 50% Spirit Energy
Cooldown Time: 30 secs.
  • Ara Release Event
  Mooncake N/A Celebrate Mid-Autumn Festival with free mooncakes. Recover 50% HP
Cooldown Time: 60 secs.
  • 2013 Mid-Autumn Festival Event (CN)
  Peking Duck N/A Enjoy the famous foods! Recover 100% HP
Recover 50 MP
Cooldown Time: 30 secs.
  • 2013 National Day (CN)
The famous food of Beijing.
Enjoy it.
Recover 50% HP
Recover 90 MP
Cooldown Time: 30 secs.
  • 2014 National Day (CN)
  Xiaolongbao N/A Enjoy the famous foods! Recover 90% HP
Recover 60 MP
Cooldown Time: 30 secs.
  • 2013 National Day (CN)
The famous food of Shanghai.
Enjoy it.
Recover 60% HP
Recover 80 MP
Cooldown Time: 30 secs.
  • 2014 National Day (CN)
  Double Skin Milk N/A Enjoy the famous foods! Recover 80% HP
Recover 70 MP
Cooldown Time: 30 secs.
  • 2013 National Day (CN)
The famous food of Guangzhou.
Enjoy it.
Recover 70% HP
Recover 70 MP
Cooldown Time: 30 secs.
  • 2014 National Day (CN)
  Paomo N/A Enjoy the famous foods! Recover 70% HP
Recover 80 MP
Cooldown Time: 30 secs.
  • 2013 National Day (CN)
The famous food of Xi'an.
Enjoy it.
Recover 80% HP
Recover 60 MP
Cooldown Time: 30 secs.
  • 2014 National Day (CN)
  Hot Pot N/A Enjoy the famous foods! Recover 60% HP
Recover 90 MP
Cooldown Time: 30 secs.
  • 2013 National Day (CN)
The famous food of Sichuan.
Enjoy it.
Recover 90% HP
Recover 50 MP
Cooldown Time: 30 secs.
  • 2014 National Day (CN)
  Chuan N/A Enjoy the famous foods! Recover 50% HP
Recover 100 MP
Cooldown Time: 30 secs.
  • 2013 National Day (CN)
The famous food of Xinjiang.
Enjoy it.
Recover 100% HP
Recover 40 MP
Cooldown Time: 30 secs.
  • 2014 National Day (CN)
  Kumis N/A The famous food of Hohhot.
Enjoy it.
Recover 40% HP
Recover 100 MP
Cooldown Time: 30 secs.
  Spirit Energy Potion N/A Recover 100% Spirit Energy. Recover 100% Spirit Energy
Cooldown Time: 30 secs.
  • Event
  Chivalry Potion (Annihilation) N/A Annihilation Mode is activated immediately upon use. Grants Annihilation Mode (Elesis only)
  • Elesis Release Event
  Chivalry Potion (Gale) N/A Gale Mode is activated immediately upon use. Grants Gale Mode (Elesis only)
  고기 만두 N/A 고기가 가득!! 들어있어서 식욕을 자극하는 만두
사용시 HP가 100% 회복된다.
Recover 100% HP
Cooldown Time: 30 secs.
  • 2014 Lunar New Year Event
  야채 만두 N/A 야채가 가득!! 들어있어서 보기만해도 건강해질 것 같은 만두
사용시 MP가 100% 회복된다.
Recover 100% MP
Cooldown Time: 30 secs.
  겨울방학 버닝 드링크 N/A 겨울방학 버닝 드링크와 함께 겨울방학을 버닝하자!! Recover 100% HP
Recover 100% MP
Cooldown Time: 30 secs.
  • 2014 Winter Holiday Event
  DP Potion N/A Recover 30% DP
Cooldown Time: 30 secs.
  • Add Release Event
  Wicked Demon Bear's Gourd N/A Used to perform a quest from Ariel.
Can also be registered into the quick slot.
Immediately fills all three awakening beads.
Fills Awakening Beads/DP Gauge
  • Ara 3nd Path Release Event
  Valentine's Day Love Chocolate N/A A Valentine's Day chocolate made from the power of love.
Cures all injuries, and gives the body new found strength.
Drop rate is increased from monsters if partied with a couple or married players during dungeons.
Recover 14% HP
Recover 214 MP
Removes   Enemy DebuffBurn,   Enemy DebuffPoison, and   Enemy DebuffCurse.
Cooldown Time: 30 secs.
  • 2015 Valentine's Event