
From Elwiki

Accesorios Normales

Los accesorios pueden obtenerse mediante un Mercader de Accesorios (NPC), calentadores de estatuas de hielo, analizadores de fósiles, etc.

Imagen Nombre Descripción Efectos NPC
Orejas de gato Unas orejas de gato muy simpáticas.
¡Ya tienes el disfraz completo!
Defensa +15 Ana
Tocado del nativo del desierto Adorno de plumas de los habitantes de regiones del desierto. Ataque +10
Ataque mágico +10

Accesorios de la Tienda de objetos

Estos accesorios sólo pueden obtenerse en la Tienda de objetos. TRADUCCIÓN EN CURSO: Últ. modificación: 01/09/15

Imagen Nombre Descripción Efectos Efectos del set
Accessory 200600.png
Accessory 200600.png
Orejas de conejo suaves Orejas de conejo suaves.
¡Qué bonitas!
Ataque +20
Ataque mágico +40
Defensa +5
Defensa mágica +15
Todas las resistencias +10
Horquilla de flor Adorna tu pelo con una hermosa flor. Ataque +30
Ataque mágico+30
Defensa +10
Defensa mágica +10
Todas las resistencias +10
Accessory 207460.png
Accessory 207460.png
Cornamenta de Rodolfo Cornamenta de reno para el espíritu festivo navideño.
Ataque +20
Ataque mágico +45
Defensa mágica +10
Impactos +2%
Snowman Phoru (NO DISPONIBLE) A cute Phoru made of snow! Ataque +20
Ataque mágico +20
Defensa +5
Defensa mágica +5
Esquivar +1%
Stylish Snowman Phoru (NO DISPONIBLE) A cute Phoru made of snow!
It looks better with a winter muffler!
Ataque +35
Ataque mágico +35
Defensa +10
Defensa mágica +10
Velocidad de ataque+1%
Signo del zodíaco Acuario Fechas: 20 de enero - 18 de febrero

Los acuario tienen un carácter animado y un profundo sentido de la justicia. Es afable, pero también puede ser testarudo e individualista.

Ataque +20
Ataque mágico +10
Impactos +2%
Recarga de potenciador de poder +2%
Signo del zodíaco Piscis Fechas: 19 de febrero - 20 de marzo

Los piscis tienen una personalidad sensible y delicada. Disponen de una gran fantasía y mucha creatividad, lo que los hace todos unos artistas. Su compasión los lleva a ayudar a cuantos los rodean.

Ataque +20
Ataque mágico +10
Impactos +2%
Recarga de potenciador de poder +2%
Signo del zodíaco Aries Fechas: 21 de marzo - 19 de abril

Apasionados y luchadores: los aries proceden con valentía, decisión y una gran confianza en sí mismos.

Ataque +20
Ataque mágico +10
Impactos +2%
Recarga de potenciador de poder +2%
Signo del zodíaco Tauro Fechas: 20 de abril - 20 de mayo

Los tauro tienen una personalidad sensata y paciente. Se atiene a los compromisos hechos y actúa siempre con prudencia y responsabilidad.

Ataque +20
Ataque mágico +10
Impactos +2%
Recarga de potenciador de poder +2%
Signo del zodíaco Géminis Fechas: 21 de mayo - 21 de junio

Los géminis son espontáneos, curiosos y ávidos de conocimiento. Gracias a su elocuencia son siempre muy apreciados.

Ataque +20
Ataque mágico +10
Impactos +2%
Recarga de potenciador de poder +2%
Signo del zodíaco Cáncer Fechas: 22 de junio - 22 de julio

Los cáncer son gente familiar, muy organizada y cuidadosa. En casos extraños pueden convertirse en perfeccionistas. Se sacrifican por las personas de su entorno cercano.

Ataque +20
Ataque mágico +10
Impactos +2%
Recarga de potenciador de poder +2%
Signo del zodíaco Leo Fechas: 23 de julio - 22 de agosto

Aquellos nacidos bajo el signo de leo son extrovertidos y carismáticos. Su estilo ameno los convierte en apreciados animadores.

Ataque +20
Ataque mágico +10
Impactos +2%
Recarga de potenciador de poder +2%
Signo del zodíaco Virgo Fechas: 23 de agosto - 22 de septiembre

Los virgo tienen un carácter recatado y sensible. Tienen una buena capacidad de aprendizaje y una gran competencia analítica, aunque también reclaman profesionalidad y perfección de los demás.

Ataque +20
Ataque mágico +10
Impactos +2%
Recarga de potenciador de poder +2%
Signo del zodíaco Libra Fechas: 23 de septiembre - 22 de octubre

Los libra son amantes de la paz y simpáticos. Les gusta rodearse de gente y siempre dan una imagen positiva, en parte por su carácter diplomático. Por ello también intenta siempre solucionar los conflictos que se pudieran dar.

Ataque +20
Ataque mágico +10
Impactos +2%
Recarga de potenciador de poder +2%
Signo del zodíaco Escorpio Fechas: 23 de cotubre - 21 de noviembre

Los escorpio están marcados por su carácter tranquilo y siempre reciben a los demás de una forma amigable. Su creatividad les proporciona constantemente ideas nuevas. Su estilo curioso los hace ir detrás de los secretos del mundo.

Ataque +20
Ataque mágico +10
Impactos +2%
Recarga de potenciador de poder +2%
Signo del zodíaco Sagitario Fechas: 22 de noviembre - 21 de diciembre

Los sagitario son unas almas libres abiertas a cualquier aventura. Son tan deportistas como sabios: un cuerpo activo habitado por una mente activa.

Ataque +20
Ataque mágico +10
Impactos +2%
Recarga de potenciador de poder +2%
Signo del zodíaco Capricornio Fechas: 22 de diciembre - 19 de enero

La disciplina y la ambición son las características principales de los nacidos bajo el signo de capricornio. Persiguen su objetivo y esquivan los obstáculos con gran destreza, incluso si esto les supone mucho trabajo.

Ataque +20
Ataque mágico +10
Impactos +2%
Recarga de potenciador de poder +2%
Mini Palm Tree Feeling a bit wacky?
How about placing a mini palm tree on your head?
Yea? Let's do it!
Physical Attack +37
Magic Attack +37
All Attribute Resistance +10
Mango the Macaw Red and rump, Mango loves to follow you around~ Physical Attack +37
Magic Attack +37
Accuracy +1%
Red Holly Berries Beautiful red holly berried picked with the leaf intact.
Looks beautiful with traditional outfits.
Physical Attack +20
Magical Attack +20
Accuracy +1%
Critical +1%
Accessory 207470.png
Accessory 207470.png
Elks Great Antlers Looks similar to Rudolph's antlers! Elks? Rudolph's cousin? Physical Attack +45
Magical Attack +20
Physical Defense +10
Accuracy +2%
Accessory 207490.png
Accessory 207490.png
Tiny Deer Ears Tiny and cute decorative deer ears. Physical Attack +20
Magic Attack +20
Physical Defense +10
Magical Defense +10
Evasion +1%
Accessory 130580.png
Accessory 130580.png
Star Angel Headset A headset made by the famous brand Star Angel. It has crystal clear sound quality and remarkable design. Physical Attack +15
Magic Attack +15
Physical Defense +5
Magical Defense +5
Action Speed +1%
  • Darkness Attribute +75


  • Action Speed +1%


  • Evasion +2%
Western Gunman Mini-me Don't move!
Drop your weapons and I'll spare you!
Physical Attack +20
Magical Attack +20
Accuracy +2%
Awk. Charge +2%
Nyan Nyan Head Wear (Turkish) Nyan~Let me hug your head so tight! Physical Defense +30
Magical Defense +30
Critical +1%
Accuracy +1%
Jubilee Fireworks Beautiful and colorful fireworks that light up my eyes! Physical Defense +30
Magical Defense +30
Critical +1%
Action Speed +1%
Blazing Fireworks Blazing red fireworks make me feel warm inside! Physical Defense +30
Magical Defense +30
Critical +1%
Action Speed +1%
Radiant Fireworks Radiant fireworks makes me feel free! Physical Defense +30
Magical Defense +30
Critical +1%
Action Speed +1%
Cool Fireworks Cool and calm fireworks that bring peace to my heart! Physical Defense +30
Magical Defense +30
Critical +1%
Action Speed +1%
Cuckoo Crown I'm a little dizzy... Physical Atttack +20
Magical Attack +20
Critical +2%
Cat on my Head! (Bengal) A super cuddly cute cat on my head! This cat will have endless affection for you if you take care of it! Physical Attack +10
Magic Attack +10
Critical +1%
Cat on my Head! (Turkish) A super cuddly cute cat on my head! This cat will have endless affection for you if you take care of it! Physical Attack +10
Magic Attack +10
Critical +1%
Cat on my Head! (Siamese) A super cuddly cute cat on my head! This cat will have endless affection for you if you take care of it! Physical Attack +10
Magic Attack +10
Critical +1%
Cat on my Head! (Bombay) A super cuddly cute cat on my head! This cat will have endless affection for you if you take care of it! Physical Attack +10
Magic Attack +10
Critical +1%
Nyan Nyan Head Wear (Bombay) Nyan~Let me hug your head so tight! Physical Defense +30
Magical Defense +30
Critical +1%
Accuracy +1%
Nyan Nyan Head Wear (Siamese) Nyan~Let me hug your head so tight! Physical Defense +30
Magical Defense +30
Critical +1%
Accuracy +1%
Nyan Nyan Head Wear (Bengal) Nyan~Let me hug your head so tight! Physical Defense +30
Magical Defense +30
Critical +1%
Accuracy +1%
William Phoru Jr. William Phoru Jr.?!? William Phoru has a baby? Physical Attack +20
Magic Attack +20
Critical +1%
Action Speed 1%
Gladiator Helm For the glory of Coliseum! The helm of bravery and valor. Physical Defense +20
Magical Defense +20
Critical +1%
Awk. Charge 1%
Accessory 202420.png
Accessory 202420.png
Angel Halo An angel's cute halo is upon your head! Physical Defense +20
Magical Defense +20
Critical +2%
Winged Devil Head There are little devil wings on my head! I recommend this for black magic lovers! Physical Defense +20
Magical Defense +20
Critical +2%
Christmas Knit Beanie If Santa ever changed his fashion, this would be the hat he'd choose! Physical Attack +20
Magic Attack +20
Physical Defense +5
Magical Defense +5
Critical +1%
Awk. Charge +1%
Christmas Party Santa Hat Wear Santa's hat to always be at the center of attention. Physical Attack +20
Magic Attack +20
Critical +1%
Evasion +1%
Miho's Fox Ears Wear my fluffy white ears! Can you handle my cuteness?
Physical Attack +25
Magic Attack +25
Critical +1%
Action Speed +1%
Patissier Mini Hat (Choco) Chef: Yo everyone! Cooking is all about love ya got it!?
Everyone: Ch....Chef...that's so cute~
Physical Attack +20
Magic Attack +20
Critical +2%
Patissier Mini Hat (Strawberry) Chef: Yo everyone! Cooking is all about love ya got it!?
Everyone: Ch....Chef...that's so cute~
Physical Attack +20
Magic Attack +20
Critical +2%
Firefox Shiho's Ears Wear my fluffy ears! Can you handle my cuteness?
Physical Attack +25
Magic Attack +25
Critical +1%
Action Speed +1%
Darkfox Naho's Ears Wear my fluffy ears! Can you handle my cuteness?
Physical Attack +25
Magic Attack +25
Critical +1%
Action Speed +1%
Patissier Chef Hat (Choco) Chef: A drop of magic grass juice! Two teaspoons of Spirit Water! Hurry up!!!
Everyone: .....(is he really a Chef or an Alchemist...)
Physical Attack +20
Magic Attack +20
Critical +2%
Patissier Chef Hat (Strawberry) Chef: A drop of magic grass juice! Two teaspoons of Spirit Water! Hurry up!!!
Everyone: .....(is he really a Chef or an Alchemist...)
Physical Attack +20
Magic Attack +20
Critical +2%
Squirrel Ear Eat and hoard as many acorns as you can!! Physical Attack +10
Magic Attack +10
Physical Defense +15
Magical Defense +15
Critical +1%
Evasion +3%

Accesorios de Edición Limitada

Este tipo de accesorios sólo están disponibles durante un corto período de tiempo o durante un evento.

Tienda de objetos

Imagen Nombre Descripción Efectos Tipo
Oso de peluche cariñoso A teddy bear with captivating powers too adorable to resist.
'¡Hola, seamos amigos!'
Ataque mágico +15
Defensa +5
Defensa mágica +5
Golpe crít. +1%
Resistencia al daño +1%
Accesorio (cabeza)
Oso de peluche amable A teddy bear with the elegance of a gentleman.
'Would you kindly take my hand and give me a dance?'
Ataque +15
Ataque mágico +15
Defensa +5
Defensa mágica +5
Golpe crít. +1%
Velocidad de ataque +1%
Accesorio (cabeza)


Accesorios de Concursos

Son accesorios obtenidos como premio y diseñados por los mismos jugadores a través de un Concurso Oficial de Diseño de Accesorios.

  • ??
  • 2016


Image Name Description Stats
Mana Gobbler Pack This bag looks a lot like a Mana Eater...It may look small but it can store enormous amount.

(Accessory Contest Winner by Sunako06)
Costume Accessory (Top):

Critical +1%

Chomp Bandana A bandana with sharp teeth pattern. It's like looking at a shark's teeth!

(Accessory Contest Winner by FallenEvolution)
Costume Face Accessory (Bottom):

Critical +1%

Royal Muffler An imitation version of a luxurious muffler worn only by Velder Nobles. You feel a certain vicarious pleasure as if you were a real Noble. Hah!

(Accessory Contest Winner by Anpan)
Costume Accessory (Top):

MP Recovery Attacked +1%


Accesorios específicos de personaje


Imagen Nombre Descripción Efectos Efectos del set Tipo
HQ Shop Common AC Elsword WEAPON 130261.png
HQ Shop Common AC Elsword WEAPON 130261.png
Orichalcum Cross Ring Pommel A crossed-shaped pommel made of Orichalcum. Critical +1%
Attack Speed +1%
Repair cost discounted by 10%.(maximum 10%)
NIL Accessory (Weapon) exclusively for Elsword
Accessory 208170.png
Accessory 208170.png
Mithril Guard Add-on Additional Guard made of mithril.
It supplements the basic weapon guard to protect the wearer's hand.
Critical +1%
Attack Speed +1%
Repair cost discounted by 10%.(maximum 10%)
NIL Costume Accessory (Weapon) exclusively for Elsword
Nasod Battle Guard (Elsword) A guarding panel made from the latest Nasods' technology.
Protect your hands while making attacks more swift.
Critical +1%
Attack Speed +1%
NIL Costume Accessory (Weapon) exclusively for Elsword
Accessory 130390.png
Accessory 130390.png
Arch-Angel Crown (Elsword) Legendary crown of the archangels.
No crown of any king can compare to it.
Physical Attack +20
Magical Attack +20
Physical Defense+5
Magical Defense +5
Critical +1%
Accuracy +2%
2 Pieces:
Max Awaken Time +30%
3 Pieces:
Attack Speed +2.5%
Eye Accessory
Accessory 130385.png
Accessory 130385.png
Arch-Angel Wings (Elsword)
Physical Attack +25
Magical Attack +25
Physical Defense +10
Magical Defense +10
Attack Speed +1%
Movement Speed +3%
Jumping Power +3%
2 Pieces:
Max Awaken Time +30%
3 Pieces:
Attack Speed +2.5%
Upper Body Accessory
HQ Shop Elsword AC Face2 131395.png
HQ Shop Elsword AC Face2 131395.png
Arch-Devil Visor (Elsword)

Eye Accessory
Accessory 131390.png
Accessory 131390.png
Arch-Devil Wings (Elsword)

Upper Body Accessory
Accessory 130646.png
Accessory 130646.png
ElOfficer Cape

Upper Body Accessory
Accessory 132089.png
Accessory 132089.png
Velder Imperial Knights' Headgear (Elsword)

Head Accessory
Accessory 132207.png
Accessory 132207.png
Velder Imperial Knights' Cape (Elsword)

Upper Body Accessory
Accessory 131835.png
Accessory 131835.png
Salvatore Shade of The Sun (Elsword)

Upper Body Accessory
HQ Shop Elsword AC Face1 132768.png
HQ Shop Elsword AC Face1 132768.png
Royal Battle Mini-me (Elsword) A Nasod device that processes and reports the battle situation Physical/Magic Attack +5
Physical/Magic Defense +5
Critical +1%
Attack Speed +1%
Accuracy +2%

Face Accessory
Accessory 132768A.png
Accessory 132768A.png
Royal Battle Black Mini-me (Elsword) A Nasod device that processes and reports the battle situation Physical/Magic Attack +5
Physical/Magic Defense +5
Critical +1%
Attack Speed +1%
Accuracy +2%

Face Accessory
Accessory 132763.png
Accessory 132763.png
Royal Servant - Crimson Guard Monocle, Golden (Elsword)

Eye Accessory
Accessory 132763A.png
Accessory 132763A.png
Royal Servant - Crimson Guard Monocle, Silver (Elsword)

Eye Accessory
Accessory 131870.png
Accessory 131870.png
Mechcanized Mk2 Visor (Elsword)

Eye Accessory
Accessory 131870A.png
Accessory 131870A.png
Grendanized Mechcanized Mk2 Visor (Elsword)

Eye Accessory
Accessory 131930.png
Accessory 131930.png
Alterasia Type-B Spur (Elsword)

Lower Body Accessory
Accessory 131930A.png
Accessory 131930A.png
Grendanized Alterasia Type-B Spur (Elsword)
Physical Attack +8
Magical Attack +8
Physical Defense +5
Magical Defense +5
Attack Speed +98
Accuracy +9

Lower Body Accessory
Accessory 131900.png
Accessory 131900.png
Dragonic Caligo Stinger

Arm Accessory
Accessory 131900A.png
Accessory 131900A.png
Grendized Dragonic Stinger
Physical Attack +10
Magical Attack +10
Physical Defense +3
Magical Defense +3
Critical +1%
Accuracy +2%

Arm Accessory
Accessory 132754.png
Accessory 132754.png

Lower Body Accessory
Blue Gothic Ribbon Ornament (Elsword) An antique ribbon which can be attached to the arm. Critical +1%
Add. Damage +1%
NIL Costume Accessory (Weapon) exclusively for Elsword
Purple Gothic Ribbon Ornament Elsword) An antique ribbon which can be attached to the arm. Critical +1%
Add. Damage +1%
NIL Costume Accessory (Weapon) exclusively for Elsword


Image Name Description Stats Set Effect Type
Accessory 130262.png
Accessory 130262.png
Orichalcum Pole Guard A pole-protective ornament made of Orichalcum.
It protects your hand.
Critical +1%
Attack Speed +1%
Repair cost discounted by 10%.(maximum 10%)
NIL Accessory (Weapon) exclusively for Aisha
Accessory 208180.png
Accessory 208180.png
Mithril Guard Twist-Pin Pins made of mithril.
It wrap around the wand while pins at both sides adds physical destructive power.
Critical +1%
Attack Speed +1%
Repair cost discounted by 10%.(maximum 10%)
NIL Costume Accessory (Weapon) exclusively for Aisha
Nasod Battle Guard (Aisha) A guarding panel made from the latest Nasods' technology.
Protect your hands while making attacks more swift.
Critical +1%
Attack Speed +1%
NIL Costume Accessory (Weapon) exclusively for Aisha
HQ Shop Arme AC Face2 130391.png
HQ Shop Arme AC Face2 130391.png
Arch-Angel Crown Legendary crown of the archangels.
No crown of any king can compare to it.
Physical Attack +20
Magical Attack +20
Physical Defense+5
Magical Defense +5
Critical +1%
Accuracy +2%
2 Pieces:
Max Awaken Time +30%
3 Pieces:
Attack Speed +2.5%
Eye Accessory
Accessory 130386.png
Accessory 130386.png
Arch-Angel Wings
Physical Attack +25
Magical Attack +25
Physical Defense +10
Magical Defense +10
Attack Speed +1%
Movement Speed +3%
Jumping Power +3%
2 Pieces:
Max Awaken Time +30%
3 Pieces:
Attack Speed +2.5%
Upper Body Accessory
Accessory 131396.png
Accessory 131396.png
Arch-Devil Visor (Aisha)

Eye Accessory
Accessory 131391.png
Accessory 131391.png
Arch-Devil Wings (Aisha)

Upper Body Accessory
HQ Shop Arme AC Upbody 131011.png
HQ Shop Arme AC Upbody 131011.png
Nasod Battle Suit Wings

Upper Body Accessory
Accessory 131837.png
Accessory 131837.png
Salvatore Shade of The Sun

Upper Body Accessory
Accessory 130647.png
Accessory 130647.png
ElOfficer Cape

Upper Body Accessory
Accessory 132090.png
Accessory 132090.png
Velder Imperial Knights' Helmet (Aisha)

Head Accessory
Accessory 132208.png
Accessory 132208.png
Velder Imperial Knights' Cape (Aisha)

HQ Shop Arme AC Face2 132764.png
HQ Shop Arme AC Face2 132764.png
Royal Maid Hair-band, Red (Aisha)

Head Accessory
Accessory 132764A.png
Accessory 132764A.png
Royal Maid Hair-band, Black (Aisha)

Head Accessory
Accessory 132769.png
Accessory 132769.png
Royal Battle mini-me (Aisha) A Nasod device that processes and reports the battle situation Physical/Magic Attack +5
Physical/Magic Defense +5
Critical +1%
Attack Speed +1%
Avoidability +2%

Face Accessory
Accessory 132769A.png
Accessory 132769A.png
Royal Battle Black Mini-me (Aisha) A Nasod device that processes and reports the battle situation Physical/Magic Attack +5
Physical/Magic Defense +5
Critical +1%
Attack Speed +1%
Avoidability +2%

Face Accessory
Accessory 131876.png
Accessory 131876.png
Mechcanized Mk2 Visor (Aisha)

Eye Accessory
Accessory 131876A.png
Accessory 131876A.png
Grendanized Mechcanized Mk2 Visor (Aisha)

Eye Accessory
Accessory 131936.png
Accessory 131936.png
Alterasia Type-B Spur (Aisha)

Lower Body Accessory
Accessory 131936A.png
Accessory 131936A.png
Grendanized Alterasia Type-B Spur (Aisha)

Lower Body Accessory
Accessory 131906.png
Accessory 131906.png
Dragonic Caligo Stinger (Aisha)

Arm Accessory
Accessory 131906A.png
Accessory 131906A.png
Grendanized Dragonic Stinger (Aisha)

Arm Accessory
Blue Gothic Ribbon Ornament (Aisha) An antique ribbon which can be attached to the arm. Critical +1%
Add. Damage +1%
NIL Costume Accessory (Weapon) exclusively for Aisha
Purple Gothic Ribbon Ornament (Aisha) An antique ribbon which can be attached to the arm. Critical +1%
Add. Damage +1%
NIL Costume Accessory (Weapon) exclusively for Aisha


Image Name Description Stats Set Effect Type
Accessory 130263.png
Accessory 130263.png
Orichalcum Balance Weight The weight made of Orichalcum to balance a bow.
This will make you infallible!
Critical +1%
Attack Speed +1%
Repair cost discounted by 10%.(maximum 10%)
NIL Accessory (Weapon) exclusively for Rena
Accessory 208190.png
Accessory 208190.png
Mithril Gripper Bow handgrip protective devices made of mithril.
It adds grip and protects the wearer's hand.
Critical +1%
Attack Speed +1%
Repair cost discounted by 10%.(maximum 10%)
NIL Costume Accessory (Weapon) exclusively for Rena
Nasod Battle Guard (Rena) A guarding panel made from the latest Nasods' technology.
Protect your hands while making attacks more swift.
Critical +1%
Attack Speed +1%
NIL Costume Accessory (Weapon) exclusively for Rena
Accessory 130392.png
Accessory 130392.png
Arch-Angel Crown (Rena) Legendary crown of the archangels.
No crown of any king can compare to it.
Physical Attack +20
Magical Attack +20
Physical Defense+5
Magical Defense +5
Critical +1%
Accuracy +2%
2 Pieces:
Max Awaken Time +30%
3 Pieces:
Attack Speed +2.5%
Eye Accessory
Accessory 130387.png
Accessory 130387.png
Arch-Angel Wings (Rena)
Physical Attack +25
Magical Attack +25
Physical Defense +10
Magical Defense +10
Attack Speed +1%
Movement Speed +3%
Jumping Power +3%
2 Pieces:
Max Awaken Time +30%
3 Pieces:
Attack Speed +2.5%
Upper Body Accessory
Accessory 131397.png
Accessory 131397.png
Arch-Devil Visor (Rena)

Eye Accessory
Accessory 131392.png
Accessory 131392.png
Arch-Devil Wings (Rena)

Upper Body Accessory
Accessory 130648.png
Accessory 130648.png
El-Officer Cape (Rena)

Upper Body Accessory
Accessory 131012.png
Accessory 131012.png
Nasod Back-Pack

Upper Body Accessory
Accessory 132091.png
Accessory 132091.png
Velder Imperial Knights' Helmet (Rena)

Head Accessory
Accessory 132209.png
Accessory 132209.png
Velder imperial Knights' Cape (Rena)

Upper Body Accessory
Accessory 131839.png
Accessory 131839.png
Salvatore Shade of The Sun

Upper Body Accessory
Accessory 132770.png
Accessory 132770.png
Royal Battle mini-me (Rena) A Nasod device that processes and reports the battle situation Physical/Magic Attack +5
Physical/Magic Defense +5
Critical +1%
Attack Speed +1%
Avoidability +2%

Face Accessory
Accessory 132770A.png
Accessory 132770A.png
Royal Battle Black Mini-me (Rena) A Nasod device that processes and reports the battle situation Physical/Magic Attack +5
Physical/Magic Defense +5
Critical +1%
Attack Speed +1%
Avoidability +2%

Face Accessory
Accessory 132765.png
Accessory 132765.png
Royal Maid Hair-band, Turquoise (Rena)

Head Accessory
Accessory 132765A.png
Accessory 132765A.png
Royal Maid Hair-band, Black (Rena)

Head Accessory
Accessory 131882.png
Accessory 131882.png
Mechanised MK-2 Visor

Eye Accessory
Accessory 131882A.png
Accessory 131882A.png
Grendized Mechanized MK-2 Visor

Eye Accessory
Accessory 131942.png
Accessory 131942.png
Alterasia Type-B Spur

Lower Body Accessory
Accessory 131942A.png
Accessory 131942A.png
Grendized Alterasia Type-B Spur

Lower Body Accessory
Accessory 131912.png
Accessory 131912.png
Dragonic Caligo Stinger

Arm Accessory
Accessory 131912A.png
Accessory 131912A.png
Grendized Dragonic Stinger

Arm Accessory
Blue Gothic Ribbon Ornament (Rena) An antique ribbon which can be attached to the arm. Critical +1%
Add. Damage +1%
NIL Costume Accessory (Weapon) exclusively for Rena
Purple Gothic Ribbon Ornament (Rena) An antique ribbon which can be attached to the arm. Critical +1%
Add. Damage +1%
NIL Costume Accessory (Weapon) exclusively for Rena


Image Name Description Stats Set Effect Type
Accessory 130264.png
Accessory 130264.png
Orichalcum Hilt Ornament Handle ornament made of Orichalcum.
This alone makes the weapon more valuable.
Critical +1%
Attack Speed +1%
Repair cost discounted by 10%.(maximum 10%)
NIL Accessory (Weapon) exclusively for Raven
Accessory 208200.png
Accessory 208200.png
Mithril Puller Rugs (Raven) Protruded part of a sword made of mithril.
Poking will lead to additional attacks.
Critical +1%
Attack Speed +1%
Repair cost discounted by 10%.(maximum 10%)
NIL Costume Accessory (Weapon) exclusively for Raven
Nasod Battle Guard (Raven) A guarding panel made from the latest Nasods' technology.
Protect your hands while making attacks more swift.
Critical +1%
Attack Speed +1%
NIL Costume Accessory (Weapon) exclusively for Raven
Accessory 130393.png
Accessory 130393.png
Arch-Angel Crown (Raven) Legendary crown of the archangels.
No crown of any king can compare to it.
Physical Attack +20
Magical Attack +20
Physical Defense+5
Magical Defense +5
Critical +1%
Accuracy +2%
2 Pieces:
Max Awaken Time +30%
3 Pieces:
Attack Speed +2.5%
Eye Accessory
Accessory 130388.png
Accessory 130388.png
Arch-Angel Wings (Raven)
Physical Attack +25
Magical Attack +25
Physical Defense +10
Magical Defense +10
Attack Speed +1%
Movement Speed +3%
Jumping Power +3%
2 Pieces:
Max Awaken Time +30%
3 Pieces:
Attack Speed +2.5%
Upper Body Accessory
Accessory 131398.png
Accessory 131398.png
Arch-Devil Visor (Raven)

Eye Accessory
Accessory 131393.png
Accessory 131393.png
Arch-Devil Wings (Raven)

Upper Body Accessory
Accessory 132092.png
Accessory 132092.png
Velder Imperial Knights' Helmet (Raven)

Head Accessory
Accessory 132210.png
Accessory 132210.png
Velder Imperial Knights' Cape (Raven)

Upper Body Accessory
Accessory 131841.png
Accessory 131841.png
Salvatore Shade of The Sun

Upper Body Accessory
Accessory 131013.png
Accessory 131013.png
Nasod Back-Pack

Upper Body Accessory
Accessory 130649.png
Accessory 130649.png
El-Officer Cape (Raven)

Upper Body Accessory
Accessory 132771.png
Accessory 132771.png
Royal Battle White Mini-me (Raven) A Nasod device that processes and reports the battle situation Physical/Magic Attack +5
Physical/Magic Defense +5
Critical +1%
Attack Speed +1%
Avoidability +2%

Face Accessory
Accessories 132771A.png
Accessories 132771A.png
Royal Battle Mini-me (Raven) A Nasod device that processes and reports the battle situation Physical/Magic Attack +5
Physical/Magic Defense +5
Critical +1%
Attack Speed +1%
Avoidability +2%

Face Accessory
Accessory 132766.png
Accessory 132766.png
Royal Servant Monocle, Gold (Raven)

Eye Accessory
Accessory 132766A.png
Accessory 132766A.png
Royal MServant Monocle, Silver (Raven)

Eye Accessory
Accessory 131888.png
Accessory 131888.png
Mechanized MK-2 Visor

Eye Accessory
Accessory 131888A.png
Accessory 131888A.png
Grendized Mechanized MK-2 Visor

Eye Accessory
Accessory 131948.png
Accessory 131948.png
Alterasia Type-B Spur

Lower Body Accessory
Accessory 131948A.png
Accessory 131948A.png
Grendized Alterasia Type-B Spur

Lower Body Accessory
Accessory 131918.png
Accessory 131918.png
Dragonic Caligo Stinger

Arm Accessory
Accessory 131918A.png
Accessory 131918A.png
Grendized Dragonic Stinger

Arm Accessory
Blue Gothic Ribbon Ornament (Raven) An antique ribbon which can be attached to the arm. Critical +1%
Add. Damage +1%
NIL Costume Accessory (Weapon) exclusively for Raven
Purple Gothic Ribbon Ornament (Raven) An antique ribbon which can be attached to the arm. Critical +1%
Add. Damage +1%
NIL Costume Accessory (Weapon) exclusively for Raven


Image Name Description Stats Set Effect Type
HQ Shop Common AC Eve WEAPON 130265.png
HQ Shop Common AC Eve WEAPON 130265.png
Orichalcum Fox Tail Tail ornaments of Nasod Drones made of Orichalcum.
Let's add to the cuteness of drones.
Critical +1%
Attack Speed +1%
Repair cost discounted by 10%.(maximum 10%)
NIL Accessory (Weapon) exclusively for Eve
Accessory 208210.png
Accessory 208210.png
Mithril Angel Ring (Eve) Amgel rings for Nasod drones made of mithril.
Adds more cuteness to the drones.
Critical +1%
Attack Speed +1%
Repair cost discounted by 10%.(maximum 10%)
NIL Costume Accessory (Weapon) exclusively for Eve
Nasod Battle Guard (Eve) A guarding panel made from the latest Nasods' technology.
Protect your hands while making attacks more swift.
Critical +1%
Attack Speed +1%
NIL Costume Accessory (Weapon) exclusively for Eve
Accessory 130394.png
Accessory 130394.png
Arch-Angel Crown (Eve) Legendary crown of the archangels.
No crown of any king can compare to it.
Physical Attack +20
Magical Attack +20
Physical Defense+5
Magical Defense +5
Critical +1%
Accuracy +2%
2 Pieces:
Max Awaken Time +30%
3 Pieces:
Attack Speed +2.5%
Eye Accessory
Accessory 130389.png
Accessory 130389.png
Arch-Angel Wings (Eve)
Physical Attack +25
Magical Attack +25
Physical Defense +10
Magical Defense +10
Attack Speed +1%
Movement Speed +3%
Jumping Power +3%
2 Pieces:
Max Awaken Time +30%
3 Pieces:
Attack Speed +2.5%
Upper Body Accessory
Accessory 131399.png
Accessory 131399.png
Arch-Devil Visor (Eve)

Eye Accessory
Accessory 131394.png
Accessory 131394.png
Arch-Devil Wings (Eve)

Upper Body Accessory
Accessory 131014.png
Accessory 131014.png
Nasod Back-Pack

Upper Body Accessory
Accessory 132093.png
Accessory 132093.png
Velder Imperial Knights' Helmet (Eve)

Head Accessory
Accessory 132211.png
Accessory 132211.png
Velder Imp Knights Cape (Eve)

Accessory 131843.png
Accessory 131843.png
Salvatore Shade of The Sun

Upper Body Accessory
Accessory 130650.png
Accessory 130650.png
El-Officer Cape (Eve)

Upper Body Accessory
Accessory 132772.png
Accessory 132772.png
Royal Battle Mini-me (Eve) A Nasod device that processes and reports the battle situation Physical/Magic Attack +5
Physical/Magic Defense +5
Critical +1%
Attack Speed +1%
Avoidability +2%

Face Accessory
Accessory 132772A.png
Accessory 132772A.png
Royal Battle Black Mini-me (Eve) A Nasod device that processes and reports the battle situation Physical/Magic Attack +5
Physical/Magic Defense +5
Critical +1%
Attack Speed +1%
Avoidability +2%

Face Accessory
Accessory 132767.png
Accessory 132767.png
Royal Maid Hair-band, Purple (Eve)

Head Accessory
Accessory 132767A.png
Accessory 132767A.png
Royal Maid Hair-band, Black (Eve)

Head Accessory
Accessory 131894.png
Accessory 131894.png
Mechanized MK-2 Visor

Eye Accessory
Accessory 131894A.png
Accessory 131894A.png
Grendized Mechanized MK-2 Visor

Eye Accessory
Accessory 131954.png
Accessory 131954.png
Alterasia Type-B Spur

Lower Body Accessory
Accessory 131954A.png
Accessory 131954A.png
Grendized Alterasia Type-B Spur

Lower Body Accessory
Accessory 131924.png
Accessory 131924.png
Dragonic Caligo Stinger

Arm Accessory
Accessory 131924A.png
Accessory 131924A.png
Grendized Dragonic Stinger

Arm Accessory
Blue Gothic Ribbon Ornament (Eve) An antique ribbon which can be attached to the arm. Critical +1%
Add. Damage +1%
NIL Costume Accessory (Weapon) exclusively for Eve
Purple Gothic Ribbon Ornament (Eve) An antique ribbon which can be attached to the arm. Critical +1%
Add. Damage +1%
NIL Costume Accessory (Weapon) exclusively for Eve


Image Name Description Stats Set Effect Type
Orichalcum Weight Control A weight control made of Orichalcum to lighten the weight of a cannon. Critical +1%
Attack Speed +1%
Repair cost discounted by 10%.(maximum 10%)
NIL Accessory (Weapon) exclusively for Chung
Mithril Arm Support (Chung) An Arm Support made of mithril.
It supports the users arm to prevent fatigue.
Critical +1%
Attack Speed +1%
Repair cost discounted by 10%.(maximum 10%)
NIL Costume Accessory (Weapon) exclusively for Chung
Nasod Battle Guard (Chung) A guarding panel made from the latest Nasods' technology.
Protect your hands while making attacks more swift.
Critical +1%
Attack Speed +1%
NIL Costume Accessory (Weapon) exclusively for Chung
Arch-Angel Crown (Chung) Legendary crown of the archangels.
No crown of any king can compare to it.
Physical Attack +20
Magical Attack +20
Physical Defense+5
Magical Defense +5
Critical +1%
Accuracy +2%
2 Pieces:
Max Awaken Time +30%
3 Pieces:
Attack Speed +2.5%
Eye Accessory
Arch-Angel Wings (Chung)
Physical Attack +25
Magical Attack +25
Physical Defense +10
Magical Defense +10
Attack Speed +1%
Movement Speed +3%
Jumping Power +3%
2 Pieces:
Max Awaken Time +30%
3 Pieces:
Attack Speed +2.5%
Upper Body Accessory
Blue Gothic Ribbon Ornament (Chung) An antique ribbon which can be attached to the arm. Critical +1%
Add. Damage +1%
NIL Costume Accessory (Weapon) exclusively for Chung
Purple Gothic Ribbon Ornament (Chung) An antique ribbon which can be attached to the arm. Critical +1%
Add. Damage +1%
NIL Costume Accessory (Weapon) exclusively for Chung
Chung's Gothic Loli Mask (Light Green) Make up for a gothic loli- I mean shota...-Chung Physical Attack +10
Magic Attack +10
Physical Defense +10
Magical Defense +10
HP +1200
Critical +1%
NIL Costume Face Accessory (Middle) exclusively for Chung
Chung's Gothic Loli Mask (Red) Make up for a gothic loli- I mean shota...-Chung Physical Attack +10
Magic Attack +10
Physical Defense +10
Magical Defense +10
HP +1200
Critical +1%
NIL Costume Face Accessory (Middle) exclusively for Chung
ROO!KIE!RIDER! (Chung) Safety first! On the back of the helmet reads Rookie Rider. If you see people with this helmet, be gentle! Physical Defense +10
Magical Defense +10
NIL Face Accessory (Top)


Image Name Description Stats Set Effect Type
Orichalcum Blade Protector (Ara) Orichalcum crafted to protect your hand.
The ornament has a polished appearance with increased fighting ability.
Critical +1%
Attack Speed +1%
Repair cost discounted by 10%.(maximum 10%)
NIL Accessory (Weapon) exclusively for Ara
Mithril Tail Blade (Ara) Secondary mithril made equipment.
Attached to the bottom of the spear to allow for secondary attacks.
Critical +1%
Attack Speed +1%
Repair cost discounted by 10%.(maximum 10%)
NIL Costume Accessory (Weapon) exclusively for Ara
Nasod Battle Guard (Ara) A guarding panel made from the latest Nasods' technology.
Protect your hands while making attacks more swift.
Critical +1%
Attack Speed +1%
NIL Costume Accessory (Weapon) exclusively for Ara
Arch-Angel Crown (Ara) Legendary crown of the archangels.
No crown of any king can compare to it.
Physical Attack +20
Magical Attack +20
Physical Defense+5
Magical Defense +5
Critical +1%
Accuracy +2%
2 Pieces:
Max Awaken Time +30%
3 Pieces:
Attack Speed +2.5%
Eye Accessory
Arch-Angel Wings (Ara)
Physical Attack +25
Magical Attack +25
Physical Defense +10
Magical Defense +10
Attack Speed +1%
Movement Speed +3%
Jumping Power +3%
2 Pieces:
Max Awaken Time +30%
3 Pieces:
Attack Speed +2.5%
Upper Body Accessory
Blue Gothic Ribbon Ornament (Ara) An antique ribbon which can be attached to the arm. Critical +1%
Add. Damage +1%
NIL Costume Accessory (Weapon) exclusively for Ara
Purple Gothic Ribbon Ornament (Ara) An antique ribbon which can be attached to the arm. Critical +1%
Add. Damage +1%
NIL Costume Accessory (Weapon) exclusively for Ara


Image Name Description Stats Set Effect Type
Orichalcum Claymore Pommel (Elesis) Orichalcum crafted to protect your hand.
The ornament has a polished appearance with increased fighting ability.
Critical +1%
Attack Speed +1%
Repair cost discounted by 10%.(maximum 10%)
NIL Accessory (Weapon) exclusively for Elesis
Mithril Unbalanced Guard (Elesis) An extra guard made of mithril It is redesigned to slip just right onto the hand.
It was readjusted based on the loosed parts of the basic gear.
Critical +1%
Attack Speed +1%
Repair cost discounted by 10%.(maximum 10%)
NIL Costume Accessory (Weapon) exclusively for Elesis
Nasod Battle Guard (Elesis) A guarding panel made from the latest Nasods' technology.
Protect your hands while making attacks more swift.
Critical +1%
Attack Speed +1%
NIL Costume Accessory (Weapon) exclusively for Elesis
Arch-Angel Crown (Elesis) Legendary crown of the archangels.
No crown of any king can compare to it.
Physical Attack +20
Magical Attack +20
Physical Defense+5
Magical Defense +5
Critical +1%
Accuracy +2%
2 Pieces:
Max Awaken Time +30%
3 Pieces:
Attack Speed +2.5%
Eye Accessory
Arch-Angel Wings (Elesis)
Physical Attack +25
Magical Attack +25
Physical Defense +10
Magical Defense +10
Attack Speed +1%
Movement Speed +3%
Jumping Power +3%
2 Pieces:
Max Awaken Time +30%
3 Pieces:
Attack Speed +2.5%
Upper Body Accessory
Blue Gothic Ribbon Ornament (Elesis) An antique ribbon which can be attached to the arm. Critical +1%
Add. Damage +1%
NIL Costume Accessory (Weapon) exclusively for Elesis
Purple Gothic Ribbon Ornament (Elesis) An antique ribbon which can be attached to the arm. Critical +1%
Add. Damage +1%
NIL Costume Accessory (Weapon) exclusively for Elesis


Image Name Description Stats Set Effect Type
Orichalcum Power Amplifier (Add) An balance power amplifier made of Orichalcum.
This will greatly enhance the power of the dynamo.
Critical +1%
Attack Speed +1%
Repair cost discounted by 10%.(maximum 10%)
NIL Accessory (Weapon) exclusively for Add
Mithril Unbalanced Addon Guard (Add) Mithril Unbalanced Addon Guard (Add) Critical +1%
Attack Speed +1%
Repair cost discounted by 10%.(maximum 10%)
NIL Costume Accessory (Weapon) exclusively for Add
Nasod Battle Guard (Add) A guarding panel made from the latest Nasods' technology.
Protect your hands while making attacks more swift.
Critical +1%
Attack Speed +1%
NIL Costume Accessory (Weapon) exclusively for Add
Arch-Angel Crown (Add) Legendary crown of the archangels.
No crown of any king can compare to it.
Physical Attack +20
Magical Attack +20
Physical Defense+5
Magical Defense +5
Critical +1%
Accuracy +2%
2 Pieces:
Max Awaken Time +30%
3 Pieces:
Attack Speed +2.5%
Eye Accessory
Arch-Angel Wings (Add)
Physical Attack +25
Magical Attack +25
Physical Defense +10
Magical Defense +10
Attack Speed +1%
Movement Speed +3%
Jumping Power +3%
2 Pieces:
Max Awaken Time +30%
3 Pieces:
Attack Speed +2.5%
Upper Body Accessory
Blue Gothic Ribbon (Add) A weapon decoration which can be attacked to the arm. Critical +1%
Add. Damage +1%
NIL Costume Accessory (Weapon) exclusively for Add
Purple Gothic Ribbon (Add) A weapon decoration which can be attacked to the arm. Critical +1%
Add. Damage +1%
NIL Costume Accessory (Weapon) exclusively for Add


Image Name Description Stats Set Effect Type
Orichalcum Balance Control (Lu) An balance adjuster made of Orichalcum. Critical +1%
Attack Speed +1%
Repair cost discounted by 10%.(maximum 10%)
NIL Accessory (Weapon) exclusively for Lu
Mithril Arm Support (Lu) Additional Guard made of mithril.
It supplements the basic weapon guard to protect the wearer's hand.
Critical +1%
Attack Speed +1%
Repair cost discounted by 10%.(maximum 10%)
NIL Costume Accessory (Weapon) exclusively for Lu
Nasod Battle Guard (Lu) A guarding panel made from the latest Nasods' technology.
Protect your hands while making attacks more swift.
Critical +1%
Attack Speed +1%
NIL Costume Accessory (Weapon) exclusively for Lu
[[Image:|center|]] Arch-Angel Crown (Lu) Legendary crown of the archangels.
No crown of any king can compare to it.
Physical Attack +20
Magical Attack +20
Physical Defense+5
Magical Defense +5
Critical +1%
Accuracy +2%
2 Pieces:
Max Awaken Time +30%
3 Pieces:
Attack Speed +2.5%
Eye Accessory
Arch-Angel Wings (Lu)
Physical Attack +25
Magical Attack +25
Physical Defense +10
Magical Defense +10
Attack Speed +1%
Movement Speed +3%
Jumping Power +3%
2 Pieces:
Max Awaken Time +30%
3 Pieces:
Attack Speed +2.5%
Upper Body Accessory
Blue Gothic Ribbon (Lu) An antique ribbon which can be attached to the arm. Critical +1%
Add. Damage +1%
NIL Costume Accessory (Weapon) exclusively for Lu
Purple Gothic Ribbon Ornament (Lu) An antique ribbon which can be attached to the arm. Critical +1%
Add. Damage +1%
NIL Costume Accessory (Weapon) exclusively for Lu


Image Name Description Stats Set Effect Type
Orichalcum Balance Control (Ciel) An balance adjuster made of Orichalcum. Critical +1%
Attack Speed +1%
Repair cost discounted by 10%.(maximum 10%)
NIL Accessory (Weapon) exclusively for Ciel
Mithril Arm Support (Ciel) Additional Guard made of mithril.
It supplements the basic weapon guard to protect the wearer's hand.
Critical +1%
Attack Speed +1%
Repair cost discounted by 10%.(maximum 10%)
NIL Costume Accessory (Weapon) exclusively for Ciel
Nasod Battle Guard (Ciel) A guarding panel made from the latest Nasods' technology.
Protect your hands while making attacks more swift.
Critical +1%
Attack Speed +1%
NIL Costume Accessory (Weapon) exclusively for Ciel
Arch-Angel Crown (Ciel) Legendary crown of the archangels.
No crown of any king can compare to it.
Physical Attack +20
Magical Attack +20
Physical Defense+5
Magical Defense +5
Critical +1%
Accuracy +2%
2 Pieces:
Max Awaken Time +30%
3 Pieces:
Attack Speed +2.5%
Eye Accessory
[[Image:|center|]] Arch-Angel Wings (Ciel)
Physical Attack +25
Magical Attack +25
Physical Defense +10
Magical Defense +10
Attack Speed +1%
Movement Speed +3%
Jumping Power +3%
2 Pieces:
Max Awaken Time +30%
3 Pieces:
Attack Speed +2.5%
Upper Body Accessory
Blue Gothic Ribbon (Ciel) An antique ribbon which can be attached to the arm. Critical +1%
Add. Damage +1%
NIL Costume Accessory (Weapon) exclusively for Ciel
Purple Gothic Ribbon Ornament (Ciel) An antique ribbon which can be attached to the arm. Critical +1%
Add. Damage +1%
NIL Costume Accessory (Weapon) exclusively for Ciel


Image Name Description Stats Type
Accessory 65300.png
Accessory 65300.png

Accessory 65310.png
Accessory 65310.png

Accessory 129080.png
Accessory 129080.png

Accessory 129090.png
Accessory 129090.png

Accessory 129100.png
Accessory 129100.png

Accessory 129310.png
Accessory 129310.png
White Day Start Lollipop

Accessory 129725.png
Accessory 129725.png

Accessory 129735.png
Accessory 129735.png
Taegeuk Armband

Accessory 129780.png
Accessory 129780.png
Devil Horns

Accessory 129785.png
Accessory 129785.png

Accessory 129910.png
Accessory 129910.png

Accessory 129915.png
Accessory 129915.png

Accessory 129925.png
Accessory 129925.png

Accessory 129965.png
Accessory 129965.png

Accessory 129966.png
Accessory 129966.png

Accessory 129969.png
Accessory 129969.png

Accessory 129970.png
Accessory 129970.png

Accessory 129996.png
Accessory 129996.png

Accessory 130002.png
Accessory 130002.png

Accessory 130144.png
Accessory 130144.png
Rudolf Nose

Accessory 130146.png
Accessory 130146.png

Accessory 130549.png
Accessory 130549.png

Accessory 130716.png
Accessory 130716.png

Accessory 130897.png
Accessory 130897.png

Accessory 131015.png
Accessory 131015.png
Nasod Arithmatic Unit An independent arithmetic unit made thanks to Nasods' technologies.
A great amount of arithmetic work is done in a very short time.
However, it does not seem to be working at normal times.
Physical Attack +10
Magical Attack +10
Physical Defense +30
Magical Defense +30
Critical +2%
Avoidability +2%
Face Accessory (top)
Accessory 131192.png
Accessory 131192.png
Surprised Pumpkin Head
Physical Attack +10
Magical Attack +10
Physical Defense +10
Magical Defense +10
Avoidability +2%

Accessory 131848.png
Accessory 131848.png

Accessory 132807.png
Accessory 132807.png

Accessory 132845.png
Accessory 132845.png

Accessory 132847.png
Accessory 132847.png

Accessory 132881.png
Accessory 132881.png

Accessory 202360.png
Accessory 202360.png
Double Knife

Accessory 202290.png
Accessory 202290.png
Devilish Horns What's a demon without pointy horns?
Be one with the dark side and put these on!
Physical Attack +40
Magical Attack +20
Physical Defense +15
Magical Defense +5
+10 resistance to all attributes
Costume Face Accessory (top)
Accessory 207480.png
Accessory 207480.png
Unicorn's Horn.

Accessory 202300.png
Accessory 202300.png

Accessory 202310.png
Accessory 202310.png

Accessory 129300.png
Accessory 129300.png
White Day Heart Lollipop 

Accessory 129320.png
Accessory 129320.png
White Day Lollipop

Accessory 129930.png
Accessory 129930.png

Accessory 129951.png
Accessory 129951.png

Accessory 130031.png
Accessory 130031.png

Accessory 130032.png
Accessory 130032.png

Accessory 130033.png
Accessory 130033.png
Maple Leaf

Accessory 130145.png
Accessory 130145.png

Accessory 130722.png
Accessory 130722.png
ElOfficer Ceremonial Sword

Accessory 131195.png
Accessory 131195.png
Pepero (Pocky)

Accessory 131590.png
Accessory 131590.png
Boong uh Ppang (Taiyaki)

Accessory 132583.png
Accessory 132583.png

Accessory 133123.png
Accessory 133123.png
Crest of Red Lotus A mysterious burning energy can be felt from this red lotus crest. +25 points of resistance added to fire attrbutes
Critical +1%
Face Accessory (Bottom)
Accessory 212090.png
Accessory 212090.png

Accessory 223040.png
Accessory 223040.png
Devil's Trident
Physical Attack +20
Magical Attack +20
Physical Defense +5
Magical Defense +5
Critical +1%
Accuracy +2%

Accessory 223050.png
Accessory 223050.png
Taegeuk Mark

Accessory 223060.png
Accessory 223060.png
Burning Soccer Ball

Accessory 132878.png
Accessory 132878.png
Dream Step - Halloween Pumpkin A Halloween Pumpkin effect is shown when you equip this mystic Dream Step item. Physical Attack +25
Magical Attack +25
Physical Defense +10
Magical Defense +10
Critical +1%
Attack Speed +1%
Costume Accessory (Bottom Piece)

Shiny Dream Step (Leaf) A dream step with mysterious leaves. Accuracy +0.5%
Critical +0.5%
Costume Accessory (Bottom Piece)


General Guides
Character Progression
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