Guardían de la Furia


El Guardián de la Furia se especializa en el combate cuerpo a cuerpo, causando daño sustancial a sus enemigos. No solo eso, sino que también puede ser útil en grupo, ya que puede dañar y eliminar a todos los enemigos dentro de su rango de daño, dejándolos libres para recibir daño


Mientras viajaba realizó un viaje que puso a prueba sus fortalezas físicas y psicológicas, Chung despierta cada vez más en un guardián de Hamel, tiempo después despierta el poder de la Baluartillería y el Destructor, para él, cualquier ataque a la Baluartillería no es tolerable y su destructor derrotará a cualquier adversario. El poder del Guardián de Hamel provocará miedo en entre sus enemigos. Éste... es el Guardián de la Furia.

Primer cambio de clase

Guardían de la Furia también puede ser obtenido por el objeto de la tienda de objetos: Fury Guardian's Righteousness

Tras completar la cadena de misiones del Guardián, Chung puede decidir entre avanzar como un Guardián Tirador, Guardián de la Furia or Guardián Artillero.

Guardián de la Furia

  1. Derrota a Wally #8 de 2-5 en cualquier dificultad.
  2. Completa 2-5 en al menos Difícil (☆☆) en 10 minutos.
  3. Habla con Echo en Elder.
  4. Completa 2-5 en Experto (☆☆☆).

Al nivel 35, el Guardían de la Furia puede avanzar en un Paladín Adamantinado.

Skill Tree

Skills Passives
    Level 15
        Level 25
      Level 30
        Level 35
        Level 40
  • Skill Traits unlocked at Level 40.
  • Final Enhanced Skill unlocked upon advancing to 2nd job class.

Additional Combos

Image Description Damage
File:FgCombo1.png Relentless Charge

After Chung smacks targets with his destroyer after running, he charges forward in Heavy Stance and flings the opponent up at the end.

  120% Phy. Damage
  50% Phy. Damage x5
  150% Phy. Damage

  Human Tornado

Chung does his normal two smacks with his destroyer, followed by a spin in Heavy Stance that does 3 hits and knocks targets away, wreaking absolute havoc.

  100% Phy. Damage
  110% Phy. Damage
1st Hit = 150% Phy. Damage
2nd Hit = 150% Phy. Damage
3rd Hit = 200% Phy. Damage

File:FgCombo3.png Aerial Sidestep

Chung does a sweeping swing with the Destroyer, followed by a boost from the back of the Destroyer, allowing him to sidestep behind the target and knocks down his targets with a crushing smash.

  100% Phy. Damage
  120% Phy. Damage
  180% Phy. Damage




  • As a Fury Guardian, Chung retains traits that refer him as White Wolf. This traits are in his armor design; his Destroyer which has a wolf-like appearance and his armor having fur.
  • Unlike Shooting Guardian and Shelling Guardian, Fury Guardian has 5 passives instead of 4.
    • Although, in the Skill Tree Revamp in KR, Fury Guardian has 4 Passives due to one of them being given to Iron Paladin, while Shooting Guardian and Shelling Guardian have 3, one of their passives being given to their own 2nd job paths.
  • Hybridization is an easy method to heavy damage due to the many combos that use Cannonballs.
  • Strangely, Fury Guardian's       combo does not use any cannonballs.
  • Unlike the other job paths of Chung, a Fury Guardian uses his Destroyer as his main weapon instead of creating another sub weapon. The same applies to Iron Paladin.
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