
Revision as of 09:19, 24 November 2013 by Gameboy224 (talk | contribs) (Created page with "{{Languages|Soundtrack}} == Description == The entire Elsword soundtrack sorted alphabetically just as it is located in C:\Program Files (x86)\Kill3rCombo\Elsword\data\music. ...")
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The entire Elsword soundtrack sorted alphabetically just as it is located in C:\Program Files (x86)\Kill3rCombo\Elsword\data\music. Following list includes the name of the specific music files as well as a link to a YouTube video of the selected music file. Next to the names are all the locations where that song could be heard in the game.


File Name (Link) Played in
carol Christmas Login Screen (event)
dungeongate01 Suburbs of Ruben (no longer used), Suburbs of Elder (no longer used)
dungeongate02 Altera Island (no longer used), Feita (no longer used)
dungeongate03 Bethma Mountains (no longer used)
dungeongate04 Hamel Outskirts (no longer used)
event_halloweendungeon Halloween Banquet Room (event)
field_altera001 Graveyard of Purification
field_altera002 Nasod Dumpsite, Garrison in the Sky
field_altera003 Unused
field_besma001 Bethagara Falls
field_besma002 Leikiki Lake
field_besma003 Toretugera Canyon
field_elder001 Wally's Memorial Bridge
field_elder002 Twin Watchtower
field_elder003 Unused
field_hamel001 Elime's Wave
field_hamel002 Stricken City
field_hamel003 Circular Waterway, Noah's Grave
field_peita001 Pilgrim's Site
field_peita002 Pilgrim's Gateway
field_peita003 Dead Man's Hill
field_raid001 Raid Boss Eltrion
field_rest_altera001 Ponggo's Hideout
field_rest_besma001 Dicey Sky Road
field_rest_elder001 Wally's Castle Gateway
field_rest_hamel001 Fountain of Healing
field_rest_peita001 Feita Village
field_rest_sander001 Wind Stone Ruins
field_rest_velder001 Clock Tower Square
field_ruben001 Lake Noahs
field_ruben002 Unused
field_sander001 Temple of the Wind, Caluso Tribe Territory
field_sander002 The Sandtilus's Tomb
field_sander003 Behemoth Crater
field_tutorial001 Ruben Village Entrance
field_velder001' The Prosperity Road
field_velder002 The Peace Road
field_velder003 Harmony Road
field_velder004 Port Lurensia
fishinghole01 Pet Training Camp (event), Fishing Hole
halloween Phoru Witch's Lair (event)
holloween_event_monster Halloween mob (event)
jinglebell_square Christmas Login Screen (event)
lobby Login Screen, Sparring Room
lobby2 Login Screen
logo_carol Christmas Login
main A Pink Login Screen
minigame001 Unknown
minigame002 Unknown
music001_tutorial Free Training Room
music003_square Free Market, Tutorial (excluding Eve & Chung (no longer used))
music05_stage Tree of El - Bottom (PvP)
music006_boss 1-1 Tree of El (boss), Tree of El - Top (PvP)
music007_boss Wintery Velder (PvP), Elrios Bay (PvP)
music008_stage No longer used
music009_boss 1-3 White Mist Swamp (boss), 2-4 Suburbs of Wally's Castle (boss), 3-1 Dragon Road (boss), 3-2 Bethma Lake (boss), 4-1 Black Crow (boss), Wally's Castle Rooftop (PvP)
music010_stage 2-2 Banthus Cave
music011_boss 2-2 Banthus Cave (boss), 3-5 Richie Mine (boss), 3-6 Cargo Airship (boss), 3-X Dragon Nest: Abyss (boss), 4-4 Altera Plains (boss), 4-5 Nasod Foundry (boss), X-1 Shine of Dedication Entrance (boss), X-5 Heart of Spire (boss), 7-3 Trock's Lair (boss), Banthus Room (PvP)
music012_stage 2-1 Shadow Forest, 3-3 Bethma Lake (Night), 4-6 Altera Core, Bethma Lake (PvP)
music013_boss 1-2 Forest Ruins (boss), 2-1 Shadow Forest (boss), 4-1 Return Plains (boss)
music014_stage 2-3 Underground Waterway, 2-4 Suburbs of Wally's Castle, 2-5 Wally's Castle, 2-X Wally's Underground Laboratory, 4-X Transporting Tunnel: Contaminated Area
music015_boss 2-3 Underground Waterway (boss), 2-X Wally's Underground Laboratory, 3-3 Bethma Lake (Night) (boss),3-4 Dragon Nest (boss), 4-3 Transport Tunnel B4-1 (boss), 4-X Transporting Tunnel: Contaminated Area (boss) 5-4 Burning Hope Bridge (boss), 7-5 Sandtilus (boss)
music016_stage 2-4 Suburbs of Wally's Castle, 2-5 Wally's Castle, 2-X Wally's Underground Laboratory
music017_boss 2-5 Wally's Castle (boss), Wally's Castle Centre (PvP)
music018_stage 3-X Dragon Nest: Abyss, 4-2 Return Plains
music019_stage 3-2 Bethma Lake, 3-X Dragon Nest: Abyss
music020_stage 3-5 Richie Mine, 3-6 Cargo Airship, 4-1 Black Crow, 4-5 Nasod Foundry, Cargo Airship (PvP)
music021_stage 3-6 Cargo Airship, 4-1 Black Crow
music022_stage 3-4 Dragon Nest, 3-X Dragon Nest: Abyss
music023_stage 4-3 Transporting Tunnel B4-1, 4-X Transporting Tunnel: Contaminated Area, 5-1 Residential Area 3
music024_stage 4-4 Altera Plains
music025_boss 2-X Wally's Underground Laboratory (boss), 4-6 Altera Core (boss), X-3 Underground Chapel (boss), 5-2 Hope Bridge (boss), 5-3 Palace Entrance (boss), 6-4 Heart of the Ancient Waterway, 7-4 Caluso Tribal Village (boss), Gate of Darkness (S1 & S2)
music026_stage X-1 Shrine of Dedication Entrance, Spiral Corridor X-2, X-5 Heart of Spire, Durahan Coliseum (PvP), Tyrant's Arena (PvP)
music027_boss X-2 Spiral Corridor (boss), X-4 Underground Garden (boss), 5-1 Residential Area 3 (boss), 5-5 Commercial Area 1 (boss), 6-X Temple of the Trials (boss)
music028_stage X-3 Underground Chapel
music029_stage X-4 Underground Garden
music030_stage X-6 Alter of Dedication
music031_boss X-6 Alter of Dedication (boss)
music032_stage 5-1 Residential Area 3, 5-2 Hope Bridge, Hope Bridge (PvP)
music033_stage 3-X Dragon Nest: Abyss (Luto Mode)
music034_stage 1-1 Tree of El, Tear of Ruben (event)
music035_stage 1-2 Forest Fuins, Tear of Ruben (event), Ruben Village Entrance (Chung), Tutorial (Chung (no longer used))
music036_stage 1-3 White Mist Swamp
music037_stage 5-3 Palace Entrance, 5-4 Burning Hope Bridge
music038_stage 5-5 Commercial Area 1, 5-6 Southern Gate
music039_stage 3-1 Dragon Road
music040_boss 5-6 Southern Gate (boss)
music041_stage 6-1 Resiam Outskirts
music042_stage 6-2 Sunken Resiam, 6-4 Heart of the Ancient Waterway
music043_stage 6-3 Ancient Waterway, 6-4 Heart of the Ancient Waterway
music044_boss 6-1 Resiam Outskirts (boss), 6-2 Sunken Resiam (boss), 6-3 Ancient Waterway (boss), 6-4 Heart of the Ancient Waterway (boss), 7-1 Barren Sander (boss)
music045_stage 6-5 Magmanta's Cave
music046_stage 6-5 Magmanta's Cave, 6-X Temple of the Trials
music047_boss 6-5 Magmanta's Cave (boss)
music048_stage 6-6 Temple of Frozen Water
music049_boss 6-6 Temple of Frozen Water (boss)
music050_stage 6-7 Hall of Water
music051_stage 6-7 Hall of Water
music052_boss 6-7 Hall of Water (boss), Garpai Rocks (boss)
music053_stage 5-X Velder's Hallucination
music054_boss 5-X Velder's Hallucination (boss)
music055_stage 7-1 Barren Sander, Garpai Rocks (PvP)
music056_stage 7-2 Garpai Rocks, Sander Village (PvP)
music057_stage 7-3 Trock's Lair
music058_stage 7-4 Caluso Tribal Village
music059_stage Gate of Darkness (S3)
music060_stage 7-5 Sandtilus
music061_stage 7-6 Heart of Behemoth
music062_boss 7-6 Heart of Behemoth (boss)
musicwin Results Screen
ship01 Hamel-Destined Battleship, Velder-Destined Battleship, Velder Marina (no longer used), Hamel Marina (no longer used)
shop Unknown
space_henir Henir's Time and Space Lobby
tutorial_aisha Ruben Village Entrance (Aisha), Tutorial (Aisha (no longer used))
tutorial_ara Ruben Village Entrance (Ara)
tutorial_chung Ruben Village Entrance (Chung), Tutorial (Chung (no longer used))
tutorial_elesis01 Ruben Village Entrance (Elesis)
tutorial_elesis02 Ruben Village Entrance (Elesis)
tutorial_elsword Ruben Village Entrance (Elsword), Tutorial (Elsword (no longer used))
tutorial_eve01 Ruben Village Entrance (Eve), Tutorial (Eve (no longer used))
tutorial_eve02 Ruben Village Entrance (Eve), Tutorial (Eve (no longer used))
tutorial_lena Ruben Village Entrance (Rena), Tutorial (Rena (no longer used))
tutorial_raven Ruben Village Entrance (Raven), Tutorial (Raven (no longer used))
village_altera Altera Village
village_besma Bethma Village
village_elder Elder Village
village_hamel Hamel Capital
village_ruben Ruben Village
village_sander Sander Village
village_velder Velder Village/ Suburbs of Velder, Velder Capital (no longer used)
wedding_ruben Ruben Wedding Hall
wedding_sander Sander Wedding Hall

  • Region 1~6
  • Region 7~12
  • Region 13~18
  • Region 19~21
  • Laby
  • Noah
  • Lithia
  • Other
  • Miscellaneous