Système de marriage
Système de couples
Avant qu'un couple ne soit officiellement marié et qu'une cérémonie ait eu lieu, ils doivent d'abord former un couple au sein du jeu Elsword Online. Un personnage ne peut former un couple ou se marrier qu'avec un seul autre personnage de sexe opposé. Les couples peuvent se marier immédiatement s'ils ont le matériel requis. Les jours de votre vie en couple sont mis à jour toutes les 24 heures depuis que celui-ci s'est formé. Avant la cérémonie, des cartons d'invitations qui vous permetteront d'inviter des amis et une robe de mariée ou un smocking (selon le sexe de votre personnage) vous seront envoyés et vous les receverez dans la boîte aux lettres. De plus, les personnes mariées ou en couple peuvent recevoir des récompenses et des titres spéciaux . Vous pouvez rompre ou vous informer sur votre couple dans un onglet adapté qui se trouve dans la fenêtre "communauté".
1. Confession of love
2. Acceptance
- (Just)Couple-Only Cube:
- This cube is given on the day the pair became a couple each week. (Ex: Became a couple on Friday, you get the cube every Friday after that day.)
- (Just)Couple-Only Skill :
- (Just)Couple-Only Effect:
- Couple characters will have small animated hearts and music notes above their characters heads. When the couple characters are close together, a bigger heart symbol also appears between them.
- (Just)Couple-Only Chat room:
- This chat is used by both people in the couple. No one outside the couple can see this chat. Chat color is orange.
Couple Restrictions
- Elesis et Elsword ne peuvent pas se marier.
- Deux personnages ne peuvent se marier si :
- ils sont sur deux serveurs différents. (Exemple : Gaia X Solace)
- Si les deux personnages sont du même sexe (Exemple: Chung ne peut se marier avec Elsword/Add/Raven ou Rena avec Ara/Eve/Aisha/Elesis)
Système de Mariage
Après avoir formé un couple, vous pouvez vous marier !
- Married Couple-Only Title :
- Married Couple-Only Cube :
- This cube is given on the day the couple married each other each week. (Ex: Married on Friday, you get the cube every Friday after that day.)
- Married Couple-Only Skill :
- Married Couple-Only Present :
- Married Couple-Only Effect :
- Just like Couple characters, Married characters will have small animated hearts and music notes above their characters heads. When the Married characters are close together, a bigger heart symbol also appears between them.
- Married Couple-Only Clothes :
- Male = White tuxedo, Female = Pink dress
- Avatar Shirt(Only)(Costume Suit in other servers) = Phy·Mag Attack +30 Phy·Mag Defense +30, Action Speed +2%, Critical +2%
EXP,ED received increases by 5% (Dungeon), All Elements Resistance +25, All Element attacks +1% (30 days)
- Male = White tuxedo, Female = Pink dress
- Married Couple-Only Chat room :
- Just like Couple characters, this chat is used by both people in the Marriage. No one outside the marriage can see this chat. Chat color is orange.
- Married Couple-Only Couple Summon System :
- This allows you to summon your partner in a village, field, or rest area. You can do this through the marriage community window.
Break Up
After become couple/married, you can decide to break up with your partner. However, this costs ED.
- If you decide to break up after becoming a couple, you must pay 100.000 ED x the number of days you've been going out.
- If you decide to divorce after becoming a married couple, you must pay 200.000 ED x the number of days you've been married.
- Maximum amount of ED charged is 1,000,000,000 ED
After you break up with your partner, you will lose access to Extreme Heavenly Love.
- However, you will retain access to any of the marriage titles you acquired while with your partner.
- You can re-couple and marry with either the same person, or a different player. Upon doing so, you re-gain access to Extreme Love Above The Sky.
Salle de cérémonies de Ruben - wedding_ruben
Salle de cérémonies de Sander - wedding_sander
- The difference of the packages is that you can invite 15 people(Ruben), 30 people(Sander), and the wedding halls. Sander Wedding Hall is bigger and more extravagant than Ruben Wedding Hall.
- You can buy more invitation forms from Ariel
- After you close the Wedding window, you WILL NEVER BE ABLE to open it again to send invitations, Please be carefull.