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God's Agent
  • Normal
  • Awakened

Имя Айнчейз "Айн" Ишмаэль
Класс God's Agent
Оружие Pendulum (Acts as a medium for projecting), Projection Weapons
Возраст Неизвестно (Appears 21 years old)
Древо Классов > > >
> > >
> > >
Актёр Озвучки 김승준 Kim Seung Jun
Дата Появления 15 December 2016
21 December 2016
21 December 2016
My will is God's desire, and my existence is God's will.



[Посланец Бога, получивший задание восстановить Эль]

Айн обладает Божественной силой, полученной от Богини Ишмаэль. Это так называемая Круговая магия (англ. Circular Magic), подразделяющаяся на Круги (англ. Cycle) и Создание (англ. Creation). Такая система обеспечивает ему безграничные способности – больше, чем у кого-либо ещё.

Особая способность

Основная статья: Power System

Полномочие – особая система Айна, позволяющая переключаться между режимами Кругов и Создания. Атакуя противников в обычном режиме, вы заполняете зеленую полоску. После того, как она будет заполнена до конца, полоска станет голубой, а вы перейдете в режим Создания. Далее вы сможете переключаться между магией Кругов   и Создания   с помощью клавиши V (клавиша по умолчанию).


Ain's ** job paths.
Main Article: Ruben Forest (Ain)

Загадочный парень, появившийся перед Поисковой Командой Эль, когда они пытались найти осколок Эль, украденный из Рубена.

Представляясь, Айн называет себя священником, служащим Богине Ишмаэль, и предлагает им помощь. Впрочем, многое о нём остаётся скрыто под завесой тайны. Ему присуща холодность и непринуждённость. Айн много над чем смеется, редко злится и выражает не так много эмоций.

Он направляет Божественную силу в режимы Cycle и Creation, используя маятник в качестве проводника магии невиданно высокого для Эльриоса уровня. Призывая Божественное оружие, Айн выводит сражения на совершенно новый уровень.

Первая смена класса

Ain is required to be Lv.15 to begin his first class advancement. You can decide between the following:

Lofty: Executor
A job class specializing in creation mode, using enhanced projection magic to allow quick, efficient, yet flashy fighting style.


Lofty: Anpassen
A job class that specializes in cycle mode and Eid, leading unconventional fighting style based on different tactics.


Lofty: Wanderer
A job class that enables an even more destructive play style utilizing the growth stages of the Seed of Chaos, using awakening enhancements and special skill effects.


Lofty: Schreier
A class that utilizes the El energy in a new form, Art, to activate additional effects and battle more efficiently.


Древо Навыков

Skills Passives
[Create a bond and use the new skills!]
Changes to   if Married.
Changes to   if Partnered.
    Level 1
        Level 5
        Level 10
        Level 15
      Level 20
  • Skill Traits unlocked at Level 20.
  • Final Enhanced Skill unlocked upon advancing to 1st job class.


  : Creation Magic enhances the combo. 
Physical = Casts afterimage for addition non-hitstun damage.
Magical = Casts projectiles for addition non-hitstun damage.
Combo Description Damage
     Attacks 3 times with a projected sword and finishes with a multihit blast.

  160% Phy. Damage
  197% Phy. Damage
  245% Phy. Damage
  54% Mag. Damage x5
320% Mag. Damage

     Attacks 2 times with a projected sword before stabbing the enemy, shattering the projected sword to infict more damage.

  160% Phy. Damage
  197% Phy. Damage
  374% Phy. Damage
  100% Phy. Damage x5

     Attacks 3 times with a projected sword and finishes by firing multiple spears at enemies while in super armor.

  160% Phy. Damage
  197% Phy. Damage
  245% Phy. Damage
  100% Mag. Damage
43% Mag. Damage x3~24

   [Weapon Switch]
Depending on the command input after the applied attack, weapons will switch.
Revolvers: V +  
Muskets: V +  
Auto-guns: V +  
Hand Cannons: V +  
Use circular magic to fire 2 magic bullets before causin a small explosion and firing a non-elemental bullet. There is a chance the bullet will create a circular magic blast that pulls in enemies and deals damage over time.

  286% Mag. Damage
  286% Mag. Damage
  377% Mag. Damage
[Weapon Switch]
Depending on the command input after the applied attack, weapons will switch.
Revolvers: V +  
Muskets: V +  
Auto-guns: V +  
Hand Cannons: V +  
470% Mag. Damage

  • Circular Magic Blast : 37% Mag. Damage x10
A successful hit on the target inflicted with 3 stacks of [El Dain] will activate a special attack.

[Nature El Dain]
- Launch the enemy and apply a [Bleed] effect.
Use circular magic to fire 2 magic bullets before causin a small explosion and firing a wind-elemental bullet. There is a chance the bullet will cause a wind blast that inflicts bleed and knocks enemies up.

  286% Mag. Damage
  286% Mag. Damage
  377% Mag. Damage

A successful hit on the target inflicted with 3 stacks of [El Dain] will activate a special attack.

[Nature El Dain]
- Launch the enemy and apply a [Bleed] effect.
423% Mag. Damage
  • Wind Blast : 109% Mag. Damage x6
A successful hit on the target inflicted with 3 stacks of [El Dain] will activate a special attack.

[Fire El Dain]
- Pull in the enemy and apply a [Burn] effect.
Use circular magic to fire 2 magic bullets before causin a small explosion and firing a fire-elemental bullet. There is a chance the bullet will cause a fire blast that inflicts burn.

  286% Mag. Damage
  286% Mag. Damage
  377% Mag. Damage

A successful hit on the target inflicted with 3 stacks of [El Dain] will activate a special attack.

[Fire El Dain]
- Pull in the enemy and apply a [Burn] effect.
423% Mag. Damage
  • Fire Blast : 500% Mag. Damage
A successful hit on the target inflicted with 3 stacks of [El Dain] will activate a special attack.

[Water El Dain]
- Knockdown the enemy and apply a [Freeze] effect.
Use circular magic to fire 2 magic bullets before causin a small explosion and firing an ice-elemental bullet. There is a chance the bullet will cause an ice blast that inflicts ice and knocks enemies down.

  286% Mag. Damage
  286% Mag. Damage
  377% Mag. Damage

A successful hit on the target inflicted with 3 stacks of [El Dain] will activate a special attack.

[Water El Dain]
- Knockdown the enemy and apply a [Freeze] effect.
423% Mag. Damage
  • Ice Blast : 609% Mag. Damage
     Dash at an enemy with a projected sword, slash through them, then slam the ground to launch them into the air.

  179% Phy. Damage
  205% Phy. Damage
  253% Phy. Damage
276% Phy. Damage

   Dash behind enemies and fire a spear at their back.

  340% Mag. Damage

   Stomp downwards.

  80% Phy. Damage
165% Phy. Damage

   Use circular magic to fire a charged bullet at enemies.

  314%~717% Mag. Damage

     Attack 3 times with a projected sword while in mid-air.

  202% Phy. Damage
  232% Phy. Damage
  330% Phy. Damage

     Throw projected spears 3 times while in mid-air.

  322% Mag. Damage
  361% Mag. Damage
  400% Mag. Damage

While in mid-air,   Ain is able to levitate by holding the   key. You can move while levitating.

No Damage

While levitating,   Launch yourself forward with a jump while floating in midair.

  220% Mag. Damage

Recovery  / 









Tips and Details

  • Ain has a very short recovery animation after getting knocked down and gets up much faster than other characters after being knocked down.
    • If you press Z or X when you fall on the ground, Ain will instantly attack as if he was never knocked down in the first place. This is demonstrated in this video.


  • Ain is the first character to be released within the same month of his release in KR, being released in all servers except TW, CN, and EU the following week after KR.
  • When awakened, Ain voice will sound louder and echoes more.
  • Ain hardly acknowledges the other members of the El Search Party other than Elsword. He would instead call them by their race or background like Aisha being "Mage", Rena being "Elf", Add being "Ancient boy", and Lu being "Demon".

Имя на других языках

Server Name Translation
  South Korea 아인
아인체이스 이스마엘
Ainchase Ishmael
  Japan アイン
Ainchase Ishmael
  Taiwan (Traditional Chinese) 亞殷 Ain
  China (Simplified Chinese) 艾因 Ain
