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Revision as of 12:41, 23 February 2014 by Tantaros (talk | contribs)

Los títulos son objetos intangibles que puedes equipar desde el menú del personaje. Se muestran encima de la cabeza del personaje y cada título proporciona estadísticas únicas. Se pueden obtener a través de varias circunstancias dadas en el juego.

Lista de títulos

  1. Los títulos deben ser primero activados. Los títulos no descubiertos se mostrarán como "?" en la lista.
  2. Los títulos descubiertos pueden ser desbloqueados si se cumplen los requisitos.
    • Todos los títulos de Evento son automáticamente descubiertos al principio.
  • Ruben
Imagen (KR) Imagen (NA) Título Cómo descubrirlo Cómo obtenerlo Bonificación Descripción
File:Ann's Gift.png

Regalo de Ana

Descubierto desde el principio Completa la misión épica "Los Porus ladrones"

Ataque +12
Ataque mágico +12

Ana, la chica de Ruben - mi gran amor.
Buscador de Éldrit Descubierto desde el principio Completa:

Ataque +8
Ataque mágico +8
Velocidad de desplazamiento +4%

Símbolo de reconocimiento como buscador de Éldrit.
Cazador de Poru Alcanza el nivel 2 Derrota:
  • Güilo una vez
  • 5 Poru hambriento
  • 5 Poru ladrón

Ataque +40
Ataque mágico -20
PV máx. +3%

Atemorizas a los Poru.
Cazador de monos Alcanza el nivel 3 Derrota Rey mono 2 veces en Experto.

PV máx. +2%
Potencia de salto +6%

Atemorizas a los monos.

|-| Élder=

Imagen (KR) Imagen (NA) Título Cómo descubrirlo Cómo obtenerlo Bonificación Descripción
Iluminador de la noche Completa 1-3 Completa 2-1 en experto con rango S

Ataque mágico + 12
Defensa mágica + 4
Golpe crítico +2%

Este bosque es tan oscuro como la noche. La gratitud llega a todo aquel que lo ilumina.

Completa 2-2 en Difícil

Derrota a Bénguer nasod 4 veces

Esquivar +1%
Velocidad de desplazamiento +2%

Medalla por el castigo de Bénguer.
Cazador de murciélagos Completa 2-2 o derrota al jefe en 2-2 1 vez Derrota al Rey murciélago 2 veces Esquivar ataques de vampiros 40% (Escenario) Los murciélagos tiemblan cuando te ven.
Héroe de la revolución Completa el Capítulo 3 de la historia Completa 2-5 en Experto en menos de 8 minutos

Duración del potenciador de poder +4.5%
Recarga de potenciador de poder +5%
PV máx. +3%

Medalla para los héroes que han liberado de Lord Robon a la Provincia de Élder.
Nasod Eater
Clear Wally's Underground Laboratory 199 times on hell mode

Critical Hit Rate +1%
Action Speed +1%
Evasion +2%
Deal 15% more damage to Nasod Inspector
15% chance to avoid Nasod Inspector's attack
1% to gain 45MP when hit

|-| Besma=

Imagen (KR) Imagen (NA) Título Cómo descubrirlo Cómo obtenerlo Bonificación Descripción
Afortunado ¿Alcanza el nivel 15?

Usa el objeto "Trébol de cuatro hojas"

  • Obtenible en los cubos sellados de Besma
  • Se puede vender en el mercado

Golpe crítico +2%
Posibilidad de dejar caer ED +10% (Escenario)

¡Trae buena suerte!
Amante del fuego Alcanza el nivel 15

Ataque mágico +16
Defensa mágica +6
Daño de fuego disminución de +30%

Símbolo de la singular banda del Espíritu de las llamas.
Cazador de las tinieblas Logra 3-3 en Difícil Derrota al Guerrero de las sombras en Experto 6 veces.

Ataque +24
Defensa +12
Velocidad de desplazamiento +4%
Golpe crítico +1%
Esquivar +1%

Te sientes a salvo en la oscura noche.
Capataz Completa 3-5 en Difícil Completa 3-5 en Experto con rango S

Ataque +28
Ataque mágico -12
+40% de probabilidad de resistir Confusión (Escenario)

Certificado de conquista de la Gran Mina.
Cazador de Nasod Alcanza el nivel 18

Derrota los siguientes monstruos en Experto

Ataque +16
Ataque mágico +16
Resistencia contra el viento +20

Atemorizas a los Nasod.
  • Obtén el título Mercader misterioso
  • Completa Inframundo 10 veces en Infierno
Completa Inframundo 199 veces en Infierno

Golpe crítico +2%
Velocidad de ataque +1%
Daño +15% contra Dragón esqueleto
15% de probabilidad de esquivar al Dragón esqueleto
50% de probabilidad de resistir Fuego

¡Un dragón real! ¿Un dragón... real... vivo?

|-| Altera=

Imagen (KR) Imagen (NA) Título Cómo descubrirlo Cómo obtenerlo Bonificación Descripción
Mercenario veterano

Alcanza el nivel 29
Completa 4-1 en Difícil
(NOTA: no se activará si lo haces en Experto).

Completa 4-1 en Experto recibiendo como máximo 10 golpes.

Ataque +10
Ataque mágico +10
Defensa física -5
Defensa mágica -5
Velocidad de ataque +2%
Esquivar +2%

Certificado por 100 batallas disputadas.
Barrendero Alcanza el nivel 32

Derrota 10 Alterasiana
Derrota 100 Espora altesariana en 4-3

Resistencia contra el veneno +20
10% de probabilidad de resistir veneno (Escenario)

Túnel B4-1 descontaminado con éxito.
Héroe de los Pongu Completa 4-6 1 vez Completa 4-6 en Experto 2 veces

Ataque +10
Ataque mágico +10
Resistencia contra el viento +10
Golpe crítico +1%
PV máx. +3%

Medalla por la victoria sobre el Rey Nasod y la devolución de Altera a la tribu de los Pongu.
Velocista Completa 4-6 en Experto 1 vez Completa 4-6 en Experto en 8 minutos

Velocidad de desplazamiento +3%
Potencia de salto +3%
Velocidad de ataque +2%

¡Más veloz que el sonido!

Mercader misterioso (Antes de la llegada de Bélder) Descubierto al empezar

Completa 2-x 5 veces en cualquier dificultad en menos de 25 minutos
Completa 3-x 5 veces en cualquier dificultad en menos de 25 minutos
Completa 4-x 5 veces en cualquier dificultad en menos de 25 minutos
Completa 3-x 5 veces en modo Infierno con rango S
Completa 4-x en Infierno con menos de 30 golpes

Ataque +125
Ataque mágico +125
PV máx. +2%
15% de probabilidad de esquivar a Deus ex Nasod, Dragón esqueleto y Altesariana de tipo H.

Los secretos sólo son secretos mientras no se revelan.
Mercader misterioso (Antes de la reorganización de los escenarios secretos) Alcanza el nivel 35

Completa 2-x 5 veces en cualquier dificultad en menos de 25 minutos
Completa 3-x 5 veces en cualquier dificultad en menos de 25 minutos
Completa 4-x 5 veces en cualquier dificultad en menos de 25 minutos
Completa 5-x 5 veces en cualquier dificultad en menos de 25 minutos

Ataque +125
Ataque mágico +125
PV máx. +2%
15% de probabilidad de esquivar a Deus ex Nasod, Dragón esqueleto, Altesariana de tipo H y Piromaro de la alucinación.

Mercader misterioso (Tras la reorganización de los escenarios secretos) Alcanza el nivel 35

Completa 2-x 5 veces en cualquier dificultad en menos de 25 minutos
Completa 3-x 5 veces en cualquier dificultad en menos de 25 minutos
Completa 4-x 5 veces en cualquier dificultad en menos de 25 minutos
Completa 5-x 5 veces en cualquier dificultad en menos de 25 minutos
Completa 6-x 5 veces en cualquier dificultad en menos de 25 minutos

Ataque +125
Ataque mágico +125
PV máx. +2%
15% de probabilidad de esquivar a Deus ex Nasod, Dragón esqueleto, Altesariana de tipo H, Piromaro de la alucinación y Corrupt Destroyer Helputt.

Demonio de la limpieza
  • Obtén el título Mercader misterioso
  • Completa 4-x 10 veces en Infierno
Completa 4-x 199 veces en Infierno

Golpe crítico +1%
Velocidad de ataque +1%
Daño +15% contra Alterasiana de tipo H
15% de probabilidad de esquivar a la Alterasiana de tipo H
50% de probabilidad de resistir Maldición 50% de probabilidad de resistir Veneno

¡El túnel nunca estuvo tan limpio!

|-| Peita=

Imagen (KR) Imagen (NA) Título Cómo descubrirlo Cómo obtenerlo Bonificación Descripción
Salvador de Peita Completa la misión épica "Establecer una cabeza de puente". Completa X-1 5 veces en Experto.

Defensa mágica +10
Resistencia contra la oscuridad +20

Símbolo de agradecimiento por responder al grito de socorro de Peita.
Intrépido Completa X-3 en Difícil Derrota:
  • 5 Amorfista
  • 5 Duteiro

Ataque mágico +12
Defensa mágica +6
Resistencia contra la oscuridad +16
10% de probabilidad de resistir Maldición (Escenario)

Los fantasmas y espíritus ya no te dan miedo.
Jardinero salvaje Derrota 50? Hiedras Derrota 100 Hiedras en X-4.

Ataque +24
Defensa -10
Defensa mágica -10
Resistencia contra el veneno +20
Velocidad de ataque +2%

¡Cada uno debería cuidar bien sus plantas y nunca olvidar el riego!
Cazademonios Completa X-6 en Difícil

(NOTA:NO se activará si lo completas en Experto.)

Derrota los siguientes monstruos:

  • 20 X-6 Berrut en Experto
  • 250 Guardianes de palacio vargo
  • 250 Guardias vargo
  • 250 Francotiradores vargo
  • 250 Soldados de asalto vargo

Ataque +44
Esquivar +2%
Duración del potenciador de poder +6%
Daño +12% contra enemigos vargo y los jefes medios
Resistencia contra la oscuridad -10 (Escenario)

Al final los demonios no son gran cosa, ¿no?

|-| Bélder=

Imagen (KR) Imagen (NA) Título Cómo descubrirlo Cómo obtenerlo Bonificación Descripción
Derrota a Molpos 5 veces en Experto

Derrota a todos los jefes medios en Bélder:

  • 45 Molpos
  • 45 Magurdo
  • 45 Báradon
  • 45 Piromaro tenebroso

Ataque +125
Ataque mágico +125
Defensa +25
Defensa mágica +25
Impactos +1%

¡Los demonios no tienen nada que buscar en este mundo!
Prohibición de montar a caballo
Kill 1 Arc Glitter Spearman in 5-3

Kill the following monsters:

  • 250 Cockatrigles
  • 30 Polka

Ataque +100
Ataque mágico +100
Defensa -20
Defensa mágica -20
Potencia de salto +6%
Velocidad de desplazamiento +6%

Arre, arre jinete, si se cae...
¡Nada mejor que irse! Derrota 20 Chupamanás

Derrota los siguientes monstruos:

  • 75 Chupamaná
  • 200 Chupasangre
  • 20 Esprigán
1% de probabilidad de +150 PM al ser golpeado. (Escenario) ¿Quién es más rápido?
Guardia de Bélder Completa 5-1 con rango A o superior

Completa los siguientes escenarios en Experto:

  • 5-1 con rango S
  • 5-2 con rango S
  • 5-3 con rango S
  • 5-4 con rango S
  • 5-5 con rango S+

Resistencia contra el fuego +50
Resistencia contra la oscuridad +50
Esquivar +2%

Cuando hasta los caballeros de Bélder fracasan, el país necesita auténticos héroes.
Cazador de elfos oscuros Derrota a Cloe 4 veces en Experto

Derrota los siguientes monstruos:

  • 300 Centinela de los elfos oscuros
  • 200 Quiena
  • 20 Cloe en Experto
  • 30 Nefilo oscuro en Experto

Ataque +100
Ataque mágico +100
Golpe crítico +1%
Esquivar Centinela de los elfos oscuros y Quiena 20%
Esquivar Cloe y Nefilo oscuro 10%

Los vargo confían demasiado en sus aliados. ¡Combátelos para debilitar a los vargo!
Golpe de escudo Derrota a Baradón 2 veces

Derrota los siguientes monstruos:

  • 10 Guardián nasod blindado de élite
  • 10 Guardián vargo
  • 100 Guardián vargo blindado
  • 200 Guardián archivargo
  • 50 Báradon

Daño +50% contra:

  • Guardián nasod blindado de élite
  • Guardián vargo
  • Guardián vargo blindado
  • Guardián archivargo
  • Báradon
  • Guardián nasod contaminado
¡Lucha contra el bosque de escudos!
Destructor Rompe 20 barricadas


  • 200 Barricadas
  • 125 Cañones
  • 50 Torres

Ataque +100
Ataque mágico +100
Impactos +4%

Mármol, piedra, hierro se romperán...
Bracelet Snatcher
Completa 5-1 100 veces Derrota a Unojundo 1 vez

Ataque +75
Ataque mágico +75
+40% chance to evade Dark Elf Sentinels' and Uno Hound's attacks

Velocista supersónico

Obtén el título Velocista
Completa 5-3 en Experto en menos de 5 minutos

Completa los siguientes escenarios en Experto:

  • 5-2 en menos de 3 minutos y 30 segundos
  • 5-3 en menos de 3 minutos y 50 segundos
  • 5-4 en menos de 4 minutos y 10 segundos
  • 5-5 en menos de 4 minutos y 30 segundos

Golpe crítico +1%
Velocidad de ataque +3%
Potencia de salto +1%
Velocidad de desplazamiento +1%

¡Esta vez es un recorrido más corto! ¿Eres más rápido que yo?

Obtén el título "Aniquilavargo"
Derrota los siguientes monstruos:

  • 20 Soldado archivargo de asalto
  • 5 Francotirador archivargo
  • 10 Soldado archivargo blindado
  • 5 Comandante vargo

Derrota los siguientes monstruos:

  • 400 Asesino archivargo
  • 400 Soldado archivargo de asalto
  • 150 Francotirador archivargo
  • 200 Soldado archivargo blindado
  • 150 Comandante vargo

Ataque +25
Ataque mágico +25
Golpe crítico +1%
Recarga de potenciador de poder +8%
PV máx. +4%

¡Los demonios no tienen escapatoria!
Destruyeilusiones Completa Alucinaciones en Bélder 199 veces en Infierno

Golpe crítico +1%
Velocidad de ataque +1%
Resistencia contra confusión +50%
Resistencia contra terror +50%
Daño +15% contra Piromaro de la alucinación
15% de probabilidad de esquivar a Piromaro de la alucinación

Como aventureros, nos topamos con las cosas más extrañas...

|-| Hamel=

Imagen (KR) Imagen (NA) Título Cómo descubrirlo Cómo obtenerlo Bonificación Descripción
¡Me gusta el pescado! Completa 6-2 una vez
150 Piraña
100 Ancient Crab
150 Tritón
100 Pez sapo abisal
40 Serpiente marina
Daño +10% contra Laguna, Tritón, Pez sapo abisal, y Serpiente marina
30% de probabilidad de resistir Congelar
¡Nada mejor que el pescado fresco!
El mejor de los mejores Completa 6-3 en Experto Cloe corrupta (0/50)
Conrado el extraño (0/50)
Ataque +200
Ataque mágico +200
¡Soy sencillamente invencible!
Enviado de Bélder Completa 6-1 una vez
- Consigue rango S en 6-1 en Experto
- Consigue rango S en 6-2 en Experto
- Consigue rango S+ en 6-3 en Experto
Velocidad de ataque +1%
Golpe crítico +1%
PV máx. +3%
¡Bélder está en peligro!
Segador de hierbajos Derrota 10 Flor negra
Derrota 200 Flor negra Resistencia contra el veneno +250 ¡Tenemos que acabar con las malas hierbas, pero sin usar productos químicos!
Rompególems Derrota 10 Nasod Ancient Guards
125 Ancient Nasod Sentinel
100 Ancient Nasod Guard
100 Mini Ancient Nasod Sentinel
Ataque +100
Ataque mágico +100
Defensa +80
Golpe crítico +1%
Solo me gustan las piedras que no se mueven.
Elios para siempre

-El personaje debe ser capaz de entrar en Hamel
-Completa 1-1 10 veces en cualquier modalidad
-Completa 2-1 10 veces en cualquier modalidad
-Completa 3-1 10 veces en cualquier modalidad
-Completa 4-1 10 veces en cualquier modalidad
-Completa X-1 10 veces en cualquier modalidad

-Completa 1-1 una vez
-Completa 1-2 en Experto una vez
-Completa 1-3 en Experto una vez

Impactos +2%
Todas las resistencias +50

¡Elios es el mejor lugar, y punto!
Sojuzgador de Tejedores Derrota 100 Tejedor de las sombras
Tejedor de las sombras (0/1000) Daño +100% contra Tejedor de las sombras, Tejedor de sangre, Tejedor de maná, Tejedor de poder ¡Se acabó el tejer!
File:Famous Sailors.png Buen amigo Viaja en barco de Bélder a Hamel / Hamel a Bélder 78 veces
Completa el barco de Bélder a Hamel 0/1 Velocidad de desplazamiento +6%
Potencia de salto +6%
Duración del potenciador de poder +9%
¡El barco de guerra de Bélder nunca duerme!
File:Knight Rescue Party.png Servicio de rescate de caballeros Liberar a los caballeros de los capullos de araña (0/50)
Liberar a los caballeros de los capullos de araña (0/500) Daño +15% contra Drenador de las sombras marino, Asaltante de las sombras marino, Caballero sombrío marino, Embaucador de las sombras marino ¡Hemos rescatado a los caballeros del nido de arañas!
Pata de araña Magmanta (0/5)
1000 Raya del diablo
1000 Mantares
30 Magmanta
Daño +10% contra Raya del diablo, Mantares, y Magmanta
Esquivar Ataque araña 30%
¡Odio a las arañas!
Rompejaulas Romper 100 Prisión de hielo
Romper 1 Prisión de hielo

10% de probabilidad de resistir Frío
10% de probabilidad de resistir Congelar
Resistencia contra el agua +50

Una prisión de hielo no puede aguantar un ataque.
Comida decente Se alimenta a la mascota con un objeto [Común] (0/10) (Los objetos rotos, se obtienen de las cajas)
Se alimenta a la mascota con un objeto [Común] (0/200) (Los objetos rotos, se obtienen de las cajas) Todas las resistencias +50 ¡Es muy importante reciclar!
Premium LOL Se alimenta a la mascota con un objeto [Único] (0/1)
(También debes ser nivel 50 o mayor)
Se alimenta a la mascota con un objeto [Único] (0/10)
Se alimenta a la mascota con un objeto [Élite] (0/30)
+2% de posibilidad de efecto sobre atributo (Solamente cuando se lleva a cabo ataque de atributo)

(No surte efecto si tu arma tiene 2 atributos)

Buceador profundo Muere ahogado (0/1)
Pez sapo abisal (0/150) Resistencia contra el agua +250 ¡La emoción de las profundidades!
Nadador de Hamel Completa 6-2 en 10 minutos o menos en Experto

Completa 6-2 en 8 minutos 10 segundos o menos en Experto
Completa 6-2 en 8 minutos 45 segundos o menos en Experto en solitario

Velocidad de ataque +4%
Impactos +4%
Aun con el agua al cuello mantienes la serenidad.
'Escultor de hielo Completa la misión "Dieta de arañas"
Ancient Iced Crab (0/250)
Hagalaz (0/500)
Chilling Hedghog (0/500)
Ice Stinger (0/50)
Avalancha (0/25)
Probabilidad de impacto de frío: 2%
Existe una probabilidad del 2% de que dispares un carámbano de hielo (Escenario)
Posibilidad de congelación ++0.2% (Solo cuando se utiliza agua)
Los cristales grandes de hielo son formaciones asombrosas.
Todo S+ Completa 6-1 en Experto con rango S+ (0/3)
Completa 6-2 en Experto con rango S+ (0/5)
Completa 6-3 en Experto con rango S+ (0/7)
Completa 6-4 en Experto con rango S+ (0/15)
Completa 6-5 en Experto con rango S+ (0/22)
Completa 6-6 en Experto con rango S+ (0/30)
Completa 6-7 en Experto con rango S+ (0/35)
PV máx. +5%
Recarga de potenciador de poder +5%
Duración del potenciador de poder +7.5%
¡Qué bien, todo S+!
Poder del esplendor Mana Linker (0/1500)
Blood Linker (0/1500)
Shadow Port Trickster (0/1000)
Shadow Port Voider (0/800)
Solo 6-7 on Very Hard 150 rounds and cannot resurrect Physical Attack +400
Physical Attack +2%
Magia del esplendor Kill Ran 100 times.
Ran in 6-7 of any difficulty will count toward this but the Rans in Henir will not.
Solo 6-7 on Very Hard and achieve all the following in single run:
- Clear within 25 minutes
- Achieve SS Rank
- Take 10 hit or less
Death voids all conditions on entire run
Magical Attack +400
Magical Attack +2%
Espada del esplendor Giant linker (0/100)
Shadow Port Sniper (0/1000)
Shadow Port Defender (0/1000)
Shadow Port Walker (0/1000)
Shadow Port Charger (0/1000)
Kill the following:
Shadow Stinger (0/500)
Bobosse (0/500)
Conrad the Odd (0/500)
Corrupted Chloe (0/500)
Ran (0/500)
All versions of the mid-bosses count toward this title, including Henir versions in the Hamel Elite stage. However, Ran must be defeated in 6-7.
Physical Attack +2%
Magical Attack +2%
Critical Hit Rate +2%
Action Speed +1%
Awakening Charge Speed +5%
Awakening Time +7.5%
2% chance of Lightning attack (Dungeon)

|-| Areha=

Icon (KR) Icon (NA) Title Discovery Obtain Stats
Sander Explorer Clear 7-1 once on any difficulty
Kill Vegar Trock (0/50) Critical Hit Rate +1%
Action Speed +1%
Band of Trock Kill Vegar Trock (0/200)
Clear 7-1 on any difficulty with SS 3 times
Add +10% Bonus damage against all Trock mobs (Dungeon)
Max HP +5%
3000! Kill Rocky Trock (0/250) Kill Rocky Trock (0/300) Action Speed +4.5%
Awakening Time +10.5%
Harpy Harpy Kill Giant Garpai Harpy (0/150) Clear 7-2 any difficulty 10 times Add 10% Bonus Damage against all Harpy mobs (Dungeon)
Awakening Charge Speed 5%
File:Wings of Steel.png Wings of Steel Clear 7-2 Very Hard with SS rank Clear 7-2 Very Hard within 4 minutes 10 seconds All Elemental Resistance +25
Critical Hit Rate +2%
Awakening Charge Speed +5%
Born to the Wind Complete Chapter 15 Story Quest Clear 7-4 Very Hard and achieved all the following:(0/5)
  • Clear within 4 Minutes
  • Achieve SS Rank
Action Speed 2%
Evasion 2%
Add 1% chance to create a Speed Aura (Increase Movement Speed 5%, Up to 3 party member) when attacked (Not Overlapped)
BOMB Stopper Kill Trock Bomber 100 times Kill Trock Bomber 100 times Critical Hit Rate 1%
Additional Damage 1%
Fire Resistance +100
Add 2% Chance to summon a Trock Bomber when attacked
Stand Alone Solo Clear each Sander Dungeon Very Hard 10 times. Clear each Sander Dungeon and achieved all the following:
  • Take 30 hit or less each dungeon
Movement Speed 8%
Evasion 5%
The Survivor Clear 7-3 Very Hard without consuming Resurrection Stone Clear 7-3 Very Hard without consuming Resurrection Stone 25 times Reduced Damage 3%
Max HP 3%
Physical Defense +3%
Magical Defense +3%
7 before 8 killed Clear 7-4 Very Hard with max consuming Resurrection Stone 7 times (will be accumulated) Kill Great Battle Chief Karu once on Very Hard Add 75% Chance to avoid all miniboss' attack in 7-4
Add 50% Bonus Damage against miniboss in 7-4
Add 33% chance to avoid all mobs attack in 7-4
Add 20% Bonus Damage against Great Battle Chief Karu
Add 25% Bonus Damage against all mobs in 7-4
(All effect cannot overlapped)
Warrior of Storm(?) Kill Anger Sirape 1 time Kill Anger Sirape 9999 times Wind Resistance +50
Piercing Chance +4%
While attacking:
3% chance of additional Vibration hit(Dungeon Only)
3% chance of summoning Sand Storm(?)(Dungeon Only)
3% chance of summoning Tornado(?)(Dungeon Only)
Evil Spirit of Sandstorm Solo clear 7-4 on Very Hard and achieve all the following (0/1):
  • Clear within 8 minutes
  • Achieve S Rank or higher
  • Take 30 hits or less
  • Clear without use of resurrection stones
Solo clear 7-4 on Very Hard and achieve all the following (0/1):
  • Clear within 5 minutes
  • Achieve SS Rank
  • Take 10 hits or less
  • Clear without use of resurrection stones

Critical Hit Rate +3%
Additional Damage +3%
Action Speed +3%
Awakening Charge Speed +3%
While attacking, 5% chance of summoning a ghost (Dungeon Only)
God of Death Clear 7-6 Very Hard and achieve all the following (0/10):
  • Take 0 hits
  • Achieve SS Rank
Defeat the following:
Any mobs in 7-6 (0/30,000)
Any mini-boss in 7-6 (0/4000)
Karis True Form (0/800)
While attacking:
3% chance of summoning Demon(?) Swords
3% chance of summoning Ghost(?) Swords
3% chance of summoning Spirit(?) Swords
Airship Assault Incident Complete First Quest in Field on Chapter 16 Story Quest Clear 7-5 Very Hard 5 times Physical Attack +250

Magical Attack +250
Physical defense -75
Magical Defense -75

Stop Movement Complete Second Quest in Chapter 16 Story Quest Clear 7-6 on any difficulty 10 times Add 3% chance to create the Falling Rock when attacking (Dungeon Only)

Piercing Effect +2% (if you use piercing)

Time for Revenge Clear 7-5 or 7-6 Very Hard with consuming Resurrection Stone once

Clear 7-5 or 7-6 Very Hard 5 times

Clear 7-6 Very Hard without consuming Resurrection Stone 5 times Physical Attack +75

Magical Attack +75 Additional Damage +1% Critical Hit Rate +1% Movement Speed +1%

King of Destruction Acheive Lv 65

Obtain BOMB Stopper Title
Kill Seal Bomber 500 times

Kill Bomb Carrier 100 times and Seal Bomber 500 time in 7-6 on any difficulty Add 2% chance to creating the following effect:
  • Explode when attack
  • Flame struck

Burning Effect +2% (if you use burning)

Supersonic Returns1
Clear 7-6 on Very Hard under 5 minutes Clear 7-6 Very Hard and achieve all the following :
  • Clear under 3 Minutes
  • Achieve SS Rank
  • Clear without use of resurrection stones
Action Speed +7%
Return to the Ruben Acheive Lv 65

Complete Chapter 16 Story Quest
Kill Tobu 50 times
(Can be found in Noah's Lake)

Clear 1-1 any difficulty 5 times All Stats (Except Awakening Charge Speed and Time) +1%
100x Enriched Equipment Acheive Lv 70

Socketing Equipment Lv 60 or higher 2000 times
Enchanting Equipment Lv 60 or higher 500 times

Clear Henir's Time and Space any difficulty once All weapons Element attributes +1.5%

ED gain +10% (Dungeon)

|-| Especial=

Icon (KR) Icon (NA) Title Discovery Obtain Stats
El Search Party Valedictorian Kill El Search Party Master Lowe (Lord Knight Epic NPC) once in PVP Kill Lowe 7 times in PVP Physical Attack +100
Mega Slash Skill Level +1 (Dungeon)
Critical Hit Rate +1%
Repair Discount +10% (Max 10%)
Centurion Kill Red Knight Captain Penensio (Rune Slayer Epic NPC) once in PVP Kill Penensio 25 times in PVP Physical Attack +100
Magical Attack +100
Physical Defense +100
Magical Defense +100
Flame Resistance 100%
Ice Resistance 100%
Break the Impregnable Kill Ice Princess Noah (Elemental Master Epic NPC) once in PVP Kill Noah 25 times in PVP Critical Hit Rate +3%
Additional Damage +3%
The Fallen Angkor Queen Kill Shadow Witch Speka (Void Princess Epic NPC) once in PVP Kill Speka 15 times in PVP Dark Resistance +250
Movement Speed +5%
Jump Speed +5%
Combat Expert Kill Green Forest Lime (Wind Sneaker Epic NPC) once in PVP Kill Lime 15 times in PVP Additional Damage +2.5%
Reduced Damage +12.5%
Broken Arrow Kill Wind Shooter Amelia (Grand Archer Epic NPC) once in PVP Kill Amelia 15 times in PVP Wind Resistance +250
Piercing Effect +1.5% (if you use piercing)
Born to Blood Kill Blood Colonel Edan (Blade Master Epic NPC) in PVP Kill Edan 25 times in PVP When debuffed, MP regen per second +5
15% chance of inflicting Bleeding status when hit
Additional Damage +4%
Painkiller Kill Lord of Pain Valak (Reckless Fist Epic NPC) once in PVP Kill Valak 40 times in PVP Reduced Damage +10%
Damage increased by 1.5 times to enemies in down state (Dungeon)
5% chance to gain 7 MP when hit
Souless Ego Kill Code Q-Proto_00 (Code Nemesis Epic NPC) once in PVP Kill Q-Proto_00 40 times in PVP Awakening Charge Speed +20%
Max HP -50%
Actives, Special Actives, Buffs Skill Level +1
Max MP -33%
Ancient History Kill Nasod Princess Apple (Code Empress Epic NPC) once in PVP Kill Apple 10 times in PVP Magical Attack +100
Illusion Strike Skill +1 (Dungeon)
Action Speed +1%
7% chance of Super Armor activating for 1 second when attacked (Dungeon)
Returner Title Discovered at start Login to the game after certain amount of time from last login and use the Returner Title item (30 days).
Based on the time from last login, you get returning items such as EXP medal and +5-7 timed Magic Scroll
Physical Attack +50
Magical Attack +50
Critical Hit Rate +2%
Action Speed +3%
Movement Speed +1%
Jump Speed +1%

June 26, 2013 (NA) Version:
Attack Speed +2% (Dungeon)
Critical +2% (Dungeon)
+1% Physical/Magical Attack (Dungeon)
Awakening Charge +5% (Dungeon)

N/A Dungeon Master
Achieve Lv50 Complete the Dungeon Master chain quest from Glaive, which is unlocked when acheiving Level 50. Consists of 3 parts. Max HP +2800
Physical Attack +24
Magical Attack +24
Physical Defense +12
Action Speed +1%
Damage increased by 2.5 times to enemies in down state (Dungeon)
Henir's Transcender Discovered at the start Achieve 1st Rank in the monthly ranking of Henir Challenge Mode (Lasts for 60 days and is automatically received at 3 A.M. server time)

Physical Attack Power +200
Magical Attack Power +200
Physical Defense Power +100
Magical Defense Power +100
A 2% chance of MP +10 when attacking (Dungeon)
Awakening Charge Speed +15%
Action Speed +3%
Evasion +3%
Accuracy +4%
Additional Damage +2%

File:HenirTimeandSpace.png Henir's Absolute Power Discovered at the start Achieve 2nd~10th Rank in the monthly ranking of Henir Challenge Mode (Lasts for 60 days and is automatically received at 3 A.M. server time)

Physical Attack Power +125
Magical Attack Power +125
Physical Defense Power +50
Magical Defense Power +50
A 2% chance of MP +10 when attacking (Dungeon)
Awakening Charge Speed +10%
Action Speed +2%
Evasion + 2%
Accuracy +2%
Add. Damage +1%

Lord of Space Discovered at the start Achieve 1st Rank in the weekly ranking of Henir Challenge Mode (Lasts for 14 days and is automatically received at 3 A.M. server time)

Physical Attack Power +150
Magical Attack Power +150
Physical Defense Power +60
Magical Defense Power +60
EXP received increases by 10% (Dungeon)
10% chance of MP +10 when hit
Critical Hit Rate +3%
Max HP +10%
Action Speed +2%

Conqueror of Space Discovered at the start Achieve 2nd~10th Rank in the monthly ranking of Henir Challenge Mode (Lasts for 14 days and is automatically received at 3 A.M. server time)

Physical Attack Power +125
Magical Attack Power +125
Physical Defense Power +50
Magical Defense Power +50
EXP received increases by 10% (Dungeon)
10% chance of MP +10 when attacked
Critical Hit Rate +2%
Max HP +5%
Action Speed +2%

Destroyer of Space Discovered at the start Achieve 11th~100th Rank in the weekly ranking of Henir Challenge Mode (Lasts for 14 days and is automatically received at 3 A.M. server time)

Physical Attack Power +75
Magical Attack Power +75
Physical Defense Power +30
Magical Defense Power +30
EXP received increases by 10% (Dungeon)
10% chance of MP +10 when attacked
Critical Hit Rate +1%
Action Speed +1%

Lord of Time Discovered at the start Achieve 1st Rank in the daily ranking of Henir Challenge Mode (Lasts for 3 days and is automatically received at 3 A.M. server time)

Physical Attack Power +125
Magical Attack Power +125
Physical Defense Power +50
Magical Defense Power +50
EXP received increases by 8% (Dungeon)
3% chance to slow for 3 seconds.
Critical Hit Rate +2%
Movement Speed +9%
Jump Speed +9%

Conqueror of Time Discovered at the start Achieve 2nd~10th Rank in the daily ranking of Henir Challenge Mode (Lasts for 3 days and is automatically received at 3 A.M. server time)

Physical Attack Power +100
Magical Attack Power +100
Physical Defense Power +40
Magical Defense Power +40
EXP received increases by 8% (Dungeon)
3% chance to slow for 3 seconds.
Critical Hit Rate +1%
Movement Speed +6%
Jump Speed +6%

Destroyer of Time Discovered at the start Achieve 11th~100th Rank in the daily ranking of Henir Challenge Mode (Lasts for 3 days and is automatically received at 3 A.M. server time)

Physical Attack Power +50
Magical Attack Power +50
Physical Defense Power +20
Magical Defense Power +20
EXP received increases by 8% (Dungeon)
3% chance to slow for 3 seconds.
Movement Speed +3%
Jump Speed +3%

File:The Challenger.png The Challenger Discovered at the start Obtainable after completing the PvP Introduction Story Quests Attack Speed +3% (Match only)
Accuracy +4% (Match only)

|-| Evento=

Icon (KR) Icon (NA) Title Discovery Obtain Stats
Support Hamel! Discovered at the start Use the item "Help Hamel"

HP +2%

Magical Attack +16

Physical Attack +16

File:TheRage.png The Rage Discovered at start 10 days title obtained during release of Anger of Raven (15 days in NA) 20% chance of activating Super Armor for 3 seconds when attacked (Dungeon)
20% chance of damage received being reduced by 75% (Dungeon)
10% chance of inflicting double damage
Sword of Vitality Discovered at start 10 days title obtained during release of Way of the Sword (15 days in NA) Action Speed +5% (Dungeon)
Movement Speed +10% (Dungeon)
Sword of Destruction Discovered at start 10 days title obtained during release of Way of the Sword (15 days in NA) +10% chance of activating a defense shield that absorbs 99% damage (Deactivates after 3 hits or 15 seconds) (Dungeon)
Warrior of Demon Invasion Discovered at start Complete the daily quest given by Ariel during the Gates of Darkness release event. Physical Attack +200
Magical Attack +200
Action Speed +2%
Critical Hit Rate +2%
Protector of Elarbor ? ? Action Speed +2%
+1% of inflicting poisoning effect
Poison Resistance +25
Max HP+3%
Peace Maker Discovered at the start Obtained during the 2011 Harmony Festival Event. No Effects
Happy Merry Christmas Discovered at the start Use the "Happy Merry Christmas" title item

Max HP +1200

Physical Attack +100

Magical Attack +100

Critical Hit Rate +2%

2% chance of inflicting Cold Shock effect

Elsword in Wonderland Discovered at start Use "Elsword in Wonderland" title item acquired from purchasing Wonderland Full Set Costume Package (NA) Physical Attack +50
Magical Attack +50
Action Speed +3%
Awaken Charge Speed +3%
File:Pas.png Passionate Touch ? Use "Passionate Touch" title item obtained from Silver and Steel boxes Critical Hit Rate +4%
ED received +10% (Dungeon)
EXP received +5% (Dungeon)
File:Coolel.png Cool Elrios Bay ? Use "Cool Elrios Bay" title item acquired from purchasing Summer Beach Set Premium Full Package (NA)
Physical Attack +28
Magical Attack +28
Critical Hit Rate +1%
Action Speed +2%
Fire Resistance +30
Water Resistance +30
Warrior of Velder ? ? Physical Attack +40
Magical Attack +40
Critical Hit Rate +1%
Movement Speed +4%
Jump Speed +4%
Ocean Outlaw Discovered at the start Obtained by purchasing the Premium Pirate Package from the Cash Shop
Physical Attack +20
Magical attack +20
Physical Defense +20
Magical Defense +20
Movement Speed +3%
Jump Speed +3%
Action Speed +3%
Water Resistance +40
Lord of Dawn
Discovered at the start Collect 100 Ice Fragments from Ice Burners, and trade them for the Lord of Dawn title item at any Alchemist. Right click to obtain it. Physical Attack +32
Magical attack +32
Physical Defense +20
Magical Defense +20
Light Resistance +30
Evasion +2%
Action Speed +1%
Max HP +2%
Dominator or Trials -William- Discovered at the start Obtained as a reward for completing the post-henrir challenge mode event. (Cannot be obtained anymore) Physical Attack +32
Magical attack +32
Physical Defense +10
Magical Defense +10
EXP received +5% (Dungeon)
Critical Hit Rate +1%
Action Speed +1%
Undying Fighting Spirit Discovered at the start Obtained as a random item from Ice Burners. Can be bought from shops in the Free Market.
Physical Attack +48
Magical attack +48
Fire Resistance +40
Critical Hit Rate +3%
Awakening Charge Speed +5%
Fire Effect +2%
Lord of Coldness Discovered at the start Collect 100 Ice Fragments from Ice Burners, and trade them for the Ice Title item at any Alchemist. Right click to obtain it.
Physical Attack +40
Magical attack +40
Physical Defense +20
Magical Defense +20
Ice Resistance +20
Critical Hit Rate +2%
Action Speed +1%
1% chance to inflict Cold Mist when attacking

|-| Sólo en KR=

Icon (KR) Title Discovery Obtain Stats
? Discovered at start Participate in Elsword vs Bubble Fighter Round 2 events ?
? ? ? ?
? ? ? ?
? ? ? ?
? Discovered at start Purchase 2NE1 avatar packages (titles are also obtainable from market as it is tradable) ?
? ? ? ?
? ? ? ?
? ? ? ?
? ? ? ?
Rebirth Obtain Iron Paladin or Deadly Chaser during the release event.

Physical Attack +50

Magical Attack +50

Action Speed +2%

Awakening Charge Speed +3%

Max HP +2955

? Discovered at the start ? HP +1000
Physical Attack +50
Magic Attack +50
Physical Defense +20
Magic Defense +20
Attack Speed +1%
Critical Rate +1%
? Discovered at the start ? HP +1000
Physical Attack +50
Magic Attack +50
Physical Defense +20
Magic Defense +20
Attack Speed +1%
Critical Rate +1%
? Discovered at the start ? HP +1000
Physical Attack +50
Magic Attack +50
Physical Defense +20
Magic Defense +20
Attack Speed +1%
Critical Rate +1%
? Discovered at the start ? HP +1000
Physical Attack +50
Magic Attack +50
Physical Defense +20
Magic Defense +20
Attack Speed +1%
Critical Rate +1%
? Discovered at the start ? HP +1000
Physical Attack +50
Magic Attack +50
Physical Defense +20
Magic Defense +20
Attack Speed +1%
Critical Rate +1%
? ? ? ?
? ? ? ?
? ? ? ?
? ? ? ?
? ? ? ?
? ? ? ?
? ? ? ?
? ? ? ?
? ? ? ?
Luto's Contract Discovered at the start

Physical Attack +65

Magical Attack +65

Physical Defense +20

Magical Defense +20

All Elements Resistance +40

Blessings of the Trees Discovered at the start

Physical Attack +20

Magical Attack +20

Max HP +2%

Critical Hit Rate +2%

Earth Resistance +40

110 Rescuer Discovered at the start
Available from an old event, where if you bought the 110 lifes pack you would get it for 15 days
Physical Defense +50

Magical Defense +50

Max HP +15%

Evasion +5%

All Elements Resistance+30

V.I.P. Discovered at the start Obtained by purchasing the VIP package in the Cash Shop
Physical Attack +28
Magical attack +28
Physical Defense +10
Magical Defense +10
Critical Hit Rate +3%
Movement Speed +1%
Jump Speed +1%
Majestic White Tiger Discovered at the start Obtained by completing the 2010 event
Physical Attack +40
Magical attack +40
Critical Hit Rate +2%
Movement Speed +4%
Elsword 2nd Year Discovered at the start 2nd year Anniversary Event Max HP +2222
Physical Attack +22
Magical attack +22
Physical Defense +22
Magical Defense +22
Action Speed +2%
Movement Speed +2%
Jump Speed +2%
Accuracy +2%
Evasion +2%
All Elements Resistance +22
Edge Style Discovered at the start ? Physical Attack +48
Magical attack +48
Physical Defense +16
Magical Defense +16
Evasion +2%
Action Speed +3%
Rich harvesting Season Discovered at the start ? Physical Attack +40
Magical attack +40
Physical Defense +20
Magical Defense +20
??? +10%
Max HP +2%
Action Speed +2%
Valentine's Star Discovered at the start 2009 Valentines Event. Physical Attack +16
Magical attack +16
Physical Defense +8
Magical Defense +8
Max Awaken Time +5s
Awakening Charge Speed +5%
Critical Hit Rate +2%
Valentine's Messenger Discovered at the start 2009 Valentines Event.
Physical Attack +20
Magical attack +20
Physical Defense +8
Magical Defense +8
Awakening Time +5s
Awakening Charge Speed +5%
Evasion +2%
New Year's Determination Discovered at the start ? Physical Attack +20
Magical attack +20
Physical Defense +10
Magical Defense +10
Evasion +1%
Settler of Elios Discovered at the start Obtained by playing Elsword beta, and the first few weeks of a new server opening.
Physical Attack +20
Magical attack +20
Critical Hit Rate +2%
Movement Speed +3%
Action Speed +1%
Infinite Spirit Discovered at the start '300 days of Elsword since it started' event. (Cannot be obtained anymore)
Physical Attack +16
Magical attack +16
Physical Defense +6
Magical Defense +6
Max HP +3%
ED received (Dungeon) +10%
Elsword 200th Day Discovered at the start
'200 days of Elsword since it started' event. (Cannot be obtained anymore)
Physical Attack +15
Magical attack +15
12th Warrior Discovered at the start

Action Speed +2%

Movement Speed +12%

Jump Speed +12%

File:Explorer.png El Explorer Discovered at the start Participate in testing field map system Attack Speed +2%, Critical Rate +2%

|-| Evento (Sólo en NA)=

Icon (NA) Title Obtain Stats
File:Pioneer's Spirit Title.png Pioneer's Spirit Exclusive Title given to CBT players Physical Attack +20
Magical Attack +20
Action Speed +1%
Movement Speed +2%
File:Ham.png Hamel's White Wolf Use the "Hamel's White Wolf" title item from Mailbox during Chung Release Event Physical Attack +100
Magical Attack +100
Critical Hit Rate +2%
Action Speed +1%
Awakening Charge Speed +5%
File:Trials of Elsword Title.png Trials of Elsword Discover all social features in Trials of Elsword Physical Attack +20
Magical Attack +20
Physical Defense +10
Magical Defense +10
Evasion +1%
File:AX Shout Out Title.png AX Shout Out Use the exclusive Anime Expo Coupon for attendees Physical Attack +25
Magical Attack +25
Physical Defense +10
Magical Defense +10
Evasion +1%
AX Shout Out (2012 Version) Use the exclusive Anime Expo Coupon for attendees Physical Attack +250
Magical Attack +250
Physical Defense +100
Magical Defense +100
Evasion +10%
(Note: Stats have been temporarily boosted for a time period)
File:QuizQuiz Title.png QuizQuiz Use the QuizQuiz (30 Days) title item. Physical Attack +150
Magical Attack +150
Critical Hit Rate +2%
Awakening Charge Speed +8%
Movement Speed +2%
Evasion +2%
File:Change Your Password Title.png Change Your Password Title Use the Change Your Password Promotional Title (30 Days) title item Physical Attack +150
Magical Attack +150
Critical Hit Rate +2%
Action Speed +2%
File:Elympics Title.png Elympics Use the Elympics (15 Days) title item Physical Attack +100
Magical Attack +100
Physical Defense +50
Magical Defense +50
Critical Hit Rate +3% (Dungeon)
File:Master of Hamel Monsters Title.png Master of Hamel Monsters Use the Master of Hamel Monsters Title (30 Days) title item Physical Attack +100
Magical Attack +100
Critical Hit Rate +2%
Action Speed +1%
+5% chance of reducing damage by 100% from nearby Hamel monsters (Dungeon)
File:Title Conquer Inspector.png Conquer the Secret Dungeon - Wally's Underground Laboratory Conquer the Secret Dungeon - Wally's Underground Laboratory (1 Day) Action Speed +5%
Critical Hit Rate +5%
Physical / Magical Attack * 1.5 when in 2-x
File:Title Conquer Dragon.png Conquer the Secret Dungeon - Dragon Nest: Abyss Conquer the Secret Dungeon - Dragon Nest: Abyss (1 Day) Action Speed +5%
Critical Hit Rate +5%
Physical / Magical Attack * 1.5 when in 3-x
File:Title Conquer TypeH.png Conquer the Secret Dungeon - Transporting Tunnel: CA Conquer the Secret Dungeon - Transporting Tunnel: CA (1 Day) Action Speed +5%
Critical Hit Rate +5%
Physical / Magical Attack * 1.5 when in 4-x
File:Title Conquer Joaquin.png Conquer the Secret Dungeon - Velder's Hallucination Conquer the Secret Dungeon - Velder's Hallucination (1 Day) Action Speed +5%
Critical Hit Rate +5%
Physical / Magical Attack * 1.5 when in 5-x
File:Greenlight Elsword (B&W).png Greenlight Elsword (B&W) Use "Greenlight Elsword (B&W) (14 Days)" title item No stats
File:Greenlight Elsword (Bronze).png Greenlight Elsword (Bronze) Use "Greenlight Elsword (Bronze) (14 Days)" title item Critical Hit Rate +2%
Action Speed +2%
File:Greenlight Elsword (Silver).png Greenlight Elsword (Silver) Use "Greenlight Elsword (Silver) (14 Days)" title item Critical Hit Rate +3%
Action Speed +3%
1% chance of inflicting double damage

AFTER 11/21/2012 UPDATE:
Critical Hit Rate +1.5%
Action Speed +1.5%

File:Greenlight Elsword (Gold).png Greenlight Elsword (Gold) Use the "Greenlight Elsword (Gold) (14 Days)" title item Critical Hit Rate +4%
Action Speed +4%
2% chance of inflicting double damage

AFTER 2/13/2013 UPDATE:
Critical Hit Rate +2%
Action Speed +2%

Demon Invasion Warrior Use "Demon Invasion Warrior" title item
Note: Title has temporary boosted stats as a promo event for Gate of Darkness revamp (NA Edition).
Physical Attack +200
Magical Attack +200
Critical Hit Rate +10%
Action Speed +10%
File:WondersofTimeandSpace.png Wonders of Time and Space Use "Wonders of Time and Space" (1 Day) title item obtained from "An Invitation from Luto" Event quest available during Henir Revamp Promo (NA Edition). Critical Hit Rate +10% (Dungeon)
Awakening Charge Speed +10% (Dungeon)
Addtional Damage +10% (Dungeon)
Reduced Damage +10% (Dungeon)
A 10% chance of MP +10 when attacked. (Dungeon)
File:Tag Beginner.png Elsword Tag Mode (Beginner) Obtained after logging in during the Tag Mode Event Critical Hit +0.5%
Attack Speed +0.5%
Accuracy +0.5%
Evasion +0.5%
Movement Speed +0.5%
Jump Speed +0.5%
File:Tag Novise.png Elsword Tag Mode (Novice) Obtained after obtaining 10 Tag Points during the Tag Mode Event Critical Hit +1%
Attack Speed +1%
Accuracy +1%
Evasion +1%
Movement Speed +1%
Jump Speed +1%
File:Expert title TAG.png Elsword Tag Mode (Expert) Obtained after obtaining 100 Tag Points during the Tag Mode Event Critical Hit +2%
Attack Speed +2%
Accuracy +2%
Evasion +2%
Movement Speed +2%
Jump Speed +2%
File:Tag Master.png Elsword Tag Mode (Master) Obtained after obtaining 500 Tag Points during the Tag Mode Event Critical Hit +4%
Attack Speed +4%
Accuracy +4%
Evasion +4%
Movement Speed +4%
Jump Speed +4%
Elsword Tag Mode (Hero) Obtained after obtaining 2000 Tag Points during the Tag Mode Event Critical Hit +8%
Attack Speed +8%
Accuracy +8%
Evasion +8%
Movement Speed +8%
Jump Speed +8%
File:Heart Passion M.png Heart of Passion (M) Available to Elswords during the 2013 NA Valentine's Day event. Critical Hit +3%
Additional Damage +3%
File:Heart Passion F.png Heart of Passion (F) Available to female characters during the 2013 NA Valentine's Day event. Critical Hit +3%
Additional Damage +3%
File:Heart Purity M.png Heart of Purity (M) Available to Chungs during the 2013 NA Valentine's Day event. Critical Hit +3%
Additional Damage +3%
File:Heart Purity F.png Heart of Purity (F) Available to female characters during the 2013 NA Valentine's Day event. Critical Hit +3%
Additional Damage +3%
File:Heart Story M.png Heart of Story (M) Available to Ravens during the 2013 NA Valentine's Day event. Critical Hit +3%
Additional Damage +3%
File:Heart Story F.png Heart of Story (F) Available to female characters during the 2013 NA Valentine's Day event. Critical Hit +3%
Additional Damage +3%
File:Heart Lonely.png Very Lonely Heart Available to players during the 2013 NA Valentine's Day event after completing an event quest from Lowe. Critical Hit +3%
Additional Damage +3%
Looking For Guild! Use the item, Looking for Guild! Physical Attack +32
Magical Attack +32
HP +3%
Accuracy +2%
File:Artillery Support.png Artillery Support Automatically obtained for 15 Days when you log in during Shelling Guardian's pre-release events Physical Attack +1% (Dungeon)
Magical Attack +1% (Dungeon)
Critical +1% (Dungeon)
1% Chance of activating Mark of Commander when attacking (Dungeon and Not Overlapped)
File:The Faithful Adventurer.png The Faithful Adventurer Use the Faithful Adventurer item (1 Day) Critical +1% (Dungeon)
Attack Speed +1% (Dungeon)
Reduced Damage +1% (Dungeon)
Additional Damage +1% (Dungeon)
File:Rookie Halloween Fashion Designer.png Rookie Halloween Fashion Designer Use Rookie Halloween Fashion Designer Title Item (15 Days) given at the NA 2013 Halloween Event Physical Attack +50
Magical Attack +50
Physical Defense +50
Magical Defense +50
Critical +2%
Attack Speed +2%
Reduced Damage +2%
Additional Damage +2%
File:Legendary Halloween Fashion Designer.png Rookie Halloween Fashion Designer Use Rookie Halloween Fashion Designer Title Item (15 Days) given at the NA 2013 Halloween Event Physical Attack +100
Magical Attack +100
Physical Defense +100
Magical Defense +100
Critical +3%
Attack Speed +3%
Reduced Damage +3%
Additional Damage +3%
File:Steam Title.png Adventurer's from a New World Automatically equipped to players that signed up using Steam for 30 Days Critical +5%
Attack Speed +5%
Double Damage against Knocked-down mobs (Dungeon)
Automatically equipped to players that signed up using Aeria Games for 30 Days
Millennium Fox's Calling (15 Days) Use Millennium Fox's Calling Item Critical +5%
Additional Damage +5%

|-| Sólo en ID=

Icon (ID) Title Discovery Obtain Stats
Ramadan Title Discovered at the start Obtained after logging in during the Ramadhan Event Curse Resistance +50% (Dungeon)
Poison Resistance +50%
Additional Damage +61
Reduced Damage +61
Lebaran Title Discovered at the start Obtained after logging in during the Lebaran Event

Physical Attack +15
Magical Attack +15
Critical +1%
Attack Speed +1%
