Increase Magical Attack Power and damage towards enemies under the influence of elements.
(Does not apply to elemental attribute on weapon.)

When hitting with a powerful elemental magic, elemental attribute will be activated.
Collect activated elemental attribute and enhance elemental magic through Aether effect.
Fire Element Activation Skill:
Ice Element Activation Skill:
Lightning Element Activation Skill:
When collecting 30 elements per attribute, fuse all collected elements to create an Aether.
The created Aether will remain for 30 seconds.

Element Enhance Skill: Meteor Call, Lightning Bolt (Mod), Icicle Spear
Enhance Skill Activation Condition: Use 5 element attribute, or created Aether.
(Memorized skills cannot have Aether effect.)


Class Level Required
Aether Sage 99

Skill Information

Skill Level Level Required Magical Attack
This effect is additive
to your current stats. 
Damage Increase
(On Enemies with   Enemy DebuffBurn,   Enemy DebuffExtreme Coldness,   Enemy DebuffFreeze,   Enemy DebuffFaint)
Elemental Enhancement
Max Stacks
Per    Element
Elemental Stack Usage
Per Cast
  Self BuffAether Duration
(Upon Obtaining 30 Stacks of Each Element)
1 99 15% 35% 30 5 30 Seconds
1 99 6% 14% 30 5 30 Seconds

Aether Applied Meteor Call

Mode Damage (Magical) Max Hits
Normal Aether Normal Aether
Meteor Fall Meteor Explosion Meteor Fall Meteor Explosion Meteor Fall Meteor Explosion Meteor Fall Meteor Explosion
PvE 945% 1050% 1069% 1187% 1 9 9 10
PvP 272% 303% 270% 300%

Aether Applied Lightning Bolt

Mode Unleash Lightning (Magical) Max Hits
Normal Aether
PvE 937% 6 12
PvP 244%

Aether Applied Icicle Spear

Mode Damage (Magical)   Enemy DebuffExtreme Coldness Duration Max Hits
Ice Spear Shot Ice Spear Explosion Normal Aether
Ice Spear Shot Ice Spear Explosion Spear Count Ice Spear Shot Ice Spear Explosion Spear Count
PvE 1207% 3516% 1 second 1 1 4 5 1 4
PvP 391% 682%

Total Damage

  • Average damage is tested on small (e.g., Lowe) to medium targets (e.g., Wooden Doll) with realistic positioning.
  • Maximum damage for large-hitbox skills may be unattainable in-game and is estimated.
  • Timed buffs are included only if they alter skill function or appear in the tooltip; permanent boosts are always included.

Aether Applied Meteor Call

  • Aether assumes 2 Meteor Fall hits and all Meteor Explosion hits.

Aether Applied Lightning Bolt

  • Does not account for splash damage.

Aether Applied Icicle Spear

  • Average assumes proper positioning with 3 Icicle Spear Fall and 3 Icicle Spear Explosion hits.

Tips and Details

  • The improved Meteor Call is highly recommended for vertical clearing in Plegas's Reflection or the like due to its big range. Lightning Bolt can also be proven especially useful thanks to its range and splash damage.
  • Both Aether applied versions of Icicle Spear debuff enemies with an elemental effect, allowing it to immediately take advantage of this passive's attack increase.
    • Interestingly enough, the debuff does not share functional effects of regular   Enemy DebuffExtreme Coldness, simply doing nothing but providing a visual effect on an enemy afflicted with it.
  • The improved versions of Icicle Spear and Meteor Call will be forced to explode at the height of your character's feet. It's possible for them to interact with the ground in certain locations, though it is insignificant, so they are superior in comparison with i.e. normal Icicle Spear.
    • Both of these skills' [Aether] versions are best used on tall targets due to dealing multiple hits while falling down. Icicle Spear also requires a decent width of the target to hit with all icicles like the elongated Free Training dummy.
  • Lightning Bolt's [Aether] version moves slowly when it hits a target, just like Cour de Monde or [Mod] Junk Track.


  • In Elemental Master's background, the four elements are water, fire, wind, and earth. In this passive, the water element and wind element are written as ice element and lightning element respectively.

Old Version

Video Description
Between its initial release and the 01/04/2024 KR Patch, the passive would simply provide an increase to Magical Attack and boost damage against enemies afflicted with certain elemental status effects.


Date Changes
11/30/2017 12/20/2017
  • Sage's Wisdom added.
12/15/2017 -
  • Damage Increase decreased.
07/18/2019 08/14/2019
  • Max MP Increase effect removed.
11/25/2021 12/22/2021
  • Magical Attack Power Increase added.
  • Damage Increase against elements increased.
  • Damage Increase against elements decreased.
01/04/2024 01/31/2024
  • Passive revamped
  • Elemental enhanced skills casting speed increased.
  • Aether enhanced skills consumption changed from stacks consumption to buff duration.
  • Elemental enhanced skills cost less Aether stacks.
02/29/2024 03/27/2024
  •   Self BuffAether stacks required decreased from 50 to 30.
  •   Self BuffAether duration increased.
01/16/2025 02/19/2025

Alternative Names

Server Name Translation
  South Korea 현자의 힘 Sage's Power
  Japan 賢者の力 Sage's Power
  Germany Kraft der Weisen Sage's Power
  Spain Poder del sabio Sage's Power
  France Force des sages Sage's Power
  Italy Forza della saggezza Wisdom's Power
  Poland Siła Mądrości Wisdom's Power
  United Kingdom Power of the Sage
  Brazil Poder da Sábia Sage's Power