1-1: Els Baum

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Els Baum

Somebody is looking for El in the Tree of El. Indeed, El must be protected!!

Lou informiert dich, dass ein fieser Schurke Namens Benders in deiner Abwesenheit das Eldrit-Stück an sich gerissen hat! Er kann noch nicht weit gekommen sein, Elsword und seine Freunde nehmen die Verfolgung auf! Video: Hier gehts zu einem Video zu Els Baum!

Recommended Level:
Appropriate Item Level:


Karten Layout:


Monster Beschreibung
Mit einer Fuchsmaske ausgestattete Banditen, die versuchen Elsword davon abzuhalten

das Eldrit-Stück zu retten. Sie sind kein Problem, wenn du sie schnell angreifst.

Eine nur in Ruben vorkommende Vogelart, die dich mit ihren Krallen angreift.
Traurigerweise kann sie nicht fliegen.

Banthus - The leader of the Benders Bandits, Banthus is trying to steal the Elstone! You won't let him get away with that, will you?
-Swing: Banthus will leap towards you and swing his sword right at you.
-Leap Slash: Banthus will leap towards you and swing his sword right at you.
-Jumping Slash: Banthus jumps into the air and strikes with his huge sword.
-Kick: Banthus kicks you with his foot, usually followed by Leap Slash.
-Guard: With his sword, Banthus guards himself, preparing for any attack you might pull off.
-Summon: Beat him down enough and he'll decide he can't waste any more time - he'll call a White Giant Phoru to attack while he goes for the El!

White Giant Phoru - An enraged Phoru that attacks anything in its way.
-Claw Slash: White Giant Phoru attacks three times with his claws.
-Jump Slash: White Giant Phoru slashes you in the air, does not knockdown.
-Charge Attack: White Giant Phoru rushes forward.
-Rage: When its MP is full, it will release a pillar of energy similar to awakened Unlimited Blade damaging nearby players.

Boss Drops: BGMs:
Image Name Boss Character Stats
Banthus' Necklace
Banthus' Necklace

Accessory (Necklace):

Physical Defense +20

Magical Defense +20

[Unidentified * ?]

Critical +1%





  • William Phoru was originally the boss of 1-1 while Banthus was the boss of 1-2.
  • Steel Dogtooth drops from the Ancient Phoru.
  • The Giant Phoru that Banthus summons after he is defeated can be heard even before it has been summoned as it's waiting underground to be teleported into the stage.
    • Killing the Giant Phoru before Banthus summons it by using a skill such as Guide Arrow or Magic Missile may result in the stage glitching not clearing properly.

  • Region 1~6
  • Region 7~12
  • Region 13~18
  • Region 19~21
  • Laby
  • Noah
  • Lithia
  • Other
  • Miscellaneous