Information: This article is currently under development. Please be patient while we're adding the finishing touches!

El Search Party Collection is a system that provides various effects based on the number of different characters and class paths within an account.

El Search Party Collection Interface

El Search Party Collection

Unlock Requirements

El Search Party Collection Button

El Search Party Collection can only be unlocked through the use of the item El Search Party Collection Book, which can be obtained through the quest "El Search Party Collection Open!" from Camilla or purchased from the Item Mall. Only characters that have reached level 99 and at least 1st Job can obtain the quest and use the El Search Party Collection Book item. After unlocking this feature, the El Search Party Collection menu can be accessed through the character menu.

 El Search Party Collection Open!
Quest Acceptance Prerequisites Objectives
  • Collect 1 Mysterious Collection Book

Did you hear? You can register your characters in a collection. Why don't you try it out? Purchase [Mysterious Collection Book] from [Ariel].

Currency/Experience Common Rewards Selective Rewards
EXP 0   [COBO] El Search Party Collection Book   N/A
ED 0   N/A   N/A
EP 0   N/A   N/A
AP 0

Upon using the El Search Party Collection Book item, only said character gets access to the El Search Party Collection system. You will have to use the item for each character of your account in order to unlock the El Search Party Collection system for them.

Collection Stage

The effects of the Collection system is dependent on the character's current job level. To get the full benefits of this system, the player must advance their character up to Master Class.

Stage Requirement
1 Complete 1st Job
2 Complete 3rd Job
3 Complete Master Class

Class Effects

After a character gains access to the El Search Party Collection system, they will receive a special stat effect that corresponds with their specific job path and Collection Stage. If a player has more than one character within the same job path, only the character with the highest class advancement will apply.

Having multiple characters with the same class will not stack their effects. However, their effects can stack if they come from different job paths, such as Tenacity Skill Damage Increase from Knight Emperor and Black Massacre.

Class Effect Effect Amount Synergy Unlock
Stage 1 Stage 2 Stage 3 Stage 1 Stage 2 Stage 3
Knight Emperor Tenacity Skill Damage Increase 0.5% 1% 1.5% 1st Path Instinctual Movement Bringer of Justice
Rune Master Strength Skill Damage Increase 0.5% 1% 1.5% 2nd Path Attribute Master Magical Specialist
Immortal Bravery Skill Damage Increase 0.5% 1% 1.5% 3rd Path Agile Titan Slayer
Aether Sage Magical Attack Increase 100 150 200 1st Path Researcher Attribute Master
Oz Sorcerer Physical/Magical Attack Increase 50 75 100 2nd Path Blessing of Mana One Who Yearns
Metamorphy Physical Attack Increase 100 150 200 3rd Path Physical Specialist Time and Space
Anemos Movement Speed Increase 5% 6% 8% 1st Path Blessing of Spirit Agile
Daybreaker Jump Speed Increase 5% 6% 8% 2nd Path Blessing of Spirit Sharp
Twilight Action Speed Increase 2% 3% 5% 3rd Path Blessing of Spirit Physical Specialist
Furious Blade Active Skill Damage Increase 0.5% 1% 1.5% 1st Path Instinctual Movement Agile
Rage Hearts Command Damage Increase 1% 1.5% 2% 2nd Path Magical Specialist Fist Fight
Nova Imperator Damage Increase in proportion to HP lost (Dungeon) 2% 3% 4% 3rd Path It's Fine Cuz It Hurts Titan Slayer
Code: Ultimate Magical Attack Increase 0.5% 1% 1.5% 1st Path Nasod Research Sharp
Code: Esencia Physical Attack Increase 0.5% 1% 1.5% 2nd Path Nasod Research Researcher
Code: Sariel Physical/Magical Attack Increase 0.25% 0.5% 0.75% 3rd Path Nasod Research Angel of the Battlefield
Comet Crusader Awakening Charge Speed Increase 5% 6% 8% 1st Path Bringer of Justice Attribute Master
Fatal Phantom Awakening Duration Increase 5% 6% 8% 2nd Path Agile Magical Specialist
Centurion Damage Decrease from Boss Monsters 2% 3% 5% 3rd Path Researcher Titan Slayer
Apsara Physical Defense Increase 200 300 500 1st Path Bringer of Justice Accomplished Steps
Devi Magical Defense Increase 200 300 500 2nd Path One Who Yearns Abundant Steps
Shakti All Elemental Resistances 10 20 30 3rd Path Blessing of Mana Adept Steps
Empire Sword Command Damage Increase 1% 1.5% 2% 1st Path Instinctual Movement Bringer of Justice
Flame Lord All Attribute Activation Chance 0.5% 1% 2% 2nd Path Attribute Master Sharp
Bloody Queen Damage Increase in proportion to HP lost (Dungeon) 2% 3% 4% 3rd Path It's Fine Cuz It Hurts One Who Yearns
Doom Bringer Tenacity Skill Cooldown Decrease 1% 1.5% 2% 1st Path Magical Specialist Fist Fight
Dominator Strength Skill Cooldown Decrease 1% 1.5% 2% 2nd Path Researcher Nasod Research
Mad Paradox Bravery Skill Cooldown Decrease 1% 1.5% 2% 3rd Path Time and Space One Who Yearns
Catastrophe Critical Increase 2% 3% 5% 1st Path Demon Physical Specialist
Innocent Maximize Increase 2% 3% 5% 2nd Path Demon Sharp
Diangelion Damage Taken Reduction 2% 3% 5% 3rd Path Demon One Who Yearns
Tempest Burster Active Skill Damage Increase 0.5% 1% 1.5% 1st Path Sharp Titan Slayer
Black Massacre Tenacity Skill Damage Increase 0.5% 1% 1.5% 2nd Path Physical Specialist One Who Yearns
Minerva Strength Skill Damage Increase 0.5% 1% 1.5% 3rd Path Agile Angel of the Battlefield
Prime Operator Bravery Skill Damage Increase 0.5% 1% 1.5% Mechanical Engineering Researcher Nasod Research
Richter Awakening Charge Speed Increase 5% 6% 8% 1st Path Bringer of Justice Titan Slayer
Bluhen Recovery Item Effect Increase (Dungeon) 2% 4% 6% 2nd Path Magical Specialist It's Fine Cuz It Hurts
Herrscher Damage Increase to Boss Monsters 2% 3% 5% 3rd Path Time and Space One Who Yearns
Eternity Winner Double Attack Chance Increase 0.5% 1% 2% 1st Path Fist Fight Sharp
Radiant Soul Magical Attack Increase 0.5% 1% 1.5% 2nd Path Blessing of Mana It's Fine Cuz It Hurts
Nisha Labyrinth Physical Attack Increase 0.5% 1% 1.5% 3rd Path Physical Specialist Laby's Friend

Total Benefits

After unlocking the system and completing Master Class with each available class, you will receive the following effects:


Combat Stats Defensive Stats Miscellaneous Stats
  • Physical Attack +300 +3.75%
  • Magical Attack +300 +3.75%
  • Critical Chance +5%
  • Maximize +5%
  • Damage to Boss Monsters +5%
  • Command Damage +4%
  • Active/Tenacity/Strength/Bravery Skill Damage +3%
  • Action Speed +5%
  • Tenacity/Strength/Bravery Skill Cooldown -2%
  • Awakening Charge Speed +16%
  • Awakening Duration +8%
  • Damage in proportion to HP lost +8%
  • Physical/Magical Defense +500
  • Damage Taken -5%
  • Damage from Boss Monsters -5%
  • Recovery Item Effect +6%
  • Movement/Jump Speed +8%
  • All Elemental Resistances +30
  • All Attribute Activation Chance +2%
  • Double Attack Chance +2%


An example selection that can obtain three Synergy Effects.

Players can also use the characters they have unlocked in their El Search Party Collection to obtain additional effects based on the Synergy of the classes that are selected. If the combination of classes placed in the Synergy Slots yields any Synergy Effect, the effect(s) can be activated by purchasing an El Search Party Collection - Synergy Effect Ticket from Ariel or the Item Mall, which will set an amount of time in which the effect(s) can be applied (for the current character).

Synergy Slots

A character starts with 2 Synergy Slots and can unlock up to 4 additional slots costing 5,000,000 ED each. Synergy Slots need to be unlocked for each individual character. Synergy Slot setups are also saved per character, allowing players to go for different Synergy Effects for each of their characters.

Synergy Effects

Class Effect
File:Master Daybreaker.png File:Master Code Ultimate.png File:Master Flame Lord.png File:Master Ishtar.png   File:Master Eternity Winner.png 3 Characters:
  • Polarize +3% (Max 45%) (Dungeon)

6 Characters:

  • Polarize +5% (Max 45%) (Dungeon)
Nasod Research
      File:Master Dominator.png File:Master Prime Operator.png   2 Characters:

4 Characters:

Blessing of Spirit
            3 Characters:
  • Max HP Permanent Increase +80000 (+32000 in Arena) Does not overlap
Physical Specialist
  File:Master Twilight.png File:Master Timoria.png       2 Characters:
  • Physical Attack +1%

4 Characters:

  • Physical Attack +3%
Magical Specialist
File:Master Rune Master.png   File:Master Fatal Phantom.png       2 Characters:
  • Magical Attack +1%

4 Characters:

  • Magical Attack +3%
Accomplished Steps
File:Master Apsara.png           1 Character:
  • Item Drop Rate Increase +8%
Abundant Steps
File:Master Devi.png           1 Character:
  • ED Gain Increase +7%
Adept Steps
File:Master Shakti.png           1 Character:
  • EXP Gain Increase +10%
  File:Master Anemos.png File:Master Furious Blade.png       2 Characters:
  • Action Speed +3%
  • Movement Speed +3%
  • Jump Speed +3%

4 Characters:

  • Action Speed +6%
  • Movement Speed +6%
  • Jump Speed +6%
Bringer of Justice
File:Master Knight Emperor.png     File:Master Empire Sword.png     2 Character:
  • Physical Defense +4%
  • Magical Defense +4%

4 Character:

  • Physical Defense +8%
  • Magical Defense +8%
Fist Fight
File:Master Rage Hearts.png File:Master Doom Bringer.png         2 Characters:
  • +2% damage to enemies with less than 50% HP.
Time and Space
File:Master Metamorphy.png           2 Characters:
  • Ignore Physical Defense by 2% (Max 20%) (Dungeon)
  • Ignore Magical Defense by 2% (Max 20%) (Dungeon)
            3 Characters:
  • Adaptation +2% (Max 45%)
Titan Slayer
File:Master Immortal.png File:Master Nova Imperator.png File:Master Centurion.png File:Master Tempest Burster.png File:Master Richter.png   2 Characters:
  • +2% damage to enemies with more than 50% HP.

4 Characters:

  • +3% damage to enemies with more than 50% HP.

5 Characters:

  • +5% damage to enemies with more than 50% HP.
Blessing of Mana
            2 Characters:
  • Max MP +20

3 Characters:

  • Max MP +30
  File:Master Code Esencia.png         2 Characters:
  • 10% chance to gain 1 additional title count Does not overlap

5 Characters:

  • 20% chance to gain 1 additional title count Does not overlap
Instinctual Movement
            3 Characters:
  • Elsword, Raven, Elesis will be able to double jump Does not overlap
One Who Yearns
File:Master Oz Sorcerer.png   File:Master Bloody Queen.png File:Master Mad Paradox.png File:Master Iblis.png File:Master Black Massacre.png 3 Characters:
  • When using a Hyper Active skill, consumes 1 additional El's Essence. Hyper Active Skill Damage is increased by 60% Does not overlap (Dungeon)

5 Characters:

  • When using a Hyper Active skill, consumes 1 additional El's Essence. Hyper Active Skill Damage is increased by 80% Does not overlap (Dungeon)
File:Master Herrscher.png          
Attribute Master
  File:Master Aether Sage.png File:Master Comet Crusader.png       2 Character:
  • Resistance to All Attributes +30

4 Character:

  • Resistance to All Attributes +60
1st Path
File:SKNEW.png File:HMNEW.png File:CRNEW.png File:STNEW.png File:CENEW.png File:FGNEW.png 3 Characters:
  • 1st Path Character All Skill Damage +3%

6 Characters:

  • 1st Path Character All Skill Damage +5%
  • When using an Active Force Skill, casts Diffused Wonder Wall (Cooldown 30s) (Dungeon)
File:LHNEW.png File:SbKNEW.png File:PTNEW.png File:ChiNEW.png File:HBNEW.png File:LENEW.png
2nd Path
File:MKNEW.png File:DMNEW.png File:SRNEW.png File:OTNEW.png File:CANEW.png File:SGNEW.png 3 Characters:
  • 2nd Path Character All Skill Damage +3%

6 Characters:

  • 2nd Path Character All Skill Damage +5%
  • When using an Active Force Skill, casts Cloudy Sunshower (Cooldown 30s) (Dungeon)
File:LDNEW.png File:PKNEW.png File:ATNEW.png File:RGNEW.png File:BlNEW.png  
3rd Path
File:StKNEW.png File:BaMNEW.png File:TRNEW.png File:WTNEW.png File:CLNEW.png File:ShGNEW.png 3 Characters:
  • 3rd Path Character All Skill Damage +3%

6 Characters:

  • 3rd Path Character All Skill Damage +5%
  • When using an Active Force Skill, casts Twisted Space Distortion (Cooldown 30s) (Dungeon)
File:LSNEW.png File:DKNEW.png File:TiTNEW.png File:DiaNEW.png File:VKNEW.png File:LWNEW.png
It's Fine Cuz It Hurts
    File:Master Bluhen.png File:Master Radiant Soul.png     2 Characters:
  • Recovery Item Effectiveness +2% (Dungeon)

4 Characters:

  • Recovery Item Effectiveness +4% (Dungeon)
  • Upon taking fatal damage, gain 1 HP and become invincible for 3 seconds (Cooldown 180s) (All skill cooldowns are initialized upon revival in Arena) Does not overlap
Mechanical Engineering
File:MHNEW.png           1 Character:
  • All Master Skill Cooldown Decrease 5%
  • 4th Path Character All Skill Damage +3%
Laby's Friend
File:Master Nisha Labyrinth.png           1 Character:
  • Master Artifact EXP Increase 25%
Angel of the Battlefield
File:Master Code Sariel.png File:Master Minerva.png         2 Character:
  • While in midair, skill damage +4% (Skill must be cast while in midair)

Related Items

Image Item Name How to Obtain Cost Effect
File:Item - Mysterious Collection Book.png Mysterious Collection Book 60,000,000 ED Required to complete the Story Quest El Search Party Collection Open!
  El Search Party Collection Book
  • Complete the Story Quest El Search Party Collection Open!
N/A Unlocks El Search Party Collection
350 K-Ching
File:Item - El Search Party Collection - Synergy Effect Ticket.png El Search Party Collection - Synergy Effect Ticket (7 Days) 30,000,000 ED Unlocks El Search Party Collection - Synergy for 7 days
  El Search Party Collection - Synergy Effect Ticket (30 Days) 700 K-Ching Unlocks El Search Party Collection - Synergy for 30 days

Tips and Details

  • The effects of this system will apply to PvE and PvP but not Ereda Island.
    • In PvP, modified values will be used.
  • The effects provided by this system increase your Combat Power and Defensive Power.
  • The skill effects provided by each path's Synergy effect (Wonder Wall, Sunshower and Space Distortion) are watered down versions of the actual skill they represent:
    • Diffused Wonder Wall's shield only provides Super Armor and lasts only 7 seconds, instead of 10.
    • Cloudy Sunshower's HP/MP recovery per second is 10% instead of 15%.
    • Twisted Space Distortion's orb does not move and only pulses once.


Date Changes
06/18/2020 07/15/2020
  • El Search Party Collection added.
07/02/2020 07/29/2020
  • Synergy added.
08/27/2020 -
  • 2nd Path: Cloudy Sunshower cooldown decreased to 15 seconds.

General Guides
Character Progression
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