
Story/Side Story/Rena/zh-hans: Difference between revisions

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*'''蕾娜''': ''哈哈哈,好痒啊小家伙们。。。!''
*'''蕾娜''': ''哈哈哈,好痒啊小家伙们。。。!''
*'''路亚''': ''蕾娜,那个也可以摘下来吗?''
*'''路亚''': ''蕾娜,那个也可以摘下来吗?''
*'''Rena''': ''Of course! Look closely! These children will help me!''
*'''蕾娜''': ''当然了!看好!这些小家伙会帮助我!''
*''Lua and Rena still liked exploring various places inside the forest. Sometimes near the barrier that they were told absolutely not to leave, sometimes into a deep southern forest that the other elves didn't visit often…. When the two children went exploring, Rena didn't hesitate to borrow the powers of the spirits.''
*'''Rena''': ''Alright, here it is. Can you cut it in half?''
*'''蕾娜''': ''来,给你。要不要分一半?''
*''Fruit hanging on top of a tall tree fell down right away when the wind spirits shook the tree strongly. Then other spirits blew winds so that the fruit wouldn't smash into the ground and got the fruit on top of Rena's palm safely.''
*'''Lua''': ''That's so amazing!''
*'''路亚''': ''真是太棒了!''
*''Lua cut the fruit in half then handed one half to Rena while looking at the spirits that were circling around Rena as if they wanted compliments.''
*'''Rena''': ''This is nothing.''
*'''蕾娜''': ''没什么大不了的嘛?''
*'''Lua''': ''What do you mean by nothing? Those children won't listen to what I say.''
*'''路亚''': ''哪有!这些孩子根本不听我的话好吧…?''
*'''Rena''': ''Hmm… that's true.''
*'''蕾娜''': ''嗯…那倒也是。''
*''Rena who was looking at the spirits around her shrugged as she took a bite out of the fruit. Spirits that had abruptly approached Rena listened to anything she requested of them. They followed Rena wherever she went and tried to protect her. She didn't even have a clue as to why the spirits listened to her but what was certain was that they were of "help".''
*'''Rena''': ''I don't exactly know why they listen to me….. But we can have more fun exploring thanks to these children right?''
*'''蕾娜''': ''虽然不知道为什么会跟着我…但有了这些家伙探险也更好玩了不是吗?''
*''Lua who was looking at Rena smile brightly withdrew her envious gaze then nodded.''
*'''Lua''': ''Anyways… how about we go check on that now?''
*'''路亚''': ''话说。。。我们去看看那个怎么样?''
*''Lua asked Rena while munching on the fruit. Rena seemed to ponder for a moment at what 'that' was then shouted while clapping as if she remembered.''
*'''Rena''': ''Ah! I almost forgot! Would that child be alright? We didn't get to visit yesterday….''
*'''蕾娜''': ''啊!我都忘记了!那个孩子应该还好吧?昨天没去看…''
*'''Lua''': ''It should be fine. There's morning dew… and there's a pond nearby.''
*'''路亚''': ''应该没事。不是还有晨露…再加上就在泉水附近…''
*''Two children started moving even before each other's words finished. They stopped their steps when they reached the pond that they often visited.''
*'''Lua''': ''Ah….Rena…''
*'''路亚''': ''啊…蕾娜…''
*''Lua noticed something soon as they arrived at the pond then started running hastily. Rena also followed Lua with a worried expression.''
*'''Lua''': ''….To think it ended up like this……''
*'''路亚''': ''…居然变成这样…''
*''There was a single small wilted flower at the place Lua was kneeling. Lua who had been wordlessly looking down at the flower murmured quietly then even started sobbing.''
*'''Lua''': ''Is it….my fault? This child wouldn't have wilted…if I visited yesterday.''
*'''路亚''': ''是…因为我?如果昨天来了…这些孩子应该就不会死掉….''
*'''Rena''': ''Lua….''
*'''蕾娜''': ''路亚….''
*''Rena sat beside Lua looking down quietly at the wilted flower. She then suddenly put both of her hands on the ground then closed her eyes as if she was determined about something.''
*'''Lua''': ''Rena…? What are you trying to do?''
*'''路亚''': ''蕾娜…?你要做什么?''
*'''Rena''': ''Sssh! I'm going to borrow the powers of the spirits. They might save this child.''
*'''蕾娜''': ''嘘!我要借助元素的力量。有可能救活这些孩子不是吗?''
*''Rena gathered the spirits nearby then wished and wished again that she wanted to revive the wilted flower. Spirits gathered and circled around Rena like the usual but none of them listened to Rena's wish.''
*'''Rena''': ''(What…? Why are you not listening to me? You always listened to my requests…I ask you this time as well….. It's a precious flower that my friend holds dearly. Very precious flower she got as a gift from her parents…. Please, I ask you. Save this flower…..)''
*'''蕾娜''': ''(什么…为什么不帮助我?…这次真的拜托了啊…这是我朋友非常喜爱的话。是她的父母送给她的生日礼物…所以拜托了。救活这朵花…)''
*''All the spirits began to circle around Rena and the flower and give off a small light. Light from the spirits seeped into the wilted flower as well and the flower bud slowly started to rise.''
*''Rena and Lua held their breaths as they watched this scene. They wished desperately for the flower to come back alive as they waited for the flower to completely bloom. But light from the spirits eventually disappeared and the flower bud lowered again.''
*'''Rena''': ''Why…..?''
*'''蕾娜''': ''为社么…?''
*''Rena struggled to gather more spirits after getting startled from seeing the spirits around them scatter. But the spirits didn't answer Rena.''
*'''Rena''': ''(Why are you all acting like this….?)''
*'''蕾娜''': ''(为什么要这样…)?''
*''She tried again and again but result was the same.''
*'''Lua''': ''Rena, stop! It's fine now….!''
*'''路亚''': ''蕾娜,好了!可以了…!''
*''Rena shook off Lua's hand trying to stop her then called upon the spirits again. Her vision became blurry and her head felt dizzy but she didn't care.''
*'''Lua''': ''Rena? Rena!!!!''
*'''路亚''': ''蕾娜?蕾娜!!!''
*''And with that, Rena lost consciousness.''
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