Story/Elder/zh-hans: Difference between revisions

From Elwiki
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|tab2=雷文 & 艾迪
|tab2=雷文 & 艾迪
*'''Hagus''': ''Elder is an important town for trades and travel. We also receive a lot of supplies through them, not to mention I personally know Hoffman from Elder.''
*'''夏格斯''': ''艾德村庄是我们的交通枢纽,从商业的角度而言也是非常重要的地方,我们村里也收到了不少艾德村庄的物资。我和领导那个村庄商团的霍夫曼可是莫逆之交。''
*'''Raven / Add''': ''You're Hoffman? Hagus from Ruben sent me.''
*'''雷文 / 艾迪''': ''你是霍夫曼?是魔奇村庄的村长夏格斯介绍我来的。''
*'''Hoffman''': ''I've heard a lot from Hagus. Please, come in and make yourselves at home.''
*'''霍夫曼''': ''啊……我经常听夏格斯提起呢,幸会。来,快请进吧,总得请你喝杯茶才是。''
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*'''Hoffman''': ''There's a Wally monument outside the village and near it are many bandits that harass merchants. If you go and take care of them and get their stuff back you will be able to gain their trust.''
*'''霍夫曼''': ''从艾德村庄出去,不远处有一座瓦利纪念桥,最近这附近总有盗贼出没,欺负商人。如果你能去将他们处理掉,并帮忙找回物品,相信应该能获得村民的信赖了。''
*'''Add''': ''What a waste of time.''
*'''艾迪''': ''真是浪费时间''
|tab8=露 / 希尔
|tab8=露 / 希尔
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|tab2=雷文 & 伊芙 & 艾拉 & 艾丽希斯 & 艾迪
|tab2=雷文 & 伊芙 & 艾拉 & 艾丽希斯 & 艾迪
*'''Raven / Eve / Ara / Elesis / Add''': ''Is this enough?''
*'''雷文 / 伊芙 / 艾拉 / 艾丽希斯 / 艾迪''': ''这样就可以了吗。''
*'''Hoffman''': ''Oh, the goods the bandits stole. The merchants of Elder will be pleased.''
*'''霍夫曼''': ''哦,这是盗贼们偷走的物品,相信艾德商人会很开心的。''
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*'''Hoffman''': ''Banthus is the leader of the Bandits around town. He finally something unimaginable. We would like to provide you his info.. But in the world of merchants, nothing is free.''
*'''霍夫曼''': ''刚刚你提到的班德斯是这一带非常出名的盗贼团头目。他果真还是闯下了这种大祸啊,虽说我们也很想要告诉你有关班德斯的信息……可原本在商人的世界里就没有免费的午餐啊。''
*'''Add''': ''K'hahahah! You dare try and make a deal with me?''
*'''艾迪''': ''哇哈哈!你小子,是在提议和我做交易吗?''
*'''Hoffman''': ''Hahaha, we always measure the weights between two things.''
*'''霍夫曼''': ''哈哈哈,毕竟我们这辈子就跟称斤两打交道。''
*'''Add''': ''Alright, fine. What do you want?''
*'''艾迪''': ''好啊,挺有意思的,你想要什么?''
*'''Hoffman''': ''You must prove yourself and build their trust in order to receive their help. If you help us solve our problem that we cannot do ourselves we will use everything in our power to locate Banthus.''
*'''霍夫曼''': ''各位需要证明自己的实力,让我们互相之间积累一定的信赖,这样才能得到我们的帮助。如果你能帮忙解决一些困扰我们的问题,那么我便会动用艾德村庄所有商人的情报网,找到班德斯的行踪''
*'''Add''': ''It sounds easier to just torture every merchant in this village... but whatever.''
*'''艾迪''': ''虽然把每一个商团的人都给烤了,让他们开口会更方便……这个嘛,好吧。''
|tab8=露 / 希尔
|tab8=露 / 希尔
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*'''Hoffman''': ''As expected, you have  gained their trust. We will do everything we can to help you from now on.''
*'''霍夫曼''': ''果然和预期的一样。这算是为艾德商人打下了信赖你们的基础。日后也要麻烦你们了。''
*'''Add''': ''Kukuku.. I'll wait for good news.''
*'''艾迪''': ''咳咳,那我就等着好消息了。''
|tab8=露 / 希尔
|tab8=露 / 希尔
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|tab1=Elsword, Aisha, Rena
|tab1=艾索德 & 爱莎 & 蕾娜
*'''Hoffman''': ''As you know Elder is a town of merchants and to us trust is one of the most important things.''
*'''Hoffman''': ''As you know Elder is a town of merchants and to us trust is one of the most important things.''
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*'''Elsword''': ''Arg...Stop giving me tedious work...''
*'''Elsword''': ''Arg...Stop giving me tedious work...''
*'''Aisha''': ''Sigh.. Typical merchants.''
*'''Aisha''': ''Sigh.. Typical merchants.''
*'''Hoffman''': ''As you know Elder is a town of merchants and to us trust is one of the most important things.''
*'''Hoffman''': ''As you know Elder is a town of merchants and to us trust is one of the most important things.''
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*'''Hoffman''': ''You have helped us all you can, now it is our turn to return the favor and locate Banthus. Recently there has been increased activity and ferocity from the forest spirits and causing trouble with the villagers. This happened when the El Shard disappeared so it might have something do with Banthus... Would you investigate it for us?''
*'''Hoffman''': ''You have helped us all you can, now it is our turn to return the favor and locate Banthus. Recently there has been increased activity and ferocity from the forest spirits and causing trouble with the villagers. This happened when the El Shard disappeared so it might have something do with Banthus... Would you investigate it for us?''
*'''Raven''': ''... Fine, I might find something there as well.''
*'''Raven''': ''... Fine, I might find something there as well.''
*'''Hoffman''': ''As you know Elder is a town of merchants and to us trust is one of the most important things.''
*'''Hoffman''': ''As you know Elder is a town of merchants and to us trust is one of the most important things.''
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*'''Hoffman''': ''You have helped us all you can, now it is our turn to return the favor and locate Banthus. Recently there has been increased activity and ferocity from the forest spirits and causing trouble with the villagers. This happened when the El Shard disappeared so it might have something do with Banthus... Would you investigate it for us?''
*'''Hoffman''': ''You have helped us all you can, now it is our turn to return the favor and locate Banthus. Recently there has been increased activity and ferocity from the forest spirits and causing trouble with the villagers. This happened when the El Shard disappeared so it might have something do with Banthus... Would you investigate it for us?''
*'''Eve''': ''You are so called a 'cheap' human.. I see, I will investigate.''
*'''Eve''': ''You are so called a 'cheap' human.. I see, I will investigate.''
*'''Hoffman''': ''As you know Elder is a town of merchants and to us trust is one of the most important things.''
*'''Hoffman''': ''As you know Elder is a town of merchants and to us trust is one of the most important things.''
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*'''Hoffman''': ''You have helped us all you can, now it is our turn to return the favor and locate Banthus. Recently there has been increased activity and ferocity from the forest spirits and causing trouble with the villagers. This happened when the El Shard disappeared so it might have something do with Banthus... Would you investigate it for us?''
*'''Hoffman''': ''You have helped us all you can, now it is our turn to return the favor and locate Banthus. Recently there has been increased activity and ferocity from the forest spirits and causing trouble with the villagers. This happened when the El Shard disappeared so it might have something do with Banthus... Would you investigate it for us?''
*'''Chung''': ''Yes, of course. I will gladly help!''
*'''Chung''': ''Yes, of course. I will gladly help!''
*'''Hoffman''': ''As you know Elder is a town of merchants and to us trust is one of the most important things.''
*'''Hoffman''': ''As you know Elder is a town of merchants and to us trust is one of the most important things.''
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*'''Ara (Eun)''': ''//You slave driver, how much longer are you planning to make us work?//''
*'''Ara (Eun)''': ''//You slave driver, how much longer are you planning to make us work?//''
*'''Ara''': ''(Eun... We can help the villagers a littl--..)
*'''Ara''': ''(Eun... We can help the villagers a littl--..)
*'''Hoffman''': ''As you know Elder is a town of merchants and to us trust is one of the most important things.''
*'''Hoffman''': ''As you know Elder is a town of merchants and to us trust is one of the most important things.''
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*'''Hoffman''': ''You have helped us all you can, now it is our turn to return the favor and locate Banthus. Recently there has been increased activity and ferocity from the forest spirits and causing trouble with the villagers. This happened when the El Shard disappeared so it might have something do with Banthus... Would you investigate it for us?''
*'''Hoffman''': ''You have helped us all you can, now it is our turn to return the favor and locate Banthus. Recently there has been increased activity and ferocity from the forest spirits and causing trouble with the villagers. This happened when the El Shard disappeared so it might have something do with Banthus... Would you investigate it for us?''
*'''Elesis''': ''You sly fox. Anyways, I guess it might be worth checking out so I'll on out.''
*'''Elesis''': ''You sly fox. Anyways, I guess it might be worth checking out so I'll on out.''
*'''Hoffman''': ''As you know Elder is a town of merchants and to us trust is one of the most important things.''
*'''霍夫曼''': ''你也知道,艾德村庄大部分都是商人。我需要再次提醒的是,对商人而言,信赖关系的构建是比什么都要重要的。''
*'''Add''': ''What? You want more favors? Dont' test my patience, I'll burn this place down if you push me enough.''
*'''艾迪''': ''搞什么,你们还有想要的东西吗,我完全可以把你们这帮家伙所谓的“秤”给毁了。''
*'''Hoffman''': ''Not at all. Because you helped us while the town was in dire need of help keeping the town in check, you have gained the merchants' trust.''
*'''霍夫曼''': ''不,在村里治安如此的状况下,都要多亏各位的活跃表现。你们已经获得了许多商人的信赖。''
*'''Add''': ''Tsk, then I have no choice but to help. Damn, slave driver.''
*'''艾迪''': ''切!这样就不得不找了吧,守财奴。''
*'''Hoffman''': ''You have helped us all you can, now it is our turn to return the favor and locate Banthus. Recently there has been increased activity and ferocity from the forest spirits and causing trouble with the villagers. This happened when the El Shard disappeared so it might have something do with Banthus... Would you investigate it for us?''
*'''霍夫曼''': ''既然我们已经受了你们的恩惠,总不能没有任何表示,我会动用我们商团的所有情报网,找到班德斯的行踪。可是……那些原本一直没什么动静的森林精灵最近却变得残暴了起来,让我们的村民遭受了不少的损失。这是魔奇村庄的艾尔结晶失窃之后发生的事情,看来和艾尔结晶或是班德斯脱不了干系……你能去调查看看吗?''
|tab8=/ 希尔
*'''Hoffman''': ''As you know Elder is a town of merchants and to us trust is one of the most important things.''
*'''Hoffman''': ''As you know Elder is a town of merchants and to us trust is one of the most important things.''
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*'''Lu''': ''Ahaha, alright. I'll be on my way!''
*'''Lu''': ''Ahaha, alright. I'll be on my way!''
*'''Ciel''': ''... Lu, can you even find your missing power?''
*'''Ciel''': ''... Lu, can you even find your missing power?''
*'''Hoffman''': ''As you know Elder is a town of merchants and to us trust is one of the most important things.''
*'''Hoffman''': ''As you know Elder is a town of merchants and to us trust is one of the most important things.''
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|tab1=Elsword, Aisha, Rena, Lu/Ciel, Rose
|tab1=艾索德 & 爱莎 & 蕾娜 & 露 / 希尔 & 萝丝
*'''Hoffman''': ''Enraged Forest Spirit and Ent attacked people and dark being are roaming around? That's very strange... It's too weird to only blame it on the disappearance of the El Shard...but.. This sounds like the Great Monster Outbreak that had happened to the Black Forest long ago.''
*'''Hoffman''': ''Enraged Forest Spirit and Ent attacked people and dark being are roaming around? That's very strange... It's too weird to only blame it on the disappearance of the El Shard...but.. This sounds like the Great Monster Outbreak that had happened to the Black Forest long ago.''
*'''Hoffman''': ''Enraged Forest Spirit and Ent attacked people and dark being are roaming around? That's very strange... It's too weird to only blame it on the disappearance of the El Shard...but.. This sounds like the Great Monster Outbreak that had happened to the Black Forest long ago.''
*'''Hoffman''': ''Enraged Forest Spirit and Ent attacked people and dark being are roaming around? That's very strange... It's too weird to only blame it on the disappearance of the El Shard...but.. This sounds like the Great Monster Outbreak that had happened to the Black Forest long ago.''
*'''Raven''': ''Is this also the cause of El's power weakening? We must find it quickly.''
*'''Raven''': ''Is this also the cause of El's power weakening? We must find it quickly.''
*'''Hoffman''': ''Enraged Forest Spirit and Ent attacked people and dark being are roaming around? That's very strange... It's too weird to only blame it on the disappearance of the El Shard...but.. This sounds like the Great Monster Outbreak that had happened to the Black Forest long ago.''
*'''Hoffman''': ''Enraged Forest Spirit and Ent attacked people and dark being are roaming around? That's very strange... It's too weird to only blame it on the disappearance of the El Shard...but.. This sounds like the Great Monster Outbreak that had happened to the Black Forest long ago.''
*'''Eve''': ''Illgoical things are happening... Is this also the power of El?''
*'''Eve''': ''Illgoical things are happening... Is this also the power of El?''
*'''Hoffman''': ''Enraged Forest Spirit and Ent attacked people and dark being are roaming around? That's very strange... It's too weird to only blame it on the disappearance of the El Shard...but.. This sounds like the Great Monster Outbreak that had happened to the Black Forest long ago.''
*'''Hoffman''': ''Enraged Forest Spirit and Ent attacked people and dark being are roaming around? That's very strange... It's too weird to only blame it on the disappearance of the El Shard...but.. This sounds like the Great Monster Outbreak that had happened to the Black Forest long ago.''
*'''Chung''': '' ''Bizarre things are happening... Would El have something to do with it?''
*'''Chung''': '' ''Bizarre things are happening... Would El have something to do with it?''
*'''Hoffman''': ''Enraged Forest Spirit and Ent attacked people and dark being are roaming around? That's very strange... It's too weird to only blame it on the disappearance of the El Shard...but.. This sounds like the Great Monster Outbreak that had happened to the Black Forest long ago.''
*'''Hoffman''': ''Enraged Forest Spirit and Ent attacked people and dark being are roaming around? That's very strange... It's too weird to only blame it on the disappearance of the El Shard...but.. This sounds like the Great Monster Outbreak that had happened to the Black Forest long ago.''
*'''Ara''': ''All those weird phenomenon... Is this really the El?''
*'''Ara''': ''All those weird phenomenon... Is this really the El?''
*'''Hoffman''': ''Enraged Forest Spirit and Ent attacked people and dark being are roaming around? That's very strange... It's too weird to only blame it on the disappearance of the El Shard...but.. This sounds like the Great Monster Outbreak that had happened to the Black Forest long ago.''
*'''Hoffman''': ''Enraged Forest Spirit and Ent attacked people and dark being are roaming around? That's very strange... It's too weird to only blame it on the disappearance of the El Shard...but.. This sounds like the Great Monster Outbreak that had happened to the Black Forest long ago.''
*'''Elesis''': ''Monster breakout.. Is the power of El doing this?''
*'''Elesis''': ''Monster breakout.. Is the power of El doing this?''
*'''Hoffman''': ''Enraged Forest Spirit and Ent attacked people and dark being are roaming around? That's very strange... It's too weird to only blame it on the disappearance of the El Shard...but.. This sounds like the Great Monster Outbreak that had happened to the Black Forest long ago.''
*'''Hoffman''': ''Enraged Forest Spirit and Ent attacked people and dark being are roaming around? That's very strange... It's too weird to only blame it on the disappearance of the El Shard...but.. This sounds like the Great Monster Outbreak that had happened to the Black Forest long ago.''