Name: Chung "Godric" Seiker


Gender: Male

Job/occupation: Cannoneer

Weapon: Metal Cannon


The heir to the Seiker clan, which protects Hamel, the capital of Senarth Principlality. When a boy is born in the Seiker clan, they are protected by the armour, Freiturnier, that gains life form a guardian stone given to the boy at birth. The user, with the aid of the "Destroyer" (steel cannon), crushes and destroys the enemy at will.

Armour Description:
"Freiturnier" boys of the Seiker clan are given a special guardian stone at birth. This stone reacts with the owner to form into a set of armour and weapon that matches with the owner's characteristics. When the user dies,the armour will disappear. Freiturnier, an armour formed from the new character's image, acts as a worst nightmare for enemies, and an invincible wall for allies.

Weapon Description:
"Destroyer" A gigantic cannon as big as Godric, has a special structure by having 2 muzzles at both ends of the cannon. The weapon forms in the same way as the armour does, from the new character's image. From close-range, the character crushes the enemy by swinging the barrel around, and from long-range, Godric can pulverize the enemy with a powerful blow from the cannon.

Godric has been using the "Destroyer" almost everyday since young, enabling him to use the weapon as he wishes, despite his small stature.

Class Advancements

Currently Unavailable.



Z Z Z X (All Ammo Used)

Z Z Down Z Z

X X(Reloads) X (Uses 1 Ammo)

X X(Reloads) Z

Jump Z

Jump X

Jump Down

Dash Z

Dash X (Uses 1 Ammo)

Dash Jump Z Z Z(Uses 1 Ammo)

Dash Jump X(Uses 1 Ammo)

Dash Jump Down


Brutal Swing : Dashes a few meters foward and strikes enemies with the Destroyer then does a brutal swing.

Lv 3 : 317% , 423%

Lv 4 : 362% , 483%

Detonation : Dashes a few meters and stabs enemies with the Destroyer to then fire all the Ammo. When at 1 Ammo , will fire a stronger shot. Will not work without at least 1 Ammo.

Lv 2 : 211% , 352%

Lv 3 : 246% , 411%

Scare Chase : Loads a special chasing missile to then fire it at the closest target. Chases the target over a limited range. Damage on impact and explosion. (Similar to Hornet Sting) (Tested in PvP : Quite good to finish off opponents. Lag will not matter to this skill as it's on the screen of the victim it'll be based off. AWESOME FUN FOR MULTI KILL STEAL)

Lv 5 : 474% , 1931%

Lunatic Blow (?) : Smashes the Destroyer infront of Chung to the fire it and repeat the process for each addition Ammo over 1. When 1 Ammo left he'll smash it down harder and fire a final shot. Number of hits determined by amount of Ammo. Cannot be used without at least 1 Ammo. (6 Ammo being the max)(Hax Imo) (Tested in PvP : IT'S EXTREMELY POWERFUL AT LV 5 WITH 6 AMMO)

Lv 1 : 166% , 184% , 415% , 462%

Lv 2 : 199% , 221% , 498% , 554%

Lv 3 : 233% , 258% , 582% , 646%

Lv 4 : 266% , 295% , 665% , 739%

Lv 5 : 316% , 351% , 790% , 877%

Reload : Swings the Destroyer to deal 120% damage and reload one Ammo. A Passive can increase the %. Costs 20MP. 6 seconds Cooldown.

-- Special Ability-- Chung has two awakenings. One is a classic one where he shines white. 2nd one is special and makes him put on his helmet. He has unlimited Ammo when he puts on his awesome looking better than his shota face helmet for some reason (prolly putting in some special Ammo into the Destroyer or unlocking one of it's secret features). Skills and attacks based on Ammo will act like they would with 6 Ammo. To use the 2nd awakening , charge 3 awakening beads.

This is unconfirmed : He seems to have Stoic very shortly during some of his comboes. Maybe when he becomes blue (but that indiquates when you can fire with the Destroyer). I even managed to use a skill while petrified soooooooooooo it's prolly a glich.


Chung's English name "Godric" was set upon him by the RoyalBushman
Chung's Korean name "청" literally means "Blue" which reflects the uniformity of colour in his outfit.

See also

