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Revision as of 02:35, 2 November 2017 by Nine Rapide (talk | contribs) (Created page with "{{DISPLAYTITLE:Erfolge}} {{DevelopmentDE}}{{Languages|Achievements}} Erfolge sind Ziele, die vom Spieler abgeschlossen werden können. Diese Erfolge teilen sich alle Charakte...")
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Erfolge sind Ziele, die vom Spieler abgeschlossen werden können. Diese Erfolge teilen sich alle Charaktere eines Accounts. Manch Erfolge können nur von bestimmten Charakteren abgeschlossen werden, während für andere Items aus dem Item-Shop genutzt werden müssen.


Werden Erfolge abgeschlossen, so wird der Spieler mit einer bestimmten Anzahl an Punkten belohnt, deren Anzahl vom Schwierigkeitsgrad des Erfolges abhängig ist. Außerhalb von Dungeons, Feldern oder dem PvP, wird die Gesamtpunktzahl überhalb des Charakers angezeigt. Sie ist für andere Spieler sichtbar.

Wenn man andere Spieler ansieht, ist zusätzlich zum Charakterfenster ein Fenster namens "Erfolge" zu sehen. Darin werden das Charakter-Bild, das Level, der Username, die Gesamtpunktzahl und eine Liste der Erfolge, sowie ein Graph und eine Tabelle, die die Verteilung der Punkte auf die vier Kategorien darstellen, angezeigt. Die Liste er Erfolge kann die Namen von bis zu drei abgeschlossenen Erfolgen, die vom Spieler ausgewählt werden, präsentieren. Um die Namen der Erfolge zu präsentieren, muss ein Rechtsklick auf deren Namen in der Liste der Abgeschlossenen Erfolge gemacht werden.


Hat der Spieler eine bestimmte Anzahl an Punkten erreicht, so erhält er einen Buff, der seine Laufgeschwindigkeit in der Stadt erhöht. Die Höhe des Buffs ist davon abhängg, wie viele Punkte der Spieler besitzt.

Zusätzliche gibt es für viele Erfolge eine Belohnung in Form von zu dem Erfolg passenden Items. Diese können über den Button "Belohnung abholen" unter den abgeschossenen Erfolgen abgeholt werden, sie werden dann als Systemnachricht an den entsprechenden Charakter versendet.

Walking Light as a Feather Buff
Buff-Level Laufgeschwindigkeits-Zunahme Benötigte Erfolgs-Punkte
1 +10% 2.000
2 +20% 4.000
3 +30% 6.000
4 +40% 8.000
5 +50% 10.000

Verteiung der durch Erfolge erlangten Punkte

Erfolgs-Art Anzahl der Erfolge Anzahl der Punkte
Abenteuer 89 2,700
Charakter 49 1,590
Community 50 1,500
Items 80 2,900
Gesamt 268 8,690

Lise der Erfolge

  • The actual requirement that's different from the tooltip will be highlighted in red.
Icon Name Requirements Points Rewards
Image Name
Add's Introductory Energy Fusion Theory Clear Add's Energy Fusion Theory within 10 minutes 10 N/A
Add's Intermediate Energy Fusion Theory Clear Add's Energy Fusion Theory within 8 minutes 20 N/A
Add's Advanced Energy Fusion Theory Clear Add's Energy Fusion Theory within 5 minutes 30 N/A
Add's Masters Energy Fusion Theory Clear Add's Energy Fusion Theory within 1 minute 30 seconds 40 N/A
Add's Doctorate Energy Fusion Theory Clear Add's Energy Fusion Theory within 1 minute 50 N/A
Well, Now I Have a Shard Clear Add's Energy Fusion Theory 777 consecutive times without getting a Apocalypse Type - Void Weapon Cube 50 N/A
I'd Like Some Heroic Magic Stones, Please Clear Heroic Dungeon 100 times 10 Heroic Magic Stone x3
Must... Have... Heroic Magic Stones... Clear Heroic Dungeon 1,000 times 20 Heroic Magic Stone x5
I want to be Heroic Clear Heroic Dungeon 3,000 times 30 Heroic Magic Stone x10
Gimme Heroic Magic Stones!! Clear Heroic Dungeon 5,000 times 40 Heroic Magic Stone x20
A Hero is Born Clear Heroic Dungeon 10,000 times 50 Heroic Magic Stone x30
The Sweet Taste of Victory Win 100 official PvP matches 10 Competitor's Coin x10
Come at Me! Win 500 official PvP matches 30 Competitor's Coin x20
Conqueror of the Arena Win 1,000 official PvP matches 50 Competitor's Coin x30
The Bitter Taste of Defeat Lose 100 official PvP matches 10 Competitor's Coin x10
Ow! That's Cheating.... Lose 500 official PvP matches 30 Competitor's Coin x20
Failure is the Mother of Success! Lose 1,000 official PvP matches 50 Competitor's Coin x30
Blacksmith I Choose You! Achieve level 2 Blacksmith 10 Sturdy Mithril x10
Wait, is this My Hammer? Achieve level 5 Blacksmith 20 Sturdy Mithril x10
Become One with the Hammer Achieve level 7 Blacksmith 30 Sturdy Mithril x20
Only I am Worthy of This Hammer Achieve level 8 Blacksmith 40 Sturdy Mithril x20
The Blacksmith of Elrios Achieve level 10 Blacksmith 50 Sturdy Mithril x30
Rags to Riches! Achieve level 2 Treasure Hunter 10 Ancient Silver Coin x10
All the Treasures are Mine! Achieve level 5 Treasure Hunter 20 Ancient Silver Coin x20
It's Raining Gold Hallelujah! Achieve level 7 Treasure Hunter 30 Ancient Silver Coin x30
Expert Treasure Hunter Achieve level 8 Treasure Hunter 40 Ancient Silver Coin x40
The Treasure Hunter of Elrios Achieve level 10 Treasure Hunter 50 Ancient Silver Coin x50
Pruned Receive Denif's Blessing buff 100 times 10 Hard-Boiled Egg x10
My Skin Feels Softer? Receive Denif's Blessing buff 300 times 20 Hard-Boiled Egg x20
Surely You Visit Before Dungeon Runs? Receive Denif's Blessing buff 500 times 30 Hard-Boiled Egg x30
Hot Spring Camper Receive Denif's Blessing buff 700 times 40 Hard-Boiled Egg x40
I Live in the Hot Springs Receive Denif's Blessing buff 1,000 times 50 Hard-Boiled Egg x50
I Guess I'm Bored Win Rock-Paper-Scissors 100 times 20 Special Sweet Rice Drink x10
I'll Do Scissors, You Do Paper! Win Rock-Paper-Scissors 200 times 30 Special Sweet Rice Drink x30
I'll Do Rock, You Do Scissors! Win Rock-Paper-Scissors 300 times 50 Special Sweet Rice Drink x50
You Can Check In But You Don't Check Out Play Elsword for 100 days 10 Mana Elixir x10
Frequent Visitor of Elrios Play Elsword for 150 days 20 Mana Elixir x20
Resident of Elrios Play Elsword for 200 days 30 Mana Elixir x30
The Spirit of Elrios Play Elsword for 300 days 40 Mana Elixir x50
I am Elrios. Elrios is with Me Play Elsword for 1,000 days 50 1,000 days with Elsword Title x1
Alchemist I Choose You! Achieve level 2 Alchemist 10 Condensed Elixir x10
I Can Make Somethings! Achieve level 5 Alchemist 20 Condensed Elixir x10
I Can Make More Things! Achieve level 7 Alchemist 30 Condensed Elixir x20
I Can Make Anything! Achieve level 8 Alchemist 40 Condensed Elixir x20
The Alchemist of Elrios Achieve level 10 Alchemist 50 Condensed Elixir x30
Beginning of an Adventure Collect 4 Ruben Titles 10 N/A
Punished the Evil Lord Collect 5 Elder Titles 10 N/A
Jumping Across the Rocky Mountains Collect 4 Bethma Titles 20 N/A
Nasods are Strong, Don't You Think? Collect 6 Altera Titles 20 N/A
Demon Bastards! Collect 4 Feita Titles 30 N/A
We've Protected the Kingdom Collect 11 Velder Titles 30 N/A
I Actually Don't Like Swimming Collect 21 Hamel Titles 40 N/A
There's Sand in My Shoe..... Collect 21 Sander Titles 40 N/A
Lava? That's Nothi... Hot! Hoooot!! Collect 18 Lanox Titles 50 N/A
I See, That is Your Choice Collect 12 Elysion Titles 50 N/A
The Time Has Come Clear Henir's Time and Space 100 times 10 N/A
This Time and Space is Not That Time and Space Clear Henir's Time and Space 300 times 20 N/A
The Storm of Time and Space Clear Henir's Time and Space 500 times 30 N/A
Upgraded Time and Space! Clear Henir's Time and Space 800 times 40 N/A
I'm in Henir More Often than Glave Clear Henir's Time and Space 1,000 times 50 N/A
Honestly I Did All the Work Win Ereda Island 50 times 10 Warrior's Victory Medal x10
Carrying All My Team Members in Ereda Win Ereda Island 100 times 30 Warrior's Victory Medal x30
Without Me They're Nothing Win Ereda Island 500 times 50 Warrior's Victory Medal x50
Uh... Everyone Else Went to the Bathroom Lose Ereda Island 50 times 10 Warrior's Victory Medal x5
My Pet Corgi has Better Controls than My Team Lose Ereda Island 100 times 30 Warrior's Victory Medal x10
Actually, That's an Insult to My Corgi Lose Ereda Island 500 times 50 Warrior's Victory Medal x15
Break Them to Pieces! Defeat Ereda's Magic Source 50 times 10 Warrior's Victory Medal x10
Thrilling Last Hit! Defeat Ereda's Magic Source 100 times 30 Warrior's Victory Medal x30
Can't Stop Getting Buffs! Defeat Ereda's Magic Source 500 times 50 Warrior's Victory Medal x50
Sinister Dimension Novice Clear Dimension of Sinister Intent Stage 10 10 N/A
Sinister Dimension Intermediate Clear Dimension of Sinister Intent Stage 20 20 N/A
Sinister Dimension Expert Clear Dimension of Sinister Intent Stage 30 30 N/A
Sinister Dimension Master Equip 3 pieces of the Sinister Intent Control Set 40 Relic of Sinister Intent x5
Sinister Dimension Collector Equip 6 pieces of the Sinister Intent Control Set 50 Relic of Sinister Intent x10
Mo' Silver! Use Mysterious El Sphere 100 times 10 Ancient Silver Coin Random Cube x1
You Spin My Sphere Right Round Use Mysterious El Sphere 200 times 20 Ancient Silver Coin Random Cube x3
Sphere is Love, Sphere is Life Use Mysterious El Sphere 300 times 30 Ancient Gold Coin Random Cube x1
Full Circle Use Mysterious El Sphere 500 times 40 Ancient Gold Coin Random Cube x3
God Hand Use Mysterious El Sphere 1,000 times 50 Ancient Diamond Random Cube x1
Smith Smash Use Mysterious El Anvil 10 times 10 [Luriel] El's Hammer (7 Days) x1
Them Triceps Though Use Mysterious El Anvil 20 times 20 [Luriel] El's Hammer (7 Days) x2
Doth Thy Hammer Summon Lightning? Use Mysterious El Anvil 50 times 30 [Luriel] El's Hammer (7 Days) x3
It's Hammer Time! Use Mysterious El Anvil 100 times 40 [Luriel] El's Hammer (7 Days) x4
Sdeing Approved Use Mysterious El Anvil 200 times 50 [Luriel] El's Hammer (7 Days) x5
Double, Double, Toil and Trouble Use Mysterious El Flask 100 times 10 [Cobo] Alchemist Secret Potions Cube x1
Sugar, Spice, and Everything Nice Use Mysterious El Flask 200 times 20 [Cobo] Alchemist Secret Potions Cube x5
Law of Equivalent Exchange Use Mysterious El Flask 300 times 30 [Cobo] Alchemist Secret Potions Cube x10
Homunculus Creator Use Mysterious El Flask 500 times 40 [Cobo] Blessed Homunculus Elixir Cube x1
The Holder of Truth Use Mysterious El Flask 1,000 times 50 [Cobo] Blessed Homunculus Elixir Cube x3
For Real? Yes, For Real. Clear Add's Energy Fusion Theory 1000 consecutive times without getting a Apocalypse Type - Void Weapon Cube 50 Apocalypse Type - Void Weapon Cube x1
Let's Go Guild Expedition Clear Guild Expedition Stage 50 10 Guild Coin x10
Veteran Clear Guild Expedition Stage 100 30 Guild Coin x20
Sweeping Victory Clear Guild Expedition Stage 150 50 Guild Coin x30
Do You Hear the Monsters Sing? Clear Guild Expedition 5 times 10 Healthy Bulky Juice x3
Damn, Is Next One the HP Recovery Stage? Clear Guild Expedition 50 times 30 Super Gratin x3
Road to Sure Victory Clear Guild Expedition 100 times 50 Ultimate Dinner Set x3
I AM THE LIVING LEGEND OF ELRIANODE Collect 12 Elrianode Titles 50 N/A
That Was Fun... Let's Never Do That Again Collect 10 Varnimyr Titles 50 N/A
There are Plenty of Fish in the Hot Springs Attempt Fishing 1,000 times 20 [Luriel] Life Stamina Potion x1
Just Keep Fishing, Just Keep Fishing Attempt Fishing 10,000 times 30 [Luriel] Life Stamina Potion x2
All Hail the Fishing King! Attempt Fishing 100,000 times 40 [Luriel] Life Stamina Potion x3
Golden Lobsters Don't Boil in the Hot Springs Catch 1 Golden Lobster 50 El Resonance Potion (x100 Concentrate) x1
I Get My Own Food! Complete Pet Expedition 10 times 10 [Luriel] Life Stamina Potion x1
Elrios Problem Solver! Complete Pet Expedition 100 times 30 [Luriel] Life Stamina Potion x2
Elite Expedition! Complete Pet Expedition 500 times 50 [Luriel] Life Stamina Potion x3
Title Prince of the Sea Collect 8 Rigomor Titles 50 N/A
Amethyst Collector Equip 1 piece of Amethystine Prophecy Armor 20 Glaciem x1,000
The Amethystine Prophecy Complete Equip 4 pieces of Amethystine Prophecy Armor 50 Glaciem x10,000
Who's the P.O. here? Clear Abandoned Icerite Plant 100 times 20 Glaciem x2,000
Titan Destroyer Clear Titan's Grotto 100 times 40 Glaciem x3,000
Shrine of the Two-Headed Serpent (Normal) Conqueror Clear Shrine of the Two-Headed Serpent (Normal) 100 times 10 Mark of Acknowledgement x20
Elrianode Training Grounds (Normal) Conqueror Clear Elrianode Training Grounds (Normal) 100 times 10 Mark of Acknowledgement x20
Spirit Sanctum (Normal) Conqueror Clear Spirit Sanctum (Normal) 100 times 10 Mark of Acknowledgement x20
Water Dragon's Compass (Normal) Conqueror Clear Water Dragon's Compass (Normal) 100 times 10 Mark of Acknowledgement x20
Nasod Testing Chamber (Normal) Conqueror Clear Nasod Testing Chamber (Normal) 100 times 10 Mark of Acknowledgement x20
Gate of the Setting Sun (Normal) Conqueror Clear Gate of the Setting Sun (Normal) 100 times 10 Mark of Acknowledgement x20
Anguish of the Wavering Servant (Normal) Conqueror Clear Anguish of the Wavering Servant (Normal) 100 times 10 Mark of Acknowledgement x20
Shrine of the Two-Headed Serpent (Hell) Conqueror Clear Shrine of the Two-Headed Serpent (Hell) 100 times 20 Mark of Acknowledgement x40
Elrianode Training Grounds (Hell) Conqueror Clear Elrianode Training Grounds (Hell) 100 times 20 Mark of Acknowledgement x40
Spirit Sanctum (Hell) Conqueror Clear Spirit Sanctum (Hell) 100 times 20 Mark of Acknowledgement x40
Water Dragon's Compass (Hell) Conqueror Clear Water Dragon's Compass (Hell) 100 times 20 Mark of Acknowledgement x40
Nasod Testing Chamber (Hell) Conqueror Clear Nasod Testing Chamber (Hell) 100 times 20 Mark of Acknowledgement x40
Gate of the Setting Sun (Hell) Conqueror Clear Gate of the Setting Sun (Hell) 100 times 20 Mark of Acknowledgement x40
Anguish of the Wavering Servant (Hell) Conqueror Clear Anguish of the Wavering Servant (Hell) 100 times 20 Mark of Acknowledgement x40
Acknowledged by Everyone on master Road Collect 15 Master Road Titles 50 N/A
We Faced Each Other Four Times Collect 4 Pruinaum Titles 50 N/A
Why Would They Hide Something Like This? Find a hidden memo from Someone's Lab. 10 N/A
Why Would They Hide Something Like This Find a hidden memo from Someone's Lab. 10 N/A
Why Would They Hide Something Like This Find a hidden memo from Someone's Lab. 10 N/A
Why Would They Hide Something Like This Find a hidden memo from Someone's Lab. 10 N/A
Unraveling the Knot of Memories (Normal) Conqueror Clear Unraveling the Knot of Memories (Normal) 100 times 10 Mark of Acknowledgement x20
Unraveling the Knot of Memories (Hell) Conqueror Clear Unraveling the Knot of Memories (Hell) 100 times 20 Mark of Acknowledgement x40

Geschichte Elsword's WeltSageNPCsGeschichteZeitleiste
Gameplay-Modi DungeonsFelderPvP
Gameplay-Features ErfolgeEldrit-ResonanzEXP-TabelleForce-SkillsQuestsSkill-QuestsSkill-TreeSkillTitelInterface-Guide
Gameplay-Mechaniken MachtboosterCharaktersystemeTeam upManabreakPower-upsSkill-AttributeSpezialeffekreWilleStatistikenStatuseffekteSchwellenwerte
Charakter-Fortschritt 1. Klassenwechsel2. KlassenwechselTranszendenz3. Klassenwechsel
System-Guides BankHeiße QuellenElios StudioItem sperrenMagischer KleiderschrankSchüler-Lehrer-SystemBerufssystemZufallsmissionenHochzeitssystem
Leben-Inhalte AngelnPet-Expedition
Gilden-Inhalte GildeGildenflaggeGildenhauptquartierGildenexpeditionGildenfarm
Items GebrauchswarenWürfelWährungItem-DatenbankMonsterkartenReittierePets
Equipment & Accessories PvP-Sets (S4)BossdropsAusrüstungssetsLegendäre AusrüstungRegions-Ausrüstung

Einzigartige Ausrüstung: Himmelsprisma-AusrüstungElyanod-AusrüstungGeheimdungeon-Ausrüstung

Ausrüstungs-Funktionen Attribut verleihenZerlegenIdentifizierenMagieverzauberungSockelnUpgraden
Cash BingoCharakter-AnpassungErhitzerItem-Shop
Sonstiges TanzbefehleStory-NPCsQuick VoiceSkill-Cut-insSoundtrackWallpaper
Andere Medien AnimationElsword Mobile GamesLight NovelsOffizieller MerchandiseWebcomics