Altera Core

From Elwiki

Altera Core

They find the core of Altera, which houses King Nasod...!

Map Layout

Difficulty Map
Very Hard


Monster Image Monster Description
Elite Nasod Guard: Shield
An upgraded Nasod of it's old predecessor. This Nasod uses a sturdy shield to protect it's front while quickly jabbing you with it's electric baton while you're off-guard.
Elite Nasod Guard: Cannon
An upgraded Nasod that is much more deadly in it's aim and accuracy.
Nasod Guard: Type-ICE
Type-ICE is a Nasod that can launch huge Ice Blasts from it's arm.
Assault Nasod: Type-W9
A skilled Nasod that slashes you with it's twin blades with sharp swiftness.
Nasod Blader
Unlike the harmless Nasod Healer, the blader, as it's name suggests, has hidden rotating blades inside of it to attack you.


Obstacle Image Obstacle Description
Blue Laser
These lasers deal a small amount of damage and knocks you down.
Red Alert Laser
These lasers trigger an alert and summon Nasods as reinforcement.
Green Alert Laser
These lasers are the most dangerous. They both trigger an alert and damage you.
El Energy Extractor (Attack)
An energy generator that buffs all the mobs with attack.
El Energy Extractor (Defense)
An energy generator that buffs all the mobs with defense.


Ignis, the Fire Nasod!

Along with Leviathan, Ignis was rebuilt by the Nasods and is back for revenge. But don't underestimate him, as he's much more stronger than ever before!


Combo Duo: Ignis attacks you with his long arms knocking you down.

Fire Blast: Ignis raises his cannon and launches a flamethrower out of it, heavily damaging any player who gets hit and is also burned.

Meteor Shower! Ignis raises his arm and summons flaming meteors falling throughout the stage, burning any player who gets hit.

Fire Pillar! Ignis's strongest move. The stage darkens as Ignis pounds his cannon onto the floor and summons a pillar of fire heavily damaging and burning any play within it's reach.

Leviathan, the Water Nasod!

Along with Ignis, Leviathan was rebuilt by the Nasods and is back for revenge. But don't underestimate him, as he's much more stronger than ever before!


Combo Duo: Leviathan attacks you with his long arms knocking you down.

Ice Floor: Leviathan sends out his arm and summons up three oncoming spikes of ice that come up from the floor, heavily damaging any player who gets hit and is also frozen, slowing down the victim.

Blizzard Shower! Leviathan raises his arm and summons showers of freezing ice falling throughout the stage, freezing any player who gets hit.

Ice Glacier! Leviathan's strongest move. The stage darkens as Leviathan pounds his cannon onto the floor and summons a rotating block of ice, heavily damaging and freezing any play within it's reach.

Crow Rider

Like Ignis and Leviathan, Crow Rider is also back for vengeance, guarding one of the elevators of the Altera Core!


Combo: Crow Rider catches you and quickly makes a short combo with his sword, ending it with his Nasod Claw launching you high into the air. (He also sometimes uses Maximum Cannon or an air attack to further his combo)

Grab: The Crow Rider quickly dashes towards you and grabs you using it's Nasod Arm to stun you. While you're stunned, Crow Rider can use his Combo attack right at you.

Maximum Cannon!: Stretching it's Nasod Arm, Crow Rider unleashes a spinning fume of fire straight at you, dealing heavy damage. Unlike Raven's, this one is much more bigger and stronger.

Power Assault!: Crow Rider rushes straight towards you at high speeds while destroying everything in it's way. Like Maximum Cannon, this one is also upgraded to deal more damage.

Cannon Blade!: Crow Ride takes out it's Nasod arm and holds it, launching a powerful blast of heat straight at you.

Boss, King Nasod!


Fist Attacks:

Crusher: The Nasod King uses his gigantic hands and smashes them on the stage, creating a large tremor to knock any player down.

Sweep: Putting one hand onto the far left or right, the Nasod King slides it throughout the entire stage catching and continuously doing damage to any player caught.

Energy Surges:

The Nasod King clenches his hands together, and releases a surge of pure yellow energy. He uses any of the random 4 elements to attack you no matter where you are.

Fire Roll: As the Nasod King clenches his hands together, the screen glows red. Fire will then roll around the entire stage, dealing heavy damage and burning any player who gets caught.

Lightning Strike: The screen darkens as the Nasod King clenches his hands together. At a flash, lightning will be shot all around the stage precisely striking any player. The lightning does heavy damage and stuns you, leaving you vulnerable.

Earth Shaker: The Nasod King releases his energy to summon an earthquake. A rain of rocks will then fall throughout the stage distracting every player.

Blizzard Shower! The screen glows blue, as the Nasod King summons showers of ice raining upon the stage, freezing any victim who gets hit.

Defeating King Nasod

King Nasod seems indestructible. No hidden barriers like Ignis and Leviathan, not reliant on mobs like the Alterasian Turret, and you can't even hit him since he's so big! However, his weakness is actually right in front of you! You'll have to destroy each of his El Energy extractors. Destroying the extractor will also disable the Nasod King from using Energy Surges from the corresponding extractor you had destroyed. Destroying all four extractors brings out the Nasod King's true form, the King Nasod Powertrain!

Energy Extractors

Extractor's Image Extractor's Description
El Energy Extractor -Earth-
The Green energy extractor that represents Earth. Destroying this will disable King Nasod from using Earth Shaker.
El Energy Extractor -Fire-
The Red energy extractor that represents Fire. Destroying this will disable King Nasod from using Fire Roll.
El Energy Extractor -Thunder-
The Yellow energy extractor that represents Thunder. Destroying this will disable King Nasod from using Lightning Strike.
El Energy Extractor -Water-
The Blue energy extractor that represents Water. Destroying this will disable King Nasod from using Blizzard Shower!
King Nasod Powertrain
This is the hidden weak spot found in King Nasod. You'll have to destroy it as fast as you can as the Nasod King will struggle to put it underground again. If it does go underground however, you will have to destroy all his four extractors all over again to summon the Powertrain out.

Powertrain Moves:

When the player successfully locates and brings out the Powertrain, King Nasod will struggle as much as he can to keep you away from his weak spot, bringing out new moves that you've never seen before. These moves are much more lethal and destructive than his normal ones, so watch out!

Homing Missiles!

While your attacking the Powertrain, King Nasod will launch out a horde of homing missiles straight at you. They don't look much, but these missiles, at large numbers, can easily be lethal to any player.


After the Nasod King launches out his Homing Missiles, the Nasod King will charge up a yellow beam of energy like when he's charging an Energy Surge. It doesn't seem much, but underestimating it will be a very big mistake. The King Nasod will launch a laser unlike no other, the laser is gigantic and covers literally the entire height of the stage and does unbelievable damage that will take at least half of your HP. This is the Nasod King's strongest move.

Boss Drops

Mono Eyes: Weapon (Eve) Lv40: Physical Attack +2353 | Physical Defense +2910 | Critical +3% | Attack Speed +2% | Move Speed +3% | Jump Speed +3%

King Nasod's Runic Core: Top Accessory: Physical Attack +15 | Magical Attack +15 | Attack Speed +1% | HP +1%

Fire Pendant: Necklace: Fire Resistance +100

  • This Boss drop is obtained from Ignis.

Water Pendant: Necklace: Ice Resistance +100

  • This Boss drop is obtained from Leviathan.

Crow Rider Gloves: Gloves Lv40: Physical Attack +167 | Physical Defense +158 | Magical Defense +186 | Attack Speed +2% | Accuracy +4%

(Reguardless if Ignis, Leviathan, & Crow Rider are Mini Bosses or Normal MOBs in here, they will still drop what the drop from the other dugeons they are from.)


  • Region 1~6
  • Region 7~12
  • Region 13~18
  • Region 19~21
  • Laby
  • Noah
  • Lithia
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