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=== 특징 ===
=== 특징 ===
'애드'는 반항적인 천재 공학소년이자 '나소드'의 천적인 '나소드 룰러'로 등장한다. 자신이 만든 기계 병기 '나소드 다이너모'를 이용해 근거리와 원거리를 자유자재로 오가는 폭넓은 스킬을 갖추고, 다른 캐릭터보다 유연하고 강력한 공격력을 구사한다.
'애드'는 반항적인 천재 공학소년이자 '나소드'의 천적인 '나소드 룰러'로 등장한다. 자신이 만든 기계 병기 '나소드 다이너모'를 이용해 근거리와 원거리를 자유자재로 오가는 폭넓은 스킬을 갖추고, 다른 캐릭터보다 유연하고 강력한 공격력을 구사한다.
*캐릭터 특성 : [[Add's Features/ko|다이너모 포인트(DP) 시스템]]

===Special Ability===
=== 배경 ===
Main Article: [[Add's Features|Dynamo Point System]]<br>
더 인간 같은 나소드를 만들기 위해 금기를 깨려 했던 나소드 연구가문의 계승자로, 이 일로 고난을 당하고 쫓기는 도중 시공간의 틈으로 떨어져 방대한 지식을 얻게 된다. 이후 맹목적 복수심으로 과거로 돌아갈 힘을 갈구하게 되고, 방대한 양의 고대 코드를 가진 [[Eve/ko|이브]]를 발견하게 되는데…
Instead of a normal awakening mode, Add gets a DP awakening system. His DP system allows him to go in and out of awakening whenever he sees fit. Maintaining a balance of DP counters and the DP gauge is what makes Add different from others.
=== Background ===
'''Add''' is a descendant of a family that researched Nasods. His entire family was exterminated after being caught researching the forbidden secrets of the Nasods. He was sold into slavery and while escaping, Add fell into an Ancient Library and became trapped alone. Fortunately, there was a steady supply of food to sustain himself as well as a large number of books about the Nasods. Add spent his time reading them and waited for the day he could escape. With his vast knowledge, Add eventually invented the ''Nasod Dynamo'' using the parts from broken down Nasods found inside the library. Using the weapon's power, he escaped from the collapsing library. However, the isolation of being trapped alone for so long left Add insane along with an obsession to find rare Nasod codes. While traveling to look for more Nasod schematics, Add finds that the race no longer exists in the world. The library where Add had lived in distorted time inside, and sent him to a timeline far into the future. Thus, Add originally sought to find a way to get back into the past. That was until he found traces of '[[Eve|that person]]' from the corrupted Nasod King.