Henir's Time and Space

Henir's Time and Space. Time and Space is in complete chaos. A dangerous trial awaits us...



A phenomenon called Henir's Time and Space lies in a temple called Seven Tower, where sages were known to dwell. The land it stands on was discovered in the olden days. This discovery brought about the emergence of magical skills, and led to the temple being built. Legend has it that the god Henir endured Ragnarok, and afterwards created a place where there is no limitation of time and space. Here, he is able to see the rise and fall of the world. Should you reach this place, by Henir's force, you are bound to face the enemies you have met in the past and those you are destined to meet in the future.

It has been said that a person overcoming this test can meet Henir and acquire an immense power. However, as the power of El began to decrease, the entrance of Henir's Time and Space has suddenly appeared in several places. Elsword and the rest of the gang decide to enter this mysterious dungeon in attempts of gaining the legendary power and using it to take back the missing El.

Recommended Level
Required Combat Power
Entry Requirements
  • Can only enter alone.
  • Must complete Normal Mode before Challenge Mode becomes available.

Originally Ymir's Time and Space, William's Time and Space.
Dimensional time and space where a genius magician is serving an eternal punishment.
This dungeon mode allows you to fight the major bosses in Elsword in a boss rush style.
Through this mode, you can collect Time and Space Fragments, which you can exchange at Glave for special items and Force skills.
Henir's Time and Space may be attempted as much as the player wishes, but rewards will only be given once per week.


  • Consumable(s) : Dungeon Specific Consumables
    • 10x Advanced Healing Potion (25,000 HP Recovery, 1 Second Cooldown)
    • 10x Advanced Mana Potion (300 MP Recovery, 1 Second Cooldown)
    • 3x Water Orbs (30 Second Cooldown)
    • 3x Wind Orbs (30 Second Cooldown)
  • Resurrection(s) : Not Allowed
  • Mounts: Disabled
  • Does not give ED, EXP, and does not consume Stamina.


Normal Mode

Consists of 20 consecutive stages. Bosses are selected randomly in any order each week.

Stage Boss Group Stage Boss Group Stage Boss Group Stage Boss Group
Stage 1 - Stage 6 - Stage 11 - Stage 16 -
Stage 2 Stage 7 Stage 12 Stage 17
Stage 3 Stage 8 Stage 13 Stage 18
Stage 4 Stage 9 Stage 14 Stage 19
Stage 5 Stage 10 Stage 15 Stage 20 Obezaar
Challenge Mode

Consists of 6 consecutive stages. Bosses are selected randomly in any order each week.

Stage Boss Group Stage Boss Group
Stage 1 - Stage 4 -
Stage 2 Stage 5
Stage 3 Stage 6 Obezaar


  • WARNING: It's HEAVILY recommended to use either Eclipse or Forginay's Fruit Titles for the sake of survival and Drain/Obtenebration as emergency utilities, its very possible you'll get oneshotted at some point.
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Monster Image Boss Description Boss Moves
  Obezaar - A being of Henir that was locked away within the confines of Henir's Time And Space, broken free from its shackles.


  • Super Armor: Obezaar will be in perpetual Super Armor.
  • Teleport: Warp anywhere on the map at will, mostly used to warp in front of the player.
  • Backstep: Quickly makes a short hop forwards while turning backwards, mostly used when the player is behind.
  • Uppercut: Claws at the player in front, causing a small shockwave that launches, used if the player is at melee-range.
  • Thunder Dash: Winds up in place before dashing forward cloaked in electricity, carrying the player with it.
  • Illusion Burst: Dashes through the player, causing electric blasts to occur in its wake, followed by EMP Burst.
    • EMP Burst: Jumps into the air before causing a massive radial electric blast that drains 200 MP when hit.
  • Shock Drain: Glares at the player before warping directly in front and causing an electric blast that drains 18 MP per hit.
    Despite the look of the electricity, the hitbox is limited to Obezaar's size.
  • When at 80x/60x HP - Maximum Charge: Jumps into the background and cloaks itself in an electric barrier while charging up energy. Creates two Obezaar copies that can perform any of the above attacks. The right clone is invincible until you defeat the one that spawns on the left.
    • If the player defeats both clones, Obezaar will be rendered exhausted for a handful of seconds.
    • If the player defeats one clone, the fight will continue as normal without changes.
    • If the player fails to defeat both, Obezaar will enter an EX phase for roughly a minute before going back to normal.

Obezaar (EX)

  • Teleport/Backstep EX: Executed faster and can attack quicker after use.
  • Electric Lariat: Wind up in place and performs a forward spinning move after charging up, doesn't have hitstun unless contact is made.
  • Uppercut EX: Has a second, delayed hit afterwards with high damage.
  • EMP Burst EX: Pulls the player inwards and the build-up before the blast will cause damage and drain 12MP per hit.
  • Thunder Dash EX: Slams the ground afterwards to cause additional lightning blasts.
  • Chaos Dive: Jumps into the air and, in a corner, creates lightning copies of itself that will crash into the ground shortly, aiming at the ground below the player, causing massive sparks of electricity on their way down, before diving into the ground itself.
    Can be dodged by going below the clones and walking towards the opposite end at a moderate speed, then jumping over Obezaar.
    Alternatively, some characters can continuously use Skills to remain invulnerable for the whole attack, or can go to the opposite side and stall in mid-air until its over.


  • When at 50.5x HP - Energy Overload: Fires a laser from its chest into the sky that falls back down in a massive explosion to transform itself into an even stronger EX Form permanently, with the same moveset, except the exclusion of Maximum Charge and the addition of a few new moves.

The transitioning cutscene does not cause damage. Additional platforms will appear in the stage.

Obezaar (EX+)

  • When at 40x/20x HP
    & Randomly - Lightning Chaos: Warps to the center while emitting a stage-wide debuff that prevents the player from attacking. While in the center, creates numerous lightning copies in sets of 2 per attack that dash around the stage dealing damage and draining 200 MP if the player comes into contact with them.
    Can be easily avoided by going to the far left or far right of the arena.
    Afterwards, the fight continues and Thunderstorm will be active.
    • Thunderstorm: Periodically a pillar of light will target the player, shooting a lightning bolt afterwards with guaranteed death damage that leaves sparks that briefly linger, will happen 6 times. Obezaar will be attacking you in the meantime.
      You can bait the lightning into a high platform to lessen the risk of being cornered, Also be VERY attentive to what Obezaar is doing, as he can bodyblock you or use EMP Burst EX to force you into a lightning bolt if you aren't paying attention.
      He can also use Chaos Dive during it, and avoiding both is insanely hard, hopefully you have a lot of MP and a Skill with insanely lengthy I-frames to avoid, such as a Hyperactive.


  • Elsword:
  • Aisha:
  • Rena: Yes! A wholehearted rush to conquer time and space!
  • Raven:
  • Eve:
  • Chung:
  • Ara:
  • Elesis:
  • Add:
  • Lu:
  • Ciel:
  • Rose:
  • Ain:
  • Laby: It's weird... Laby has been to somewhere similar to this place before...
Normal Mode
Stage Reward Stage Reward Stage Reward Stage Reward
Stage 1 Time and Space Fragment Per stage x1 Stage 7 Time and Space Fragment Per stage x1 Stage 13 Time and Space Fragment Per stage x1 Stage 19 Time and Space Fragment Per stage x1
Stage 2 Stage 8 Stage 14 Stage 20
Stage 3 Stage 9 Stage 15
Stage 4 Time and Space Fragment Per stage x1 Stage 10 Time and Space Fragment Per stage x1 Stage 16 Time and Space Fragment Per stage x1
Stage 5 Stage 11 Stage 17
Stage 6 Stage 12 Stage 18
Challenge Mode
Stage Boss Group Stage Boss Group
Stage 1 Time and Space Fragment Per stage x10 Stage 4 Time and Space Fragment x12
Stage 2 Stage 5 Time and Space Fragment x15
Stage 3 Stage 6 Time and Space Fragment x20
Alternative Names
Server Name Translation
  South Korea 헤니르의 시공 Henir's Time and Space
  Taiwan (Traditional Chinese) 赫尼爾時空 Henir's Time and Space
  China (Simplified Chinese) 赫尼尔时空 Henir's Time and Space
  Germany Henirs Raumzeit Henir's Space-Time
  Spain Espacio-tiempo de Henir Henir's Space-Time
  France Espace-temps d'Henir Henir's Space-Time
  Italy Spazio Tempo di Henir Henir's Space-Time
  Poland Czasoprzestrzeń Henir'a Henir's Time-Space
  United Kingdom Henir's Time-Space Continuum
  Brazil Tempo e Espaço de Henir Henir's Time and Space

  • Region 13~18
  • Region 1~6
  • Region 7~12
  • Region 19~21
  • Laby
  • Noah
  • Lithia
  • Other
  • Miscellaneous