Information: This article is currently under development. Please be patient while we're adding the finishing touches!



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Black Mass - Judgement
Character South Korea North America International Japan Taiwan China Europe
Elsword Yes
Aisha Yes
Rena Yes
Raven Yes
Eve Yes
Chung Yes
Ara Yes
Elesis Yes
Add Yes
Lu Yes
Ciel Yes
Rose Yes
Ain Yes
Laby No Yes

Set List

Image Name Stats
[Black Mass]
Black Mass - Judgement Hat

Costume Hair:
Physical Attack +20
Magical Attack +20
Physical Defense +20
Magical Defense +20

Max HP +2%
Awakening Charge Speed +4%
Red. Damage +1%

Black Mass - Judgement Hair
Black Mass - Judgement Top Piece

Costume Top:
Physical Attack +10
Magical Attack +10
Physical Defense +15
Magical Defense +15

Maximize +2%
Damage Reduction +2%

Black Mass - Judgement Bottom Piece

Costume Bottom:
Physical Attack +10
Magical Attack +10
Physical Defense +15
Magical Defense +15

Critical +2%
Damage Reduction +2%

Black Mass - Judgement Gloves

Costume Gloves:
Physical Attack +20
Magical Attack +20

MP Gain when Attacking +2%
MP Gain when Attacked +2%
Resistance to All Elements +5

Black Mass - Judgement Shoes

Costume Shoes:
Physical Attack +20
Magical Attack +20

Movement Speed +2%
Jump Speed +2%
Resistance to All Elements +5

[Black Mass]
Black Mass - Judgement Weapon

Costume Weapon:
Physical Attack +120
Magical Attack +120
Physical Defense +10
Magical Defense +10

Critical +3%
Maximize +3%

Black Mass Coat

Accessory (Top Piece):
Physical Attack +20
Magical Attack +20
Physical Defense +10
Magical Defense +10

Max HP +3%
Damage Reduction +3%

Black Mass Leg Wing

Accessory (Bottom Piece):
Physical Attack +30
Magical Attack +30

Attack Speed +3%
Movement Speed +3%
Jump Speed +3%

Black Mass Earring

Accessory (Earring):
Physical Attack +20
Magical Attack +20

Critical +2%
Attack Speed +2%

Set Effects

Type [Black Mass] [Black Mass]
2 Piece Effect
  • Maximize +2%
  • Additional Damage +2%
  • Additional Damage +3%
3 Piece Effect N/A
  • Skill Damage +8%
  • When attacking, 3% chance to activate Shadow of the Abyss. (Decrease enemy's Physical/Magical Defense by 20% for 5 seconds, Cooldown: 10 Seconds.) (Dungeon)
  • When attacking, 3% chance to activate Shadow of the Abyss. (Decrease enemy's Physical/Magical Defense by 10% for 5 seconds, Cooldown: 10 Seconds.) (Arena)
4 Piece Effect
  • Critical Damage +8%
  • Critical +4%
  • MP Gain when Attacking +5%
  • MP Gain when Attacked +5%
  • Shadow of the Abyss effect will create Shadows (Not overlapped)
    • Shadow: Reduce skill MP consumption by 50%, The skill has a 50% chance to reset the cooldoown (Dungeon)
    • Shadow: The skill has a 50% chance to reset the cooldoown (Arena)
5 Piece Effect
  • Critical +4%
  • Dark Element Resistance +50
  • When attacking, 3% chance to activate Order of the Assassin for 10 seconds. (Increase Critical Hit Rate and Critical Damage by 10%, Cooldown: 10 Seconds)

Related Items

Image Item Name Description
File:BMIB.png Ice Burner (Black Mass - Judgement) An Ice Burner with a chance to obtain costumes and accessories from the Black Mass - Judgement set.
File:BMAddItem.png Shadow Mark A material item obtained after using an Ice Burner (Black Mass - Judgement) during its season. This is required to craft the Black Mass Earring accessory.


Set Appearance


Alternative Names

Server Name Translation
  South Korea 블랙마사-??? Black Mass - Judgement
