In the older version of Elsword, this was called Dragon's Nest. The map that was supposed to take its place:Rich Mine Entrance has also been scrapped, thus in the newest version, this map is called "Rich Mine"

Dragon's Nest

The Elsword team has found the source of malice and is to obliterate it!


Red Lizardman: Similar to the Green Lizardman in Dragon Road, but its attacks can now cause the burn ailment.
Big Red Lizardman: Similar to the Blue Lizardman in Dragon Road and Besma Lake, except that it is now red in colour. Does not cause the burn ailment for some reason.
Red old Shaman Lizard-wizard: Similar to the Old Lizard Wizard in Dragon Road and Besma Lake, except that it is now red in colour and summons guided fireballs instead of balls of mana.
Red Armadillo: Similar to the Armadillo in Besma region, but its attacks can now cause the burn ailment.
Red Scorpion: Similar to the Scorpion in the Besma region, but its sting now can cause the burn ailment.
Red Suicide Bat: Similar to the White Bat in Elder's Bat Cave and Benders' Cave, except that when it grabs onto you, there is a five second countdown towards its valiant suicide attack.

Mini-Boss, Dark Berawookeu

Its attacks are similar to that of Besma Lake's Berawookeu, except that its thunder attacks do not cause the Constant Mana Drop Ailment for some reason. It can summon minions, fire balls of energy, heal allies, and summon a series of thunder strikes.

Boss, Giant Old Lizard Shaman Wizard

The giant and even older version of the Old Lizard Wizard. This Wizard is more skilled and knows more abilities than its weaker counterparts.


Staff Whack: Gives you the good old club to the head with its staff.
Shoot Fireballs: It shoots 3 fireballs in a row with super armour on. Deals moderate damage.
Magic Missile: It fires a guided ball of mana, similar to High Mage's Magic Missile.
Summon Dark Kitdeun: When its HP is reduced to 1/4, it will summon the Dark Kitdeun for assistance.
Sextuple Geyser: Charges a flame on its hand, then releases it to the ground, unleashing 3 lava geysers on its either sides. A direct rip-off of Lord Vengi's Sextuple Geyser.

Rich Mine Entrance

The Elsword Team has found the entrance to a rich mine, where Nasod Machines are operating at! They infiltrate the area to investigate.


Nasod Miner: A humanoid robot that uses a mini drill to whack at you or drill at you.
Nasod Driller: A tank-like robot that uses a giant drill attached to its arm to stab and drill at you.
Nasod Healer: A Nasod Gear that can only heal its allies.
Nasod Transporter: A malfunctioning robot that keeps pushing a cart of ores round and round. It can injure you if you block its way.


Falling Rocks: If a rock is going to drop, you will see gravel falling on the floor. Deals moderate damage, can be destroyed.
Carts of ore: These carts just block the way. Can be destroyed.

Mini-Boss, Giant Purple Nasod Driller

Similar to the Nasod Driller, except that it has a new paintjob and can deal more damage and also has more frequent super armour activation. It also can, unlike its smaller counterparts, drill the ground vigorously and cause rocks to fall from the cave ceiling.

Boss, Giant Red Nasod Driller

Similar to the Giant Purple Nasod Driller except that its attacks can chain more combos and has even more frequent Super Armour activations.


Drill: The Nasod Driller drills downward at you. Originally a lethal move, this move has been toned down and deals less damage and hits.
Driller combo: The Nasod Driller hits with a series of intricate drills, causing rather moderate damage.
Drill stab: The Nasod Driller stabs you with its drill, causing insane knockback but rather moderate damage.
Grenades: The Nasod Driller opens a hatch on its back which hurls a few grenades on the ground, which cause great explosions and rather substantial damage.

Rich Mine

The Elsword team successfully enters the mine, and finds Wally's Brother. He is in very deep trouble.


Nasod Miner: A humanoid robot that uses a mini drill to whack at you or drill at you.
Nasod Driller: A tank-like robot that uses a giant drill attached to its arm to stab and drill at you.
Nasod Healer: A Nasod Gear that can only heal its allies.
Nasod Transporter: A malfunctioning robot that keeps pushing a cart of ores round and round. It can injure you if you block its way.

Mini-Boss, Giant Red Nasod Driller

Similar to the Giant Purple Nasod Driller except that its attacks can chain more combos and has even more frequent Super Armour activations.


Drill: The Nasod Driller drills downward at you. Originally a lethal move, this move has been toned down and deals less damage and hits.
Driller combo: The Nasod Driller hits with a series of intricate drills, causing rather moderate damage.
Drill stab: The Nasod Driller stabs you with its drill, causing insane knockback but rather moderate damage.
Grenades: The Nasod Driller opens a hatch on its back which hurls a few grenades on the ground, which cause great explosions and rather substantial damage.

Boss, Wally No.8 MK II

Wally's Brother didn't want to avenge his brother, but it looks like he has to try.
Similar to Wally's Castle's Wally No.8. But has some variation in its moves.


Wally Thrust: Wally will thrust in the air, either to get to another platform or to connect to a Wally Smash. Hes flinchable before he thrusts, so stopping him and making him fall is possible.
Wally Smash: While the air, Wally may try to pounce on you. This attack can hit hard, but it is very avoidable, and and his aim with this attack is usually past horrible.
Wally Punch: Similar to the Wally punch No.8 had, but perhaps a little stronger.
Wally Horizontal Thrust combo: Wally will thrust horizontally towards you, pushing you a distance before flailing his arms 360 degrees a few times, causing rather substantial combo damage.
Wally's Missile Rain: Wally points his arms up in the air and fires a few missiles that eventually comes raining down on you. Deals rather substantial damage.
Wally's Special Secret Laser: If Wally has a full mana bar, he will fire his laser from his eye the same way Wally No.8 did, except that he rotates his head along the Y-axis, hitting everything in front of him. Deals rather substantial damage.

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