Titles are intangible items that you can equip from the character menu. They hover over your head and provide unique stats for each title. They can be obtained throughout the games by various circumstances.

Title List


Icon (KR) Icon (NA) Title Type Discovery Obtain Stats
  File:Ann's Gift.png Ann's Gift Ruben Title Complete "Talk to Anne" Quest Complete "Talk to Anne" Quest Physical Attack +12

Magical Attack +12

    El Scout Ruben Title  ?  Clear 1-3 on Easy, Hard and Very Hard. Physical Attack +8

Magical Attack +8

Movement Speed +4%

  Phoru Slayer Ruben Title   Clear 1-1   Defeat William [1-2 Boss] on Any mode Physical Attack +40

Magical Attack -20

Max HP +3%

  Monkey Hunter Ruben Title   ?   Kill Monkey King [1-3 Mini Boss] 2 Times on Very Hard. Max HP +2%

Jump Speed +6%


Icon (KR) Icon (NA) Title Type Discovery Obtain Stats
  Little Light of Hope Elder Title   Clear 1-3   Complete 2-1 in Very Hard Mode, getting an S rank. Magical Attack + 12

Magical Defense + 4

Critical Hit +2%

  Revenge Against Bandits Elder Title Clear 2-2 2 times? / Clear 2-2 on Hard? Defeat Nasod Banthus 4 times Dodge Rate +1%

Movement Speed +2%

  Bat Slayer Elder Title  ? Clear 2-2 or Kill the boss in 2-2 1 time to discover Kill Bat King 2 times. Evade Bat Monsters (Dungeon) +40%
  Revolutionary Hero Elder Title Complete Chapter 3 Story Quest Complete 2-5 in Very Hard within 8 minutes. Awakening Time +4.5%
Awakening Charge Speed +5%
HP +3%
  Nasod Eater
Elder Title

-Obtain Secret Buster Title

-Clear Wally's Underground labratory (2X) 10 times on hell mode

Clear Wally's Underground Labratory (2X) 199 times on hell mode

Critical +1%
Speed +1%
Dodge +1%
Nasod Inspector 15% more damage
Nasod Inspector attack 15% chance to avoid
1% to gain 45MP when getting hit


Icon (KR) Icon (NA) Title Type Discovery Obtain Stats

    Symbol of Luck Besma Title Obtain Level 15? Use the Lucky Four-Leaf Clover. (Obtainable from sealed Boxes or Purchasable at the Market) Critical Rate +2%

ED gain (Dungeon) +10%

    Fellowship of Fire Besma Title Obtain Level 15?

Magical Attack +16

Magical Defense +6

Fire Resistance +30%

    Pursuer of Darkness Besma Title Clear 3-3 in Hard  Kill boss 3-3 in Very Hard 6 times.

Physical Attack +24

Physical Defense +12

Movement Speed +4%

Critical Hit Rate +1%

Dodge Rate +1%

    Chieftain Besma Title  ?  Clear 3-5 on Very Hard, getting Rank S.

Physical Attack +28

Magical Attack -12

Confusion Resistance +40%

  Nasod Breaker Besma Title  ?   Defeat The [3-5] Miniboss on Very Hard, The [3-5] Boss, Wally 8 MK-II, on Very Hard, and the 3-6 Boss, Wally 8, on Very Hard.

Physical Attack +16

Magical Attack +16

Wind (Piercing) resistance +20

  Dragon Slayer
Besma Title

-Obtain Secret Buster Title

-Clear Dragon Nest: Abyss (3X) 10 times on hell mode

Clear Dragon Nest: Abyss (3X) 199 times on hell mode
Critical +1%
Speed +1%
Bone Dragon 15% more damage
Bone Dragon attack 15% chance to avoid
Flame resistance 50%


Icon (KR) Icon (NA) Title Type Discovery Obtain Stats

    Veteran Altera Title  Acquire Lv. 29
Complete 4-1 on Hard
 Complete 4-1 in Very Hard with 10 hit or less.

Physical Attack +10

Magical Attack +10

Physical Defense -5

Magical Defense -5

Attack Speed +2%

Dodge Rate +2%

  Street Cleaner Altera Title  Acquire lv. 32   Kill 10 plant alterasian and

Kill 100 Spore from 4-3

Nature (Poison) Resistance +20

Resistance poison (Dungeon) +10%

    Hero of Ponggos Altera Title   Clear 4-6 on Very Hard once.  Complete by one more run 4-6 in Very Hard. Physical Attack +10

Magical Attack +10

Wind Resistance +10

Critical Hit Rate +1%

Max HP +3%

    Hero of Sonic/Super Sonic Altera Title   Complete 4-6 in Very Hard Mode once.   Complete 4-6 in Very Hard Mode under 8 minutes.

Movement Speed +3%

Jump Speed +3%

Attack Speed +2%

  Secret Buster
Altera Title
Discovered at the start

Clear 2-X 5 times on any difficulty within 25 minutes
Clear 3-X 5 times on any difficulty within 25 minutes
Clear 4-X 5 times on any difficulty within 25 minutes
Clear 3-X 5 times on hell mode with S Rank
Clear 4-X on hell mode with 30 hits or less

HP +2%
Physical Attack +125
Magical Attack+125
+15% chance to avoid Nasod Inspector, Ancient Bone Dragon, Alterasia Type-H

Altera Title

-Obtain Secret Buster Title

-Clear Transporting Tunnel: CA (4X) on hell mode 10 times

Clear Transporting Tunnel: CA (4X) on hell mode 199 times
Critical +1%
Speed +1%
Alterasia Type-H 15% more damage
Alterasia Type-H attack 15% chance to avoid
Curse resistance 50%


Icon (KR) Icon (NA) Title Type Discovery Obtain Stats
  Savior of Feita Feita Title ? Complete X-1 5 times in Very Hard.

Magical Defense +10
Dark Resistance +20

    Hardy Spirit/Strong Soul Feita Title ? Kill the Boss and Mini Boss in X-3 Very Hard 5 times Magical Attack +12

Magical Defense +6
Dark Resistance +16
+10% Curse Resistance(Dungeon)

  Violent Gardener Feita Title Kill ? amount of Vines Kill 100 Vines in X-4.

Physical Attack +24
Physical Defense -10
Magical Defense -10
Nature Resistance +20
Attack Speed +2%

  Demon Slayer Feita Title Clear X-6 in Hard

20 Berthe in X-6 Very Hard
250 Glitter Guards
250 Glitter Protectors
250 Glitter Snipers
250 Glitter Dashers

Physical Attack +44
Dodge Rate +2%
Awakening Time +6%
Damage +12% to all monsters which has "demon" type
Dark Resistance -10(Dungeon)


Icon (KR) Icon (NA) Title Type Discovery Obtain Stats

  Protect the Kingdom!
Velder Title
Clear 5-1 with S or A Rank

Clear 5-1 Very Hard with S Rank

Clear 5-2 Very Hard with S Rank

Clear 5-3 Very Hard with S Rank

Clear 5-4 Very Hard with S Rank

Clear 5-5 Very Hard with SS Rank

Fire Resist +50
Dark Resist +50
Dodge +2%
  Let's Runaway!
Velder Title
Kill ?? Mana Eaters

Kill Mana Eaters 75 times
Kill Blood Eaters 200 times
Kill Spriggan 20 times

1% chance to get 150 MP while getting hit
Speed Holic!
Velder Title
  • Obtain Hero of Sonic Title
  • Clear 5-3 on Very Hard under 5 minutes

Clear 5-2 on Very Hard under 3 minutes and 30 seconds

Clear 5-3 on Very Hard under 3 minutes and 50 seconds

Clear 5-4 on Very Hard under 4 minutes and 10 seconds

Clear 5-5 on Very Hard under 4 minutes and 30 seconds

Critical +1%
Attack Speed +3%
Jump Speed +1%
Move Speed +1%
  The Vandal
Velder Title
Break 20 Barricades

200 Barricades
125 Siege cannons
50 Siege Towers

Physical Attack +100
Magical Attack +100
Accuracy +4%

  Don't Stop Me! Step Aside!
Velder Title
Kill the 5-4 miniboss 2 times

10 Nasod Guard: Elite Shield
10 Glitter Shielders
100 Glitter Protector
200 Arc Glitter Defender
50 Invincible Vardon

+50% damage against Nasod Guard: Elite, Glitter Shielder, Glitter Defender, Arc Glitter Defender, Invincible Vardon, and Corrupt Nasod Guardian
  Worst Ride
Velder Title
Kill ? amount of Glitter

250 Cockatrigles
30 Polka

Physical Attack +100
Magical Attack+100
Physical Defense -20
Magical Defense -20
Jump Speed +6%
Move Speed +6%

  Dark Elf Hunter!
Velder Title
Kill Chloe 4 times on 5-2 Very Hard

300 Dark Elf Sentinels
200 Kenaz
20 Chloe on 5-2 Very Hard
30 Dark Nephilim on 5-6 Very Hard

Physical Attack +100
Magical Attack +100
Critical +1%
+20% chance to evade Dark Elf Senitels, Kenaz attacks
+10% chance to evade Chloe, Dark Nephilim attacks

  Glitter Expedition
Velder Title
Kill Stealthy Morfos 5 times (5-2 miniboss)
Kill every mini-boss in Velder area 45 times each

Physical Attack +125
Magical Attack +125
Physical Defense +25
Magical Defense +25
Accuracy +1%

  Bracelet Snatcher
Velder Title
Kill Uno Hound (5-1 boss) 20 - 30 times(CHANGED to 75 to 100 times on Very Hard)
Kill Uno Hound once
Physical Attack +75
Magical Attack+75

+40% chance to evade Dark Elf Sentinels and Uno Hound

  Glitter Terminator
Velder Title
Obtain "Glitter Expedition" and

Kill ? amount of Arc Glitter

400 Arc Glitter Assassin
400 Arc Glitter Charger
150 Arc Glitter Sniper
200 Arc Glitter Alchemist
150 Glitter Commander

Physical Attack +25
Magical Attack +25
Critical +1%
Awakening Charge Speed +8%
HP +4%
Smashing Illusion
Velder Title

-Obtain Secret Destroyer Title

-Clear Illusion of Velder (5X) 10 times on hell mode

Clear Illusion of Velder (5X) 199 times on hell mode

Critical +1%
Speed +1%
50% resist confusion
50% resist panic
Illusion Hoakin 15% more damage
Illusion Hoakin attack 15% chance to avoid


Icon (KR) Icon (NA) Title Type Discovery Obtain Stats
    I like fish!
Hamel Title
Clear 6-2 once
150 Piranha
100 Ancient Crab
150 Merman
100 Deep Sea Fish
40 Coral Serpent
+10% Damage against Laguz, Merman, Deep Sea Fish, and Coral Serpent (Dungeon Only)
+30% Freezing Resistance
    Imposter Terminator
Hamel Title
Clear 6-3 on Very Hard Fallen Chloe (0/50)
Bizarre Conrad (0/50)
Physical Attack +200
Magical Attack +200
    Velder Dealer
Hamel Title
Clear 6-1 once
- Achieve S Rank in 6-1 Very Hard
- Achieve S Rank in 6-2 Very Hard
- Achieve SS Rank in 6-3 Very Hard
Attack Speed +1%
Critical Rate +1%
HP +2955 (3%)
    Get Rid of Weeds
Hamel Title
Kill 10 Black Flower
Kill 200 Black Flower Poison resistance +250
    Golem Breaker
Hamel Title
Kill 10 Nasod Ancient Guards
125 Ancient Nasod Sentinel
100 Ancient Nasod Guard
100 Mini Ancient Nasod Sentinel
Physical Attack +100
Magic Attack +100
Physical Defense +80
Critical +1%
Dandy Resiam
Hamel Title

-Character must be able to enter Hamel
-Clear 1-1 10 times on any mode
-Clear 2-1 10 times on any mode
-Clear 3-1 10 times on any mode
-Clear 3X-1 10 times on any mode
-Clear 4-1 10 times on any mode
-Clear 5-1 10 times on any mode

-Clear 1-1 once
-Clear 1-2 very hard once
-Clear 1-3 very hard once

All element resist +50

    Keke Keke~
Hamel Title
Kill 100 Shadow Linker
Shadow Linker (0/1000) +100% damage when attacking Shadow Linker, Blood Linker, Mana Linker, Giant Linker (dungeon)
  File:Famous Sailors.png Famous Sailors
Hamel Title
Sail from Velder to Hamel/ Hamel to Velder 40-50 times
Clear Velder's Pier 0/1 Movement Speed +6%
Jump Speed +6%
Awakening Duration +9%
  File:Knight Rescue Party.png Knights Rescue Team
Hamel Title
Rescue 50 Knights from spider cocoons
Rescue 500 Knights from spider cocoons +15% damage against Shadow Port Voider, Shadow Port Walker, Shadow Port Charger, Shadow Port Defender, Shadow Port Trickster (Dungeon)
    Spiders of the North
Hamel Title
Kill Magmanta ? times
1000 Mantaray
1000 Mantares
30 Magmanta
+10% damage against Mantaray, Mantares, and Magmanta (Dungeon)
+30% evasion against Spider monsters (Dungeon)
    Prison Break
Hamel Title
Break ? amount of ice traps
Break 1 ice trap 10% chance of ice resistance, 10% chance of freezing resistance water element resistance +50
Hamel Title
Feed 10 equipment
Feed 100 equipment Resist all elements attributes +50
    Premium LOL
Hamel Title
Feed your pet 1 unique item
Feed 10 unique items to your pet
Feed 30 Elite items to your pet
All element attacks +2%

    Deep Sea Diver
Hamel Title
Drown once
Kill 150 Deep Sea Fish Water resist +250
    Hamel's Seal
Hamel Title
Clear 6-2 in 10 minutes or lower on very hard

Clear 6-2 in 8 minutes 10 seconds or lower on very hard
Clear 6-2 in 8 minutes 45 seconds or lower on very hard by yourself

Attack Speed +4%

Accuracy +4%

    Ice Carver
Hamel Title
Complete "Giant Spider" Story Quest
Ancient Iced Crab (0/250)
Hagalaz (0/500)
Chilling Hedghog (0/500)
Ice Stinger (0/50)
Avalanche (0/25)
+2% chance of Ice shock effect
+2% chance of blasting an Ice Sting attack (Dungeon only)
+0.2% chance of inflicting freezing effect
  SS Soul
Hamel Title
Clear 6-7 Boss with SS rank 5 times?
Ancient waterway (Chelmsford discount)

SS rank clear (0/7) The center of the ancient waterway (Chelmsford discount) SS rank clear (0/15) Magumanta cave (Chelmsford discount) SS rank clear (0/22) Frozen water temple (Chelmsford discount) * 7 SS rank clear (0/30) Cathedral of water (Chelmsford discount) SS rank clear (0/35)

HP +5% increase

+5% Charge awakening +7.5% Awakening duration

  Power of Splendor
Hamel Title
Mana Linker (0/1500)
Blood Linker (0/1500)
Shadow Port Trickster (0/1000)
???Darling boy shadow port??? (0/800)
Solo 6-7 Very Hard 150 rounds and can not be resurrect Physical Attack +400

Physical Attack +2%

    Magic of Splendor
Hamel Title
Kill Ran 100 times
Solo 6-7 Very Hard and achieve all the following in single run:

- Clear 6-7 Very Hard in 25 minutes or less
- Achieve SS Rank
- Take 10 hit or less
Death voids all conditions on entire run

Magic Attack +400

Magic Attack +2%

    Sword of Splendor
Hamel Title
Giant linker (0/100)
Shadow Port Sniper (0/1000)
Shadow Port Defender (0/1000)
Shadow Port Walker (0/1000)
Shadow Port Charger (0/1000)
In 6-7 Hard and above, kill the following:

Shadow Stinger (first mini boss) 500 times
Bobosse 500 times
Conrad the Odd 500 times
Corrupted Chloe 500 times
Ran 500 times (it doesn't count sometimes, probably a glitch or something)

Physical Attack +2%

Magic Attack +2%
Critical Rate +2%
Attack Speed +1%
Awakening Charge +5%
Awakening Duration +7.5%
2% Lightning Attack (dungeon only)


Icon (KR) Icon (NA) Title Type Discovery Obtain Stats
    El Search Party Valedictorian Special Title Defeat El Search Team Boss Lowe (Lord Knight Epic NPC) in PVP Kill Lowe 7 times in PVP Physical Attack +100

Mega Slash Skill Level +1 (Dungeon)
Critical +98
Repair Discount +10% (Max 10%)

  Centurion Special Title Defeat Red Knight Captain Penensio (Rune Slayer Epic NPC) in PVP Kill Penensio 25 times in PVP Physical Attack +100

Magical Attack +100
Physical Defense +100
Magical Defense +100
Flame Resistance 100%
Ice Resistance 100%

  Break Down the Impregnable Special Title Defeat Ice Princess Noah (Elemental Master Epic NPC) in PVP Kill Noah 25 times in PVP Critical +294

Damage Modification +294

    The Fallen Angkor Queen Special Title Defeat Shadow Witch Speka (Void Princess Epic NPC) in PVP Kill Speka 15 times in PVP Dark Resistance +250

Move Speed +490
Jump Speed +490

    Combat Expert Special Title Defeat Green Forest Lime (Wind Sneaker Epic NPC) in PVP Kill Lime 15 times in PVP Damage Modification +245

Damage Reduction +1225

  Broken Arrow Special Title Defeat Wind Shooter Amelia (Grand Archer Epic NPC) in PVP Kill Amelia 15 times in PVP Wind Resistance +250

Piercing Effect +1.5% (if you use piercing)

  Born to Blood Special Title Defeat Blood Colonel Edan (Blade Master Epic NPC) in PVP Kill Edan 25 times in PVP When debuffed, mana regen +5 per 1 second

15% Chance to cause Bleeding status to opponent when got hit
Damage Modification +392

    Painkiller Special Title Defeat Lord of Pain Valak (Reckless Fist Epic NPC) in PVP Kill Valak 40 times in PVP Damage Reduction +980

Attack 1.5 times to enemies in down state(Dungeon)
5% Chance to gain 7 MP when got hit

  Runaway Egos Special Title Defeat Code Q-Proto_00 (Code Nemesis Epic NPC) in PVP Kill Q-Proto_00 40 times in PVP Awakening Charge Speed +1960

HP -49250
Active, Special Active, Buff Skill Level +1
Max MP -33%

  The Limits of Ancient Special Title Defeat Nasod Princess Apple (Code Empress Epic NPC) in PVP Kill Apple 10 times in PVP Magic Attack +100

Illusion Strike Level +1 (Dungeon)
Action Speed +98
7% Chance to activate 1 second Super Armor when got hit (Dungeon)

    Returner Title Special Title Discovered at start Login to the game after certain amount of time from last login and use the Returner Title item (30 days).
Based on the time from last login, you get returning items such as EXP medal and +5-7 timed Magic Scroll
Physical Attack +50

Magical Attack +50
Critical +2%
Attack Speed +3%
Movement Speed +1%
Jump Speed +1%

  Dungeon Master
Special Title   Discovered when you reached LV50   Complete the Dungeon Master chain quest from Glaive, which is unlocked when acheiving Level 50. Consists of 3 parts.

Part 1: Achieve S Rank or above in 3x-6 and 4-6 (both in very hard) Part 2: Beat 4-X in Hell Mode Twice Part 3: Finish Henir's Time & Space, any mode.

 Max HP +2800

Physical Attack +24

Magical Attack +24

Physical Defense +12

Attack Speed +1%

Fallen enemies take 2,5x damage, this also applies to enemies who can't be knocked down by any means (Needs confirmation on second part)(Dungeon)

    Henir's Transcender Special Title Discovered at the start Achieve 1st Rank in the monthly ranking of Henir Challenge Mode

Physical Attack Power +200

Magic Attack Power +200

Physical Defense Power +100

Magical Defense Power +100

A 2% chance of MP +10 when attacking (Dungeon)

Awk. Charge Speed +15%

Attack Speed +3%

Evasion +3%

Accuracy +4%

Add. Damage +2%

  File:Henir's time and Space.png Henir's Absolute Power Special Title Discovered at the start Achieve 2nd~10th Rank in the monthly ranking of Henir Challenge Mode

Physical Attack Power +125

Magic Attack Power +125

Physical Defense Power +50

Magical Defense Power +50

A 2% chance of MP +10 when attacking (Dungeon)

Awk. Charge Speed +10%

Attack Speed +2%

Evasion + 2%

Accuracy +2%

Add. Damage +1%

    Lord of Space Special Title Discovered at the start Achieve 2nd~10th Rank in the weekly ranking of Henir Challenge Mode

Physical Attack Power +150

Magic Attack Power +150

Physical Defense Power +60

Magical Defense Power +60

Experience points received increases by 10% (Dungeon)

A 10% chance of MP +10 when attacked

Critical Hit Rate +3%

Max HP +10%

Attack Speed +2%

    Conqueror of Space Special Title Discovered at the start Achieve 1st Rank in the monthly ranking of Henir Challenge Mode

Physical Attack Power +125

Magic Attack Power +125

Physical Defense Power +50

Magical Defense Power +50

Experience points received increases by 10% (Dungeon)

A 10% chance of MP +10 when attacked

Critical Hit Rate +2%

Max HP +5%

Attack Speed +2%

  ? Special Title ? ? ?
    Lord of Time Special Title Discovered at the start Achieve 1st Rank in the daily ranking of Henir Challenge Mode

Physical Attack Power +125

Magic Attack Power +125

Physical Defense Power +50

Magical Defense Power +50

Experience points received increases by 8% (Dungeon)

A 3% Chance to slow for 3 seconds.

Critical Hit Rate +2%

Movement Speed +9%

Jump Speed +9%

    Conqueror of Time Special Title Discovered at the start Achieve 2nd~10th Rank in the daily ranking of Henir Challenge Mode

Physical Attack Power +100

Magic Attack Power +100

Physical Defense Power +40

Magical Defense Power +40

Experience points received increases by 8% (Dungeon)

A 3% Chance to slow for 3 seconds.

Critical Hit Rate +1%

Movement Speed +6%

Jump Speed +6%

  ? Special Title ? ? ?


Icon (KR) Icon (NA) Title Type Discovery Obtain Stats
    Support Hamel! Event Title Discovered at the start Activate the item "Help Hamel"

HP +2%

Magical Attack +16

Physical Attack +16

  ? Event Title Discovered at start Participate in Elsword vs Bubble Fighter Round 2 events ?
  ? Event Title ? ? ?
  ? Event Title Discovered at start 10 days title obtained during release of Anger of Raven ?
  ? Event Title Discovered at start 10 days title obtained during release of Way of the Sword ?
  ? Event Title Discovered at start 10 days title obtained during release of Way of the Sword ?
  ? Event Title ? ? ?
  ? Event Title ? ? ?
  ? Event Title Discovered at start Purchase 2NE1 avatar packages (titles are also obtainable from market as it is tradable) ?
  ? Event Title ? ? ?
  ? Event Title ? ? ?
  ? Event Title ? ? ?
  ? Event Title ? ? ?
  Rebirth Event Title Obtain Iron Paladin or Deadly Chaser during the release event.

Physical Attack +50

Magical Attack +50

Action Speed +2%

Awakening Charge Speed +3%

HP +2955(3%)

    Warrior of Demon Invasion Event Title ? ? Physical Attack +200
Magical Attack +200
Attack Speed +2%
Critical +2%
  ? Event Title ? ? ?
  ? Event Title ? ? ?
  ? Event Title ? ? ?
  ? Event Title ? ? ?
  ? Event Title ? ? ?
    Protector of Elarbor Event Title ? ? Attack Speed +2%
+1% of inflicting poisoning effect
+25 points of resistance to Poison
    Peace Maker Event Title ? ? ?
  ? Event Title ? ? ?
  ? Event Title ? ? ?
  ? Event Title ? ? ?
  ? Event Title ? ? ?
  ? Event Title ? ? ?
  ? Event Title ? ? ?
  ? Event Title ? ? ?
  ? Event Title ? ? ?
  ? Event Title ? ? ?
  ? Event Title ? ? ?
  File:Pas.png Passionate Touch Event Title ? Use "Passionate Touch" item obtained from Silver and Steel boxes. Critical +4%
ED received +10% (Dungeon)
EXP gained +5% (Dungeon)
  File:Coolel.png Cool Elrios Bay Event Title ? Use "Cool Elrios Bay" Title acquired from purchasing Summer Beach Set Premium Full Package (NA).
Physical Attack +28
Magical Attack +28
Critical +1%
Attack Speed +2%
+30 points of Fire Resist
+30 points of Water Resist
  ? Event Title ? ? ?
    Warrior of Velder Event Title ? ? Physical Attack +40
Magical Attack +40
Critical +1%
Movement Speed +4%
Jump Speed +4%
  Luto's Contract Event Title Discovered at the start

Physical Attack +65

Magical Attack +65

Physical Defense +20

Magical Defense +20

Resistance to all elements +40

  Blessings of the Trees Event Title Discovered at the start

Physical Attack +20

Magical Attack +20

Max HP +2%

Critical Hit Rate +2%

Resistance to Earth +40

  110 Rescuer Event Title Discovered at the start
Available from an old event, where if you bought the 110 lifes pack you would get it for 15 days.
Physical Defense +50

Magical Defense +50

Max HP +15%

Dodge Rate +5%

Resistance to all elements +30

  V.I.P. Event Title Discovered at the start  Obtained by purchasing the VIP package in the Cash Shop
Physical Attack +28
Magical attack +28
Physical Defense +10
Magical Defense +10
Critical Hit Rate +3%
Movement Speed +1%
Jump Speed +1%
  Majestic White Tiger Event Title Discovered at the start   Obtained by completing the 2010 event.
Physical Attack +40
Magical attack +40
Critical Hit Rate +2%
Movement Speed +4%
  Elsword 2nd Year Event Title Discovered at the start   2nd year Anniversary Event Max HP +2222
Physical Attack +22
Magical attack +22
Physical Defense +22
Magical Defense +22
Attack Speed +2%
Movement Speed +2%
Jump Speed +2%
Accuracy +2%
Dodge Rate +2%
All Element Resistance +22
  Edge Style Event Title Discovered at the start  ?  Physical Attack +48
Magical attack +48
Physical Defense +16
Magical Defense +16
Dodge Rate +2%
Attack Speed +3%
  Rich harvesting Season Event Title Discovered at the start  ? Physical Attack +40
Magical attack +40
Physical Defense +20
Magical Defense +20
??? +10%
Max HP +2%
Attack Speed +2%
    Ocean Outlaw Event Title Discovered at the start  Obtained by purchasing the Premium Pirate Package from the Cash Shop
Physical Attack +20
Magical attack +20
Physical Defense +20
Magical Defense +20
Movement Speed +3%
Jump Speed +3%
Attack Speed +3%
Water Resistance +40
    Lord of Dawn
Event Title  Discovered at the start   Collect 100 Ice Fragments from Ice Burners, and trade them for the Lord of Dawn Title item at any Alchemist. Right click to obtain it. Physical Attack +32
Magical attack +32
Physical Defense +20
Magical Defense +20
Light Resistance +30
Dodge Rate +2%
Attack Speed +1%
Max HP +2%
    Dominator or Trials -William- Event Title Discovered at the start   Obtained as a reward for completing the post-henrir challenge mode event. (Cannot be obtained anymore) Physical Attack +32
Magical attack +32
Physical Defense +10
Magical Defense +10
???(Dungeon) +5%
Critical Hit Rate +1%
Attack Speed +1%
  Immortal Fighting Spirit Event Title  Discovered at the start Obtained as a random item from Ice Burners. Can be bought from shops in the Free Market.
 Physical Attack +48
Magical attack +48
Fire Resistance +40
Critical Hit Rate +3%
Awaken Charge Speed +5%
Fire Effect +2%
  Valentine's Star Event Title  Discovered at the start   2009 Valentines Event.  Physical Attack +16
Magical attack +16
Physical Defense +8
Magical Defense +8
Max Awaken Time +5s
Awaken Charge Speed +5%
Critical Hit Rate +2%
  Valentine's Messenger Event Title  Discovered at the start  2009 Valentines Event.
Physical Attack +20
Magical attack +20
Physical Defense +8
Magical Defense +8
Max Awaken Time +5s
Awaken Charge Speed +5%
Dodge Rate +2%
  New Year's Determination Event Title Discovered at the start  ? Physical Attack +20
Magical attack +20
Physical Defense +10
Magical Defense +10
Dodge Rate +1%
  Settler of Elios Event Title Discovered at the start  Obtained by playing Elsword beta, and the first few weeks of a new server opening.
 Physical Attack +20
Magical attack +20
Critical Hit Rate +2%
Movement Speed +3%
Attack Speed +1%
    Lord of Coldness Event Title  Discovered at the start   Collect 100 Ice Fragments from Ice Burners, and trade them for the Ice Title item at any Alchemist. Right click to obtain it.
Physical Attack +40
Magical attack +40
Physical Defense +20
Magical Defense +20
Ice Resistance +20
Critical Hit Rate +2%
Attack Speed +1%
Ice Effect +1%
  Infinite Spirit Event Title  Discovered at the start  '300 days of Elsword since it started' event. (Cannot be obtained anymore)
Physical Attack +16
Magical attack +16
Physical Defense +6
Magical Defense +6
Max HP +3%
ED gain (Dungeon) +10%
  Elsword 200th Day Event Title Discovered at the start
 '200 days of Elsword since it started' event. (Cannot be obtained anymore)
 Physical Attack +15
Magical attack +15
  12th Warrior Event Title Discovered at the start

Attack Speed +2%

Movement Speed +12%

Jump Speed +12%

KR Only

Icon (KR) Title Type Discovery Obtain Stats

NA Only

Icon (NA) Title Type Discovery Obtain Stats
File:Pioneer's Spirit Title.png Pioneer's Spirit Event Title Discovered at the start Exclusive Title given to CBT players Physical Attack +20
Magical Attack +20
Attack Speed +1%
Movement +2%
File:Ham.png Hamel's White Wolf Event Title Discovered at the start Obtain the "Hamel's White Wolf" title item from Mailbox during Chung Release Event Physical Attack +100
Magical Attack +100
Critical +2%
Attack Speed +1%
Awakening Charging Speed +5%
File:Trials of Elsword Title.png Trials of Elsword Event Title Discovered at the start Discover all social features in Trials of Elsword Physical Attack +20
Magical Attack +20
Physical Defense +10
Magical Defense +10
Evasion +1%
File:AX Shout Out Title.png AX Shout Out Event Title Discovered at the start Use the exclusive Anime Expo Coupon for attendees Physical Attack +25
Magical Attack +25
Physical Defense +10
Magical Defense +10
Evasion +1%
  AX Shout Out (2012 Version) Event Title Discovered at the start Use the exclusive Anime Expo Coupon for attendees Physical Attack +250
Magical Attack +250
Physical Defense +100
Magical Defense +100
Evasion +10%
(Note: Stats have been temporarily boosted for a time period)
File:QuizQuiz Title.png QuizQuiz Event Title Discovered at the start Use the QuizQuiz (30 Days) Title Physical Attack +150
Magical Attack +150
Critical +2%
Awakening Charge Speed +8%
Movement +2%
Evasion +2%
File:Change Your Password Title.png Change Your Password Title Event Title Discovered at the start Equip the Change Your Password Promotional Title (30 Days) Physical Attack +150
Magical Attack +150
Critical +2%
Attack Speed +2%
File:Elympics Title.png Elympics Event Title Discovered at the start Acquire the Elympics (15 Days) item Physical Attack +100
Magical Attack +100
Physical Defense +50
Magical Defense +50
Critical +3% (Dungeon Only)
File:Master of Hamel Monsters Title.png Master of Hamel Monsters Event Title Discovered at the start Master of Hamel Monsters Title (30 Days) Physical Attack +100
Magical Attack +100
Critical +2%
Attack Speed +1%
+5% chance of reducing damage by 100% from nearby Hamel monsters (Dungeon Only)

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