Pet Guide/fr

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Comment sont obtenues les bestioles ?

Les bestioles sont obtenues par le biais de multiples façons. Cependant, un seul (Petit Porou) est disponible à travers une Quête épique, certains sont exclusivement achetables à l'Elromarché alors que d'autres sont obtenues par les événements.

Votre première bestiole sera le Petit Porou, vous aurez cette bestiole par une quête en 3 étapes que vous obtenez au niveau 10. La quête se trouve dans le chapitre 2-1.

Le parfait compagnon pour vos aventures !

  1. Allez à Elder et parlez à Hoffman.
  2. Entrer dans la Forêt Obscure et collectez 4 Perles fines de purification, qui sont obtenus sur des Esprits sorciers.
  3. Collectez 1 Perle des Sylvaniens en battant Sylvanien, le boss de Forêt Obscure.
  4. Aller àGrotte de Benders et éliminer Grand Porou.

Félicitations ! Vous avez obtenu Petit Porou !

Liste des bestioles

Image Nom Info Obtention
Petit Porou Un adorable petit Porou qui sera votre ami! Chapitre 2-1 des quêtes.
Petit Porou Un adorable petit Porou qui sera votre ami! Chapitre 2-1 des quêtes.
Porou noir Un Petit Porou noir! Donné aux joueurs durant le pré-évènement du Commandant Vétéran et supprimé à la fin de l'évènement.
Porou Rudolphe Un costume pour le Petit Porou! N'est actuellement pas disponible dans la version coréenne d'Elsword. Était obtenu pendant Noël.
Porou sorcier Un costume pour le Petit Porou! N'est actuellement pas disponible dans la version coréenne d'Elsword. Était obtenu au cours d'Halloween 2013 KR.
?? Porou Un costume pour le Petit Porou! ??
?? Porou Un costume pour le Petit Porou! ??
?? Porou Un costume pour le Petit Porou! Bestiole donnée durant l'évènement NAVER dans la version KR.
Porou nouvel an Un Petit Porou portant un foulard écrit dessus "ChinaJoy"! Donné aux joueurs comme récompense pendant l'évènement du Nouvel an (2014).
Porou Chinajoy Un Petit Porou portant un foulard écrit dessus "ChinaJoy"! Donné aux joueurs comme récompense pendant l'évènement ChinaJoy dans la version CN (4/7/12 ~ 8/8/12).
Petit ancêtre Porou Un courageux petit ancêtre Porou qui peut cracher du feu! Achetable à l'Elromarché pour 300 Elflouzes (400 K-Ching), version KR (3000).
Ancient Phoru: Dark A courageous Ancient Phoru that can breathe fire! Event Time purchase only
Ghost Phoru: Darkness A courageous Ghost Phoru that can breathe fire! Event Time purchase only
Ghost Phoru: Flame A courageous Ghost Phoru that can breathe fire! Event Time purchase only
Ghost Phoru: Ice A courageous Ghost Phoru that can breathe fire! Event Time purchase only
Ghost Phoru: Light A courageous Ghost Phoru that can breathe fire! Event Time purchase only
Tree Knight A noble Tree Knight that'll defend you at all costs! Bought from the Item Mall (400 K-Ching), Korean Version (3000)
Tree Knight: Spring A noble Tree Knight that'll defend you at all costs! Event Time purchase only
Tree Knight: Autumn A noble Tree Knight that'll defend you at all costs! Event Time purchase only
Tree Knight: Winter A noble Tree Knight that'll defend you at all costs! Event Time purchase only
Tree Knight: Christmas Tree A noble Tree Knight that'll defend you at all costs! Event Time purchase only
Tree Knight: Father Christmas A costume for the Tree Knight that'll defend you at all costs! Event Time purchase only
Magician With her cunning smarts and her knowledge of magic, monsters will cower in fear over her! Currently unavailable in the Korean version of Elsword. Was obtainable during Halloween.
Death Reaper Halloween 2012 special.
File:CristalPumpkin.png Fairy It can evolve into Tanya, Rosetta, Narnea or the Fairy Queen Eldena! Halloween 2013 special.
Mystic: Normal The original pink colored Mystic! Her guided missiles are always sharp-on accurate! Bought from the Item Mall (400 K-Ching), Korean Version (3000)
File:Mystic A.png Mystic: Yellow A limited edition yellow recolor of Mystic! Bought from Cash Shop (9900)
Can only be obtained through the period of 4/28/11 ~ 5/24/11
File:Mystic B.png Mystic: White A limited edition white recolor of Mystic! Bought from Cash Shop (5000)
Can only be obtained through the period of 4/28/11 ~ 5/24/11
File:Mystic C.png Mystic: Red A limited edition red recolor of Mystic! Bought from Cash Shop (9900)
Can only be obtained through the period of 4/28/11 ~ 5/24/11
File:Hatchling.png Hatchling: Normal The different properties of their spit fire causes damage to multiple monsters in a party! Bought from the Item Mall (400 K-Ching), Korean Version (3000)
Hatchling: Light The different properties of their spit fire causes damage to multiple monsters in a party! Able to purchase from the cash shop in Korean during a certain event.
Hatchling: Darkness The different properties of their spit fire causes damage to multiple monsters in a party! Able to purchase from the cash shop in Korean during a certain event.
Hatchling: Fire The different properties of their spit fire causes damage to multiple monsters in a party! Able to purchase from the cash shop in Korean during a certain event.
Hatchling: Wild The different properties of their spit fire causes damage to multiple monsters in a party! Given to players as a reward in event.
Hatchling: Star The different properties of their spit fire causes damage to multiple monsters in a party! Given to players as a reward in event.
Uniel The older sister of the light and darkness Unicorn siblings called 'Uniel'. Bought from the Item Mall (400 K-Ching) Korean Version (3000)
Uniring The younger sister of the light and darkness Unicorn siblings called 'Uniring'. Bought from the Item Mall for a limited time (600 K-Ching)
Kumiho: Miho Keep a ice shooting freezer as your pet! Bought from the Item Mall (400 K-Ching)
(No Longer available in KR after 2 January 2014 Patch)
Kumiho: Shiho Keep a fire shooting burner as your pet! Bought from the Item Mall for a limited time between 8/7/13 ~ 9/17/13 (950 K-Ching)
Kumiho: Naho Keep a darkness shooting Curser as your pet! Bought from the Item Mall for a limited time between 8/7/13 ~ 9/17/13 (950 K-Ching)
File:StoneFox.png Kumiho: Stone Keep a stone shooting petrify-er as your pet! Given to players during Ara's release event.
Mana Eater Adopt a Mana Eater as your pet! Bought from Korean Cash shop. Bought from the Item Mall for a limited time between 8/21/13 ~ 9/17/13 (950 K-Ching)
Blood Eater Adopt a Blood Eater as your pet! Bought from the Item Mall for a limited time between 8/7/13 ~ 9/17/13 (950 K-Ching)
Red Panda Red Panda that knows kungfu. Event Time purchase only
Blue Panda Blue Panda that knows kungfu. Event Time purchase only
Royal Panda: Red A Royal Panda that summons Elves. Event Time purchase only
Royal Panda: White A Royal Panda that summons Elves. Event Time purchase only
Son Goku A magical monkey in the eastern legendary. Event Time purchase only
File:YellowWeirdThing.png Hat Monster: Yellow ?? Event Time purchase only for 9900 NX in Korean. 18/7/2013 ~ 29/8/2013
File:BlackWeirdThing.png Hat Monster: Ebony ?? Event Time purchase only for 9900 NX in Korean. 18/7/2013 ~ 29/8/2013
File:ReaperDIcon.png Reaper - Death ?? Buy from Korean Cash shop of 3000 NX
(No Longer available in KR after 2 January 2014 Patch)
File:ReaperRIcon.png Reaper - Reverse ?? Buy from Korean Cash shop of 3000 NX for a limited time. 31/10/2013 ~ 28/11/2013
Raincoat Cat - Blue ?? Buy from Korean Cash shop of 3000 NX
(No Longer available)
Raincoat Cat - Red ?? Buy from Korean Cash shop of 3000 NX
(No Longer available)
Raincoat Cat - Black ?? Event Time purchase only
Raincoat Cat - Yellow ?? Event Time purchase only
?? ?? Event Time purchase only
?? ?? Event Time purchase only
Arctic Hunter Peng ?? Buy from Cash shop on Christmas 2013
Snowman ?? Buy from Cash shop on Christmas 2013
Berthe Jr. ?? Buy from Korean Cash shop of 9900 NX Package.

Commencez avec votre bestiole

Une fois que vous obtenez votre animal de compagnie, il sera disponible dans l'onglet spécial de votre inventaire.

Faites un clic droit et un message apparaîtra.

Une fois que vous lui avez choisis un nom, votre bestiole sera prête !

Pet Menu Interface

Once you made your pet, go to the pet menu (Press P to open it) and choose your pet in the list.

It should direct you to this screen:


  • Clicking Summon will either summon the pet, or unsummon while it is out.
  • The Green Bar is its Hunger, which will slowly decrease for each monster killed.
  • The Blue bar under it is its Affinity.
  • During dungeon playing, your pet's Affinity will increase for each monster killed, unless your pet hunger is below 40%.

Pet Evolution

Life Crystal

Pets usually have four forms. The forms are termed:

  1. Life Crystal
  2. Infant
  3. Teen
  4. Adult

Pets usually start as a crystal, having no skills or functions until they become an Infant.

In order to evolve your pet, you will need to increase its Affinity. Once the pet's Affinity reaches 100%, a button will be available next to the Affinity bar, evolving your pet into the next appropriate form.

Evolution Forms

Name Infant Teen Adult SPECIAL
Pocket Phoru
Black Phoru (Event, not permanent)
Rudolph Phoru
Witch Phoru
?? Phoru
HAT'S ON Phoru
?? Phoru
New Year Phoru
Chinajoy Phoru
Hot-blooded Gamania Phoru
Newbie Goalkeeper Phoru
Newbie Goalkeeper Phoru(?)
Newbie Goalkeeper Phoru(Uruguay?)
Newbie Goalkeeper Phoru(Brazil)
Newbie Goalkeeper Phoru(Germany?)
Newbie Goalkeeper Phoru(France?)
Newbie Goalkeeper Phoru(Spain)
Newbie Goalkeeper Phoru(?)
Newbie Goalkeeper Phoru(?)
Newbie Goalkeeper Phoru(?)
Newbie Goalkeeper Phoru(Legend)
Ancient Phoru
Ancient Phoru: Dark
Ghost Phoru: Darkness
Ghost Phoru: Flame
Ghost Phoru: Ice
Ghost Phoru: Light
Tree Knight
Tree Knight: Spring
Tree Knight: Autumn
Tree Knight: Winter
Tree Knight: Christmas Tree
Tree Knight: Father Christmas
Death Reaper
Fairy Queen Eldena
Mystic: Normal
Mystic: Yellow
Mystic: White
Mystic: Red
Hatchling: Normal
Hatchling: Light
Hatchling: Darkness
Hatchling: Fire
Hatchling: Wild
Hatchling: Star
Kumiho: Snow
Kumiho: Flame
Kumiho: Cursed
Kumiho: Stone
Mana Eater
Blood Eater
Panda Bear - Red
Panda Bear - Blue
Royal Panda: Red
Royal Panda: White
Son Goku
Hat Monster: Yellow
Hat Monster: Ebony
Reaper - Death
Reaper - Reverse
Raincoat Cat - Black
Raincoat Cat - Yellow
Raincoat Cat - Blue
Raincoat Cat - Red
Arctic Hunter Peng
Berthe Jr.

Pet Skills

Pet Energy

With the pet skills, pets will also get access to a skill system called Pet's Energy.

Pet Energy is a passive skill that pets gain that allows the owner to get special effects out of it.

Each Pet has 4 types of Energy :

1. Body

2. Soul

3. Attitude

4. Fetch

Each type of energy gives a different type of stat(Except for Fetch). You can notice the pet energy and what it gives through the Pet Menu itself (Default Hotkey P)

There is a prerequisite in the pet's form to unlock each energy:

- Getting Fluid form will allow your pet to unlock the Body energy

- Getting Adult form will allow your pet to unlock Body and Soul energy

- Getting Completion form will allow your pet to unlock Body, Soul and Attitude Energy (All 3 energies)

- Buying the Fetch Aura from the cash shop/item mall for (KR-5000NX/NA-500KC) will unlock Fetch for that specific pet.

Once the pet energy is unlock, you immediately get access to the stat if he is equipped and has at least 40% Affinity(Except for Fetch). If his Affinity is less than 40%, the pet energy will not open and the owner will not receive the special stats. As you can see from the above screenshot. Once a pet leaves crystal form, he will gain access to skills that you can see from the 2 icons on his top right. Both skills are used by the pet automatically.


Pets have 2 types of skills:

Attacks: These skills use their skills to attack and aid you in battle. The pet will use this skill once it achieves full mana.

Encouragement: These skills makes the pet encourage the user to fight harder, which gives them additional stats to the player for a certain amount of time. The pet usually uses this skill when you are extremely low on health.

Pet MP is a seperate MP bar that fills up as the player attacks.

Table of Pet Skills

Encouragement and Fetch Aura effects are all the same regardless of pet.

Icon Effect
Fetch Aura
Fetch Aura does not require any amount of affinity to be active. While active, all ED/Loot will be auto picked up without you having to walk to the ED/Loot.

'Grab them all! Never miss a single ED again!'


When your HP is 20% and below, your pet will begin to encourage you, granting you, for a period of time, additional stats.

  • Infant: Attack / Movement Speed +5%, Critical Hit Rate +6%, Max HP and remaining HP increase by 20%, HP recovery .5% per second, MP recovery 6 MP per second
  • Teen: Attack / Movement Speed +10%, Critical Hit Rate +12%, Max HP and remaining HP increase by 30%, HP recovery 1% per second, MP recovery 12 MP per second
  • Adult: Attack / Movement Speed +15%, Critical Hit Rate +18%, Max HP and remaining HP increase by 40%, HP recovery 1.5% per second, MP recovery 18 MP per second

Normal Phoru

Energy Adult Form Preview Attacks
Icon Effect Effect Icon

Infant - Body
Natural Physique
Wind Attribute Resistance +25
+1% Piercing Effect Chance (If you have Wind Element)
Feeding Bottle Toss
The Pocket Phoru hurls a Milk-Bottle at the enemy heavily damaging them
Milk Bottle - 300% of your average Physical and Magical Attack power while pushing them back.


Teen - Soul
Pure Spirit
Physical Defense +1%
Magical Defense +1%
Mug Cup Toss
The Pocket Phoru will now throw a coffee cup and a feeding bottle as his attack
Tosses - dealing 350% of your average Physical and Magical Attack power while pushing them back.


Adult - Attitude
Cowardly Stance
MP gain on Receiving Attack +2%
Frying Pan Toss
Pocket Phoru will throw a Feeding Bottle, Coffee Mug, and a Frying Pan
Tosses - 400% Damage of your average Physical and Magical attack power while pushing them back


Ruldoph Phoru

Energy Adult Form Preview Attacks
Icon Effect Effect Icon

Infant - Body
Ice Attribute Resistance +50
+1% Slow Effect Chance (If you have Water/Ice Element)
No Infant Form -

Teen - Soul
Max HP +5%
Physical Defense +2%
Magical Defense +2%
No Teen Form -

Adult - Attitude
Action Speed +1%
Awakening Charge +4%
Snowball Toss'
Rudolph Phoru will throw three snowballs
Snowballs - 1666% Damage of your average Physical and Magical attack


Witch Phoru

Energy Adult Form Preview Attacks
Icon Effect Effect Icon

Infant - Body
Natural Physique
No Infant Form -

Teen - Soul
Pure Spirit
Physical Defense +1%
Magical Defense +1%
No Teen Form -

Adult - Attitude
Cowardly Stance
MP gain on Receiving Attack +2%
Bat Toss
Witch Phoru will throw a bat
Toss - 350% Damage of your average Physical and Magical attack power.


New year Phoru

Energy Adult Form Preview Attacks
Icon Effect Effect Icon

Infant - Body
Natural Physique
Fire Attribute Resistance +25
+1% Burning Effect Chance (If you have Fire Element)
No Infant Form -

Teen - Soul
Pure Spirit
Physical Defense +1%
Magical Defense +1%
No Teen Form -

Adult - Attitude
Cowardly Stance
MP gain on Receiving Attack +2%
New year Phoru will throw a firework.
Toss - 1050% Damage of your average Physical and Magical attack power.



To prevent your pet from becoming hungry, you will need to feed him/her. The feeding option is availabe in your inventory.

Pets accept the following foods:

  • El Tree Seeds (Obtained through events)
  • El Tree Fruit (Obtained through the Item Mall/Cash Shop)
  • Equipment
  • QPL Jellies
  • Mysterious Weeds (obtained through the Hatchling event)


  • Pets will only accept equipment 10 levels lower than your character level.
  • The better the equipment, the greater the hunger replenishment. Weapons replenish their hunger much greater than regular armor.
  • Once the pet's Affinity is over 70%, your pet will enter a state called "Special Mode" It can be identified by the prefix Special on the pet's name once he enters that state.
    • During Special mode, the pet will only accept El Tree Seeds or El Tree Fruits and will no longer accept any equipment until it reaches its next level.
  • If you would like to remove "Special Mode", just simply not feed your pet until his Hunger is low, which results on your pet's Affinity to lower.
    • Once your pet's Affinity is below 70%, your pet will not be in "Special Mode" anymore, though you can obtain it again anytime you wish.

QPL Jellies

You are also allowed to make weapon-shaped "QPL Jellies" that are tasty treats for your pet. The process of making a QPL Jelly is simple, and only basic materials are needed.

  • However, like normal food, pets will not accept QPL Jellies when they reach their "Special State".


El-Gems are obtained from dismantling weapons while Weapon Casts are bought from Blacksmiths available in any map.

Creating QPL Jellies will give you a chance of creating either a Fantastic or a Strange one.

  • Fantastic QPL Jellies (Red Background) are Elite and adds an additional 2% Affinity when fed to your pet.
  • Strange QPL Jellies (Dark Background) are of Low Grade Rarity and decreases 5% Affinity when fed to your pet.

Jelly How to Make Info

24x El-Gems (Lv.1-17)

1x Lv.1 Weapon Cast

These Jellies feed your pet when you are Lv.12-19

Resell Price = 10,560ED

40x El-Gems (Lv.1-17)

1x Lv.1 Weapon Cast

These Jellies feed your pet when you are Lv.20-27

Resell Price = 14,400ED

37x El-Gems (Lv.18-27)

1x Lv.2 Weapon Cast

These Jellies feed your pet when you are Lv.27-35

Resell Price = 18,240ED

35x El-Gems (Lv.28-37)

1x Lv.3 Weapon Cast

These Jellies feed your pet when you are Lv.36-43

Resell Price = 22,080ED

34x El-Gems (Lv.38-47)

1x Lv.4 Weapon Cast

These Jellies feed your pet when you are Lv.44 and up

Resell Price = 25,920ED

33x El-Gems (Lv.48-57)

1x Lv.5 Weapon Cast

These Jellies feed your pet when you are Lv.52 and up

Resell Price = 29,760ED

39x El-Gems (Lv.48-57)

1x Lv.5 Weapon Cast

These Jellies feed your pet when you are Lv.60 and up

Resell Price = 33,600ED

42 El Gems (Lv.58-72)

1 Lv.6 Weapon Cast

These Jellies feed your pet when you are Lv.68 and up

Resell Price = 37,440ED

Pet Inventory

Pets have an inventory on their own which you can store on at all times. You can access it by pressing the pet button in your inventory menu. However, your pet must be an Infant or older to have their own pet inventory. The higher the level of your pet, the more inventory spaces you will have.

Inventory Sizes

Name Stage 1 Stage 2 Stage 3 SPECIAL
Pocket Phoru x1 x2 x3 x3
Black Phoru x0 x0 x0
New Year Phoru x8
Ancient Phoru x3 x6 x9
Ancient Phoru : Dark x3 x6 x9
Tree Knight x3 x6 x9
Rudolph Phoru x12
Magician x4 x8 x12
Death Reaper x4 x8 x12
Fairy x4 x8 x12
Mystic: Normal x3 x6 x9
Mystic: Red x4 x8 x12
Mystic: White x4 x8 x12
Mystic: Yellow x4 x8 x12
Hatchling: Normal x4 x8 x12
Hatchling: Event x1 x2 x3
Uniel x3 x6 x9
Uniring x3 x6 x9
Blood Eater x16
Kumiho: Snow x4 x8 x16
Kumiho: Flame x4 x8 x16
Kumiho: Cursed x4 x8 x16
Berthe Jr. x4 x8 x12

Accordingly, you can add items on the pet inventory which you can save later on to feed him or enable automatic feeding to let him eat it automatically.

The checkbox on the top enables Automatic Feeding.

When your pet's Hunger is lower than 80%, he will automatically eat the items available in his inventory. The sequence of order that he will eat is on this order:

  1. Level of Equipment (Least to Greatest)
  2. El Tree Seeds
  3. El Tree Fruits

Pet Commands

In addition to your pet's Skills and Energies, another system has been added to allow more interaction between with you and your pet.

You can also talk with your pet, to have a fun time with him/her, and the pet will interact or respond to you based on what you say.

Your pet's Affinity will also affect on how he/she will respond to you.

Here's a following list of commands you can type to your pet that he/she will respond on:

NA Version


























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