Port Lurensia

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Harmony Road Port Lurensia Hamel-destined Battleship
The Peace Road Velder-destined Battleship
Port Lurensia
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Monster Image Monster Description Monster Moves Monster Type
Elite Glitter Alchemist - A Glitter demon that will attack in the exact same way as Arc Glitter Alchemist.
  • Incendiary Smoke: Throws a cloud of black smoke then ignites is with a spark.
  • Gray Potion Toss: Throw a beaker filled with an assortment of chemicals. Disables running
  • Healing Powder: It can also toss powder which can heal it, mobs nearby and even players.
Elite Glitter Archer - A Glitter demon that will attack in the exact same way as Arc Glitter Sniper.
  • Arrow Shot: Fires an arrow forward.
  • Down Shot: Fire an arrow downward.
Elite Glitter Assassin - A Glitter demon that will attack in the exact same way as Arc Glitter Assassin.
  • Aerial Slash: Dashes forward and perform an aerial attack.
Elite Glitter Guardian - A Glitter demon that will attack in the exact same way as Arc Glitter Protector.
  • Block: Guards against any oncoming attacks from the front.
  • Shield Bash: Smashes players with its shield.
Elite Glitter Pounder - A Glitter demon that will attack in the exact same way as Arc Glitter Dasher.
  • Hammer Swing: Pulls its hammer back then slams it into the ground.
Elite Glitter Spearman - A Glitter demon that will attack in the exact same way as Arc Glitter Guard.
  • Spear Combo: Stab forward with its spear then performs an overhead slash.
  • Aerial Counter: It will counter attack with a downward smash if it is struck while in the air.
Lesser Dark Elf Sentinel - A dark elf that will attack in the exact same way as Dark Elf Sentinel.
  • Arrow Shot: Fire an arrow forward.


Mini Boss
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Epithet Monster Image Boss Description Boss Moves
Uno and the Girls
Lanos - What Lanos lack in brain size, he makes up for in muscular hands bigger than his head. He fights side by side with Shinee and Moonstar.
  • Downward Punch: The Glitter pulls his arm back and punches downwards at you. The punch is inaccurate and it will miss you entirely if you stand right next to him.
  • Double Lariat: The Glitter spins himself around with his arms wide apart, knocking everything in his radius away from him. This does rather substantial damage if he manages to combo you.
  • Leap Smash: The Glitter leaps up into the air and smashes downwards.
  • Running Punch: If the Glitter notices that you are some distance away from you, he will run towards you and punch you. This does not do much damage as long as he doesn't combo you.
  • Seismic Smash: The Glitter squats, and repeatedly smashes the ground with his two arms. At the 4th smash, it will cause an earthquake effect on whoever is on the same level ground as it. Does substantial damage.
  • Adrenaline: After his health is reduced below a certain percentage, Lanos can increase his Action Speed significantly for a short amount of time.
Moonstar - If there weren't anyone else to fight, she and Shinee would be shooting arrows at each other!
  • Spray Shot: She will shoot 3 arrow in a spread.
  • Rapid Shot: She is able to perform Rena's Rapid Shot, she'll finish it off with an Arc Shot.
  • Aerial Bomber: High jump across the screen, shooting an arrow downwards that explodes on impact.
  • Slash: Moonstar draws her knife and quickly slashes her enemies twice.
  • Tumble: A defensive move where Moonstar backflips several times.
  • Encouragement: Similar to a Pet encouraging their master, Lanos can regain health by having Shinee and Moonstar cheer him on.
Shinee - A dark elf lady who may have a rivalry with Moonstar, but she sets it aside during battle.
  • Advanced Kick Combo: Starts with 2 normal kicks followed by 3 powerful kicks: A rear horse kick, knee kick and a long range knee kick. Similar to Wind Sneaker combo ZZ→ZZZ.
  • Slash: Shinee draws her knife and slashes you twice with it. Induces KD and Bleed (see Status Effects)
  • Tumble: Shinee will perform a series of back flips, avoid any attack that goes her way. She is completely invincible during this.
  • Air Kick Combo 1 & a half: Shinee performs the Triple Air Kick maneuver. However, she only stops at the second kick and starts combo-ing you later.Similar to Combat Ranger combo →→↑ZZZ canceled on second Z.
  • Nature Force: Dark Ver.: Shinee imbues her attacks with the power of darkness. Similar to Wind Sneaker's Nature's Force active skill.
  • Spinning Kick: Dark Ver.: Shinee spins horizontally, drilling into opponents with her feet. Similar to Combat Ranger's Spinning Kick special active skill. This does substantial damage.
  • Slide Double Kick: Dark Ver.: Shinee slide kicks behind the you followed by a kick and another kick into the air.
  • Encouragement: Similar to a Pet encouraging their master, Lanos can regain health by having Shinee and Moonstar cheer him on.
Dark Soldiers
Glitter Troops: Red - The bullheaded member of the Dark Soldiers: Glitter Troops is an effective mid-ranged fighter.
  • Spear Combo: Stab forward with its spear then performs an overhead slash.
  • Spear Charge: Charges forward with his spear dealing multiple hits.
  • Aerial Counter: It will counter attack with a downward smash if it is struck while in the air.
  • G Force: He will try to gather all of his troop and then he will do a similar to introduction as they spawns granting them increase damage and movement speed.
Glitter Troops: Pink - The Dark Soldiers: Glitter Troops count on this guy to take their enemies down from afar.
  • Arrow Shot: Fires an arrow forward.
  • Down Shot: Fire an arrow downward.
Glitter Troops: Black - The Dark Soldiers: Glitter Troops mob boasts of this monster that moves like a ninja.
  • Aerial Slash: Dashes forward and perform an aerial attack.
  • Slash & Dodge: After stabbing you, it will roll away.
  • Bomb Recovery: When recovering they will roll out of the way and leave behind a poisonous explosive.
Glitter Troops: Yellow - A giant hammer allows this monster to crush rivals into the ground. He appears among a group named Dark Soldiers: Glitter Troops.
  • Tank: Attacks from the front will have little effect on it.
  • Flail Smash: Smash its flail in front of it.
  • Earthquake: Due to its immense weight, just jumping will create shockwaves.
Glitter Troops: Blue - The defender of the Dark Soldiers: Glitter Troops, this monster is tough to catch unawares.
  • Block: Guards against any oncoming attacks from the front.
  • Shield Bash: Smashes players with its shield.
  • Shield Rush: Dash forward shield bashing anybody in front of it.


Port Lurensia - field_velder004
Alternative Names
Server Name Translation
South Korea 루렌시아 항구 Port Lurensia / Rurensia*
Taiwan (Traditional Chinese) 聯合公園港口 ?
China (Simplified Chinese) 罗兰西亚港口 ?
Germany Elios-Hafen Elios Port
Spain Puerto de Elios Elios Port
France Port d'Élios Elios Port
Italy Porto di Elios Elios Port
United Kingdom Elios Harbour
  • Region 1~6
  • Region 7~12
  • Region 13~18
  • Region 19~21
  • Laby
  • Noah
  • Lithia
  • Other
  • Miscellaneous