Story/Noah Chapter 2: Difference between revisions

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|Description=After meeting with Titania again, Noah hands over the flowers he collected. Titania's polite, yet cool behavior doesn't stir anything as Noah decides to move along.
|Description=After meeting with Titania again, Noah hands over the flowers he collected. Titania's polite, yet cool behavior doesn't stir anything as Noah decides to move along.
*{{StoryIcon|?}} '''???:''' ''-''
*{{StoryIcon|Noah}} '''Noah:''' ''It was surprisingly easy to find these flowers. This should be enough, right?''
*{{StoryIcon|Clamor}} '''Clamor:''' ''I think so, Kid. Considering how many people were at the camp, this should be enough when Titania brings her share.''
*{{StoryIcon|Noah}} '''Noah:''' ''... My name is Noah.''
*{{StoryIcon|Clamor}} '''Clamor:''' ''Yes? And I'm Clamor.''
*{{StoryIcon|Noah}} '''Noah:''' ''... I'm not asking for an introduction. I mean, why are you calling me, kid? I'm not a kid.''
*{{StoryIcon|Clamor}} '''Clamor:''' ''The young are the only ones who don't want to look young.''
*{{StoryIcon|Noah}} '''Noah:''' ''...You're not going to stop calling me kid.''
*{{StoryIcon|Clamor}} '''Clamor:''' ''Oh, I see Titania coming this way. Is she alright? It looks like she's injured.''
*{{StoryIcon|Titania}} '''Titania:''' ''Finally. I was looking for you.''
*{{StoryIcon|Noah}} '''Noah:''' ''What happened? Your leg...''
*{{StoryIcon|Titania}} '''Titania:''' ''Oh... I made a wrong turn earlier. They struggled harder than I expected. I took care of it. Now, please give me the flowers.''
*{{StoryIcon|Noah}} '''Noah:''' ''But you're injured... wouldn't it be better if I...''
*{{StoryIcon|Titania}} '''Titania:''' ''Oh, it's just a stain. I'm not injured. Don't worry about it.''
*{{StoryIcon|Noah}} '''Noah:''' ''....... If you say so... Here you go.''
*{{StoryIcon|Titania}} '''Titania:''' ''Thank you so much. I wish I could reward you in some way... But as you know, I have patients to take care of.''
*{{StoryIcon|Noah}} '''Noah:''' ''It's fine, I don't want to be a bother.''
*{{StoryIcon|Titania}} '''Titania:''' ''You're leaving? Do you know where you're headed?''
*{{StoryIcon|Noah}} '''Noah:''' ''... No, not yet.''
*{{StoryIcon|Titania}} '''Titania:''' ''I see. It was nice meeting you. I won't forget your assistance today. Goodbye.''
*{{StoryIcon|Noah}} '''Noah:''' ''.......''
*{{StoryIcon|Clamor}} '''Clamor:''' ''...Huh. Something seems odd about that one. Maybe we should follow her?''
*{{StoryIcon|Noah}} '''Noah:''' ''No. I doubt she'd want us to anyway.''
*{{StoryIcon|Clamor}} '''Clamor:''' ''But we didn't say goodbye to that girl, Yuria. She might feel disappointed that you left so suddenly.''
*{{StoryIcon|Noah}} '''Noah:''' ''She has something more important to take care of. Her family is sick... And I don't like being around people anyway.''
*{{StoryIcon|Clamor}} '''Clamor:''' ''For a kid, you sure sound like an old man sometimes. Don't you want to help them?''
*{{StoryIcon|Noah}} '''Noah:''' ''...Let's go. We have no time to waste.''
*{{StoryIcon|?}} '''???:''' ''-''
*{{StoryIcon|Clamor}} '''Clamor:''' ''Kid.''
*{{StoryIcon|Noah}} '''Noah:''' ''Pant... pant... pant...''
*{{StoryIcon|Clamor}} '''Clamor:''' ''Hey, you stubborn old kid. I'm not going to go away just because you pretend to not hear me.''
*{{StoryIcon|Noah}} '''Noah:''' ''...Shut up...''
*{{StoryIcon|Clamor}} '''Clamor:''' ''You've been walking without rest for a while now. I don't think you're built for this kind of exercise anyway. Why are you in such a hurry? I guess that doesn't matter. You should really take a rest. You're going to collapse at this rate.''
*{{StoryIcon|Noah}} '''Noah:''' ''I should be... fine. This is nothing new... And we will be late if we don't move now.''
*{{StoryIcon|Clamor}} '''Clamor:''' ''Nothing new...? Never mind that. You really need to take a break. Your walk is becoming steadily more unstable. I told you we should have visited the camp!''
*{{StoryIcon|Noah}} '''Noah:''' ''And I'm telling you, I'm fine! Who are you to tell me I'm not!''
*{{StoryIcon|Clamor}} '''Clamor:''' ''It's obvious that you're not! You can't even grip the handle properly anymore. Just find a shade and take a breather, won't you?! If you don't, I'm just going to keep talking. Unlike you, I can't get tired because I don't actually have a mouth!''
*{{StoryIcon|Noah}} '''Noah:''' ''Why did I decide to remove the seal for this...''
*{{StoryIcon|Clamor}} '''Clamor:''' ''Your eyes start drooping... you feel more and more relaxed as you hear the rustling leaves... The tree calls to you, inviting you under its shade...''
*{{StoryIcon|Noah}} '''Noah:''' ''You always do whatever you want. Are you sure you're not a demonic weapon?''
*{{StoryIcon|Clamor}} '''Clamor:''' ''Yes, I'm so wonderfully evil, that I care about your health and well-being. Where would you find such a fantastical weapon?''
*{{StoryIcon|Noah}} '''Noah:''' ''...How are you so calm? Didn't you wake up into an unfamiliar world as well? Everyone you knew is gone. Aren't you worried? Scared? Nervous?''
*{{StoryIcon|Clamor}} '''Clamor:''' ''....... ...Of course. I'm only mortal. I'm worried... nervous too. I can't help but think, why me? I also have a lot of regrets. If only I could go back in time, I would make a different decision. I get that. But you can't stay worried all the time. That's depressing, and keeps you on edge far too long. Everything bad seems like it's your fault, and any positive feedback just sounds like empty compliments.''
*{{StoryIcon|Noah}} '''Noah:''' ''.......''
*{{StoryIcon|Clamor}} '''Clamor:''' ''From my experience, it's best to focus on something else when you feel like this. And for me, that's learning about this brand new world I've woken up to. I'm sorry if I bothered you with my enthusiasm. But, you know what they say, if you can't avoid it, enjoy it, right? I thought, rather than focusing on being lost in an unknown world, I should be excited about the second chance at life I've obtained''
*{{StoryIcon|Noah}} '''Noah:''' ''... I wasn't bothered.''
*{{StoryIcon|Clamor}} '''Clamor:''' ''That's good. Anyway, I'm surprised to find you're so insecure! I was having fun teasing you, because you were acting all stuck-up.''
*{{StoryIcon|Noah}} '''Noah:''' ''I did not!''
*{{StoryIcon|Clamor}} '''Clamor:''' ''Mm hm. If you say so. You can cry in my arms if it gets too overwhelming. I understand.''
*{{StoryIcon|Noah}} '''Noah:''' ''I'm going somewhere quiet where I can rest alone.''
*{{StoryIcon|Clamor}} '''Clamor:''' ''Hey, wait a minute. Heeeey! Take me with you! What am I supposed to do if you leave me by myself!''