
Residential Area 3/zh-hans: Difference between revisions

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{{DISPLAYTITLE:5-1 第三居民区}}
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'''高卡速龙''' - 一种体型巨大的,鸡一样的动物。头上会放出激光——被激光打到会造成多下伤害,且在放出激光的时候他保持霸体。此外的攻击方式就只有啄击了。
'''高卡速龙''' - 一种体型巨大的,鸡一样的动物。头上会放出激光——被激光打到会造成多下伤害,且在放出激光的时候他保持霸体。此外的攻击方式就只有啄击了。
'''双足飞龙''' - A yellow wyvern with brown spots over its body. Similar to in attacks to its Feita Counterparts, but releases mini-meteors from its mouth instead of high-frequency waves. It is inadvisable to stand in front of a wyvern when he vomits meteors as it can juggle you, dealing very substantial damage.
'''双足飞龙''' - 身上有棕色斑点的两翼飞龙。和沛塔的飞龙相比攻击方式都差不多,但是双足飞龙吐出的是火焰而沛塔的飞龙吐出的是超声波。
'''暗精灵侦察兵''' - 一种黑色皮肤的精灵。这种精灵虽然看起来弱不禁风但是能够轻松断掉你的连击。要对付他们,你必须要打上10%以上的命中。这些精灵们会在近战的时候使用匕首刺击你,在远处的时候会射出一发强力箭矢或是三连射。
'''暗精灵侦察兵''' - 一种黑色皮肤的精灵。这种精灵虽然看起来弱不禁风但是能够轻松断掉你的连击。要对付他们,你必须要打上10%以上的命中。这些精灵们会在近战的时候使用匕首刺击你,在远处的时候会射出一发强力箭矢或是三连射。
'''淘气血力包''' - Similar to the Mana Eater in Feita, except that it eats 50% of your current HP. You can murder it to re-obtain 1 50% HP refill. Be wise to use it as HP refilling mechanism.
'''淘气血力包''' - 和[[Peita/zh-hans|沛塔]]的'''淘气魔力包'''相似,只不过他会一下吸走你现有HP的40%。你在被他吸走HP后打倒他将会获得立马恢复50%HP的物品。你可以在没HP的时候用他来巧妙的回复HP。
|valign="top" width="100%" align="center" style="border:1px solid; border-color:#000000; background: #345bef; color:#FFFFFF;"  colspan="12"| '''Boss:'''
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'''重装哈德''' - A towering Glitter with a sinewy physique. Looks like a wrestler.... ALL HIS MOVES ARE DONE WITH IMMEDIATE SUPER ARMOUR.
'''重装哈德'''(乌诺汉) - 巨人一般的格雷特,看起来像是一个摔跤手。'''他所有的攻击动作和倒地都将持续霸体!'''
-''Downward Punch:'' The Glitter pulls his arm back and punches downwards at you. The punch is inaccurate and it will miss you entirely if you stand right next to him.
-''直拳:'' 重装哈德直接用拳头砸向地面攻击你。这攻击相当不准确,而且你贴着他的时候这拳是打不到你的。
-''Double Lariet:'' The Glitter spins himself around with his arms wide apart, knocking everything in his radius away from him. This does rather substantial damage if he manages to combo you.
-''套索踢击:'' 重装哈德把手臂打开,同时自身高速旋转,把靠近他的人都打飞。你离他靠的越近,被打中的次数也就越多。
-''Leap Smash:'' The Glitter leaps up into the air and smashes downwards.
-''飞跃拳:'' 重装哈德跳向空中,下坠时双拳砸地。
-''Runing Punch:'' If the Glitter notices that you are some distance away from you, he will run towards you and punch you. This does not do much damage as long as he doesn't combo you.
-''野蛮冲撞:'' 如果重装哈德注意到了你离他有一段距离的话,他会一路冲撞过来并打你一拳。这一拳在没被他冲撞到的情况下不造成多少伤害。
-''Seismic Smash:'' The Glitter squats, and repeatedly smashes the ground with his two arms. At the 4th smash, it will cause an earthquake effect on whoever is on the same level ground as it. Does substantial damage.
-''大地裂痕:'' 重装哈德用双拳反复砸击地面。在第四次砸击时,会引发地震效果——所有与他在同一高度的对手都会受到可观的伤害。解决办法就是跳上台阶。
-''Regeneration (Passive):'' This Glitter is so fit, he can recover health slowly...

-Super Armor: 30Hits

-The best time to attack is whenever he does the '''Downward Punch''' or right after he smashes down with '''Leap Smash'''. Keep your distance and use ranged attacks whenever he uses '''Seismic Smash''' or ''Double Lariet''.
-The best time to attack is whenever he does the '''Downward Punch''' or right after he smashes down with '''Leap Smash'''. Keep your distance and use ranged attacks whenever he uses '''Seismic Smash''' or ''Double Lariet''.
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-Elswords can [[Parry]] all of his moveset, excluding  '''Running Punch''' if you are standing directly in front of him. The final hit of '''Seismic Smash''' cannot be parried.
-Elswords can [[Parry]] all of his moveset, excluding  '''Running Punch''' if you are standing directly in front of him. The final hit of '''Seismic Smash''' cannot be parried.
|valign="top" align="center" style="border:1px solid; border-color:#000000; background: #345bef; color:#FFFFFF;" width="50%" colspan="6"| '''Boss Drops:'''
|valign="top" align="center" style="border:1px solid; border-color:#000000; background: #345bef; color:#FFFFFF;" width="50%" colspan="6"| '''Boss掉落物'''
|valign="top" align="center" style="border:1px solid; border-color:#000000; background: #345bef; color:#FFFFFF;" width="50%" colspan="6"| '''BGMs:'''
|valign="top" align="center" style="border:1px solid; border-color:#000000; background: #345bef; color:#FFFFFF;" width="50%" colspan="6"| '''BGM:'''
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