
< Lu‎ | Ciel
Revision as of 23:01, 24 September 2015 by Boxsnake (talk | contribs) (Text replacement - "Skill Tree: Power Awaken" to "Skill Tree: Demon Power")



Having a duo character play-style, players have access to a special mechanic only available known as Switching. Players can play as either Lu or Ciel in both towns and dungeons, and change between them only via combos or skills. Depending on the user's preference, it is even possible to play only as Lu or Ciel all the way until the end, but it will be more fun and efficient to change between characters, depending on the situation. No cooldown is implemented into the exchange mechanism but you will always start out as Lu when entering PvP or dungeons. You can choose to either defeat enemies with strong demonic magic as the melee Lu, with quick slashes and gun shots as the ranged Ciel, or utilize both to chain numerous combos.

Habilidade Especial

Main Article: Combinação
Being a duo character with a tag-team playstyle, Lu and Ciel do not share mana and also have a special system known as Combination. When either Lu or Ciel is tagged out, the inactive character will rapidly recover 6 MP per second (3 MP in PvP). Lu and Ciel have a fourth resource known as the Combination Gauge, which is used exclusively for Combination Skills and can only be filled when the player switches through a normal combo or a skill.


Luciela R. Sourcream was one of the high ranking demon lords that supported the Demon Realm. Being involved in the political struggle to take the vacant position of Overlord, Lu became careless and was betrayed by her most trusted vassal. Her power was sealed and she was bound in chains, and could do nothing but watch as her authority, territory, and possessions were stripped away from her.
Time passed to the point where she hardly remembered her own name. In a last ditch effort, she used all of her remaining power to undo the seal and escaped to Elrios. However, due to the immense consumption of mana required for jumping to Elrios, her appearance turned into that of a child. After her contract with Ciel, she starts to track down demons invading Elrios in order to regain her power and status.

Lu's bodyguard and butler.
As a child, Ciel's parents had been killed by bandits, leaving him to live in the streets. With the will to do anything to survive, this determination allowed Ciel to eventually earn his place as a famous assassin in the criminal underworld. After Lu had escaped from the Demon world by using the rest of her power, Ciel finds an injured girl lying unconscious on the ground. She had lost all of her memories except for her name, Lu. Ciel nurses her back to health and takes care of her, as she reminded him of his past. One night, demon assassins that were looking for Lu attacked. Being no match against the high ranking demons, Ciel is killed protecting Lu. Regaining her memories and noticing his desire to live in his dying breaths, Lu forges a contract with Ciel where he must become her servant. Out of gratitude for saving his life and wanting Lu to be happy, Ciel gladly accepts and revives as a half-demon. He aligns his cause with Lu's and travels with her until her goals are completed.

Primeiro avanço de classe

Lu/Ciel's two job paths.

Lu/Ciel Necessita estar no Nv. 15 para começar o seu primeiro avanço de classe


  1. Obtenha 20 itens dos bandidos na Ponte Memorial de Wally.
  2. Complete a missão Canal Subterrâneo na dificuldade Difícil ou superior.
  3. Obtenha 8 itens dos Atiradores Bombardeiros nos Subúrbios do Castelo de Wally na dificuldade Muito Difícil.
  4. Complete a missão Floresta das Sombras na dificuldade Muito Difícil.

Após completar o teste preparatório para "Duo", Lu/Ciel pode decidir em avançar como uma Quiliarca ou Guarda Real.

Skill Tree

Skills Passives
[Create a bond and use the new skills!]
Changes to   if Married.
Changes to   if Partnered.
    Level 1
        Level 5
      Level 10
        Level 15
      Level 20
  • Skill Traits unlocked at Level 20.
  • Final Enhanced Skill unlocked upon advancing to 1st job class.









  • Lu/Ciel recovery from knocked-down status is faster compared to the other characters.
  • Lu and Ciel share equipment but do not share costumes or accessories.
    • However you are able to share common accessories with the wardrobe system.
  • Just like Deadly Chaser's Silver Shooters, Ciel's gunblades will do physical damage at close range.
  • An interview releasing information about the duo had implied that Lu and Ciel are comparatively weak when played individually, and stated that it is optimal to utilize them both in gameplay to cover for each other's weaknesses.
  • Similar to Grand Master, Lu's weapon is only canonically large as shown in her artwork, whereas Lu's gauntlets avatar weapon in-game is of smaller size.
  • In her artwork, Lu is much smaller than Ciel, while her in-game model size is only a bit shorter than Ciel.
  • Lu does not always hold on to her gauntlet, as shown in doing expressions, her gauntlet will disappear.
  • The symbol of a four pointed star is a recurring motif in Lu and Ciel's design.
  • The shape of Lu's horns and tail will change depending on her job advancements.
    • Her tail will only be visible if you are wearing her promo skirt.
  • Ciel is obsessed with anything cute.
    • He adores phorus especially, with Elsword even commenting on his phoru pajamas.
    • This can also be seen in the 3rd season of ElType's With You wherein Ciel's "Inner Voice" can be heard.
    • He even stated in his and Lu's prologue that her cuteness and small figure attract him.
  • Ciel is shown to be a skilled baker and has a vast knowledge of herbs that rivals those of elves, according to Rena.
    • Despite this, he dislikes being labelled as a butler, even though other characters view him as such.
  • Prior to joining the El Search Party, Lu and Ciel apparently encountered Raven several times during their journey.
    • They are also the first to encounter Karis before meeting the El Search Party, being the one who killed Ciel before his contract with Lu.
  • In LuCiel's first two job paths released, Lu must decide whether she wants back her powers or her status as a Demon Lord, and Ciel must choose how he wishes to serve Lu.

Alternative Names

Server Name Translation
  South Korea
루시엘라 R 사워크림
Luciela R. Sourcream
  Elsword (Cavaleiro)

Cavaleiro Duelista
Cavaleiro Arcano
Cavaleiro Artífice
Cavaleiro Rúnico
Cavaleiro Imperador
Mestre Rúnico
  Aisha (Maga)

Maga Elemental
Maga do Oculto
Maga de Combate
Mestra Elemental
Princesa das Trevas
Feiticeira Dimensional
Sabia do Éter
Feiticeira de Oz
  Rena (Arqueira)

Arqueira de Combate
Arqueira de Elite
Arqueira de Caça
Dama dos Ventos
Mestra Arqueira
Guardiã da Noite
  Raven (Mercenário)

Mercenário Espadachim
Mercenário do Abismo
Mercenário Artilheiro
Mestre da Espada
Comandante Bélico
Imperador Nova
  Eve (Código: Fonte)

Código: Exótico
Código: Arquitetura
Código: Electra
Código: Nêmesis
Código: Imperatriz
Código: Serafim
Código: Absoluto
Código: Essência
Código: Sariel
  Chung (Guardião)

Guardião Defensor
Guardião Atirador
Guardião Bélico
Templário Cósmico
Caçador Fantasma
  Ara (Aprendiz)

Shien Aprendiz
Mahra Aprendiz
Yokai Aprendiz
Sakra Devanam
Yama Raja
  Elesis (Cavaleira)

Cavaleira Duelista
Cavaleira das Chamas
Cavaleira das Trevas
Grande Mestra
Coração Flamejante
Vingadora Escarlate
General Imperial
Dama das Chamas
Rainha Escarlate
  Add (Rastreador)

Rastreador Psíquico
Rastreador Arquiteto
Rastreador Temporal
Esper Diabólico
Arauto do Caos
Paradoxo Insano
  Lu/Ciel (Ascensão Dupla)

Guarda Real
Lorde das Trevas
  Rose (Atiradora)

Comandante Bélica
Rosa Carmesim
Engenheira Prodígio
  Ain (Sacerdote)

Alto Inquisidor
  Laby (Criança)

Criança Reluzente
Criança Luminosa
Criança Ávida
Punho Estrondoso
Brilhante Sonhadora
Eterna Vencedora
Alma Radiante
Labirinto de Nisha
  Noah (Regressor)

Vingador Regressante
Escolha Regressante
Pesar Retornante
Sombra Silenciosa
Mago Estelar
Peregrino Pálido
Nyx Pieta