Plegas's Labyrinth

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  • English

Plegas's Labyrinth

The dark ruins overflows with immense demonic energy. The unsettling air that was sealed from ancient times is surrounding the unfamiliar intruders.

At last, you face the origin of the immense demonic energy beyond the final door.
Recommended Level
Required Combat Power
Entry Requirements
  • Can only enter dungeon at specific times.
Availability Times
(based on server time)
  • 07:00 ~ 09:00
  • 11:00 ~ 13:00
  • 15:00 ~ 17:00
  • 19:00 ~ 21:00
  • 23:00 ~ 01:00
  • 03:00 ~ 05:00
  • (KST for the South Korean server, PST for the North American server and CET for the European server).
  • Can enter for free once whenever the dungeon opens.
  • Can enter additional times using Plegas's Labyrinth Key .
  • Special reward (x200 Artifact Spirit Stone Fragment ) is only given once per day despite the dungeon opening multiple times.
  • Up to 6 players can enter (minimum 3 players required to enter)
  • Item Drop Rate effects except for Drop Rate Events(?) do not affect drops from this dungeon.

 Enviromental Debuff - Demon RealmEnviromental Debuff - Demon Realm

  • The El's power does not reach into this realm, Attack and HP will be reduced by 80%.
  • Phase 1
  • Phase 2
  • Phase 3
Phase 1 - Plegas's Heart

Phase Gimmick

Plegas's Heart will fight with the support of multiple small eyes. The Heart will only be vulnerable when it slams into the ground.


Attacks highlighted in red bypass invincibility frames.
Plegas's Heart
The heart of the ancient demon sealed in the temple.
Boss Attacks Tips
  • Dark Needles: The small eyes will fire needles downwards.
  • Ice Laser: Two of the small eyes will fuse and remain stationary while firing an ice beam downwards. Players hit by the beam will be inflicted with   debuff that damages other players that come in contact with them.
  • Dark Laser: Three of the small eyes will fuse and move around above players to fire a beam straight down upon them.
  • Needle Spread: The heart itself is capable of firing needles, firing five at a time, one straight down and four spread outwards.
  • Heart Drop: The heart will slowly hover over the map, tracking a specifically chosen player, indicated by a crystal and purple energy. It will crash down, creating a couple chain eruptions around it. The heart will be left vulnerable for a brief period of time.
    • If the heart drops on a piece of the map twice, it will destroy the floor beneath it. This is indicated by cracks on the floor.
    • If the heart successfully lands on a target, it will continue its attack and attempt to land on another target until it misses.
  • Heart Laser: After rising back up and having taken a sufficient amount of damage, the heart itself can fire a beam downwards that sends out electric spheres along the ground to the left and right. These spheres will knock players down.
  • The heart will rise back up when hitting players that are alive OR dead, as well as ANY kind of summoned ally. Summoner-type classes should be careful during this attack.
  • After a certain amount of time has passed, the fused eyes will separate themselves again.


Obstacle Image Obstacles Description
Pitfall - Unlike other dungeons, falling off the stage will instantly kill players.
  • Elsword: Alright, you guys go before me! I'll follow you right after I take care of these things! Wait, what? There's more of them? Wait a second... Damn it! Stop! Stop regenerating! How much more do I have to deal with this?!
  • Aisha: I see! The massive amount of demonic energy is allowing it to regenerate at a faster rate than our attacks. Hurry! We need to move faster than the regeneration rate!
  • Rena: Look up there! The sky you see beyond the shattered space... It's the sky of the Withe-Ghost Land!! If we don't stop it now, it's going to escape!
  • Raven: I did not realize that its true form is so large. A bird-like mask... It's as if we're its prey. Ha. I suppose we've done well striking back for prey.
  • Eve: Recording data. Plegas, ancient demonic beast. After restructuring it's body and regaining it's true form, it tried to escape the pocket dimension and free itself from the seal, but we were able to stop that from happening by destroying the regenerating parts repeatedly.
  • Chung: Is that thumping from it's heart? It's huge! It's like looking at a whale's heart.
  • Ara: The hands turn into a structure when you destroy it. Or maybe this is the true form? I wonder how the beast would have change if the battle lasted longer.
  • Elesis: -
  • Add: Hm... it seems to have restructured it's body using the buildings from the ruins, but it returned to it's original state when we destroy it... Kuhuhu, it seems the beast wasn't the only thing that regenerate. It's a well-planned labyrinth.
  • Lu: There are several of these primordial beings throughout the Demon Realm. This one, it seems, was particularly dangerous. It tried to shatter the seal to escape... Huhu, well, I do understand the feeling of wanting to escape.
  • Ciel: -
  • Rose: It's unbelievably large! The six arms will surely get in the way, so we'll need to destroy it first. Zero, don't stray and stay close!
  • Ain: So... This wasn't the final form of the beast? I wonder what would have happened if we failed to stop it. Maybe it would have created legs for itself to walk strut out of this place?
  • Laby: -
  • Noah: This is a monster from the Demon Realm. I never thought I'd be able to fight something like this and win... Okay! Still, I was just about to go say Hello.
Image Name Boss Character Stats
Plegas's Manifestation
Plegas's Manifestation
Colossus Plegas

Accessory (Support Unit):
Adaptation +5% (Max 55%)

{{ }}
Date Changes
08/19/2021 09/15/2021
  • Plegas's Labyrinth added.
Alternative Names
Server Name Translation
South Korea 플레가스의 미궁 Plegas's Labyrinth
Germany Flegas' Labyrinth
Spain Laberinto de Flegas Flegas' Labyrinth
France Labyrinthe de Flégas Flegas' Labyrinth
Italy Labirinto di Flegas Flegas' Labyrinth
Poland Labirynt Flegasa Flegas' Labyrinth
United Kingdom Flegas' Labyrinth

  • Region 13~18
  • Region 1~6
  • Region 7~12
  • Region 19~22
  • Laby
  • Noah
  • Lithia
  • Other
  • Miscellaneous