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Chapter 12: Hamel Fell into Darkness

Letters from Vanessa
Quest Acceptance Prerequisites Objectives
  • Do One of the Following
  • Let's visit Hamel to chat with Penensio.

Take Vanessa's Letter across the ocean to the Red Knights in Hamel.

Quest Acceptance Dialogue
  • Vanessa: Welcom, I have been waiting for you. Thanks to you we are able to make a temporary camp around here to recover our strengths.
  • Elsword: At least we solved the most urgent problem... But the Palace is still taken over by Demons.. We can't stop here.
  • Vanessa: In order to get our Castle back we need tht estrongest Knights in our Kingdom, the Red Knights. But the Red Knights are in Hamel to stop the demon invasion.
  • Elesis: The Red Knights should currently be under Penensio, did you ever ask for their aid?
  • Vanessa: We'v sent word but there hasn't been any reply. Most likely the messenger was killed by the Demons.
  • Raven: The sea route to Hamel is probably taken over by the Demons.
  • Vanessa: We'll keep the demons from escaping Velder, could you go to Hamel and deliver this letter to the Red Knights?
Quest Completion Dialogue
  • Penensio: Captain Elesis?! Good to see you! Are you hurt?
  • Elesis: Penensio, good work but the situation's pretty grim.
  • Penensio: I see.. Velder was taken over by Demons... That's bad news.
  • Elesis: The demons really thought this one out. How's the situation here?
  • Penensio: Velder is in trouble but so it Hamel. Hamel's guards somehow stopped the first attack from Demons but ever since the disappearance of Helputt things have been taking a turn for the worst. With the Red Knight's help we've barely managed to turn the tide of battle.
  • Raven: If Hamel gets taken over, Velder might share the same fate as well.
  • Aisha: Hm? Is it that urgent?
  • Elesis: Raven's right. If Hamel were to fall right now, Vanessa and the alliance would fall under demons sandwiching them. Hm... At this rate, even retreat is not really an option.
Currency/Experience Common Rewards Selective Rewards
EXP 85,470 N/A N/A
ED 293,000 N/A N/A
EP 0 N/A N/A
AP 0
[Dungeon] Preparing Retreat!!
Quest Acceptance Prerequisites Objectives
  • Resiam Outskirts, "Any Difficulty"
  • Find the Dark Demon Leader (Resiam Outskirts "Any Difficulty")
  • Shadow Master (Resiam Outskirts "Any Difficulty") 0/1

The Red Knights decided to retreat to Velder. However, Penensio the Squad Leader of the Red Knights, needs help in Hamel. He wants us to investigate Resiam Outskirts and destroy the demons!

Quest Acceptance Dialogue
  • Penensio: Retreat has been decided. Red Knights will split into two squads and send the first squad to Velder and the 2nd one will stay in Hamel to fight the demons before moving to Velder.
  • Elesis: I think this is best for now. Penensio, the situation's bad but send the 1st squad.
  • Penensio: Yes, Captain!
  • Eve: She's decisive.. Unlike her dumb brother.
  • Rena: If the demons realize that Red Knights are split up, they will focus their attack even more.
  • Elesis: Yes, and we stay behind in Hamel and participate in neutralizing the demons.
  • Penensio: Ohh, Captain! This brings back memories! I'll support you the best I can.
  • Eve: ...Another dummy.
  • Penensio: Could you check the Resiam Outskirts? It's near Hamel and it should be a prime location to check Demon activity.
Quest Completion Dialogue
  • 'Elsword: Look! Someone's surrounded by demons!
  • Rena: White armored girl... boy? Whatever the case, looks like they are in danger!
  • Elsword: Alright, rescue mission is a go!
  • Chung: <Pant> <Pant> Thank you, and you are?
  • Elsword: You are looking for your Father? Commander of Hamel's Defenses.. Isn't that Sir Helputt? I think Penensio mentioned him.
  • Chung: Yes... He was called the White Colossus... But Hamel's falling, I wonder where he is.. (...That black armored knight... It can't be..)
  • Aisha: Since our objectives are similar, can't we move together?
  • Elesis: More the merrier.
  • Chung: Can.. You do that?
  • Penensio: As expected, you're amazing. The first squad safely left for Velder.
Currency/Experience Common Rewards Selective Rewards
EXP 85,470 N/A N/A
ED 293,000 N/A N/A
EP 0 N/A N/A
AP 0
[Dungeon] Evil Source of Power
Quest Acceptance Prerequisites Objectives
  • Resiam Outskirts, "Hard or Higher"
  • Dark Guardian Stone (Resiam Outskirts "Hard or Higher") 0/1

Penensio will stay behind in Hamel to defeat the enemies while the Red Knights retreat back to Velder. The Demons in Hamel have an abnormal Evil Source of Power and Penensio will stay behind to investigate.

Quest Acceptance Dialogue
  • Raven: These demons... They seem a lot stronger than the ones in Velder.
  • Penensio: We can't really tell since we've never seen the demon in Velder but we did find that odd.
  • Eve: Something artificial... or a medium.
  • Penensio: As you said there must be a reason why the Demons in Hamel have different vibe.. Could you look for that reason?
Quest Completion Dialogue
  • Elsword: The demon was using this gem.
  • Penensio: A dark gem.. Similar to the guardian stone...?
  • Chung: Yes, like Seiker family's guardian stone... What happened?
  • Penensio: I think we need to find out a bit more, please follow me.
  • Horatio: One, two! One, two!
  • Penensio: Horatio! Horatio!
  • Horatio: One, two! One, two!
  • Penensio: Helloo!!! Horatio!
  • Aisha: (Looked noticeably annoyed)
  • Horatio: Hmm? Penensio, is that you? What are you doing here?
  • Penensio: We found an ore that is similar to Seiker's guardian stone from a demon, could you take a look?
  • Horatio: What? Let me see it.
Currency/Experience Common Rewards Selective Rewards
EXP 90,690 Armor Enhancement Stone Lv.5 x 4 N/A
ED 310,600 N/A N/A
EP 0 N/A N/A
AP 0
[Dungeon] Furnace to Melt Lava
Quest Acceptance Prerequisites Objectives
  • Resiam Outskirts, 'Hard or Higher'
  • Shadow Crystal (Shadow Defender, Resiam Outskirts, 'Hard' or 'Higher') 0/5

Mysterious black stones are discovered from the Shadow Monsters. Hamel's Blacksmith Horatio found a similar Guardian Stone. The Guardian Stone is black and we need to investigate the stone by using a furnace. In order to do this, we need a fuel with a high energy. Let's go to Resiam Outskirts and collect the Shadow Crystal from Shadow Defender!

Quest Acceptance Dialogue
  • Horatio: The material is definitely similar to the Guardian Stone.. But it's darker in color and also radiating demonic energy.. Strange.
  • Elsword: Can't we just melt the gem to look inside?
  • Chung: But Seiker Family's guardian stone is made with Water El Shard.. It won't be easy to use it.
  • Horatio: Of course, the guardian stone can't be melted so easily.. But if you can raise the heat similar to molten lava.. Then it's not impossible. My furnace is hottest in all of Senace but it's still not enough. I need something that would spark my furnace to intense heat.
  • Aisha: I've seen a demon with intense fire spirit on the outskirts of Resiam.
  • Penensio: Are you talking about Shadow Defender? If it is their energy crystal, it might be possible.
Quest Completion Dialogue
  • Eve: I have it here. Shadow Defender's energy crystal.
  • Horatio: Is this it? Yes yes.. This should be enough!
Currency/Experience Common Rewards Selective Rewards
EXP 90,690 Weapon Enhancement Stone Lv.5 x 2 N/A
ED 310,600 N/A N/A
EP 0 N/A N/A
AP 0
[Dungeon] Demon's Symbol
Quest Acceptance Prerequisites Objectives
  • Resiam Outskirts, "Very Hard"
  • Confirm Demon's Symbol (Resiam Outskirts, "Very Hard") 0/1
  • Find the owner of the symbol (Resiam Outskirts, "Very Hard")
  • Destroy Symbol : Shadow Master (Resiam Outskirts, "Very Hard") 0/1

Horatio and his party burned the Guardian Stone successfully but they saw a black symbol that quickly vanished. If we don't defeat the owner of that symbol... everything will be doomed! Let's go to Resiam Outskirts and defeat Shadow Defender and Shadow Master!!!

Quest Acceptance Dialogue
  • Elsword: This amout of heat? Amazing, the gem is almost done melting.
  • Horatio: Now, Let's see what trick those Demons put on this!
  • Rnea: Did you see that? Some kind of black spirit separated from the gem.
  • Elesis: That... is that a demonic symbol?
  • Horatio: Demons put a spell on the guardian stone to corrupt it with their spell!
  • Chung: That's why it was radiating dark spirits... How dare they...!
  • Penensio: This symbol.. I think I saw it on a demon called Shadow Master.
  • Horatio: I see. If you defeat the Shadow Master and purify it, it whould come back to normal.
Quest Completion Dialogue
  • Raven: The guardian stone is back to normal.
  • Aisha: Are you okay, Chung?
  • Chung: ...Yes, this guardian stone will play an important part in figuring out what is happening in Hamel.
  • Penensio: I hope so too. Let's keep investigating. But first we need to meet with Lord of Hamel, Rod Ross for a briefing.
Currency/Experience Common Rewards Selective Rewards
EXP 96,220 Grilled Fish x 4 N/A
ED 329,000 Advanced Titanium Shoes N/A
EP 0 Tangled Element Shard x 10 N/A
AP 0
[Dungeon] Rod Ross' Evidence
Quest Acceptance Prerequisites Objectives
  • Sunken Resiam, "Any Difficulty"
  • Find Clues of Rod Ross : Rod Ross' Jewel (Laguz, Iz, Sunken Resiam, "Any Difficulty") 0/1
  • Deep-sea Escape : Sunken Resiam "Any Difficulty" Clear 0/1

The Duke, Rod Ross is missing. How can the Duke be missing? Let's go to Sunken Resiam to find traces of Rod Ross!

Quest Acceptance Dialogue
  • Penensio: Miss Daisy, is Lord Rod Ross here? We need to brief him on something.
  • Daisy: Mr. Penensio! Something terrible has happened! Mr. Rod Ross has gone out for inspection to Resiam and still hasn't returned!
  • Penensio: To Resiam? That area has been closed off as it was submerged after the demon invasion.. Why did he..?
  • Daisy: Mr. Rod Ross went for inspection because he was worried about the people in that area!
  • Penensio: What? We've evacuated all citizens recently, I thought Lord Rod Ross already knew...
  • Daisy: Shut it! Mr. Rod Ross must have went there for a good reason! Common people like us won't know what he is thinking in this head.
  • Chung: (W-What a lady...)
  • Elsword: (Aisha is no joke too.. I guess Chung hasn't seen it yet)
  • Aisha: (Both of you shut up!!!)
  • Daisy: Please, send people to Resiam and find Mr. Rod Ross! If something were to happen to him.. I... I... Please hurry!
Quest Completion Dialogue
  • Penensio: Umm.. Miss Daisy? We found this.
  • Daisy: There are...! No, this is what Mr. Rod Ross always wears... No... Please.. Is Mr. Rod Ross safe?
Currency/Experience Common Rewards Selective Rewards
EXP 96,220 Advanced Titanium Gloves N/A
ED 329,000 N/A N/A
EP 0 N/A N/A
AP 0
[Dungeon] Breathless Sexyback!
Quest Acceptance Prerequisites Objectives
  • Sunken Resiam, "Hard or Higher"
  • Laguz (Sunken Resiam, "Hard or Higher") 0/8
  • Iz (Sunken Resiam, "Hard or Higher") 0/8

Laguz and Iz found Rod Ross' jewels and Daisy senses more trouble in Resiam. Let's go look for Laguz and Iz in Sunken Resiam

Quest Acceptance Dialogue
  • Daisy: What? The Water Spirits had these? Why...? Mr. Rod Ross, why would you give your attention to them instead of me..?
  • Penensio: Ahem.. So Lord Rod Ross went missing to meet the Water spirit? Not to inspect the area?
  • Rena: You went out inspecting for other reasons.
  • Eve: I can't tell who's more pathetic..
  • Daisy: That's not important! You must save Mr. Rod Ross! If he is gone.. Nothing matters. Not Hamel... and not Daisy..
  • Elesis: I'm sure he won't be much help.. But if the Lord of Hamel were to disappear right now it would be demoralizing for the soldiers here.
  • Penensio: Understood. Let's plan a rescue mission for Lord Rod Ross.
Quest Completion Dialogue
  • Daisy: Did you find Mr. Rod Ross? I heard that place is already submerged in water.. Building curmbling and there are Mermans too! Did you find anything?
  • Penensio: Miss Daisy... How did you know there were mermans there? We've never told you that before.
Currency/Experience Common Rewards Selective Rewards
EXP 96,220 Armor Enhancement Stone Lv.5 x 6 N/A
ED 329,000 N/A N/A
EP 0 N/A N/A
AP 0
[Dungeon] Forbidden Love
Quest Acceptance Prerequisites Objectives
  • Sunken Resiam, "Hard or Higher"
  • Merman (Sunken Resiam, "Hard or Higher") 0/10

What is this nonsense?! Rod Ross the Duke from Senace, went after Breathless Sexyback of the Water Spirit's and got kidnapped by the Mermen! He can't even swim... let's go to Sunken Resiam and rescue him from the Mermen!

Quest Acceptance Dialogue
  • Daisy: Well, I was worried so I went on my own to look for Mr. Rod Ross. From what I hear from the Knight that protected him says once Mr. Rod Ross gave the gem to Laguz, Merman that secretly liked Laguz got angry and kidnapped him. Those filthy Mermans!!
  • Raven: Serves them right.
  • Penensio: We'll start tracking. Mermans usually roam around water, can Lord Rod Ross swim?
  • Daisy: Mr. Rod Ross isn't exactly known for being athletic.. What should we do?
  • Penensio: We're really pressed for time. Let's hurry and get to Resiam.
Quest Completion Dialogue
  • Daisy: Sob sob... Did you find Mr. Rod Ross?
  • Penensio: It appears Mermans were really mad. They said they threw Lord Rod Ross where deep water creatures appear.
Currency/Experience Common Rewards Selective Rewards
EXP 96,220 Weapon Enhancement Stone Lv.5 x 3 N/A
ED 329,000 N/A N/A
EP 0 N/A N/A
AP 0
[Dungeon] Stay Alive!
Quest Acceptance Prerequisites Objectives
  • Sunken Resiam, "Very Hard"
  • Check if Rod Ross is held captive (Sunken Resiam, "Very Hard")
  • Rescue Rod Ross : Sunken Resiam "Very Hard" Clear 0/1

The Mermen were furious so they threw the Duke into the water. There is a Coral Serpent in the dep-sea so we must hurrry up and go to Sunken Resiam to make sure Rod Ross is alive!

Quest Acceptance Dialogue
  • Penensio: This is bad... If it as just at the outskirt of Resiam there are places that creat air bubbles so he could surviv... but deeper he goes he won't find any air bubbles..
  • Chung: Ever since the demon invasion, there has been talk that Coral Serpant has been appearing in Resiam.
  • Daisy: Noo... Mr. Rod Ross.. (faints)
  • Penensio: Miss Daisy! Daisy! Get it together!
  • Elsword: Let's hurry! We have to rescue Rod Ross before the sea monsters get him!
Quest Completion Dialogue
  • Rod Ross: Daisy~ Where are you? I'm back!
  • Daisy: Mr. Rod Ross... My Rod Ross was safe!
  • Rod Ross: Of course, I wouldn't die at a place like that.
  • Daisy: Of course not! Mr. Rod Ross wouldn't die at a place like that.
  • Aisha: All that effort to save him and not even a thank you..
  • Eve: I didn't bet on it.
Currency/Experience Common Rewards Selective Rewards
EXP 102,120 Grilled Fish x 6 N/A
ED 348,100 Tangled Element Shard x 10 N/A
EP 0 N/A N/A
AP 0
[Dungeon] Cause of The Flood
Quest Acceptance Prerequisites Objectives
  • Ancient Waterway, "Any Difficulty"
  • Navigate Ancient Waterway (Ancient Waterway, "Any Difficulty")
  • Tarahvash (Ancient Waterway, "Any Difficulty") 0/1

Resiam has been sunken and Denka says that there is a problem in the Waterway. Please go investigate at the Ancient Waterway right away.

Quest Acceptance Dialogue
  • Chung: I.. Found something strange in Resiam.
  • Elesis: Hm? What's strange?
  • Chung: Resiam is still submerged in water. Normally it should be visible by now.
  • Rena: Are you saying the water levels near Hamel are rising?
  • Penensio: I've heard similar but.. We would have to consult Denka, the town's alchemist.
  • Denka: Hmm.. Yes.. Yes.. I see...
  • Elsword: Don't just think about yourself! You have to tell us too!
  • Denka: I see two causes. One, the Water Priestess that would control the Water El has been missing.. Second, Ancient Waterway that controls Hamel's water levels is broken.
  • Chung: Ancient Waterway and the Water Priestess could be related to demons.
  • Denka: Right, they kidnap the Water Priestess and submerge Hamel in water to bring confusion.
  • Eve: Demons have been kidnapping Priestesses starting from Velder.. What are they planning?
  • Penensio: In order to restore the sea levels, we would have to investigate the ancient waterway.
Quest Completion Dialogue
  • Raven: The ancient waterway was already taken over by the Demons.. Device that controlled the waterway was malfunctioning.
  • Denka: As expected..
Currency/Experience Common Rewards Selective Rewards
EXP 102,120 N/A N/A
ED 348,100 N/A N/A
EP 0 N/A N/A
AP 0
[Dungeon] Demon Scientists
Quest Acceptance Prerequisites Objectives
  • Ancient Waterway, "Hard or Higher"
  • Find Mechanical Device Pieces (Ancient Waterway, "Hard or Higher")
  • Bizarre Conrad (Ancient Waterway, "Hard or Higher") 0/1

Denka was right! Resiam has been shifted lower! The machines in Resiam are all ancient. there must be something that can fix it! Let's go to Ancient Waterway to destroy the monsters who have abused the device!!!

Quest Acceptance Dialogue
  • Denka: That means.. Someone messed with the device that controls the Ancient Waterway. Ancient Waterway reacts sensitively to the outside environment and levels the seas levels but it seem someone broke it.
  • Eve: A demon that can use ancient devices means they have more of where that came from.
  • Elsword: They won't stop here, huh? Another scheme?
  • Denka: You must hurry, I have a feeling this won't be the last.
Quest Completion Dialogue
  • Elesis: Demon scientist called Conrad was at fault. I've taken care of him so it should be okay now.
  • Denka: What? Demon Scientist?
  • Chung: Good news! Resiam's sea levels are lowering!
Currency/Experience Common Rewards Selective Rewards
EXP 102,120 Armor Enhancement Stone Lv.5 x 8 N/A
ED 348,100 N/A N/A
EP 0 N/A N/A
AP 0
[Dungeon] Waterway's Mechanical Device
Quest Acceptance Prerequisites Objectives
  • Ancient Waterway, "Hard or Higher"
  • Crystal Machine Device (Ancient Waterway, "Hard or Higher") 0/2

As expected, soemone is manipulating the device that controls the flow of the water. Now the water level is rising! Denka wants us to break it...but I'm not sure... I don't we should do things abruptly! Currently, Denka's suggestion might be the best one... Let's go to Ancient Waterway nd destroy the Mechanical Device!

Quest Acceptance Dialogue
  • Denka: Sea levels are back to normal.. But who knows what else they messed up in the waterway.
  • Raven: We wanted to investigate further but the Guardian of ancient waterway was getting in our way.
  • Denka: Taranvash attacked you? Not the demons? It must have lost its sanity when the Water Priestess disappeared.
  • Elsword: His illusions were strong. All of his illusions actually had a physical form, I almost lost!
  • Eve: Because you act before thinking!
  • Rena: Worried again? Huhuhu.
  • Denka: Alter-ego.. We need a bit more information on this, could you look into it a bit more?
  • Chung: To think the Holy Beast protecting the ancient waterway would have turned like that. I won't forgive you, demons!
Quest Completion Dialogue
  • Elesis: As the old man said, there was a device that created an illusion of some sort.
  • Denka: I heard the Ancient Waterway's reflector has the power to materialize whatever it is viewing.
Currency/Experience Common Rewards Selective Rewards
EXP 102,120 Weapon Enhancement Stone Lv.5 x 4 N/A
ED 348,100 +0 Advanced Titanium Bottom Piece N/A
EP 0 N/A N/A
AP 0
[Dungeon] Secret Guardian Stone 1
Quest Acceptance Prerequisites Objectives
  • Ancient Waterway, "Hard or Higher"
  • Ancient Nasod Reflector (Ancient Nasod Golem Monsters, Ancient Waterway, "Hard or Higher") 0/10

We must reveal the secret of the Power of the Demons destroy them. Let's find out who the owner of the Guardian Stone is. First, let's go find some materials to investigate this matter. Head over to Ancient Waterway and look for the Ancient Nasod Relflector!

Quest Acceptance Dialogue
  • Denka: Hmm.. If it has the power to copy the original and create an alter-ego... this might have been a lot of use.
  • Penensio: Master Denka, what did you just say?
  • Elesis: Fragment of Will?
  • Penensio: We've investigated the guardian stone from Resiam and if we use its power we could use the reflector to call upon the stone guard's will.
  • Denka: I think it should be possible. Alright, bring me the reflector from the ancient waterway!
  • Chung: Amazing. Maybe we can finally figure out the secret behind the guardian stone.
  • Aisha: Would we be able to find it before getting caught by Taranvash?
Quest Completion Dialogue
  • Denka: What happened to you? Did you fall?
  • Elsword: Those illusions are too strong!
  • Rena: We can barely fight back..
Currency/Experience Common Rewards Selective Rewards
EXP 102,120 Grilled Fish x 8 N/A
ED 348,100 Tangled Element Shard x 10 N/A
EP 0 N/A N/A
AP 0
[Dungeon] The Real One!
Quest Acceptance Prerequisites Objectives
  • Ancient Waterway, "Very Hard"
  • Powerful Dark Guardian Stone (Taranvash, Ancient Waterway, "Very Hard") 0/1

The Knights were not able to defeat ever multiplying Taranvash. According to Denka, they were messing with the machanical device. I heard we can balck the division with the Reflector pieces, let's go to Ancient Waterway and defeat Taranvash and gather the Guardian Stones.

Quest Acceptance Dialogue
  • Eve: Reflector..
  • Aisha: Hmm?
  • Eve: The reflector.. It was surrounding Taranvash and the place was filled with light.
  • Elesis: Mm... I think so?
  • Eve: If my theory is correct. It is probably reflecting the light to create some kind of clone.. Then we should turn the reflector the other way.
  • Denka: Ohh, I see! It's worth a shot! Let's turn the reflector around so the light no longer reflects off Taranvash!
Quest Completion Dialogue
  • Eve: As expected.. This device..
  • Rena: Eve! Look out! Taranvash is...!
  • Raven: Hm? Still getting up?
  • Eve: ...! (CLUNK!!)
  • Add: That was close... kuku.
  • Elsword: W.. Who's that?
  • Denka: Did it work?
  • Raven: Hup! (Thud)
  • Denka: You are here! Let's see... IF we use this reflector you can create something to call upon the ego of Guardian Stone.
  • Rena: Add, was it? Thanks for saving Eve. Don't know what would have happened..
  • Eve: Ah.. Thanks for that.
  • Chung: You were incredibly fast! I'm envious of your mobility.
  • Elsword: Yeah, that was awesome.
  • Add: ... This is nothing special.
  • Aisha: What did you just say..?
Currency/Experience Common Rewards Selective Rewards
EXP 108,360 Advanced Titanium Top Piece N/A
ED 368,100 Tangled Element Shard x 10 N/A
EP 0 N/A N/A
AP 0
[Dungeon] Strongest Bodyguard
Quest Acceptance Prerequisites Objectives
  • Heart of the Ancient Waterway, "Any Difficulty"
  • Check the Heart of the Ancient Waterway : Encounter Victor (Heart of the Ancient Waterway, "Any Difficulty')
  • Victor (Heart of the Ancient Waterway, "Any Difficulty") 0/1

After examining the Ancient Waterway, we have reached the Heart of the Ancient Waterway but was unable to examine it due to the Giant Guard. Let's defeat Victor and keep investigating the Guardian Stones.

Quest Acceptance Dialogue
  • Chung: Um... How is the guardian stone kit coming along, Denka?
  • Denka: This... Might take longer than expected.
  • Elesis: We're investigating the ancient waterway some more. It is easier without Taranvash.
  • Rena: Core of Ancient Waterway was still filled with demons. This giant called Victor was guarding it.
  • Penensio: You said it would take a while to find the Guardian Stone's secret so in the meanwhile we'll go thin out the demons in the Ancient Waterway.
  • Chung: No matter, our job is to drive out every single demon from Hamel!
Quest Completion Dialogue
  • Penensio: Whew.. Victor has been eliminated, that was a though one.
  • Denka: Is that right? Good, I'm almost done on my side as well. Penensio! Equip that Guardian Stone on the device.
Currency/Experience Common Rewards Selective Rewards
EXP 108,360 N/A N/A
ED 368,100 N/A N/A
EP 0 N/A N/A
AP 0
[Dungeon] Midnight Assassin
Quest Acceptance Prerequisites Objectives
  • Heart of the Ancient Waterway, "Hard or Higher"
  • Strange Back Knife (Ancient Cockatigle, Heart of the Ancient Waterway, "Hard or Higher") 0/1
  • Fallen Chloe (Heart of the Ancient Waterway, "Hard or Higher") 0/1

Thieves broke into Denka's Lab, stole the Guardian Stones, and tried to assassinate the Duke, Rod Ross. According to Denka, they have dark skin and move swiftly! Let's go back to the Heart of the Ancient Waterway and find the Assassin.

Quest Acceptance Dialogue
  • Penensio: Bad new! The Guardian Stone in Denka's lab has been stolen! Also there was an attempt to assassination on Lord Rod Ross!
  • Denka: It was so close.. Why did it come to this?
  • Penensio: Last night, Lord Rod Ross's guard followed the assassin all the way to the central area of Ancient Waterway but lost the Assassin. They say the assassin's skin was dark and had purple hair.
  • Rena: Could it be..? Chloe?
  • Penensio: Ancient Waterway is filled with machines that makes it hard to track down someone. Please track down the Assassin!
Quest Completion Dialogue
  • Elesis: Old man, I brought the guradian stone.
  • Aisha: We won't have business with Chloe anymore.
  • Rena: ..Hmm.
  • Denka: Equip the Guardian Stone and activate it!
Currency/Experience Common Rewards Selective Rewards
EXP 108,360 Armor Enhancement Stone Lv.5 x 10 N/A
ED 368,100 N/A N/A
EP 0 N/A N/A
AP 0
[Dungeon] Secret Guardian Stone 2
Quest Acceptance Prerequisites Objectives
  • Heart of the Ancient Waterway, "Hard or Higher"
  • Captured Shadow Linker (Shadow Linker, Heart of the Ancient Waterway, "Hard or Higher") 0/1
  • Heart of the Ancient Waterway : Heart of the Ancient Waterway "Hard or Higher" 0/1

Chloe regained the Guardian Stones from the help of Hamel's White Colossus. Let's go to the Heart of the Ancient Waterway and defeat the Shadow Linker.

Quest Acceptance Dialogue
  • Chung: ..!
  • Penensio: Denka, this person is..?
  • Denka: Is that.. Sir Helputt? Why is her wearing that black armor? He's usually know for his white armor.
  • Aisha: Who's that long white haired man? Kind of looks like a demon..
  • Raven: The two are talking. It was Helputt that handed the guardian stone to that white haired demon...?
  • Elsword: Um.. Am I the only one not understanding?
  • Add: Fortunately, yes.
  • Penensio: I am the same way...
  • Eve: This is written in demon tongue.
  • Denka: Hmm.. We have to decipher the demon language.. Penensio, could you go and capture a Demon that can communicate with use?
Quest Completion Dialogue
  • Denka: Is that him? Alright if we just connect him to the deciphering device... Alright, hold on a moment.
  • Elesis: Ah, a voice!
Currency/Experience Common Rewards Selective Rewards
EXP 108,360 Weapon Enhancement Stone Lv.5 x 5 N/A
ED 368,100 N/A N/A
EP 0 N/A N/A
AP 0
[Dungeon] Temple's Water Crisis
Quest Acceptance Prerequisites Objectives

Through the Shadow Linker, it seems though Helputt and the Demons are making new plans! We must find a way to the Temple of Frozen Water! There may be a passage from the Heart of the Ancient Waterway. Let's go discover the Temple of Frozen Water!

Quest Acceptance Dialogue
  • Helputt: This is an ancient Guardian stone handed down to generations of the Seiker Family. This symbol can empower the demon with great power during battle.
  • 'Ran: Amazing, this will surely help with our forces. And what of the Water Priestess.?
  • Helputt: I don't know anything about the Water Priestess's secret.. But do not worry I will get it from her, even if it means torturing her!
  • Penensio: Why would Hamel's White Colossus, Helputt make a deal with a demon...?
  • Chung: My Father.. Not only attacked Hamel but turned over the guardian stone and tried to leak the Water Priestess's secret? .... It can't be!
  • Elesis: ..
  • Raven: I wonder what the secret Helputt tried to tell us about the Water Priestess.
  • Denka: Why don't we start from the Temple of Water?
  • Add: Destination has been set, lead on.
Quest Completion Dialogue
  • Penensio: Demons are resisting fiercely! Huff huff! We must defeat them to advance our soldiers to the Water Temple.
Currency/Experience Common Rewards Selective Rewards
EXP 115,010 Grilled Fish x 10 Tempest Weapon
ED 388,900 Tangled Element Shard x 42 Fire Flower Weapon
EP 0 N/A N/A
AP 0

Chapter 13: Secrets of the Temple

[Dungeon] Cave Investigation
Quest Acceptance Prerequisites Objectives
  • Magmanta's Cave, "Any Difficulty"
  • Find the entrance to the Water Temple (Magmanta's Cave, "Any Difficulty")
  • Magmanta (Magmanta's Cave, "Any Difficulty") 0/1

Penensio and Denka advise you to go to Magmanta's Cave to find the entrance of the Water Temple

Quest Acceptance Dialogue
  • Penensio: There seems to be another way out of that cave...
  • Denka: Let's take a closer look at the cave!
  • Penensio: Yes, Denka! There will be demons running around in that cave! This is a very dangerous job, please be careful!
Quest Completion Dialogue
  • Penensio: Denka! There are a lot of demons preventing our entry at the cave!
  • Denka: That means we just have to be strong and find the secret path as soon as possible!
Currency/Experience Common Rewards Selective Rewards
EXP 115,010 N/A N/A
ED 388,900 N/A N/A
EP 0 N/A N/A
AP 0
[Dungeon] Broken Bridge
Quest Acceptance Prerequisites Objectives
  • Magmanta's Cave, "Hard or Higher"
  • Broken Bridge (Magmanta's Cave, "Hard or Higher")
  • Giant Hammer Bobosse (Magmanta's Cave, "Hard or Higher") 0/1

There is a passage way that leads to the Temple from Magmanta's Cave. The suspected area is guarded by 'Giant Hammer Bobosse' near the end of the road. Defeat Giant Hammer Bobosse in order to get to the Temple!

Quest Acceptance Dialogue
  • Penensio: Denka, the cave seems to be connected to the temple, we'll go check it out.
  • Denka: Hm... I've heard that a big demon boss Bobosse is blocking the path.
  • Penensio: He needs to go down in order for us to really check whether it is conneceted to the temple.
  • Denka: If he feels too threatened he might break the bridgeway so be careful!
Quest Completion Dialogue
  • Penensio: Denka! We have managed to defeat the demons. If we follow the path, we might reach the entrance to the Halls of Water.
  • Denka: Good job. Anything peculiar you saw?
Currency/Experience Common Rewards Selective Rewards
EXP 115,010 Weapon Enhancement Stone Lv.5 x 5 N/A
ED 388,900 N/A N/A
EP 0 N/A N/A
AP 0
[Dungeon] Winning Charm
Quest Acceptance Prerequisites Objectives
  • Magmanta's Cave, "Hard or Higher"
  • Demon's Charm (Shadow Port Trickster, Magmanta's Cave, "Hard or Higher") 0/5

Denka wants us to be aware of the Demon's Charm found in >Magmanta's Cave You must defeat Shadow Port Trickster and burn the charm!

Quest Acceptance Dialogue
  • Penensio: I was going to mention, check out this charm I found. We found it from the demons.
  • Denka: Hm, let me take a look! This pattern is the symbol of the Demons....I wonder why they have this? Which enhancement is he talking about?
  • Penensio: Denka! There are a lot of demons preventing our entry at the cave!
  • Denka: I think the battle is going to become harder... Hurry and get to the cave! Just get rid of them! Now!
Quest Completion Dialogue
  • Penensio: Denka, was right! There were more than ever using those magical powers-
  • Denka: Thank you for trying your best- that is all that matter-!
  • Penensio: Yes we left the Red Knights in the cave so the Demons won't have any funny business going on-
Currency/Experience Common Rewards Selective Rewards
EXP 115,010 Grilled Fish x 10 N/A
ED 388,900 Advanced Enhanced Titanium Shoes N/A
EP 0 N/A N/A
AP 0
[Dungeon] Missing Knights
Quest Acceptance Prerequisites Objectives
  • Magmanta's Cave, "Hard or Higher"
  • Red Knight's Cloth Pieces (Mantaray, Mantares, Magmanta's Cave, "Hard or Higher") 0/5

Rod Ross is curious aobut the Demon's tactics...but we need to go to Magmanta's Cave to find the Red Knights. Let's go to Magmanta's Cave and find clues of the Red Knights!

Quest Acceptance Dialogue
  • Daisy: Penensio! Penensio! I want to know progress of Rod Ross and the demons.
  • Penensio: Yes ma'am! We will find out once the Red Knights return with their report on demon behavior. What do we do now... I'll have to ask all of the adventurers to further investigate this matter- please ask Rod Ross to wait a little longer-
  • Daisy: Yes, but it must be good news-
Quest Completion Dialogue
  • Denka: I heard from Daisy... were you able to rescue the Red Knights? We found traces of them but we weren't able to save them. These torn uniform piece only indicate that this is a serious problem. Within the cave, we found what seems to be newly made cocoons. It seems like those spiders have trapped our red knights in the cocoons. We tried to save them but those spiders were too powerful. So we came as quickly as possible to spread the news.
  • Penensio: What do we do now...
Currency/Experience Common Rewards Selective Rewards
EXP 115,010 N/A N/A
ED 388,900 N/A N/A
EP 0 N/A N/A
AP 0
[Dungeon] Rescue the Knights
Quest Acceptance Prerequisites Objectives
  • Magmanta's Cave, "Hard or Higher"
  • Red Knight's Rescue (Magmanta's Cave, "Hard or Higher") 0/5

The spiders have cocooned the Red Knights in Magmanta's Cave! Let's head over there to rescue the Red Knights!

Quest Acceptance Dialogue
  • Denka: Oh no! If our soldiers are really cocooned, that's a serious problem! it might not be life threatening at first but... Spiders might use them as food for their babies... Moreover, knights might their mind due to fear of being trapped. Go now! Break the cocoons and save the knights!!
  • Penensio: Yes sir! We need your help more than ever to save our knights!
Quest Completion Dialogue
  • Penensio: The knights have returned back safely! Thank you very much! All of the Red Knights are very thankful for your hard work, they wouldn't be alive without you guys!
  • Rena / Ara: Thank you, we tried our best-
Currency/Experience Common Rewards Selective Rewards
EXP 115,010 Advanced Enhanced Titanium Gloves N/A
ED 388,900 N/A N/A
EP 0 N/A N/A
AP 0
[Dungeon] Move Towards The Water Temple!
Quest Acceptance Prerequisites Objectives

We need to finish preparations to move towards the Water Temple. Let's defeat the giant spider, Magmanta inside the deep corners of Magmanta's Cave to find the entrance to the Temple!

Quest Acceptance Dialogue
  • Penensio: The Red Knights have been rescued but we still did not find the secret passage from the temple.... But the cave is somewhere over there, I am sure of it!
  • Daisy: If you find it, please tell me quickly!
  • Penensio: Even if it isn't for Rod Ross, I hope you quickly find the entrance- We must observe the cave again to find the entrance...
Currency/Experience Common Rewards Selective Rewards
EXP 122,000 The Great Chaos of Wind Crystal x 10 N/A
ED 410,500 N/A N/A
EP 0 N/A N/A
AP 0
[Dungeon] Rod Ross, Again?!?
Quest Acceptance Prerequisites Objectives
  • Temple of Frozen Water, "Any Difficulty"
  • Rod Ross's Whereabouts (Temple of Frozen Water, "Any Difficulty")
  • Avalanche (Temple of Frozen Water, "Any Difficulty") 0/1

We lost contact with Rod Ross after he had left for the Temple of Frozen Water. Let's go there to find Rod Ross! I hope he's okay...

Quest Acceptance Dialogue
  • Penensio: Hmm Daisy, is Rod Ross here today?
  • Daisy: Penensio! There is a big problem with Rod Ross!!!
  • Penensio: Calm down, Daisy! What is it again?
  • Daisy: We must find Rod Ross! I think he left to the Temple of Frozen Water by himself!
  • Penensio: Again? Okay, let's get moving!
Quest Completion Dialogue
  • Penensio: I wonder why Rod Ross went there?
  • Rod Ross: Me too. What would everyone do without me? Ugh!!!
Currency/Experience Common Rewards Selective Rewards
EXP 122,000 N/A N/A
ED 410,500 N/A N/A
EP 0 N/A N/A
AP 0
[Dungeon] Frostbite Treatment
Quest Acceptance Prerequisites Objectives
  • Temple of Frozen Water, "Any Difficulty"
  • Ice Mole's Oil (Chilling Hedgehog, Temple of Frozen Water, "Any Difficulty") 0/15

Rod Ross was at the Temple of Frozen Water due to Frostbite. Let's find some Frostbite Treatment from the Temple of Frozen Water and collect Ice Mole's Oil from the Chilling Hedgehog to help Rod Ross out!

Quest Acceptance Dialogue
  • Daisy: Penensio! Rod Ross is in a lot of pain, what do we do?
  • Penensio: What is going on? He didn't go out and get in some trouble did he?
  • Daisy: Rod Ross desn't normally do that. All I know is that he went to the Temple of Frozen Water- Something got caught by his foot. Please find me something to cure this itchiness! It's hard to find that right now but I hear that the 'Ice Mole's Oil' is the best cure- Can you please go get it for me?
  • Penensio: Okay, I guess I will go and look for it!
Quest Completion Dialogue
  • Penensio: Daisy, here is the Ice Mole's Oil that you have requested-
  • Daisy: I can deliver that, give it to me-
  • Penensio: No, it's okay! I can deliver it, I have business over there anyways-
Currency/Experience Common Rewards Selective Rewards
EXP 122,000 N/A N/A
ED 410,500 N/A N/A
EP 0 N/A N/A
AP 0
[Dungeon] Water Seal I
Quest Acceptance Prerequisites Objectives
  • Temple of Frozen Water, "Hard or Higher"
  • Find Giant Linker (Temple of Frozen Water, "Hard or Higher")
  • Giant Linker (Temple of Frozen Water, "Hard or Higher") 0/1

Rod Ross is looking for the 'Water Seal' inside the Water Temple... There seems to be a Giant Linker who is carrying around a similar symbol inside the Temple of Frozen Water. Let's head over there right now!

Quest Acceptance Dialogue
  • Penensio: Rod Ross...
  • Rod Ross: Please...please...I need some remedy! It itches very badly!
  • Penensio: I must ask, why did you go to the Temple of Frozen Water?
  • Rod Ross: Um, Um, I went to go look for the Water Seal!
  • Penensio: Water Seal? What is that?
  • Rod Ross: It's the proof of our family...if anything, I was going to ask Penensio to... Can you please find me the Water Seal and some medicine?
Quest Completion Dialogue
  • Penensio: Did you find the Water Seal?
  • Rena/Eve/Ara: I have tried to search for the Hall of Frozen Water, but there's nothing to be found. I don't even know what the Water Seal looks like...
  • Penensio: Hmm..we are lacking a lot of information about the Water Seal... I don't even think Rod Ross is going to give me any answers!
Currency/Experience Common Rewards Selective Rewards
EXP 122,000 Weapon Lv.5 Enhancement Stone x 12 N/A
ED 410,500 +0 Advanced Enhanced Titanium Top Piece N/A
EP 0 N/A N/A
AP 0
Water Seal II
Quest Acceptance Prerequisites Objectives
  • Let's visit Hamel to chat with Horatio.

There seems to be no clues in the Temple of Frozen Water. Let's go find Horatio to find out more information.

Quest Acceptance Dialogue
  • Penensio: Horatio will probably know the answer, why don't we try to ask him?
  • Rena / Ara: Penensio! Let's go meet Horatio!
Quest Completion Dialogue
  • Horatio: Hmmm, Because of the demons it will be hard for us to communicate with each other!
  • Penensio: Horatio, Horatio!
  • Horatio: Yes, Penensio? What's up?
  • Penensio: I hear that you and Rod Ross used to be very close?
  • Rod Ross: Ah, yes Rod Ross? He used to be a very noble man- Anything he would ponder about something he would come here for no reason...
  • Penensio: Hmm, Rod Ross is asking us to find him the Water Seal... He is not telling me the whole story. Do you know anything about the Water Seal?
  • Horatio: Hmmm...the Water Seal... I think I heard this story before...Rod Ross was standing at the door with the token... According to Hamel, that seal is a symbol of a ruler... This is a secret but Rod Ross isn't trying to give up the seal... I wonder what kind of secret the Water Seal holds?
  • Penensio: Secret, What kind...
  • Horatio: I don't know the full details yet...
Currency/Experience Common Rewards Selective Rewards
EXP 122,000 N/A N/A
ED 410,500 N/A N/A
EP 0 N/A N/A
AP 0
Water Seal III
Quest Acceptance Prerequisites Objectives
  • Let's visit Hamel to chat with Lucy.

Let's go find Lucy to find out more information about the Water Seal.

Quest Acceptance Dialogue
  • Horatio: When it comes to the Water Seal...Lucy may know some more information-
  • Penensio: Hm, what is going on? Thank you, Horatio! I will ask Lucy about the Water Seal-
Quest Completion Dialogue
  • Penensio: Hello Lucy.
  • Lucy: Penensio! What brings you here? Do you need something?
  • Penensio: I had some questions that I thought you could help me with- I heard that you are the master of jewelry and ornaments-
  • Lucy: Of course!! That is my specialty!
  • Penensio: Do you know any information about the Water Seal? According to Horatio, it contains a very strong power...
  • Lucy: The Water Seal?! Not that many people know about the Water Seal...
  • Penensio: Do you know anything about it?
  • Lucy: The Water Seal is an heirloom from Rod Ross' family... Other than being an contains a deeper secret.
  • Penensio: Secret.... So Rod Ross is the original owner of the Water Seal?
  • Lucy: Yes, and because of it's special power, Rod Ross is keeping it safe...
  • Penensio: Hmm...
  • Lucy: The El Lady wnated to keep it safe with her body but the Water Seal needs to be unlocked with a key. The Water Seal is supposed to be guarded in Hamel by Rod Ross... They say it looks like a key.
  • Penensio: Hm, okay. This must remain a secret...please be careful!
Currency/Experience Common Rewards Selective Rewards
EXP 122,000 Grilled Fish x 12 N/A
ED 410,500 N/A N/A
EP 0 N/A N/A
AP 0
[Dungeon] Find the Seal's Whereabouts
Quest Acceptance Prerequisites Objectives

Rod Ross says the Water Seal is somewhere inside the Water Temple. However, we didn't see anything inside the Temple of Frozen Water. Let's head to the Temple of Frozen Water and look for the Priest!

Quest Acceptance Dialogue
  • Penensio: Rod Ross, please tell us the truth about this!!! This is an urgent metter, we already know that you don't have the seal...
  • Rod Ross: Right, my father did not pass it down to me! The seal is with the Priest in the Temple of Frozen Water....
  • Penensio: Hm, okay.
  • Penensio: I have found the information about the Water Seal. We need some sort of key... If anything we can find out from Demon invasion in Hamel... Didn't you leave it to the Priest in the Temple of Frozen Water? Let's go find the priest!
  • Rena / Ara: Alright, Penensio! I'll be back soon!
Quest Completion Dialogue
  • Penensio: Did you find the priest?
  • Rena / Ara: The fierce demons are putting up a resistance. Especially, the water spirits are creating a resistance even more. There must be another way!
  • Penensio: Oh... OK. We will ask Denka for advice.
Currency/Experience Common Rewards Selective Rewards
EXP 122,000 N/A N/A
ED 410,500 N/A N/A
EP 0 N/A N/A
AP 0
[Dungeon] Confessions of the Spirit
Quest Acceptance Prerequisites Objectives

The Water Priest and the Water Spirit Hagalaz are going over to the dark side as a result of the Demon Invasion. Let's head to the Temple of Frozen Water and free Hagalaz and try to get through to her!

Quest Acceptance Dialogue
  • Penensio: Denka! Denka!! You there?
  • Denka: What's the hurry! So what is it this time?
  • Penensio: It seems like the water spirit Hagalaz is siding with the demons.
  • Denka: What are you asking me for then? It's because of constant demon attacks that their souls were tainted. You need to free their souls- Go now and free their souls!
Quest Completion Dialogue
  • Penensio: Denka! Shocking news!
  • Denka: Ok, so... you freed their souls?
  • Penensio: Yes, and while one of them fell in front of Avalanche, she cried out 'High Priest!'.
  • Denka: Huh!! What did you say?? That means!! That means--!!!
Currency/Experience Common Rewards Selective Rewards
EXP 122,000 Armor Enhancement Stone Lv.5 x 14 N/A
ED 410,500 The Great Chaos of Wind Crystal x 10 N/A
EP 0 N/A N/A
AP 0
[Dungeon] Soul of the Avalanche
Quest Acceptance Prerequisites Objectives

I cannot believe this zombie-like thing, Avalanche, is actually the High Priest... Let's head over to the Temple of Frozen Water and try to free the Priest's soul.

Quest Acceptance Dialogue
  • Denka: If I can guess correctly, that zombie like creature may be the priest...
  • Penensio: How can it be...
  • Denka: I think there might be something bigger going on than we thought... Let's prepare some materials to defeat Avalanche!
  • Penensio: Okay Denka!
  • Denka: Don't worry too much... this is the best in cold weather... eat some to warm yourself up and fight!!!
  • Penensio: I will do my very best!
Quest Completion Dialogue
  • Denka: Was the mission successful?
  • Penensio: Finally, Avalanche is defeated! This is his staff, i can feel its tremendous power...
  • Denka: Okay, let's take a further look-
Currency/Experience Common Rewards Selective Rewards
EXP 129,430 Lv.5 Weapon Enhancement Stone x 7 N/A
ED 433,200 +0 Advanced Enhanced Titanium Bottom Piece N/A
EP 0 The Great Chaos of Wind Crystal x 10 N/A
AP 0
Remember the Hidden
Quest Acceptance Prerequisites Objectives
  • Let's visit Hamel to chat with Denka.

Defeat Avalanche and go visit Denka to find answers about the mysterious Staff we got from Penensio

Quest Acceptance Dialogue
  • Penensio: Denka is inspecting the staff... Please go to Denka-
Quest Completion Dialogue
  • Denka: I found the secret of the not be alarmed- Let's take a look!
  • Helputt: It's not my choice, I guess there is nothing I can do- Hamel is such a precious place and I am also a father to a child... Please forgive my decision- This is the only way to protect Hamel!
  • Penensio: I must go see Rod Ross...
  • Denka: Okay, let's all go together!
Currency/Experience Common Rewards Selective Rewards
EXP 129,430 Grilled Fish x 14 N/A
ED 433,200 N/A N/A
EP 0 N/A N/A
AP 0
Quest Acceptance Prerequisites Objectives
  • Let's visit Hamel to chat with Daisy and find out about Rod Ross.

Let's look for Rod Ross with Penensio. We must immediately find out Rod Ross' true intentions!

Quest Acceptance Dialogue
  • Penensio: Rod Ross! Rod Ross! I have something to tell you!
  • Rod Ross: What is going on? And what happened to the Water Seal?
  • Penensio: After our investigation, it seems that you made a deal with the Demons...We wonder what kind of deal...
  • Rod Ross: What is going on here! What kind of rude business is this?!
  • Penensio: We already know about your story. I've already spoke with Helputt and the priest so don't even think about lying to me.
  • Rod Ross: Ah... .but...Ran told me no one would find out...
Quest Completion Dialogue
  • Penensio: It's Ran?! I doubt he made a deal with the Demons...How can he...
  • Rod Ross: Honestly, I had no idea this was going to happen...Ran never told us how serious this was...
  • Penensio: Which one was it?
  • Rod Ross: ...
Currency/Experience Common Rewards Selective Rewards
EXP 129,430 N/A N/A
ED 433,200 N/A N/A
EP 0 N/A N/A
AP 0
[Dungeon] Ran's Destiny
Quest Acceptance Prerequisites Objectives
  • Complete the Truth story quest
  • Lv. 58
  • Halls of Water, "Any Difficulty"
  • Find Ran (Halls of Water, "Any Difficulty")
  • Ran (Halls of Water, "Any Difficulty") 0/1

Chung's father, Helputt had turned wicked and Rod Ross had plotted with Ran to steal the Water Seal. Let's go to the Halls of Water to stop Ran from this madness!

Quest Acceptance Dialogue
  • Penensio: Ran's request...
  • Rod Ross: Ran has a request for you...
  • Penensio: What does Ran want from me?
  • Ran: Bring me the Water Seal. It is the only thing will weaken Helputt. If you bring it to me I promise you will be rewarded.
  • Penensio: What was the deal you two made? Because you lost the Water Seal...Helputt became a traitor!
  • Rod Ross: You knew about the Water Seal? The Water Priestess has the key to the Water Seal. However, I didn't receive the Seal and Avalanche is holding on to it so dearly...
  • Penensio: Ah...this is a big problem! The priests are already getting brainwashed by the Demons and everybody is getting confused. Ran should know the purpose behind this. We should head over to the Halls of Water.
Quest Completion Dialogue
  • Penensio: This is worse than we thought...this is terrible!
Currency/Experience Common Rewards Selective Rewards
EXP 129,430 N/A N/A
ED 433,200 N/A N/A
EP 0 N/A N/A
AP 0
[Dungeon] Demon's Operation
Quest Acceptance Prerequisites Objectives
  • Halls of Water, "Hard or Higher"
  • Shadow Stinger (Halls of Water, "Hard or Higher") 0/1
  • Bizarre Conrad (Halls of Water, "Hard or Higher") 0/1
  • Giant Hammer Bobosse (Halls of Water, "Hard or Higher") 0/1
  • Fallen Chloe (Halls of Water, "Hard or Higher") 0/1

The Demons are protecting the entrance fiercely! We must quickly open the entrance to the Halls of Water in a short amount of time! Let's destroy all of the Demon Leaders !

Quest Acceptance Dialogue
  • Penensio: The Demons' defenses are very strong. It seems like Ran is up to something in the temple and doesn't want to be disturbed. All of the demons that appeared previously have gathered to their defense. We need to hurry so we can resolve these conflicts as soon as possible. We must try to find the monster that is holding on to the Water Seal!
Quest Completion Dialogue
  • Penensio: That was amazing! But the reason we couldn't find the Water Seal was because Ran has taken it for himself. We must act fast!
  • Rena: But if I saw correctly, the Red Knights were in the temple. But something didn't seem right...
  • Penensio: You mean it's the Red Knights? That is nonsense! There is no way that the Red Knights are taking orders from the Demons! I think we need to have a thorough investigation- Can you please go find out what is really going on? The color is a little off but... yes...this is a Red Knight armor...sigh
Currency/Experience Common Rewards Selective Rewards
EXP 129,430 N/A N/A
ED 433,200 N/A N/A
EP 0 N/A N/A
AP 0
[Dungeon] Black Armor
Quest Acceptance Prerequisites Objectives
  • Halls of Water, "Hard or Higher"
  • Black Knights Piece of Armor (Fallen Red Knights, Halls of Water, "Hard or Higher") 0/5

I see evidence of the Red Knights inside the Halls of Water. Let's find out their true identity by bringing a piece of their clothing to Penensio. Quest accepted dialogue

Quest Acceptance Dialogue
  • Penensio: There has to be an explanation for this but first, I need to find out why are my Red Knights' armors turning black. Let's go get help from Denka! Denka! The Red Knights are trying to attack us from the Halls of Water!
  • Denka: The Red Knights?!?!
  • Penensio: Please take a look at this. This is the Red Knights' armor...but why is it black?
  • Denka: Hmm...the armor is black...this must be the Demons' doing. Let's go find out why they did this! We need the full body armor...can you go find it for me? Please hurry!
Quest Completion Dialogue
  • Denka: Wow, I can't believe you gathered all of must have been very difficult!
Currency/Experience Common Rewards Selective Rewards
EXP 129,430 Lv.5 Weapon Enhancement Stone x 7 Advanced Enhanced Titanium Weapon
ED 433,200 N/A N/A
EP 0 N/A N/A
AP 0
[Dungeon] Helputt's Belongings
Quest Acceptance Prerequisites Objectives
  • Halls of Water, "Hard or Higher"
  • Helputt's Letter : Top (Bizarre Conrad, Halls of Water, "Hard or Higher") 0/1
  • Helputt's Letter : Middle (Fallen Chloe, Halls of Water, "Hard or Higher") 0/2
  • Helputt's Letter Bottom (Victor, Halls of Water, "Hard or Higher") 0/3

The Red Knights and Helputt had moved over to the dark side. Let's use the Guardian Stones to wear the armor and find out more clues from Helputt. Head over to the Halls of Water and let's learn the truth about Helputt. Quest accepted dialogue

Quest Acceptance Dialogue
  • Denka: Do you know...How Sir Helputt became to turn his back on Hamel? He was once called Helputt the White Colossal but his white armor started to turn black and he began attacking Hamel alongside the demons. I think that's what happened to the Red Knights!
  • Penensio: I am thinking the same also!
  • Denka: Clearly, Rod Ross has done this out of respect for Helputt...
  • Penensio: Ah yes...
  • Denka: How odd, that armor is made out of Guardian Stones. I'm sure you already know, but armors made out of the Guardian Stones become one with the one that wears it. If it's because of Helputt...the armor gives off strength of the person wearing it...there is no way he could have not known that! I wonder if there is any more weird!
  • Penensio: Clearly something is very strange.
  • Denka: I know you're curious about Helputt but let's go to the temple to find out more clues!
Quest Completion Dialogue
  • Penensio: Denka, I found it!!! I found a letter from the Seiker family in the corner of the Temple of Frozen Water! Now we will have some sort of answer!
  • Denka: Please open it-
  • Penensio: This is the Water Seal...
  • Denka: There is nothing here!!!
Currency/Experience Common Rewards Selective Rewards
EXP 129,430 N/A N/A
ED 433,200 N/A N/A
EP 0 N/A N/A
AP 0
[Dungeon] Secret Ink
Quest Acceptance Prerequisites Objectives
  • Halls of Water, "Hard or Higher"
  • Demon Ink (Shadow Port Voider, Halls of Water, "Hard or Higher") 0/8

We found a letter regarding the Symbols from Helputt! The Demon's Ink is written all over it. In order to read the letter we must go find some Secret Ink! Head over to the Halls of Water and gather Demon Ink from Shadow Port Voider.

Quest Acceptance Dialogue
  • Penensio: Denka, did you find the clue?
  • Denka: This has Demons' ink written all over it, i don't know how to read it... You found it, this is it!!! In order to read the writings of the Demon you need gather some of their secret ink first.
  • Penensio: Demon Fluid! That is exactly what we need. There is not enough time, we must go find some now!
Quest Completion Dialogue
  • Penensio: Denka, I found it!!! I found a letter from the Seiker family in the corner of the Temple of Frozen Water! Now we will have some sort of answer!
  • Denka: Okay, that is fine. Let's take a look...
Currency/Experience Common Rewards Selective Rewards
EXP 129,430 N/A N/A
ED 433,200 N/A N/A
EP 0 N/A N/A
AP 0
[Dungeon] In the Name of the Father
Quest Acceptance Prerequisites Objectives
  • Let's visit Hamel to chat with Penensio.

Now that we have the Demon Ink, let's go find Denka to find out what's written in Helputt's letter.

Quest Acceptance Dialogue
  • Denka: Okay, I'm starting to see some letters...
  • Penensio: What does it say?
  • Helputt's Letter: If someone is reading this letter... that means I have turned to the demon side already. Even though I'm a demon now, Dark Earl Ran's trickeries have constantly tested my will and faith more than anything I have experienced. Even now while writing this letter, I can say that this was a bad choice. But I had to do whatever it took to save and protect my people. I know this will harm my son, but this is the only way to protect him and the children of the future. Dark Earl Ran invaded Hamel in order to find out the whereabouts of the El Lady from the Water Priestess. If the demons get their hands on the El Lady's El power, no one will be able to stop them and that will be the end of this world. Surely, I believe whoever's reading htis letter should have a stronger will and power than me. Please... help save Hamel and the Water Priestess from Ran. Save this world.
  • Penensio: How can this be...
  • Denka: Don't worry so much...
  • Penensio: What can I do? I don't know where to even begin...
Quest Completion Dialogue
  • Denka: Let's think carefully and retrace our steps!
Currency/Experience Common Rewards Selective Rewards
EXP 129,430 N/A N/A
ED 433,200 N/A N/A
EP 0 N/A N/A
AP 0
[Dungeon] Chung's Fury
Quest Acceptance Prerequisites Objectives
  • Halls of Water, "Hard or Higher"
  • Clear Halls of Water, "Hard or Higher" 0/1

Let's rescue the Water Priestess and save Hamel from crisis! Let's go examine the Halls of Water and see what is going on in there!

Quest Acceptance Dialogue
  • Denka: Let's go talk to Chung first!
  • Penensio: Yes, we must tell him about this letter. I will go get him!
  • Denka: This is th letter your father left behind.
  • Chung: ... ... ... How can this father did this for me? I had no idea...
  • Denka: I understand how you feel, but now is not the time to be sad. Do not forget Helputt's request...Let's go to the Halls of Water for now.
  • Penensio: I agree, now we must go to the Halls of Water to see what is going on there!
Quest Completion Dialogue
  • Penensio: Have you discovered the secret passage?
  • Denka: There must be a passage through the Halls of Water, so we must hurry!
Currency/Experience Common Rewards Selective Rewards
EXP 129,430 Lv.5 Armor Enhancement Stone x 15 N/A
ED 433,200 The Great Chaos of Wind Crystal x 10 N/A
EP 0 N/A N/A
AP 0
[Dungeon] Water Priestess Rescue
Quest Acceptance Prerequisites Objectives
  • Halls of Water, "Very Hard"
  • Check the Altar of Water (Halls of Water, "Very Hard")
  • Rescue the Water Priestess : Ran (Halls of Water, "Very Hard") 0/1

The Water Priestess is being held captive, so we must go to the Halls of Water and save her!

Quest Acceptance Dialogue
  • Denka: I still have something left to do! I need to rescue the Water Priestess!
  • Penensio: Okay- Let's go rescue the Water Priestess while Ran's power is weakening!
Quest Completion Dialogue
  • Penensio: Denka...
  • Denka: Ah, the Water Priestess!
  • Sasha: I'm sorry to give you such a hard time. Even though the El's power has been diminishing lately, I can turn back the Temple of Water to its orginal state very soon with my powers. When the power of El gets returned, Hamel will return to its original state!
Currency/Experience Common Rewards Selective Rewards
EXP 137,390 Lv.5 Weapon Enhancement Stone x 15 Bizarre Chaos Weapon
ED 457,000 The Great Chaos of Wind Crystal x 42 Twisted Wind Weapon
EP 0 N/A N/A
AP 0
Major Mission
Quest Acceptance Prerequisites Objectives
  • Head over to Sander to meet with Priestess Anudran

According to the Water Priestess, the demons want to find where the El Lady has been revived. The demons have been seen to be moving away from this continent. Not far away from Hamel lies Sander Village. There is a strong power of Wind El emanating form there. Go seek Sander Village's Chief and ask about the Wind Priestess.

Quest Acceptance Dialogue
  • Penensio: Priestess.... Do you remember anything from when you were locked in the dark crystal? For a brief moment, I think you said something about darkness coming in the northern region...
  • Sasha: I don't remember exactly but I think I know what Ran was searching for... Priestesses who worship the power of El share special powers with El Lady... So I must have told the whereabouts of the El Lady.
  • Penensio: That explains... why Ran left the way he did... He may have gotten all the information he needed. This is really bad.
  • Sasha: You don't have to worry too much... He can't figure out everything from what I told him. Only when all the information from all Priestesses are gathered together, it would be possible to find where El Lady is. Considering what happened in Velder also... it is most likely that demons are going after other Priestesses.
  • Penensio: That means we can assume for now that Hamel is safe from the demons. However, I'm sure this peacefulness will not last long. We would like to finish up here then head back to Velder. For the adventurers who helped in saving Hamel, I heard they will continue their travels... Please let us know if you hear any useful information.
  • Sasha: Hm... I can sense that the Wind Priestess is nearby not far from here... I don't know the exact location though...
  • Denka: Wind Priestess? Hm... I cna't remember exactly but I think about 10 years ago, I came across a town called 'Sander' which is not that far from here... I can feel the winds from that region carrying the power of El....
  • Sasha: A region where the wind carreis the power of El... That must be it. I'm sure the Wind Priestess is there. Adventurers... I know you are the true heroes of our world... Please help and save the other Priestess from the wretched demons too. Please...
  • Denka: If that's the case... how about choosing your next destination as 'Sander'?
Quest Completion Dialogue
  • Emirate: I heard you're the adventurers visiting our village. Let me welcome you to Sander Village, the best merchant town!! Are you guys really the ones who saved Velder and Hamel from demons? That's really awesome!
  • Rena: I'm so flattered. Does the Wind Priestess live in Sander Village?
  • Emirate: Are you looking for the Wind Priestess? I'm sorry but the Wind Priestess doesn't live in Sander...
  • Rena: ...
  • Emirate: Hahaha!! But don't be disappointed! The Wind Priestess is coming to Sander Village for peace talks! It'll be a while until the Wind Priestess arrives and you must be tired after your long journey..Why don't you rest for a while. I'll let you know once the Wind Priestess has arrived!!
Currency/Experience Common Rewards Selective Rewards
EXP 143,510 Magic Stone x 6 N/A
ED 526,600 N/A N/A
EP 0 N/A N/A
AP 0

General Guides
Character Progression
Other Media
  • Region 1~6
  • Region 7~12
  • Region 13~18
  • Region 19~21
  • Laby
  • Noah
  • Lithia
  • Other
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