Serve as Edel's Butler for a Day!

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Serve as Edel's Butler for a Day!

Serve as Edel's Butler for a Day! Edel is coming home after a long hiatus. Make sure the house is sparkly clean before Edel comes back to a dirty house from work. Don't forget to feed her pet, Mother Pig, and keep the music box going.

You have been chosen as Edel's butler. Can you satisfy the perfectionist Sebastian?
Recommended Level
Required Combat Power
Entry Requirements

Do one of the following:

  • Use a free daily Event Dungeon entry.
  • Have 1 Sebastian's Reference in your inventory.

Edel is busy with her work and you have been selected for the privilege of looking after her mansion and making sure everything is in order. Make sure to manage everything, feed her pets, wind her music box, dust the room, etc.

How to Play

Points are gained in two ways. Actively through picking up pieces of dust, or passively through Edel's pets and the Music Boxes. Stand next to a Pet Mother Pig to feed her and stand next to the Music Box to wind it up. Pet Mother Pig will gradually become more hungry over time and mechanics will try to destroy the Music Boxes. Picking up Pet Food will fully feed all Pet Mother Pigs, even those who have completely starved. Picking up a Music Token will cause the Music Boxes to output twice as many points temporarily. If a Music Box is destroyed, hit it until it is restored. Watch out for Sebastion who will scold you and cause you to lose points. Edel will rewards you with points and items to help you out.


  • Items cannot be used.
{{ {{
Ally Image Ally Description
Pet Mother Pig - One of Edel's pet pigs. Keep them well fed and they will reward you well. Feed them slowly by standing next to them or picking up a bowl of pet food which will max out their hunger.
Music Box - Phonographs around Edel's mansion producing music. Stop the mechanics from destroying the machines. Keeping them in tact will reward you well. If a mechanic destroys the Music Box, hit it to repair it.


{{ {{
Monster Image Monster Description Monster Moves
Mischievous Mechanic - Devious mechanics which will destroy the Music Boxes.
  • None


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Obstacles Image Obstacles Description
Chief Butler Sebastian - If you are caught by Sebastian, he will lecture you forcing you to loose precious time and points.
Mansion Master Edel - Edel will come to give you a bonus for your work, you however will have to greet her when nearby.


  • Sebastian: Please dust out every nook and corner. Make sure to feed Mother Pig on time, and Edel doesn't like it when the Music stops.
Image Item Name How to Obtain Effect
Edel's Butler Trial Gift Cube Obtained upon completing the dungeon. Open to obtain one of the following at random:
  • April Fool's Butler and Maid Textile Elixir x1~3
  • April Fool's Butler and Maid Craft Elixir x1~3
  • April Fool's Butler and Maid Memory Elixir x1~3
  • Vigor Potion x10
  • Organic Apple x10
  • Mana Elixir x10
  • Sebastian's Reference x1~3
  • NPC's Magical Potion Cube x1
  • April Fool's Maid and Butler Costume Cube x1~3
April Fool's Butler and Maid Textile Elixir Obtainable from Edel's Butler Trial Gift Cube.

Randomly dropped by Mischievous Mechanics.

An elixir that can be exchanged for [Cobo] April Fool's Maid and Butler Costume (Black) from Ariel.
  • Gloves, Shoes: April Fool's Butler and Maid Craft Elixir x15
  • Top, Bottom, Hair: April Fool's Butler and Maid Craft Elixir x30
  • Weapon: April Fool's Butler and Maid Craft Elixir x43
April Fool's Butler and Maid Craft Elixir Obtainable from Edel's Butler Trial Gift Cube.

Randomly dropped by Mischievous Mechanics.

An elixir that can be exchanged for [Cobo] April Fool's Maid and Butler Costume Accessory (A) from Ariel.
  • April Fool's Butler and Maid Craft Elixir x21
April Fool's Butler and Maid Memory Elixir Obtainable from Edel's Butler Trial Gift Cube.

Randomly dropped by Mischievous Mechanics.

An elixir that can be exchanged for [Cobo] April Fool's Maid and Butler Custom Skill Cut-In (A) from Ariel.
  • April Fool's Butler and Maid Memory Elixir x15
NPC's Magical Potion Cube Obtainable from Edel's Butler Trial Gift Cube. Open to obtain all the following:
  • Giant Head Potion x1
  • Tiny Head Potion x1
  • Big Hands Potion x1
  • Big Feet Potion x1
Date Changes
03/30/2017 03/29/2017
  • Serve as Edel's Butler for a Day! added.
03/22/2018 04/04/2018
  • Serve as Edel's Butler for a Day! deleted.
Alternative Names
Server Name Translation
South Korea 에델 집사 체험 24시 Edel's 24 Hour Butler Experience
Germany 24h lang Edels Butler sein Being Edel's Butler for 24h
Spain Ser mayordomo de Nobila durante 24 h Being Edel's Butler for 24h
France Devenir le majordome d'Édèle pendant 24 heures Becoming Edel's Butler for 24 Hours
Italy Diventa il maggiordomo di Edel per 24 ore Become Edel's Butler for 24 Hours
Poland Zostań na 24h lokajem Edel Become Edel's Butler for 24 Hours
United Kingdom Be Edel's Butler for 24h

  • Other
  • Region 1~6
  • Region 7~12
  • Region 13~18
  • Region 19~22
  • Laby
  • Noah
  • Lithia
  • Miscellaneous