Celestial Crossroads

From Elwiki

Celestial Crossroads

A giant Nasod City that creates the supplies that are being sent up to Elysion. You must find the clues of Solace inside the city of metal!

The only road connecting to the village from Elysion Tower. Powerful Elysion Nasods are guarding this area.
Recommended Level
Required Combat Power
Dungeon Layout


Players will be placed at a fork in the road. A CODE_L_Labyrinth will be located at the end of either path. Defeat all the enemies on one path to reach the machine.

One of the CODE_L_Labyrinths is fake while the other is real. If the fake one is hit, it will disappear immediately and activate a portal which will teleport players back to the fork in the road.

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Monster Image Monster Description Monster Moves
Hernacyd Fear - Disk shaped Nasods that roam the Celestial Crossroads.
  • Saw: Rushes at players spinning like a saw.
  • Latched Self-Destruct: Latches onto a target then tries to self-destruct.
Hernacyd Lance - A lance wielding angel Nasod.
  • Double Stab: Stabs twice leaving behind a sphere of dark energy.
  • Spear Barrage: Performs a rapid barrage of spear stabs in front of it, finishing off with an explosion of dark energy.
Hernacyd Orb - A magician-like angel Nasod who attacks with energy rather than a weapon.
  • Energy Tracker: Casts a ball of dark energy that homes in on players and implodes on impact.
  • Silencer: Shoots out a cloud of dark energy in front of itself that inflicts  Enemy DebuffSilenceEnemy DebuffSilence.
Hernacyd Shield - A large hammer wielding angel Nasod.
  • Judgement: Releases a large pillar of dark energy out of its body upwards.
  • Army Shield: After performing Judgement, it will enter a defensive stance. Its defense will increase significantly and they will grant temporary invincibility to surrounding mobs.
  • Smash: Performs a downward smash with its hammer which inflicts  Enemy DebuffFaintEnemy DebuffFaint on players hit.
  • Ram: Performs a shield ram, typically followed up by either Smash or Judgement.
  • Dark Lasso: Fires one large dark orb forward, which can pull nearby players closer.


  • Does not receive proper hitstun, will instead flinch in super armor allowing it to retaliate.
Hernacyd Bow - A bow wielding angel Nasod archer.
  • Arrow Shot: Fires a single arrow straight forward.
  • Arrow Barrage: Backflips then follow with three consecutive arrow shots.
  • Arched Shot: Fires four sets of three arrows in a parabolic arc aimed at players from a distance.


Mini Boss
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Monster Image Boss Description Boss Moves
CODE_L_Labyrinth - A machine required to access the bridge to the main gates.
  • Beam: It can fire two beams from its upper layer or two from its lower layer. It will always fire on one layer followed by the other.
  • Sky Bolt: Sends a giant beam from the sky which strikes down on one side of it.
  • Energy Surge: Bursts with a surge of dark energy.


  • Upon entering the room, CODE_L_Labyrinth (Fake) can be identified by having a red triangle at its base. The real one does not have this. Additionally, the minimap will point it out as a mob, while the real one will be marked as a miniboss.


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Obstacles Image Obstacles Description
Pitfalls - The place is very high up, don't fall or you'll lose a set percentage of HP.
CODE_R_Trap - A mechanical device that controls the bridge between the various islands of the Celestial Crossroads.
Holy Nasod Waterspout - Water spouts built into the large Nasod whales. Geysers of water will occasionally burst out damaging players.


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Monster Image Boss Description Boss Moves
Herna Shield - One of the guardian statues of the Celestial Crossroads. Solace has taken over it. It wields a giants hammer much like the Hernacyd Shield. Will make Herna Orb invincible while it is in close proximity.
  • Dark Judgement: Much like Hernacyd Shield's Judgement except more condensed.
  • Defensive Stance: After performing Dark Judgement, it will enter a defensive stance. Its defense will increase significantly.
  • Smash: Performs a downward smash with its hammer.
  • Ram and Smash: Performs a shield ram then a downward smash with its hammer which inflicts  Enemy DebuffFaintEnemy DebuffFaint on players hit.
  • Crasher: Rises in the air and impacts the ground with a huge crater.
  • Dark Lasso: Fires one large dark orb forward, which can pull nearby players closer.


  • Does not receive proper hitstun, will instead flinch in super armor allowing it to retaliate.
Herna Orb - One of the guardian statues of the Celestial Crossroads. Solace has taken over it. It possesses magic power much like the Hernacyd Orb. While alive, will increase Herna Shield's defense.
  • Teleport: Instantly warps to and away from players.
  • Energy Tracker: Casts a large ball of dark energy that homes in on players and implodes on impact.
  • Silencer: Fires two shots of gaseous red energy in front of itself that inflicts  Enemy DebuffSilenceEnemy DebuffSilence.
  • Energy Chaos: Sends five dark orbs flying in five different directions. Each orb will then split into five smaller orbs that spread out.


  • Mid Dungeon Cutscene
  • Boss Intro Cutscene
  • Dungeon Victory Quote
  • Eve: Stand back. I will take care of this place! My code is reacting.
Image Name Boss Character Stats
Elysion's Hernacyd Sword
Elysion's Hernacyd Sword
Herna Shield/Herna Orb

Lv86 Great Sword:

Physical Attack +5078

Magical Attack +5078

[Unidentified * ?]

[Unidentified * ?]

2% chance of double attack (Except special active skills)

Critical +6%

Date Changes
06/16/2016 08/24/2016
  • Celestial Crossroads added.
Alternative Names
Server Name Translation
South Korea 천상의 갈림길 Celestial Crossroads
Japan 天上の歧路 Celestial Crossroads
North America Heaven's Crossroad (prior to the September 28, 2016 update)
Germany Himmlischer Scheideweg Celestial Crossroads
Spain Encrucijada Celestial Celestial Crossroads
France Croisée des chemins célestes Celestial Path Crossroads
Italy Bivio Celestiale Celestial Crossroads
Poland Niebiańskie Rozdroże Celestial Crossroads
Brazil Encruzilhada Celestial Celestial Crossroads

  • Region 7~12
  • Region 1~6
  • Region 13~18
  • Region 19~21
  • Laby
  • Noah
  • Lithia
  • Other
  • Miscellaneous