
Story/Elder/zh-hans: Difference between revisions

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* 完成“[[Story/Elder/zh-hans#EP.3 瓦利城堡的秘密|'''[场景]代价''']]”
* 完成“[[Story/Elder/zh-hans#EP.3 瓦利城堡的秘密|'''[副本]通往瓦利城堡的路''']]”
* 进入[[2-4/zh-hans|瓦利城堡外围]]“普通”以上
* 进入[[2-4/zh-hans|瓦利城堡外围]]“普通”以上
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*'''艾索德''': ''威廉已经被解决了,我好好教训了它一顿,相信他是不敢再做坏事了!''
*'''艾索德''': ''威廉已经被解决了,我好好教训了它一顿,相信他是不敢再做坏事了!''
*'''Hoffman''': ''Good, let's see if the castle guards will move back to their original position.''
*'''霍夫曼''': ''真是万幸,现在我们得等着,看城外的警备是不是会恢复从前的样子。''
*'''Luichel''': ''You've taken care of William but his minions are still around and causing trouble!''
*'''路易莎''': ''虽然已经教训过威廉那小子,但是还有残党余孽在继续生事!''
*'''Elsword''': ''What a headache..Who said Phorus were docile creatures..?''
*'''艾索德''': ''真是头痛啊,到底谁说噗鲁这种动物很乖巧的?''
*'''Hoffman''': ''Because of them I heard the castle had to form a special force.''
*'''霍夫曼''': ''传闻说就因为这些家伙,城堡里都组成特别警卫组了。''
*'''Lenphad''': ''In order to enter the castle we need to take care of the Phorus first, I'll leave that to you.''
*'''兰帕德''': ''只有将噗鲁残党消灭干净……潜入城堡的工作才能顺利一些……麻烦你了!''
*'''Hoffman''': ''We've dealt with the Phorus but they caused the castle security to be tighter.''
*'''霍夫曼''': ''虽然已经消灭了噗鲁残党……但因为地下水路的骚乱,城堡疑心加重,不断加强了警备。''
*'''Elsword''': ''I guess sneaking in is no longer an option.''
*'''艾索德''': ''潜入计划就这么打水漂了吗……''
*'''Lenphad''': ''Screw it! We'll go head on! I wasn't the type of sneak in there anyways!''
*'''兰帕德''': ''好吧,事已至此就只有正面突破了!!偷偷摸摸地潜入确实也不符合我的性格!!''
*'''Elsword''': ''Oooh, that's cool. Alright! I'm ready!''
*'''艾索德''': ''哦哦哦,大叔,挺帅的嘛?好吧,点火!我也要一起去!''
*'''Rena & Aisha''': ''Sigh...''
*'''蕾娜 & 爱莎''': ''哈……''
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|ED= 8,200
|ED= 8200
|EXP= 4,820
|EXP= 4820
|CReward1=Blessed Enhancement Stone x1
|CReward1=祝福的强化石 x1
|CImage2=[[File:HQ Shop Set Lowbody Rare Lv1.png]]
|CImage2=[[File:HQ Shop Set Lowbody Rare Lv1.png]]
|CReward2=Bandit's Bottom Piece x 1
|CReward2=班迪特下衣 x 1
|SReward1=Bandit's Weapon x 1
|SReward1=班迪特武器 x 1
|SImage1=[[File:Unknown Weapon.png]]
|SImage1=[[File:Unknown Weapon.png]]
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* 完成“[[Story/Elder/zh-hans#EP.3 瓦利城堡的秘密|'''[副本]亦步亦趋''']]”
* 完成“[[Story/Elder/zh-hans#EP.3 瓦利城堡的秘密|'''[副本]惩罚!''']]”
* 进入[[2-5/zh-hans|瓦利城堡]]“普通”以上
* 进入[[2-5/zh-hans|瓦利城堡]]“普通”以上
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*'''Hoffman''': ''Thank you very much, thanks to you all we were able to subdue the enemy forces. It was a great victory with very little casualties.''
*'''霍夫曼''': ''真的谢谢你,城堡的兵力已经被全部拿下。多亏了各位的活跃表现,我们才得以几乎毫发无损地拿下城堡。''
*'''Elsword''': ''But Wally ran off with the El...''
*'''艾索德''': ''但却让瓦利带着艾尔逃走了……''
*'''Hoffman''': ''We can't say for sure if he actually escaped.''
*'''霍夫曼''': ''现在就断定他逃走了还为时过早。''
*'''Aisha''': ''Might be hiding somewhere in the castle?''
*'''爱莎''': ''恩……你的意思是他有可能还藏在城堡里的某个地方吗?''
*'''Hoffman''': ''But you said Wally was using a giant robot? ..Could it be..Nasod?''
*'''霍夫曼''': ''可是你说瓦利在用一个巨大的机械巨人?难道那是纳斯德……?''
*'''Luichel''': ''But Nasods are just a myth.. There shouldn't be any of them left in Elrios.''
*'''路易莎''': ''不过纳斯德一直只在传说中出现过……整个大陆上可从来都没有过啊?''
*'''Elsword''': ''What's that...Na..Nasod? What is that?''
*'''艾索德''': ''什么啊,那个叫纳斯德的东西到底时什么?''
*'''Aisha''': ''You never studied history, did you? They are a ancient race of advanced machines.''
*'''爱莎''': ''你,果真一点都没学习过吧?那是过去的埃利安们创造并流传下来的超科学机器文明。''
*'''Rena''': ''I thought it was all a myth... since they disappeared after the Nasod War..''
*'''蕾娜''': ''据我所知,战争之后纳斯德就完全消失不见了,只在传说中出现过……''
*'''Echo''': ''It's not a myth... Wally was already working on them.''
*'''艾可''': ''这并不是传说,瓦利领主他……已经在研究纳斯德了。''
*'''Hoffman''': ''Hm? Miss Echo already knew?''
*'''霍夫曼''': ''艾可小姐难道已经知道了吗?''
*'''Echo''': ''Yeah, way back when he suddenly came to me with a Nasod part and asked me bunch of questions. I don't know where he got it but because it was something I've never seen either, I told some papers related to it.''
*'''艾可''': ''恩,很久之前,他突然拿着纳斯德的配件来问东问西的,虽然不知道那些都是哪儿来的……艾可也是第一次看到,所以我就给了他几份资料。''
*'''Hoffman''': ''I understand now. All our taxes were used for Nasod research and in order to power it they had the bandits steal the El Shard.''
*'''霍夫曼''': ''现在终于能明白所有的一切了,我们纳的税都用来研究纳斯德了,为了获得所需的能量,他才会让盗贼去收集艾尔。''
*'''Lenphad''': ''Wally you bastard! I'll make you pay for causing so much trouble to the villagers!''
*'''兰帕德''': ''瓦利这个混蛋!!身为领主,欺瞒城民,我一定会让你为此付出代价!!''
*'''Hoffman''': ''The El will definitely be at the center of the castle. Let's get it back''
*'''霍夫曼''': ''艾尔肯定就在城堡的中央。这次希望你能找到他。''
*'''Hoffman''': ''On behalf of all the villagers that were under Wally's silent tyranny, we thank you.''
*'''霍夫曼''': ''真的谢谢你。饱受瓦利独裁暴政的城民也会很开心的。''
*'''Elsword''': ''But..we lost Wally again..''
*'''艾索德''': ''不过……最终还是让瓦利跑了。''
*'''Rena''': ''Villains are always so quick to flee..''
*'''蕾娜''': ''你说这些坏人怎么就在逃跑这件事上能力超强呢?''
*'''Hoffman''': ''I'm sorry you couldn't retrieve the El because of our troubles.''
*'''霍夫曼''': ''为了解决我们的问题,错失了真正的目标艾尔,实在是很可惜啊。''
*'''Lenphad''': ''But you are the savior of Elder. If you need any help let me know, I'll gladly help.''
*'''兰帕德''': ''不过你们是艾德村庄的恩人。日后要是有什么需要帮忙的,尽管随时开口!''
*'''Hoffman''': ''Merchants of Elder will do everything in our power to locate Wally.''
*'''霍夫曼''': ''我们也会汇集艾德商团的全部力量,寻找瓦利的行踪。''
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*'''艾因''': ''(结果还是没抓到。这里累积的信任也变得没用了吧。真是无意义的时间。)''
*'''艾因''': ''(结果还是没抓到。这里累积的信任也变得没用了吧。真是无意义的时间。)''
|ED= 10,800
|ED= 10800
|EXP= 6,390
|EXP= 6390
|CReward1=Blessed Enhancement Stone x 1
|CReward1=祝福的强化石 x 1
|CImage2=[[File:HQ Shop COMMON AC FACE2 92116.png]]
|CImage2=[[File:HQ Shop COMMON AC FACE2 92116.png]]
|CReward2=Ocean Eyepatch x 1
|CReward2=海洋眼罩 x 1
|CImage3=[[File:HQ Shop Set Upbody Rare Lv1.png]]
|CImage3=[[File:HQ Shop Set Upbody Rare Lv1.png]]
|CReward3=Bandit's Top Piece x1
|CReward3=班迪特上衣 x1
