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*Complete one of the following:
*Complete one of the following:
**Complete the '''???''' story quest
**Complete the '''Determination of the Beast''' story quest
**Complete the '''Something that Never Happened''' story quest
**Complete the '''Something that Never Happened''' story quest
**Complete the '''Source of Hatred''' story quest
**Complete the '''Source of Hatred''' story quest

Revision as of 01:29, 3 September 2019

  • English


Chapter 37: Unexpected Meeting

Obstacle to Return
Quest Acceptance Prerequisites Objectives



The El Search Party enter Henir's Passage again.
They reflect on what they have accomplished in the Demon Realm and head towards the exit.

Quest Acceptance Dialogue
  • Chung: So we're back in this never-ending labyrinth.
  • Aisha: Sigh... I'm still feeling tense and everything hurts.
  • Rena: Mmhm, so many things happened, and we haven't even been here that long.
  • Chung: Yes, we learned about the Dark Elves and Nephilim Lord... And found some clues about the Dark El.
  • Eve: Perhaps this gem we've found will be an important lead. Although the energy it emits is very weak...
  • Ara: We also met the Fire Master. It was really an unexpected encounter.
  • Elesis: Not to mention how dangerous. We were fortunate that the Fire Master came back to his senses in the end...
  • Elsword: All that matters is that we saved him in the end! And everyone is safe and sound!
  • Ain: It's too early to let your guard down. Let's go past this realm before we relax.
  • Ciel: ... Hey. Is it me, or does this place seem... Different?
  • Eve: It is still the same passage. It is expected that the form will change with this place being the realm of chaos... But it does seem to have changed significantly since last time.
  • Raven: It was expected that this realm would change forms, but this atmosphere...
  • Ara: Are we... Perceived as a threat?
  • Aisha: What's going on? Surely Master Ventus also used this path to go back to Elrianode?
  • Rena: But this place was sealed for a long time. Maybe they finally noticed our presence and decided we're not welcome here.
  • Elsword: It doesn't matter. We still need to go back to Elrianode, and this is our only way.
  • Add: Tsk, even though we have both the power source and the coordinates back to Elrianode... If only we had proper equipment...
  • Elesis: No use complaining now! Come on, let's go!
  • Chung: ......
  • Ain: Hm? Mr. Guardian, what's wrong?
  • Chung: Oh, it's nothing Ain. I'm just... Nervous. Let's go.
Quest Completion Dialogue
  • Ara: It's so dangerous... Do you think Master Ventus made it out alright?
  • Rena: He is one of the masters guarding the El. I'm sure he and the Fire Master arrived safely in Elrianode.
  • Aisha: Speaking of, isn't it strange that the Fire Master had the Red Demon King's eye?
  • Rose: But it didn't seem like the Fire Master knew about the Red Demon King, other than the fact that the Red Demon King is the Master of the Crimson Eye.
  • Elesis: Lu, do you think the Red Demon King had enough power to subdue the Fire Master in his prime?
  • Lu: I may consider him weak, but that's only in comparios to other Demon Kings. That being said, he's not actually powerful enough to subdue the Fire Master without revealing his true form. He did mention a bet. We'll need to ask the Red Demon King directly if we want to learn anything more.
  • Add: Betrayal and Demonic power... The El Masters must be a dramatic sort of bunch.
  • Ciel: At least the information we got from the Red Demon King seems to be true. He perfectly predicted what Nephilim Lord was going to tell us.
  • Ara: That the spirits won't know the exact location of the Dark El either?
  • Zero: Hmph. He sent us on a wild goose chase! That's what he did.
  • Eve: However, we still managed to find important leads.
  • Nephilim Lord: This is an unstable place. Today's sancutary may well be your grave the next. One step forward, and your might find the sky and the earth switched places. The reason why we have settled here, is because this area is more stable than others. The energy of the Dark El calms rampaging land and revives withering trees. That energy is spread across the land, but is very faint. However, there are few places where the energy runs stronger. The Shadow Vein is one such place.
  • Elsword: Nephilim Lord's description reminded me of the Elriabrunnr that Denif mentioned.
  • Ain: (If what Nephilim Lord said is true, it means the Dark El functions similarly to the El. But the El was created by the Goddess. Why is there something similar in the Demon Realm when the purpose of the El is to prevent demon invasions? This can't be explained as a mere reaction to the creation of the El.)
  • Eve: If we investigate based on the locations that Nephilim Lord disclosed to us, there's a higher chance we can find the Dark El.
  • Rena: I think so too. Although, it worries me that even the spirits do not know the exact location of the Dark El...
  • Elsword: Well, now we have a vague idea of what to do from now on. Not bad for the first visit, right?
  • Aisha: What's strange is that the Dark El Hennon used definitely held powerful energy... But the energy of the Dark El in the Demon Realm is very faint, almost non-existent.
  • Chung: ... Instead, it's potent with demonic energy.
  • Ara: Do you think demonic energy is preventing the energy of the Dark El from spreading?
  • Chung: I don't think so. If demonic energy suppresses the power of the Dark El, why would demons use the El to amplify demonic energy?
  • Add: Think about it. If the Dark El functions similarly to the El, then it makes more sense to think that it's the Dark El that spreads demonic energy. It's strange that the demonic energy concentration is abnormally high, but there's no doubt the Dark El exists somewhere in the Demon Realm, not to mention the information we've received from the spirits. We need to find the Dark El no matter what. We should focus on our goal instead of pondering about useless possibilities. (If the Dark El we find lost its power, I'll be first to worry about my next step.)
  • Raven: All of this could very well be related to what the Red Demon King said, about how the Demon Realm had a systematic issue for a very long time.
  • Aisha: Sigh, nothing's clear for now. Not that I thought it would be easy, with this being the Demon Realm and all.
  • Rena: Still, we were lucky that we met the Dark Elves and Nephilim Lord first.
  • Elsword: Uh huh. Since they were someone who we could talk to. But... We probably won't come across this kind of luck again.
  • Ciel: We never expected to obtain the Dark El peacefully anyway. Since we were at the edge of the Demon Realm, the true struggle may very well start when we come back.
  • Lu: ... The Dark Elf Elder did say Varnimyr is at the edge of the Demon Realm. Perhaps she would also be nearby...
  • Elsword: She? A demon you know?
  • Lu: I'd say, she's the sort who wouldn't be too bad to work with, as long as we have a shared interest. Considering the position the Red Demon King is in, I expect she's also in a tough spot. It will be useful if she is in our debt.
  • Ciel: Huh, she must be quite useful judging by what you said.
  • Lu: We can talk about the details after we arrive in Elrianode.... I have a feeling that it won't be any easy trip.
Currency/Experience Common Rewards Selective Rewards
EXP 5,154,470 N/A N/A
ED 2,002,200 N/A N/A
EP 0 N/A N/A
AP 0
Quest Acceptance Prerequisites Objectives
  • Complete the Obstacle to Return story quest

A critically dangerous situation, but a girl and a mirror block the monsters' advance.

Quest Acceptance Dialogue
  • Raven: Ugh, there are too many monsters! It's way more than we had last time!
  • Ain: Ms. Elf, how's the Spirit Stone?
  • Rena: It says we're close. Soon it will...
  • Ara: Over there! A dimensional rift is opening!
  • Ciel: It's the rift we used last time to enter this place. I can see Elrianode.
  • Elesis: Everyone focus! There are more monsters coming this way!
  • Add: Damn it! Where are they all coming from? We can't even approach it!
  • Aisha: Master Denif said it takes a lot of mana to open the seal. They won't be able to keep the rift open for long.
  • Elsword: Let's hurry. We're almost there!
  • Keee- Grrrrrr-!
  • Eve: ...! Enemies approaching, the numbers have increased significantly!
  • Chung: Kugh...! When did they...
  • Elsword: (Wait, is this... It's like the vision I had. Is that actually becoming a reality? Am I... Am I about to lose everyone? No... That can't be it. But if it is, then I...)
  • Ciel: Are they coming this way?
  • Eve: No. According to their movement patterns... The rift! They are heading towards Elrianode!
  • Elesis: Elsword!
  • Elsword: S, Sis...
  • Elesis: Come on, concentrate! The monsters are headed towards the rift!
  • Lu: There are too many monsters. I'm not certain we can arrive on time...
  • Raven: The El is right beyond the seal. Even though the masters are there, we don't know what will happen. Everyone hurry!
  • Zero: This is bad. I can't figure out how we can arrive quicker than those things.
  • Rose: Ugh... I'll distract them so find us a way, Zero!
  • Ciel: ... Damn it, they are approaching fast, and there's too many of them! At this rate...!
  • Eve: The monsters are reaching the dimensional rift!
  • Elsword: (How do I... At this rate, the monsters will reach Elrianode... And everyone...)
  • Laby: Oiiiii!!
  • Elsword: Who...?
Quest Completion Dialogue
  • Laby: You baddies won't be able to set a single foot in this place as long as Laby and Nisha are here!! Ehhh?? But you don't have feet!!
  • Elsword: You are...?
  • Laby: Whoa!! You're the El Search Party!! There's so many of you! I'm...
  • Keeee-!
  • Laby: Geh! There's so many weird fishies...! Nisha, help!
  • Raven: She appeared from the rift. She doesn't seem like one of the masters or the priestesses...
  • Elesis: I think she's an ally. She's stopping the monsters from approaching Elrianode.
  • Ara: Reinforcement? What a relief! It seems the monsters are moving slower as well!
  • Ain: Wait, Ms. Fox. Something's not right.
  • Ciel: ... Hm? Did they just... Stop moving?
  • Rena: Their movements... Wait it's not just the monsters. This whole place is shifting!
  • Ain: (It's as she said. This area is... mutating. Is it because of the girl's interference? No... This place was changing even before. This distortion... It's like the Henir's rift when...!)

  • Chung: What's happening... Why is it shaking?
  • Eve: There's an abnormality in this realm... This large energy...
  • Ain: Looks like Ms. Fox was right earlier, and this realm is removing the threat.
  • Ara: What?! What do we do now?!
  • Eve: This realm... Is turning into a dimensional rift! Everyone be careful!
Currency/Experience Common Rewards Selective Rewards
EXP 5,154,470 N/A N/A
ED 2,002,200 N/A N/A
EP 0 N/A N/A
AP 0
Sea of Chaos
Quest Acceptance Prerequisites Objectives
  • Complete the Reinforcement story quest

The El Search Party is sucked into the dimensional rift and find themselves under the Deep-Sea of the Demon Realm

Quest Acceptance Dialogue
  • Gurgle... Gurgle..."
  • Aisha: ......

  • Aisha: Everyone, breathe!
  • Ciel: ! Even though we're under water...!
  • Raven: Amazing. Thank you, Aisha.
  • Ara: It's also easier to move. Your magic is truly amazing!
  • Aisha: Of course! Who do you think I am!
  • Add: Not that I needed help with my Dynamo.
  • Aisha: Sheesh. What's the point of helping. Well, I guess this means you're fine.
  • Laby: Nom nom... Salty...
  • Rena: Oh my, looks like this girl was sucked into the dimensional rift with us. I guess it's better than being stuck with the monsters by herself...
  • Chung: Did she lose consciousness from the shock? At least she doesn't look hurt.
  • Elsword: Where is this? I heart someone say... Something about a dimensional rift?
  • Eve: Yes. It seems that the constant stimuli has caused the chaos to shift and change into a dimensional rift.
  • Ain: And we were sucked in to that dimensional rift when that happened. From what I can sense, I believe we are in...
  • Lu: You're right. We're back in the Demon Realm.
  • Chung: ...! Back in the Demon Realm...
  • Ara: I see. So it wasn't the water that made it difficult to move, but the strong demonic energy of the Demon Realm.
  • Ciel: The fact we're back in the Demon Realm is concerning... And to be dropped in the water like this...
  • Elesis: I'm more worried about Elrianode. I hope the realm shifting like this didn't negatively impact the opened seal.
  • Rena: I'm more worried about the masters and the priestesses. In any case, we'll have to find a way back as soon as possible.
  • Raven: Can't we go back the way we came?
  • Ain: It's too late. Unlike the opening at the Dark Elves Forest, the opening here closed the moment we arrived here. It seems the rift appears quite often around this place, considering the unstable energy around here... But I don't think it's wise to wait for another opening, since we're not sure when it's going to open next time.
  • Add: According to the component analysis results, we're under the sea. At the very depths of it.
  • Rose: Then perhaps we should go up to observe the situation of the surface?
  • Add: When I say we're at the very depths of the sea, I mean it. We are far away from the surface level. Not only that, but...
  • Ara: ... We have a guest.
  • Keee-! Krrrr-!
  • Aisha: Chased by a monster to land where there's another monster...
  • Ciel: Hm? It's not cute... But it's very familiar.
  • Add: Of course. This... looks like the whales we saw in that realm.
  • Rena: Don't tell me that the monsters there were actually mutated forms of these monsters here?
  • Aisha: What? You mean we can end up mutated like that if we stay there too long?
  • Add: Why are you surprised? We knew that place was dangerous.
  • Ain: Yes, but now that conceptualized idea is more concrete.
  • Ara: It seems we would need to be more careful next time.
  • Eve: We don't have much time. We should move, before more enemies approach.
  • Elsword: Move? Move where? Didn't Add say that the surface is too far?
  • Eve: I have searched this vicinity and sensed an unusual enclosure with air.
  • Raven: A natural cave...? But then you wouldn't have used 'unusual' to describe it.
  • Eve: You are correct. I'm not certain, but it seems artificial. I don't sense any immediate threat, but...
  • Elsword: Hm, wouldn't it be better to push ourselves and make it to the surface than vanture the unknown in the deep-sea?
  • Eve: Elsword, even as we speak, Aisha is using a spell that allows us to breathe, manage our temperature, and withstand the water pressure. We were fighting non-stop since entering Henir's Realm. It's true we must eventually head towards the surface, but we need rest.
  • Aisha: E, Eve, it's fine! A spell like this is nothing for a genius girl...
  • Elsword: ... No, Eve's right. Sorry about that, Aisha.
  • Aisha: H, huh?
  • Elsword: For now, we'll head there and get rest. We shouldn't push forward without rest like this.
  • Chung: Then for now, we'll need to defeat these monsters first. Let's hurry!
  • Laby: Zzzz... Laby... Will help...
  • Add: ... Hey, someone take this pink blob.
Quest Completion Dialogue
  • Rena: Phew... Thank goodness the monster wasn't too strong.
  • Laby: Ask... Elsword... Zzzzz
  • Elsword: She knows my name! Come to think of it, didn't she mention the El Search Party?
  • Rose: She... Did come through the dimensional rift that led to Elrianode...
  • Elesis: And the seal in the El Tower can only be opened with the help of, not only Master Denif, but all the masters and priestesses.
  • Raven: Yes. The fact that this girl was present when the masters opened the seal must mean they trust her.
  • Laby: Can't eat any more...
  • Aisha: Although from the way she's acting, it's hard to think she earned their trust.
  • Elsword: We'll discuss further after we move to a safer location.
  • Chung: I see something between the rocks over there! Do you think, it revealed itself from the impact when we defeated the whale monster?
  • Rose: A circular door...? Is that the enclosure with air that you've mentioned?
  • Eve: Yes, and I still don't sense any threats.
  • Zero: Who would make something like this at the bottom of the sea? It's very suspicious.
  • Rena: What can we do? Even if it is a bit suspicious, it's our best option for now.
  • Elsword: Yeah. Everyone, let's be on our guard and head inside.
Currency/Experience Common Rewards Selective Rewards
EXP 5,154,470 N/A N/A
ED 2,002,200 N/A N/A
EP 0 N/A N/A
AP 0
The Trace in the Tunnel
Quest Acceptance Prerequisites Objectives
  • Complete the Sea of Chaos story quest

Clear Abandoned Deep-Sea Tunnel once


The El Search Party enters the Deep-Sea Tunnel. It seems the old tunnel holds a secret...

Quest Acceptance Dialogue
  • Chung: It's amazing. There's no water, and it seems like there's enough air.
  • Ciel: How strange for a space like this ti exist under water. Lu, have you heard of a place like this?
  • Lu: Hm... I can't say I have. But look at this place. It was clearly made to stay hidden from the public eye. It won't be easy to find places like this even if you tried.
  • Ain: Oh? Something interesting is floating past the window.
  • Ara: It's amazing! You can see a school of enormous fish swimming by.
  • Raven: Are they the same species as the one we've fought earlier? We'll have to face those again if we leave this place.
  • Rena: Sigh, well at least now we know what to prepare for.
  • Eve: Wait, there's more. There's a passage connected to this space below.
  • Rose: Hm? There's something on the floor.... Rails?
  • Elesis: An artificial space beneath the sea, with built in rails... It must have been built to serve some kind of purpose.
  • Chung: Do you think demons moved something using the rails?
  • Ciel: Then that something might be at the end of this tunnel.
  • Add: A tunnel hidden away like this? This smells trouble no matter how you look at it. The fact that there's a rail in a place like this means whatever they had to move was important, and they had a lot of it.
  • Elsword: We were originally going to rest then head back out, but what do you think?
  • Chung: I think it's a good idea to check on the tunnels. Since there's no sign of life, we shouldn't come across any enemies, right?
  • Raven: There's some merit to investigating. If we're lucky, we can figure out where we are.
  • Aisha: Yeah, I would feel better once I know where we are.
  • Elsword: Alright then, let's follow this rail. Then we can just follow this back.
Quest Completion Dialogue
  • Eve: The machines in here are not that advanced. Most require manual handling. It's fascinating how this tunnel can handle the water pressure with this kind of technology.
  • Ara: There's some kind of pattern on the wall... But it's been worn down with age.
  • Lu: This is...
  • Laby: Mrmrmr... Huh? Where is this?
  • Eve: Ah, I see you woke up. Moby, Remy, please check her condition.
  • Laby: Whoaaa!! You're the El Search Party, right? Are you Elsword??
  • Eve: ... She is in optimal condition. In fact, she seems very lively. And if you're looking for Elsword, he's over here.
  • Rena: Huhu, aren't you lively. Since it looks like we have a long way to go, why don't you introduce yourself on the way?
  • Laby: Ok! Laby also has a lot of question to ask about the El Search Party!
  • Elsword: Hey, I'm Elsword. So you're from Elrianode, right? Thanks to your help, the monsters were stopped before they made it to Elrianode. It's kinda late, but thanks.
  • Laby: I'm Laby!! And this is my trusty friend, Nisha! So I'm here to help with Bellonde and Ignia and... Well everyone from Elrianode!
  • Add: She must have no friends if she calls that strange thing a friend.
  • Ain: Is it so strange to talk to a floating object? I thought it was normal considering Mr. Ancient does it all the time.
  • Ciel: Wait... Bellonde? Who is Bellonde?
  • Laby: Bellonde? Bellonde gave Laby a name!! Laby heard Bellonde slept for a very very long time. He told Laby that he has to be in Elrianode!
  • Aisha: He slept for a long time? And what do you mean, he has to be in Elrianode? Could it be...?
  • Laby: Well, everyone in Elrianode called Bellonde, Gaia!
  • Elsword: The Earth Master Gaia! Of course! Just like Master Denif said, all the masters from outside the barrier are gathering in Elrianode!
  • Ara: Did you also meet Master Ventus and Master Rosso? Are they safe?
  • Laby: Uh huh! They're both in Elrianode! Rosso used to be all sickly, but now he's suuuuuuuuper healthy and always fighting with Ignia!
  • Add: Not surprising. It's obvious that he has a problem considering how he just picked a fight with everyone when we first met him.
  • Rena: Ahaha... Well, I'm just glad that they've arrived safely.
  • Raven: So now there are four El Masters in Elrianode.
  • Aisha: I was worried that Elrianode will be impacted negatively with the sudden shift in Henir's Realm, but with that many masters and the priestesses, I guess there's nothing to worry about!
  • Laby: Anyway, where's this? Laby promised Master Denif to bring the El Search Party to Elrianode...
  • Elsword: Um, well... No need to panic, but we're in the Demon Realm. We were caught in the dimensional rift and ended up here.
  • Laby: This... Is the Demon Realm...?
  • Lu: Of course, you're startled. Who would've thought they'll end up in the Demon Realm?
  • Ciel: Mm, well... She doesn't exactly look 'startled'.
  • Laby: Nisha!! Did you hear that? We're in the Demon Realm!! Laby didn't think we'd make it here like poof!
  • Chung: Ah, she looks... Really happy.
  • Laby: Well, you see, Rosso said Laby is from the Demon Realm!
  • Elsword: Rosso said that? Does that mean you're... A demon?
  • Lu: I don't sense any demonic energy... The Fire Master said you're from the Demon Realm?
  • Laby: Rosso said the energy in Laby is something he felt in the Demon Realm, but different from demonic energy! Like it was mixed with something? Laby was in the Black Forest for a very long time, so Laby's not sure where Laby's from, or who Laby is! But Laby was able to leave the forest recently thanks to Elsword!
  • Rena: The Black Forest is where the Shrine of Dedication is located in Feita... Wait, thanks to Elsword?
  • Laby: Uh huh, Laby was able to leave the forest after a blue light went Flash!!! And Master Denif said that light happened when Elsword restored the El. It was very lonely in the forest by myself, but now, Laby is meeting everyone which makes Laby happy!
  • Ain: (The Black Forest... It's where a temple was built to subdue the overwhelming demonic energy. I thought it was strange that a forest dense with demonic energy existed in the land, blessed by the Goddess, but I neer expected a being from the Demon Realm was bound there.)
  • Laby: Laby wants to know where Laby is from! If Rosso is right, then Laby can find out who Laby is in the Demon Realm! Oh! But Laby promised Master Denif to drag the El Search Party back to Elrianode, so that comes first!
  • Add: Is she even aware that we were the ones doing the dragging here?
  • Zzzzt zzzt-
  • Ara: I heard a strange noise!
  • Eve: There wasn't any life forms... Perhaps it's an unwelcomed guest that managed to go past my sensors.
  • Raven: It would be bad if there's a problem with the tunnel. Let's investigate the noise for now.
  • Laby: Uhh? Laby still needs twelve introductions!! Wait!!!
Currency/Experience Common Rewards Selective Rewards
EXP 5,154,470 N/A N/A
ED 2,002,200 N/A N/A
EP 0 N/A N/A
AP 0
The Source of Sound
Quest Acceptance Prerequisites Objectives
  • Complete the The Trace in the Tunnel story quest

There's sound to movement beyond the tunnel.

Quest Acceptance Dialogue
  • Raven: The sound came from here. Hm? A gas?
  • Eve: Looks like the sound was coming from gas escaping a corroded pipe. Moby, Remy, please analyze the properties of this gas.
  • Laby: Whoa! Pink Gas!! Nom!
  • Ain: Are you... Eating it?
  • Laby: Ueh, bleh! Uuuuh... Salty...
  • Lu: Salty? Why would gas taste like anything? Let me... Oh?
  • Ciel: Lu... You shouldn't eat anything suspicious...
  • Lu: I taste it. But... Don't you mean it's bitter?
  • Ara: Mm... When I tasted it, it was neither salty nor bitter, but sweet.
  • Lu: What are you talking about. I know what I'm tasting, and this is definitely bitter!
  • Aisha: What's going on? Someone's saying it's salty, someone's saying it's bitter...
  • Add: Strange. Looks like the gas is confusing the neural system to make everyone think they're tasting something different.
  • Eve: You are correct. According to the component analysis, it's a by-product of burning something... But it's essentially toxic gas.
  • Elsword: What? Isn't it dangerous then?
  • Eve: They should be able to process it naturally in small doses. Of course, if we inhale it for too long, it won't be safe.
  • Elesis: I see. So that's why the monsters are just lurking around the vicinity. They know that the gas might start leaking if they attack this place.
  • Rose: Although the gas can prove dangerous, at least we shouldn't encounter any more enemies.
  • Rena: ... I think you spoke too soon.
  • Creeeeeek, creeeeeek...
  • Chung: ... I sense presence beyond this tunnel. They're not even trying to hide it.
  • Elsword: Do you think they're demons?
  • Eve: I still sense no life forms. There's not even a surge in energy level. But perhaps this is...?
  • Aisha: Eve, what is it?
  • Eve: I think it's better to see for ourselves. It may have unique properties like the pink gas, so please be careful.
Quest Completion Dialogue
  • Chung: Phew... I was surprised when it exhaled cold gas, but that wasn't too difficult.
  • Raven: But it's surprising that we'd see these here.
  • Elesis: I agree. I didn't expect to encounter machines here.
  • Zero: Let's see... Huh, looks like these junk only operate through a specific mechanism.
  • Elsword: Um... Is this a Nasod, too?
  • Eve: How rude. Nasods are the culmination of Adrian's knowledge. It's an insult to be compared with this subpar technology. These machines are made with very simple parts, just like this tunnel. I'm surprised these high-maintenance machines are still moving...
  • Raven: I can see how. Look over here. Compared to the old body parts, the power cource here is relatively clean. Which means someon is regularly repairing these machines.
  • Add: That makes sense. Just like the tunnels had several parts that were fixed recently.
  • Chung: There was a demon who called himself a scientist among those who invaded Elrios. So I knew there were machines in the Demon Realm as well but...
  • Elesis: The machines here... They didn't seem like they were just made to deliver packages considering how dangerous they were, right?
  • Raven: Yes. The way they behaved were closer to that of a security system destroying any intruders.
  • Chung: Does this mean something really important is at the end of this tunnel?
  • Aisha: What could be there underneath?
  • Elsword: Let's keep going. I think there's some important things to be discovered.
Currency/Experience Common Rewards Selective Rewards
EXP 5,154,470 N/A N/A
ED 2,002,200 N/A N/A
EP 0 N/A N/A
AP 0
End of the Tunnel
Quest Acceptance Prerequisites Objectives
  • Complete the The Source of Sound story quest

A frightening sound echoes. The large movement beyond the ice wall was...

Quest Acceptance Dialogue
  • Rena: We've come down quite far... I wonder where this tunnel will lead to?
  • Eve: Don't worry. We're almost at the end of this tunnel.
  • Chung: Oh! There's a door at the end!
  • Raven: A door? Or a wall? It can't be that we're already at the end...
  • Ara: I don't see anything special...
  • Elsword: How disappointing. I thought we'd find something at the end of the tunnel.
  • Lu: There's no way someone would create a structure this big with no purpose in the Demon Realm. Search thoroughly.
  • Chung: How about we open this? Maybe the tunnel will continue behind this door.
  • Eve: There was a space behind this door when I scanned...
  • Eve: But it was connected to the Sea.
  • Aisha: The sea? Then what is this tunnel for?
  • Elesis: Maybe it was abandoned after moving something in the past. But then why would someone continue to repair this place?
  • Rena: Maybe there's a reason to guard this tunnel? Or maybe it was used for another reason in the past... Hm?
  • Clack- Screeech-!
  • Laby: Whoa, the door just went spinny!
  • Raven: So something does exist.
  • Add: Kuhuhu, yes... We've come this far, we should get an event like this at the very least.
  • Ara: I, it's not the time to say something like... Eeeek! The legs!!
  • Eve: It's a different model from the other machines, but it looks like it shares the same command.
  • Chung: And that command would be something like, destroy the intruders... Right?
  • Aisha: What are you standing around for? It's a, approaching!!
  • Ara: I can't deal with anything with more than four legs...
Quest Completion Dialogue
  • Aisha: I'm exhausted for a whole other reason...
  • Ara: I agree. Thos long legs will climb the... Ughhhh...
  • Ain: Haha, now shall w check what's beyond this point?
  • Aisha: Come on, Eve said it was connected directly to the sea.
  • Eve: Wait, Aisha. I sense a new life form.
  • Rena: ... Who?
  • ???: People of Elrios...? How did you come all the way here?
  • Ara: Beast ears and tail?! Is he with the guy who claimed himself to be Ran's right-hand man?
  • ???: You are...
  • Chung: Ran's subordinate?! I won't let yo go this time. Surrender yourself!
  • Laby: Um, hey, is it bad if someone has animal ears and tail? But Calonne has ears like that...
  • Chung: ... Huh?
  • Rena: What do you... Did you already encounter a demon?
  • Laby: Uh huh. Calonne is a nice demon who helped Laby to arrive at Elrianode.
  • ???: Calonne? Do you know Calonne? Is he, is he safe? Where did you see him!
  • Laby: Of course he's safe! Are you Calonne's friend too? Laby and Calonne met when...
  • Elesis: Wait, before you start. Are you under Ran?
  • Winster: If you mean Ran, the commander of the Red Demon faction... No, I can't say we are well acquainted. My name is Winster. I am the tunnel's supervisor.
  • Chung: You mean you're the one who's been repairing the machines that attacked us?
  • Winster: I've merely entered a simple command to stop all intruders. Surely you agree that there should be some means to protect this place in case an enemy invades?
  • Elesis: To stop the intruders...? So there IS something beyond this tunnel.
  • Ciel: What? But I thought the only thing beyond this tunnel is...
  • Chung: That's before he appeared. I think there's another transporting method other than the tunnel beyond this point.
  • Lu: And everything that was moved here, would have been moved using that method beyond this point.
  • Winster: You... Are a demon.
  • Lu: Yes, I was away from the Demon Realm for a long time due to unforeseen circumstances. Anyway, if you're the supervisor, I'm sure you'll have answers to our questions. What is the purpose of this tunnel, and why are you guarding this place despite the possibility of enemies exploiting this place?
  • Winster: You're not from around here, why are you interested in our affairs?
  • Add: Hmph, if you want to learn more about this Calonne guy, you better answer her questions.
  • Laby: Wow, Nisha, he talks like a real villain...!
  • Winster: Looks like I have no choice. When all our preparations are done... My allies and I will return to the surface. That's when this tunnel will be of use to us.
  • Raven: ... So this was to protect your allies...
  • Winster: This region was under dispute between two races in the past. As the lands were barren, there just weren't enough for both races to co-exist peacefully. To survive, each race developed a skill to use against the other. One had absolute strength, while the other used wit and tools. The war continued between the two races until one demon ended the fight. She embraced both races without discrimination, and it seemed that the ware as finally over.
  • Ciel: The one who stopped the fight... Are you talking about THE Demon King?
  • Lu: No, if I'm correct, he's talking about...
  • Winster: However, she was betrayed, and the traitors who felled her drove us under the sea. We were hiding down here for a long time, waiting... Waiting for the day we will shred those who have betrayed our lord into pieces.
Currency/Experience Common Rewards Selective Rewards
EXP 5,154,470 N/A N/A
ED 2,002,200 N/A N/A
EP 0 N/A N/A
AP 0

Chapter 38: Deal for Return

Emergency Landing
Quest Acceptance Prerequisites Objectives
  • Complete the End of the Tunnel story quest

They decide to head towards the deep-sea.
Winster's eyes gleam as he asks the El Search Party to recover the lost power structure.

Quest Acceptance Dialogue
  • Winster: In any case, I would like to learn more about how Calonne is doing. But alas, the poisonous gas here makes this place unsuitable for such conversations. If it is alright with you, I would like to invite you all to our village. I'm sure the villagers would be happy to meet a friend of Calonne's
  • Laby: Yay! Sounds great for Laby! A friend of Calonne's is a friend of Laby's!
  • Add: Don't be stupid. We're not naive brats who follow any adults who give them candy. And how do we know if you're actually friends with this Calonne guy, or mortal enemies?
  • Laby: Eh? They're not friends??
  • Elsword: Even if they are, we have no time to visit their village. We should really try to return as soon as possible.
  • Winster: Return...? You mean to Elrios?
  • Eve: Yes, we were caught in the mutated dimensional rift while returning to Elrios. It seems to occur quite often around this area. Do you know anything about it?
  • Winster: I'm not certain if it's related, but strange things do happen around this area. Things that should be here disappear, while things that shouldn't be, appear.
  • Raven: Were there any others from Elrios who came before us?
  • Winster: I can't say I know all that happens in the sea... But this is the first time I've encountered anyone from Elrios in this tunnel.
  • Rena: Sigh... It's to be expected, I guess. The tunnel we've passed was sealed for a very long time, after all. I think the best course of action is for us to head to Varnimyr first.
  • Elesis: I don't know. Even if we do arrive at Varnimyr, there's no guarantee that this won't happen again.
  • Ara: But we have no other option. It's not like we can open a portal like the demons.
  • Aisha: ... Like demons?
  • Winster: ... Why are you all looking at me so strangely?
  • Aisha: You're a demon, right? Do you know anything about dimensional gates, or how to get to Elrios?
  • Winster: I'm sorry, we do not know much about what happened at the surface since we've been sent down here... Did somebody develop a technology that connects between our realm and Elrios already?
  • Add: ... Useless.
  • Elsword: We have no choice but to go to Varnimyr for now. Winster, you said? Where exactly are we?
  • Winster: Would you be able to trust the information I give you?
  • Elsword: Mm... Well...
  • Winster: How's this? If you accept my invitation to visit our village, I will use the special transportation device I used, to lead you to the surface. I will act as your guide, and you can supervise my actions.
  • Elesis: Are you volunteering to be our hostage? What merits do we have, that you would so boldly?
  • Winster: Would you believe it if I say it's because the news of a long lost friend is very dear to me?
  • Raven: Is he that desperate to know how his friend is doing?
  • Rena: Hm... What should we do? It still seems suspicious...
  • Chung: ... He's risking his life for this, maybe we should give him a chance.
  • Elesis: Chung?
  • Chung: There's a village here that he wish to protect, right? I don't think he'll do anything to risk it.
  • Ciel: I agree. He's not in a position to take risks. And if something happens, well...
  • Aisha: I think you should stop there, Ciel.
  • Elsword: So, we're decided?
  • Add: Tsk, fine... Let's see where you take us.
  • Winster: ... Thank you for accepting my offer. I will lead you to the village. This way.

  • Eve: So the special transportation device was a submarine.
  • Ara: Why do we have to use such a contraption? Is it too far to swim?
  • Winster: It's because of the powerful sea current below the tunnel. If you are swept away, you will be lost forever. Of course, I suspect with your skills this is rather unnecessary, but why waste energy if there's an easier way?
  • Lu: Hmph, there's no need for flattery. But why create a village below a dangerous sea current? Is it also to prevent enemy invasions?
  • Winster: That was part of the reason, but more importantly...
  • Beep-! Beep-!
  • Elsword: W, what's going on?
  • Winster: Ah... Looks like we've exceeded maximum capacity. My mistake, it's been a long time since I had to transport so many people.
  • Lu: Maximum... Are you mocking me?!
  • Winster: We can't land by the village at this rate. After we pass through the current, I will attempt an emergency landing.
  • Aisha: Landing in the deep sea? How are we supposed to move?
  • Winster: There's a layer of air beneath the current here. It's why we've built the village underneath the sea current.
  • Aisha: W, wait! You're saying there's a space between the water and the bottom of the ocean?
  • Raven: Unless this submarine is also an aircraft, won't we crash?
  • Winster: Do not worry. I've made sure to reinforce the surface multiple times in case this happens.
  • Add: You idiot, reinforcing the surface doesn't guarantee the safety of the passengers!!
  • Winster: We are exiting the sea current.
  • Add: Damn it...!
  • Crash!
  • Winster: Looks like it was a successful landing.
  • Add: Tsk, does this look like a success to you?
  • Ara: Look outside! The sea is above our heads!
  • Laby: Whoa! So cool!! There's so many fish in the sky!!
  • Ara: I have never seen anything like this!! It's truly bea... Achoo!!
  • Winster: Just because it's beautiful doesn't mean it's a great place to live. This cold, barren, desolate winter sea... We call this place, Rigomor.
  • Raven: It is... Beautiful, but the cold climate and the salt water from the sea is not suited for cultivation.
  • Ain: So it's not suited for those from land...
  • Winster: Hm? This place...
  • Ciel: Is there a problem?
  • Winster: Well, you see... The deep sea creatures here have strange... habits. They collect hard, or shiny objects to build their nests.
  • Eve: Hm? There's a creature fleeing from the submarine. It seems to be carrying the... energy core?
  • Elsword: Wait, is it ok to just let them flee?
  • Winster: Of course it's troublesome. It's not an easy device to produce. We might have to drag this submarine all the way to the village if we do not have the energy core.
  • Aisha: You say that with such a straight face... All we need to do is bring it back, right?
  • Winster: ... I have one more request. The reason why they've taken the energy core is merely because it's in their nature to do so. They do not intend harm in anyways. Would it be possible... Not to harm any of the creatures?
  • Lu: ......
  • Winster: If it's too difficult then...
  • Lu: ... Anyone can promise with words. Just wait here, and we'll show you. Come along, Ciel.
  • Winster: I will remain here and attempt to communicate with the villagers. Please, remember my request.
Quest Completion Dialogue
  • Aisha: Ugh... There's mountains of trash everywhere.
  • Chung: Looks like a lot of the trash here flowed here because of the current. I still can't wrap my head arund the air layer existing underneath the sea current...
  • Elesis: So we need to somehow find the creature that stole the energy core here, right? I can't help thinking that we're being duped.
  • Lu: If he were planning something, he would have already done it. I reckon he's trying to figure out something, by requesting us to bring back the energy core with a condition. Though I also find him slightly suspicious... Let's go along with it for now. In any case, could you make sure not to tell him that I'm a demon lord?
  • Elsword: No problem. Why? Is there a problem?
  • Lu: Nothing, so you can stop with the worry. I just wan to check something.
  • Eve: ... I have located the wave of the energy core. This way.
Currency/Experience Common Rewards Selective Rewards
EXP 5,154,470 N/A N/A
ED 2,002,200 N/A N/A
EP 0 N/A N/A
AP 0
History of the Beasts
Quest Acceptance Prerequisites Objectives
  • Complete the Emergency Landing story quest

Haivan, who introduces himself as Winster's son, leads the party deep into the nest.

Quest Acceptance Dialogue
  • Raven: The falling pillar of water... It's like a natural disaster.
  • Ara: And they're intertwined so tightly, we might lose our way if we get swept up by one.
  • Eve: ......
  • Aisha: Eve? Can you sense where the energy core is?
  • Eve: Ah, yes... No. It seems the waves are distorted within the air layer. It won't be easy searching.
  • Aisha: ...? Are you alright? If you're sick...
  • Lu: Wait, I sense someone.
  • ???: Where is it hidden? Why is this happening now!
  • Ciel: Animal ears... Is he from the same village as our guide?
  • Ara: It looks like he's searching for something. I guess Winster wasn't lying about the creatures here.
  • Eve: It's fortunate. If he's from the village, he might know more about the area.
  • ???: ...!! Who's there! Who... Intruders?
  • Ara: No! We're not intruders.
  • Rena: We're here to find the submarine's energy core because of Winster's request.
  • ???: Winster...? My father?
  • Chung: Your... Father?
  • Ciel: If you dont' believe us, you can ask him yourself. We speak only the truth.
  • ???: ... An invitation? Energy core... Then the crash earlier must have been father's submarine... And the creatures here probably took the energy core.
  • Aisha: Not bad, you were able to deduce everything almost instantly.
  • ???: Well, you know my father's name, and you smell like oil and sea water. Alright then, where's father?
  • Raven: He is at the crash site with the submarine. He said he will try to communicate with the village.
  • ???: ... And you just left him there? I mean, it's not really my problem, but I'm surprised you left him alone. He cold be calling reinforcements with all of you here, you know?
  • Elsword: ......!!
  • ???: Hey, hey, relax. I know I'm the one who brought it up, but I'm sure it's fine. Father's the representative of the village, and all he cares about is the safety of the villagers. Since you all managed to come here without a single injury, I don't think we'd be able to stop you anyway.
  • Chung: ... You're saying it like it's not your problem. Isn't the village important to you?
  • Haivan: What? Of course it's important. I'm just stating the facts, no need to get all worked up like that. I'm Haivan. I'm the son of the village representative, Winster. As you can see, I'm a Nous.
  • Elsword: Nous?
  • Haivan: Oh, that's what we're called. Since it seems like you don't know, I guess you're not from around here? At least... Not all of you.
  • Lu: ......
  • Haivan: Whatever. In any case, how about we move together for now? You might have noticed, but I'm also looking for something of mine.
  • Eve: Do you know where the energy core might be?
  • Haivan: Since the energy core is shiny, it's more likely to be somewhere deep within the nest than a junk yard like here.
  • Lu: You're not lying, are you?
  • Haivan: Whatever for? My father's guest is my guest! Come on, I'll show you the way. The creatures here are kind of troublesome. I'll leave them up to you when they appear.
Quest Completion Dialogue
  • Haivan: If you're here, you must have heard the bare minimum at least. So, how much did he tell you about the village?
  • Raven: He told us that there was a ruler who united two races, and when the ruler was betrayed, you were exiled to live under the sea.
  • Haivan: It's as expected, but he kept to the basics. From what I heard, the Garen's betrayal was a lot more... Devastating.
  • Ciel: Garen... Are they the other race that was in conflict with you?
  • Haivan: Yeah. Garen have sharper fangs and claws, and superior strength. There's no Nous that can win against a Garen on a 1 on 1 fight.
  • Aisha: Hmmm... That description really reminds me of someone.
  • Laby: Mrrrr... Laby too...
  • Rena: So, have you ever met a Garen before?
  • Haivan: Uhh... Sort of? I've met a Garen, but she wasn't an enemy. I was born after we've settled in Rigomor. There's still those who've experienced the war, but that's already like, several centuries ago.
  • Elesis: That's longer than I thought.
  • Aisha: Winster said that the ruler was betrayed. I thought the ruler might have been recovering from the way he spoke, but if it's that long ago...
  • Haivan: ... Hm. So that's what father believes.
  • Ara: What is this ruler like? We didn't even hear the name.
  • Haivan: You didn't? Any demon knows the...
  • Lu: ......
  • Haivan: Um... Sure, I guess there's someone who might know. Do you at least know the story of the Demon King and the 4 Lords?
  • Elesis: Do you mean...?
  • Haivan: Oh, so you know. Our ruler is one of the 4 Lords under the demon king. The ruler of the Northern Beasts, the White-Ghost King Aegirp, that's the name.
  • Laby: The White-Ghost King...!
  • Elsword: (Is this why Lu didn't want to reveal she's a lord? But why...)
  • Haivan: I've heard a lot about this ruler, and they were all great. A wise ruler, a compassionate ruler... My father's especially loyal. Maybe it's because he experienced the changes personally.
  • Lu: Oh? And you don't share his beliefs?
  • Haivan: Haha, now you're putting words in my mouth. Father represents the village, which means his will is also the village's. As long as I live in the village, you can say that my belief lies in tandem with his.
  • Chung: The same belief... You must really respect your father.
  • Haivan: Haha, we're almost there. These guys hide the most important stuff in there.
  • Rose: I see the energy core!
  • Add: Hmph, so you weren't leading us astray.
  • Haivan: I'm furt. What did I do to deserve all this suspicion? I haven't done anything bad yet.
  • Trosh: Screee-!
  • Aisha: Oh! It's the one we saw earlier!
  • Trosh: Scree! Screeeee!
  • Ara: A, Aisha?
  • Aisha: What's going on...! They're using magic too!
  • Haivan: I told you they'd be troublesome. Fighting really isn't my forte, so I'll leave it to you guys.
  • Elsword: He doesn't seem like a bad guy...
  • Ara: But he can be very... Trying.
Currency/Experience Common Rewards Selective Rewards
EXP 5,154,470 N/A N/A
ED 2,002,200 N/A N/A
EP 0 N/A N/A
AP 0
Sealed King
Quest Acceptance Prerequisites Objectives
  • Complete the History of the Beasts story quest

Haivan talks about the White-Ghost King Aegirp.
What is Winster thinking, serving the ruler who's barely alive.

Quest Acceptance Dialogue
  • Elsword: Phew, that should teach them a lesson!
  • Ain: This reminds me of when we made Phorus write a letter of apology.
  • Rena: Ain, that's ages ago!
  • Trosh: Scree...
  • Rena: ... Huh? Wait! What are you doing?
  • Haivan: Hm? As you can see, I'm finishing them off. You do realize they're thieves right?
  • Ara: Oh... He's much more ruthless than I thought.
  • Chung: Stop! Your father requested us not to harm the creatures.
  • Haivan: ... Father did? But if you leave them alone, they're just going to repeat the same thing.
  • Raven: Violence may be an easy way to solve things, but it doesn't solve everything.
  • Lu: My words, exactly. Besides, I've already promised Winster. As such, I cannot just let you harm those creatures.
  • Haivan: ... You're not much of a demon either, are you. Oh well. We've found the energy core, so let's go back. I found what I was looking for, too.

  • Winster: You're back.
  • Chung: Here's the energy core.
  • Winster: It must have been troublesome finding this, and you've kept your promise?
  • Lu: They were rather misbehaved. We didn't harm them too much, as you've wished, but it would take time before they break their habits.
  • Winster: ... I see. Please forgive me for my insolence, Steel Queen.
  • Haivan: F, father?!
  • Ciel: ...!
  • Lu: I knew you were hiding something from the beginning. As suspected, you were testing me.
  • Haivan: ... Are you really the Steel Queen?
  • Winster: Haivan!!
  • Ara: Kya! That gave me a scare.
  • Winster: You are standing before one of the 4 rulers of the demon realm. Pay proper respect.
  • Haivan: ... I apologize for my insolence.
  • Elesis: A test? Lu, you knew from the beginning?
  • Lu: I suspect he already knew who I was the moment we met. Isn't that right?
  • Winster: Yes, although you look different than before, it wasn't hard to recognize you. So initially, I was thinking about destroying the tunnels. I couldn't just stand idly knowing that the villagers will be hurt, and the village destroyed.
  • Ain: My, how extreme. Just what were you doing in the past that he'd react this way?
  • Lu: Ugh... It's not polite to ask a lady's past!
  • Winster: But now, I feel grace and dignity from you, in plcee of the violent intent. I was certain that now, you would listen to what I had to say.
  • Lu: I'm glad I was able to prove myself, even though the process was cumbersome. Now, speak. Why did you bring me and my allies down here, when we could endanger your village?
  • Winster: In short, I wish for you to aid in my lord's resurrection.
  • Lu: As I thought, so Aegirp was also...
  • Winster: ... Others think that my lord was murdered, but it actuality, you could say that my lord is sealed. When the world was changing, my lord felt there were those who threatened this world, and devised a method to keep her soul in case she is fatally injured. That day of the betrayal, her soul was hidden in a safe location, and to this day, we are guarding one of her soul fragments.
  • Lu: If she's still not around, then even with all the preparation, something must have went wrong.
  • Winster: Unfortunately, with our body, we were not capable of keeping even a single soul fragment. Lord Aegirp also was not prepared for enemies from within. Unless the demon in contact with the soul is powerful, the demon will go berserk. However, as a demon lord yourself, you should be able to endure it. Please collect the rest of the souls and aid us in my lord's resurrection.
Quest Completion Dialogue
  • Lu: ... The strong always prevails in the demon realm. How do you know I won't destroy the soul fragments to prevent the revival of the someone who rivals my strength?
  • Winster: All I can say is that if that were your intention, we wouldn't be having this conversation.
  • Add: Before you go ahead and make a deal without our consent, I just want to say I don't agree with any of this. Reviving not just any demon, but a demon lord? Isn't that just making our own enemy?
  • Lu: I knew you would say something like that. Do you remember what I said in front of Elrianode?
  • Eve: So the potential ally you spoke of was the White-Ghost King?
  • Lu: Precisely. Even when the Demon King was around, she wasn't the sort to pick fights.
  • Laby: Yeah! Laby heard she started a trade to be friends with the Northern Empire!
  • Eun: ......!!
  • Lu: ... What?
  • Ara: Huh?! Trading with the Northern Empire? What do you mean?
  • Laby: Eh? But Calonne told Laby that the White-Ghost King traded with Elrios through the portal.
  • Rose: How... I heard that the demon realm was completely removed from Elrios.
  • Winster: ... I didn't know you already heard from Calonne. I wonder how much he trusted you. My lord believed that the reason why the Nous and the Garen were in conflict were because of the barren lands. She believed that if we had enough resources, there wouldn't be any reason to fight.
  • Lu: So she decided to... Trade with Elrios? What was she thinking...
  • Raven: That doesn't make sense. You said the lands are barren here. What could you possibly offer to establish a trading relationship with Northern Empire?
  • Winster: You are right. We didn't have much to offer. However, there were still some things you couldn't get in Elrios. For example... Like this gem here.
  • Eve: ...! This is the same gem we've found in Varnimyr, although only the surface remains...
  • Ara: So the ornaments I've seen back home were made with gems from the demon realm...
  • Winster: In the past, we opened a portal using the energy from this gem. However, we can no longer use it, as we cannot go to the surface.
  • Ain: (The energy from the gem was definitely similar to the energy of the real Dark El.)
  • Elsword: Does that mean you can open a portal to Elrios so long as you have these gems?
  • Winster: We can no longer use the portal we've used to trade, as it's located on the surface where the Garen are. I suspect it no longer exists.
  • Add: Tsk, that can't be the only one! You can't expect us to believe you don't have another one? A proto-type?
  • Winster: You are right, we do have one.
  • Haivan: Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait just a second here. You're not thinking what I'm thinking...? That's too dangerous!
  • Rena: That doesn't sound too reassuring. Is there something wrong with this portal?
  • Haivan: Yes, in a sense that we've never operated it before.
  • Aisha: That's a glaring problem...
  • Eve: There's one thing I've been wondering. It's hard to believe that you've managed to develop a portal with the kind of technology available here.
  • Zero: That's what I want to say! It's not easy to jump through dimensions! How can you make a portal that jumps through dimensions with a bunch of junk?
  • Winster: I understand your concern. After all, we only invested in 'portal technology'.
  • Zero: What I'm saying is that there's no way you can create a high-tech device like an inter-dimensional portal without the basic foundation, which this place lacks!
  • Winster: We had foundation. When our lord was thinking of a way to gain resources, she found something underground. There was a secret laboratory with detailed research on portals.
Currency/Experience Common Rewards Selective Rewards
EXP 5,154,470 N/A N/A
ED 2,002,200 N/A N/A
EP 0 N/A N/A
AP 0
Deal for Return
Quest Acceptance Prerequisites Objectives
  • Complete the Sealed King story quest

Winster requests the El Search Party to help reviving the White-Ghost King in return to providing them a way to return to Elrianode.

Quest Acceptance Dialogue
  • Eve: A secret laboratory?
  • Add: I can't believe this. Something appears when you most need it, and you don't even think to check if it's a trap or not?
  • Haivan: Wow, aren't you a scaredy cat. Only a coward will leave it be when the answer you desperately seek is right in front of them.
  • Winster: That data was just one method of realizing our dreams. The laboratory contained many research that helped us. After many trial and error, we were able to complete a portal. But for whatever reason, we were unable to activate the portal that was in the laboratory.
  • Aisha: Huh... Is it possible to make something new, when you can't have the one you have to work?
  • Winster: We knew that the portal inside the laboratory needed special energy to operate, but it was impossible to find related data to continue with the research. Since your technology is more advanced, you might be able to use the portal.
  • Haivan: Of course, you'd need to find an energy source to activate it. The stuff you find here, just won't cut it.
  • Eve: We have an energy source.
  • Winster: This is a gem from Varnimyr...! And this power... This should be enough to act as a power source.
  • Haivan: ... Amazing. Are you sure you can just hand it over to us like this?
  • Eve: We were going to analyze it with the masters, but this is an emergency.
  • Rena: So I guess this means we can go back to Elrianode. I didn't expect to find a way this fast.
  • Raven: Looks like the conditions to use the portal have been met, but... Does the offer only stand if we decide to help?
  • Winster: It would be ideal if we can borrow all of your help, but what we really need is Queen Luciela's power. Because the laboratory that holds the portal is important to us, we can only take those who we trust as allies.... So? What will it be?
  • Lu: ... I...
Quest Completion Dialogue
  • Elsword: I refuse.
  • Lu: !
  • Chung: I agree with Elsword. I do not want to return by putting our friend in danger.
  • Ara: Yes! Either we all go, or we all remain! We can't let Lu handle everything!
  • Aisha: We can return together after breaking the White-Ghost King's seal, right? We just need to stay in the Demon Realm a little longer.
  • Ciel: All of you...
  • Elsword: I told you, I want to travel with Lu and Ciel, together. Let's all help resurrect the White-Ghost King and return to Elrianode together.
  • Lu:' ......... Alright. I can agree with that.
  • Raven: So it's decided. You don't disagree with our decision?
  • Winster: ... Not at all.
  • Add: Wait I can't agree to any of this before we see this portal. This 'help till our backs break only to find out it's nothing' sounds very familiar and I hate it.
  • Elesis: Add... Did you have to say that at a moment like this?
  • Add: It's not my fault you're a bunch of goody-two-shoes idiots who help without checking!
  • Eve: He's not wrong. We should help when our return is guaranteed. Winster, could we check the condition of the portal immediately?
  • Winster: If you want, I'll lead you right away.
  • Haivan: Father, but...
  • Lu: Do not worry. As long as we know we can use the portal, I will make sure to fulfill your request.
  • Winster: ... You really have changed.
  • Lu: Stop with the nonsense and lead the way. Preferably, somewhere without strange... Hm?
  • Ciel: Hey, who's that coming this way?
  • Winster: Good timing. I called someone to help us move the submarine to the village.
  • Laby: Oooh! Fluffy!!
  • ???: Winster, are you alright? Who...
  • Winster: Nichel. This is one of the four demon lords, Queen Luciela, and her allies. They've promised to aid us in resurrecting our lord.
  • Nichel: The Steel Queen...! It's an honor!
  • Chung: I don't understand... I thought you were on bad terms with the Garen?
  • Winster: Her parents were two of the few Garen who helped us. Nichel was born here, after the event.
  • Ain: So not all Nous and Garens are in bad terms. Is there always an exception?
  • Winster: Nichel. We must start the abandoned plant. We don't know what might go wrong, so please go check.
  • Nichel: That's true... It's been awhile since last time... Then I'll go scout ahead.
  • Raven: Abandoned plant? I thought we were going to the laboratory that holds the portal?
  • Haivan: The secret laboratory holds important things other than the research and the portal, so father created a complex security system. So we're going to make a key.
  • Elsword: A key?
  • Winster: I will explain on the way. Follow me.
Currency/Experience Common Rewards Selective Rewards
EXP 5,154,470 N/A N/A
ED 2,002,200 N/A N/A
EP 0 N/A N/A
AP 0
Assigned Area
Quest Acceptance Prerequisites Objectives
  • Complete the Deal for Return story quest

A key needs to be made in order to go to the secret lab the holds the portal. Let's split up and defeat all the monsters in the abandoned factory.

Quest Acceptance Dialogue
  • Aisha: ... I didn't think it would be well maintained when you said 'abandoned', but this is worse than I thought.
  • Haivan: Don't worry. Despite how it looks, we do operate it every now and then to make sure it works.
  • Chung: When was the last maintenance?
  • Haivan: Let's see... Was it last year, or the year before...
  • Add: I have nothing more to say.
  • Raven: You said we will be creating a key. What exactly are we supposed to do?
  • Winster: In order to go through the laboratory's security system, we need a special power source from this plant. While we create the power source by operating the plant. We need help from you to make sure nothing goes awry.
  • Add: All this, to open a single door?
  • Haivan: Of course! It's where important research data and the portal lies!
  • Winster: If we refine icerite mined from the lower levels, we can create a highly concentrated icerite capsules. It contains pure condensed energy.
  • Rose: I've never heard of icerites before. Is that the names of the mineral used as energy here?
  • Winster: Yes. It's one of very few resources we can use here. It's a green, ice-like mineral with wave patterns. You will be able to recognize it easily.
  • Haivan: Here, it will be easier if you see it. It brought some from the submarine.
  • Laby: Whoa! It's so cool! Ah, it's cold!
  • Aisha: That's why it's called an 'ice'rite. It's almost like an ice shard. So we need to refine this?
  • Haivan: When it contacts water, it reacts and creates energy. We need to condense that energy.
  • Raven: I suppose it'll be difficult to collect anywhere else. What do you mean it reacts to water?
  • Haivan: If you put it in water, it starts to boil and produce this pink gas. From there, you... Wait, you didn't know? I thought you fought the machines from the tunnel. Didn't you see it?
  • Chung: So this was the reason those machines emitted pink gas! We though it was to stop intruders.
  • Haivan: Well... I did think it would be useful as a weapon since it's poisonous, but it doesn't seem that effective with all of you in tip top condition...
  • Add: Should I apologize for leaving the tunnel unscathed?
  • Winster: Back to the subject at hand, right now we won't have enough resources to create the energy source, so we need to mine the resource while operating the plant.
  • Add: Didn't you say it's one of few resources you have? Why do you not have any reserves? You're not planning anything, are you?
  • Haivan: We use the raw material for daily usage. But it's impossible to create enough energy to unlock the security system with that. Everything's there for a reason, my friend.
  • Add: If only you were well prepared...
  • Nichel: I'm back, Winster.
  • Winster: Welcome back, Nichel. How's the situation on the roof?
  • Nichel: It's just as you've feared. There were a lot of monsters... It seems they've settled there like last time.
  • Winster: Ah... I was hoping that wouldn't be the case.
  • Aisha: Settled?
  • Winster: Sometimes the deep sea creatures settle by the chimney. Unlike others, they consume icerites, so they like being near the plant. We chase them away whenever we need to operate this place. Looks like we'll have to do it this time as well.
  • Rena: Then should we chase the creatures from the chimney?
  • Winster: If they've settled by the chimney, I suspect the inside is just as infested. It's best if we split up. If it's just our usual maintenance, Nichel would be enough, but seems you are in a hurry, I will designate some of you to the upper level as well.
  • Ain: You designate work so naturally. So, where should we go?
  • Winster: Nichel will head towards the chimney, Haivan will head to the center of the plant where the refiner is, and I will be headed to the lower levels.
  • Raven: Then we should divide ourselves to three groups as well.
  • Eve: Yes. We need further information in what we would be responsible for in each section. Winster, if you may.
Quest Completion Dialogue
  • Ciel: Then, is it decided where everyone's headed?
  • Raven: Yes. Since Nichel could have handled the upper levels alone, we don't need as many people.
  • Ara: So four with Nichel, then five each for the center and lower levels?
  • Haivan: Ah, it would have been nice if we had one more person. Then it would have been divided evenly.
  • Laby: Laby's headed to the chimney, and Laby's going with Nisha, so we're five too!
  • Haivan: I see, then I wish sparkly weird plate good luck too!
  • Laby: This is Nisha!
  • Elsword: We've all had no time to rest since we've come to the demon realm... I'm sure we'll be fine, but don't overdo it.
  • Elesis: Elsword...
  • Lu: Hohoho, I will make sure nothing goes wrong on my watch in the lower levels.
  • Ain: Oh? You'll be watching over me as well? This situation feels rather familiar.
  • Rena: If anything happens, call me! I'll be listening in!
  • Ara: Huhuhu, we will be in your care.
  • Rose: I can make Zero scout the areas first. Since he's no use to us in battle, we should use him in any other way possible.
  • Zero: What did you say?!
  • Add: You're the one that's acting weird lately. Tsk, we shouldn't have to worry about you.
  • Elsword: Hahaha, is that so?
  • Chung: (Elsword... He's been uneasy since what's happened in Henir's realm. Is it because of the vision he had when he first came to the demon realm?)
  • Haivan: It's all nice and touching, but this is all routine stuff. You're making it sound like we're about to head off to war.
  • Winster: He's right. You will all be with us as your guide. There's no need to worry.
  • Nichel: It's been several years since our last maintenance, so there's probably more monsters than usual... But it should be fine.
  • Add: You said this is all routine! Is this even safe?
  • Elsword: Looks like there's nothing to worry about. Alright, let's go!
Currency/Experience Common Rewards Selective Rewards
EXP 5,154,470 N/A N/A
ED 2,002,200 N/A N/A
EP 0 N/A N/A
AP 0

Chapter 39: Nichel <Top Level>

Abandoned Factory Chimney Sweep
Quest Acceptance Prerequisites Objectives
  • Complete the Assigned Area story quest




Quest Acceptance Dialogue
Quest Completion Dialogue
Currency/Experience Common Rewards Selective Rewards
ED 0 N/A N/A
EP 0 N/A N/A
AP 0
Between Caution and Paranoia
Quest Acceptance Prerequisites Objectives
  • Complete the Abandoned Factory Chimney Sweep story quest




Quest Acceptance Dialogue
Quest Completion Dialogue
Currency/Experience Common Rewards Selective Rewards
ED 0 N/A N/A
EP 0 N/A N/A
AP 0
Determination of the Beast
Quest Acceptance Prerequisites Objectives
  • Complete the Between Caution and Paranoia story quest




Quest Acceptance Dialogue
Quest Completion Dialogue
Currency/Experience Common Rewards Selective Rewards
ED 0 N/A N/A
EP 0 N/A N/A
AP 0

Chapter 39: Haivan <Middle Level>

Operating Icerite Refiner
Quest Acceptance Prerequisites Objectives
  • Complete the Assigned Area story quest




Quest Acceptance Dialogue
Quest Completion Dialogue
Currency/Experience Common Rewards Selective Rewards
ED 0 N/A N/A
EP 0 N/A N/A
AP 0
Remains of Military Facilities
Quest Acceptance Prerequisites Objectives
  • Complete the Operating Icerite Refiner story quest




Quest Acceptance Dialogue
Quest Completion Dialogue
Currency/Experience Common Rewards Selective Rewards
ED 0 N/A N/A
EP 0 N/A N/A
AP 0
Something that Never Happened
Quest Acceptance Prerequisites Objectives
  • Complete the Remains of Military Facilities story quest




Quest Acceptance Dialogue
Quest Completion Dialogue
Currency/Experience Common Rewards Selective Rewards
ED 0 N/A N/A
EP 0 N/A N/A
AP 0

Chapter 39: Winster <Bottom Level>

Icerite Mine
Quest Acceptance Prerequisites Objectives
  • Complete the Assigned Area story quest




Quest Acceptance Dialogue
Quest Completion Dialogue
Currency/Experience Common Rewards Selective Rewards
ED 0 N/A N/A
EP 0 N/A N/A
AP 0
Price of Betrayal
Quest Acceptance Prerequisites Objectives
  • Complete the Icerite Mine story quest




Quest Acceptance Dialogue
Quest Completion Dialogue
Currency/Experience Common Rewards Selective Rewards
ED 0 N/A N/A
EP 0 N/A N/A
AP 0
Source of Hatred
Quest Acceptance Prerequisites Objectives
  • Complete the Price of Betrayal story quest




Quest Acceptance Dialogue
Quest Completion Dialogue
Currency/Experience Common Rewards Selective Rewards
ED 0 N/A N/A
EP 0 N/A N/A
AP 0

Chapter 39: Nichel/Haivan/Winster (Shared)

Quest Acceptance Prerequisites Objectives
  • Complete one of the following:
    • Complete the Determination of the Beast story quest
    • Complete the Something that Never Happened story quest
    • Complete the Source of Hatred story quest




Quest Acceptance Dialogue
Quest Completion Dialogue
Currency/Experience Common Rewards Selective Rewards
ED 0 N/A N/A
EP 0 N/A N/A
AP 0

Chapter 40: Another Deal

Quest Acceptance Prerequisites Objectives
  • Complete the Reassemble story quest




Quest Acceptance Dialogue
Quest Completion Dialogue
Currency/Experience Common Rewards Selective Rewards
ED 0 N/A N/A
EP 0 N/A N/A
AP 0
Quest Acceptance Prerequisites Objectives
  • Complete the ??? story quest




Quest Acceptance Dialogue
Quest Completion Dialogue
Currency/Experience Common Rewards Selective Rewards
ED 0 N/A N/A
EP 0 N/A N/A
AP 0
Quest Acceptance Prerequisites Objectives
  • Complete the ??? story quest




Quest Acceptance Dialogue
Quest Completion Dialogue
Currency/Experience Common Rewards Selective Rewards
ED 0 N/A N/A
EP 0 N/A N/A
AP 0
Quest Acceptance Prerequisites Objectives
  • Complete the ??? story quest




Quest Acceptance Dialogue
Quest Completion Dialogue
Currency/Experience Common Rewards Selective Rewards
ED 0 N/A N/A
EP 0 N/A N/A
AP 0
Quest Acceptance Prerequisites Objectives
  • Complete the ??? story quest




Quest Acceptance Dialogue
Quest Completion Dialogue
Currency/Experience Common Rewards Selective Rewards
ED 0 N/A N/A
EP 0 N/A N/A
AP 0

General Guides
Character Progression
Other Media
  • Region 1~6
  • Region 7~12
  • Region 13~18
  • Region 19~21
  • Laby
  • Noah
  • Lithia
  • Other
  • Miscellaneous