Story/Chapter 45/zh-hans: Difference between revisions

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(Created page with "{{施工中}} {{DISPLAYTITLE:EP.45 第一个灵魂}} {{Languages|Story/Chapter 45}} {{StoryTab/zh-hans}} <br> {{剧透}} <br> === <u>EP.45 第一个灵魂</u> === File:15-1...")
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*击败'''大型伽恩族'''(在普鲁纳姆-‘[[Glacial Land/zh-hans|酷寒之地]]’ 登场) 0/5
*击败'''大型伽恩族'''(在普鲁纳姆-‘[[Glacial Land/zh-hans|酷寒之地]]’ 登场) 0/5
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*击败'''阿塞拉'''(在普鲁纳姆-‘[[Glacial Land/zh-hans|酷寒之地]]’ 登场) 0/1
*击败'''阿塞拉'''(在普鲁纳姆-‘[[Glacial Land/zh-hans|酷寒之地]]’ 登场) 0/1
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|EXP= 5,154,470
|EXP= 5,154,470
|QuestName= Help from Aurora
*Complete the '''Unfamiliar Encounter''' story quest
*Clear [[Glacial Land]]
*普鲁纳姆-‘[[Glacial Land/zh-hans|酷寒之地]]’通关 0/1
Once the misunderstanding has been cleared, the El Search Party finally learns what happened in Rigomor.
*{{StoryIcon|Asella}} '''阿塞拉:''' ''So... The El Search Party, you say? Nichel just gave me a full report. I would have never guessed you'd actually know, not only Winster, but Calonne and Deborah as well... I apologize for my rudeness earlier. You may stay here in Aurora however long you'd like. I will personally make sure you are safe within these walls.''
*{{StoryIcon|Asella}} '''阿塞拉:''' ''你们,是叫艾尔搜查队是吧?我刚刚听尼采说,不仅是温斯特,你们和卡隆大人以及德博拉都有联系……''
*{{StoryIcon|CEs}} '''伊芙:''' ''Thank you. May we call you Asella? First, we would like a brief account on what is happening right now.''
*{{StoryIcon|Asella}} '''阿塞拉:''' ''对于刚才的物理,我表示万分歉意。还有,你们也可以留在奥罗拉,我会确保你们在这里的安全。''
*{{StoryIcon|Ish}} '''露:''' ''You asked if we were with the Red Demon King earlier. Are they somehow involved in the current affairs?''
*{{StoryIcon|CEs}} '''伊芙:''' ''谢谢,我可以喊你阿塞拉吗?首先,我想知道现在的状况。''
*{{StoryIcon|Asella}} '''阿塞拉:''' ''We've yet to find crucial evidence that they're together with Berthe, but we were on high-altert due to a recent report of their officer entering the central area. Appearances like your are hard to come by in these areas, which is why I suspected as such, Steel Queen.''
*{{StoryIcon|Ish}} '''露:''' ''你刚刚问我们是不是从赤魔王的地盘来的。难道他们也参与其中了吗?''
*{{StoryIcon|Ish}} '''露:''' ''Alright. But the White-Ghost Army? Hmph, how lazy of him. I can't believe he's using the same military structure build by Aegirp.''
*{{StoryIcon|Asella}} '''阿塞拉:''' ''虽然还没有找到他们与波尔德勾结的证据,但最近有报告说有干部级别的家伙出入于首都之中,所以我们才会保持警戒而已。''
*{{StoryIcon|Aps}} '''艾拉:''' ''Is Winster alright?''
*{{StoryIcon|Asella}} '''阿塞拉:''' ''因为这附近很难碰到向你们这样的人,所以大家才这样怀疑,钢铁女王。''
*{{StoryIcon|Nichel2}} '''尼采:''' ''Winster was taken hostage by Berthe after you left for Elrios.''
*{{StoryIcon|Ish}} '''露:''' ''明白了。顺带一提,你说的白鬼军团……的家伙。看来他们还在利用阿耶吉尔普建立的军队体系啊。''
*{{StoryIcon|Asella}} '''阿塞拉:''' ''But worry not. We confirmed his safety. He occasionally relays us information he gains through his communication device.''
*{{StoryIcon|Aps}} '''艾拉:''' ''温斯特还好吗?''
*{{StoryIcon|CC}} '''澄:''' ''I'm glad he's safe... But as hostage? He're really in a precarious situation.''
*{{StoryIcon|Nichel2}} '''尼采:''' ''在你们返回艾里奥斯后不久,他就被波尔德劫为人质。''
*{{StoryIcon|AS}} '''爱莎:''' ''We should be extra careful. If berthe finds out we're back, Winster might end up in danger.''
*{{StoryIcon|Asella}} '''阿塞拉:''' ''不过放心吧,我已经确认过现在他安然无恙。不仅如此,他还偶尔利用通讯装置来向我们通报波尔德那边的情报。''
*{{StoryIcon|Chv}} '''希尔:''' ''He's sending information even as a hostage? I don't know if that's brave or foolish. I assume you checked for the integrity of the information?''
*{{StoryIcon|CC}} '''澄:''' ''没事就好……居然劫为了人质,真是危险啊。''
*{{StoryIcon|Asella}} '''阿塞拉:''' ''Yes. He knew information that was only shared by a trusted few. But the biggest assurance was his knowledge of Aurora's location. If Berthe knew of our location, he would have already sent his army. He doesn't need a justifiable cause to send in an army...... because Berthe has the ground completely under his control. The message was definitely sent by an ally.''
*{{StoryIcon|AS}} '''爱莎:''' ''我们得小心点。如果波尔德知道我们返回魔界的话,温斯特的处境一定会非常危险的……''
*{{StoryIcon|Chv}} '''希尔:''' ''I see... an ally.''
*{{StoryIcon|Chv}} '''希尔:''' ''作为认知还能发送消息,是不是太过大胆了一点?有确认过会是虚假情报的可能性吗?''
*{{StoryIcon|Asella}} '''阿塞拉:''' ''Moving on, according to the information sent by Winster, the White-Ghost Army has been acting suspiciously for the past several days. That, along with the reports we've received from our agent in the White-Ghost Army, seems to suggest that the White-Ghost Army has found a way to find the soul fragments and begun a full-scale search.''
*{{StoryIcon|Asella}} '''阿塞拉:''' ''嗯,如果不是内部人员的话,他是没办法知道那么多的事情的。而且他能知道奥罗拉的位置就是再好不过的证明。''
*{{StoryIcon|Min}} '''萝丝:''' ''A way to find the soul fragments...? How did they find out?''
*{{StoryIcon|Asella}} '''阿塞拉:''' ''如果波尔德知道的话,肯定会派出军队的。那家伙调动军队可不需要任何理由。''
*{{StoryIcon|Asella}} '''阿塞拉:''' ''That, we do not know. But Winster warned us to cease all our activities, as the White-Ghost Army will be nearby.''
*{{StoryIcon|Asella}} '''阿塞拉:''' ''因为地面上完全由波尔德掌控,所以这绝对是来自我军的消息。''
*{{StoryIcon|Nichel2}} '''尼采:''' ''It's... and uncharacteristically adamant response from him.''
*{{StoryIcon|Chv}} '''希尔:''' ''我军……原来如此。''
*{{StoryIcon|Asella}} '''阿塞拉:''' ''We are following his suggestion for now. Since Rigomor has already been compromised, if they know the location of this place, they'll surely do everything they can to crush us.''
*{{StoryIcon|Asella}} '''阿塞拉:''' ''先不说这个了。从温斯特传达的情报来看,最近几天前白鬼军团的行动非常奇怪。''
*{{StoryIcon|KE}} '''艾索德:''' ''Yeah, I can definitely see that happening.''
*{{StoryIcon|Asella}} '''阿塞拉:''' ''对比我军安插在白鬼军团的卧底的信息,似乎是他们已经摸清了寻找灵魂的方法,正式开始搜索工作了。''
*{{StoryIcon|Asella}} '''阿塞拉:''' ''Plus, if Aurora is discovered, it will be dangerous for Winster and Haivan as the hostages.''
*{{StoryIcon|Min}} '''萝丝:''' ''寻找灵魂的方法……?他们是怎么发现的?''
*{{StoryIcon|DB}} '''艾迪:''' ''(Is Haivan known as a hostage here?)''
*{{StoryIcon|Asella}} '''阿塞拉:''' ''正事因为不知道,所以我们才非常头疼。温斯特跟我们说,白鬼军团就在附近,得停止一切活动。''
*{{StoryIcon|CC}} '''澄:''' ''Then... Is the soul fragment in this area already in Berthe's hands?''
*{{StoryIcon|Nichel2}} '''尼采:''' ''这不太像叔叔……说话方式非常强硬。''
*{{StoryIcon|Asella}} '''阿塞拉:''' ''No, The path to the soul fragment is heavily guarded. There's no report of anybody approaching the area.''
*{{StoryIcon|Asella}} '''阿塞拉:''' ''不过暂时还是先听从吧。尼格摩尔的位置已经被发现了,如果再让他们知道这里的话,他们会不惜一切代价击败我们的。''
*{{StoryIcon|Blu}} '''艾因:''' ''I thought you ceased all activities under Mr. Dog's suggestion?''
*{{StoryIcon|KE}} '''艾索德:''' ''这些家伙可真是无法无天了。''
*{{StoryIcon|Asella}} '''阿塞拉:''' ''That doesn't mean we'll just stand idle. The soul fragment is too important to leave unguarded. As long as we're not discovered, I don't see a problem.''
*{{StoryIcon|Asella}} '''阿塞拉:''' ''好叭……再加上如果奥罗拉的位置被发现的话,作为绑架人质的温斯特和海云的性命就更加无法保证了。''
*{{StoryIcon|AS}} '''爱莎:''' ''(Whoa... I'm not sure why, but her stubbornness reminds me of Haivan somehow.)''
*{{StoryIcon|DB}} '''艾迪:''' ''(那家伙能被称作人质吗?)''
*{{StoryIcon|Asella}} '''阿塞拉:''' ''We were going to continue searching for soul fragments as well, just in smaller numbers. It would have been easy to disguise ourselves as hunters, even if we were discovered.''
*{{StoryIcon|CC}} '''澄:''' ''更何况……附近的白鬼王的灵魂可能已经落入了波尔德的手中。''
*{{StoryIcon|KE}} '''艾索德:''' ''There's no need for that. We got the location.''
*{{StoryIcon|Asella}} '''阿塞拉:''' ''别担心。我们一直密切监视着通向灵魂的道路,从来没有家伙接近过那里。''
*{{StoryIcon|RaS}} '''娜薇:''' ''Here! Calonne and Furry told us.''
*{{StoryIcon|Blu}} '''艾因:''' ''刚刚狗狗不是说要停止一切活动吗?''
*{{StoryIcon|Asella}} '''阿塞拉:''' ''A map? Hm, mmhm... I see...! We were also aware of the vague location after years of searching, but as expected for those responsible for hiding this fragment! he location in this map is much more precise.''
*{{StoryIcon|Asella}} '''阿塞拉:''' ''但我们也不能袖手旁观啊。灵魂可不是说放弃就能放弃的东西,只要不被白鬼军团的家伙发现就行了。''
*{{StoryIcon|RH}} '''雷文:''' ''Then will you allow us to handle this?''
*{{StoryIcon|AS}} '''爱莎:''' ''(这个人……蛮横的样子总觉得让我想起了海云……)''
*{{StoryIcon|Asella}} '''阿塞拉:''' ''Sure. But this is not enough. Although the location is clearly marked in this map... The path shown in this map can't be used. It's too outdated.''
*{{StoryIcon|Asella}} '''阿塞拉:''' ''搜索灵魂的行动也是分为小分队来进行的。因为人数较少,哪怕被他们抓住了,也可以假装自己只是捕猎的猎人而已。''
*{{StoryIcon|Aps}} '''艾拉:''' ''That's what Calonne told us. He said we'll have a hard time finding the soul fragment when we don't know the area that well.''
*{{StoryIcon|KE}} '''艾索德:''' ''不用那样也行,我们知道灵魂的位置。''
*{{StoryIcon|Asella}} '''阿塞拉:''' ''Yes. Earlier, I noticed you were walking without care, even though the ground can collapse at any moment, while leaving trails left and right.''
*{{StoryIcon|RaS}} '''娜薇:''' ''是卡隆和怪物告诉我的!现在我们,在这里。''
*{{StoryIcon|Zero}} '''Zero:''' ''Wha...? I though we were being really careful!''
*{{StoryIcon|Asella}} '''阿塞拉:''' ''是地图吗?嗯,嗯……没错!''
*{{StoryIcon|Asella}} '''阿塞拉:''' ''Not careful enough. If you walk around like that, you'll end up being swallowed up by the land itself before you could even get a glimpse of the soul fragment. Huhu, unless you plan on making this your grave, it would be wise of you to accept more of our assistance. We will provide you with a guide.''
*{{StoryIcon|Asella}} '''阿塞拉:''' ''我们之前虽然也掌握了大致的位置,但如果是当事人亲口说明的话,那这个地图的准确性应该就会更高一些。''
*{{StoryIcon|Nichel2}} '''尼采:''' ''I'll go.''
*{{StoryIcon|RH}} '''雷文:''' ''那么,就交给我们吧?''
*{{StoryIcon|Asella}} '''阿塞拉:''' ''If you are willing...?''
*{{StoryIcon|Asella}} '''阿塞拉:''' ''好的,但光凭这些还不够。虽然灵魂的位置记载得非常详细……''
*{{StoryIcon|Nichel2}} '''尼采:''' ''I was planning on doing so from the start. That's what Winster wanted me to do. El Search Party, I will lead you to the location of the soul fragment.''
*{{StoryIcon|Asella}} '''阿塞拉:''' ''但现在已经没办法使用了,信息都太过陈旧了。''
*{{StoryIcon|CEs}} '''伊芙:''' ''We're glad to accept your help, Nichel.''
*{{StoryIcon|Aps}} '''艾拉:''' ''卡隆先生也是这样说的。如果我们不了解这里的地理位置的话,是很难找到灵魂的。''
*{{StoryIcon|Asella}} '''阿塞拉:''' ''Steel Queen, I apologize for not being able to show you the proper courtesy you deserve due to the circumstances, while still asking you to lend us your assistance. While you are searching for the soul fragment, we will stay here, watching for the White-Ghost Army. We will have Nichel carry a communication device.''
*{{StoryIcon|Asella}} '''阿塞拉:''' ''没错。就像之前所说的,在不知道什么时候地面就会坍塌的地方优哉游哉地散步,根本毫不在意自己留下的痕迹。''
*{{StoryIcon|Ish}} '''露:''' ''Alright. When do you think we should leave?''
*{{StoryIcon|Zero}} '''Zero:''' ''我,我们已经够小心了吧……?''
*{{StoryIcon|Asella}} '''阿塞拉:''' ''Right now is fine.''
*{{StoryIcon|Asella}} '''阿塞拉:''' ''这还不够。如果继续如此鲁莽行事的话,在你获得灵魂之前就会被这片凶暴的土地所吞噬。''
*{{StoryIcon|Ish}} '''露:''' ''Huhu, I like how you handle things efficiently. Alright then, we will prepare to depart.''
*{{StoryIcon|Asella}} '''阿塞拉:''' ''呼,如果你不想死在这里的话,最好还是接受我们的帮助,找个好的向导。''
*{{StoryIcon|Asella}} '''阿塞拉:''' ''Then, I will inform Nichel the path to the soul fragment.''
*{{StoryIcon|Nichel2}} '''尼采:''' ''让我来吧。''
*{{StoryIcon|Asella}} '''阿塞拉:''' ''可以拜托你吗?''
*{{StoryIcon|Nichel2}} '''尼采:''' ''我一开始就是这么打算的。这也是温斯特叔叔托付给我的任务。''
*{{StoryIcon|Nichel2}} '''尼采:''' ''艾尔搜查队,我会把你们带到灵魂所在之处。''
*{{StoryIcon|CEs}} '''伊芙:''' ''如果是尼采的话,一定会对我们大有帮助的。''
*{{StoryIcon|Asella}} '''阿塞拉:''' ''钢铁女王大人,因为情况紧急,我们不仅没有好好地以礼相待,反而还得拜托您帮忙。''
*{{StoryIcon|Asella}} '''阿塞拉:''' ''我们会在搜索灵魂的时候监视白鬼军团的动向,详细的情况我会通过通讯装置传达给尼采。''
*{{StoryIcon|Ish}} '''露:''' ''好的,我们什么时候出发?''
*{{StoryIcon|Asella}} '''阿塞拉:''' ''现在出发也没问题。''
*{{StoryIcon|Ish}} '''露:''' ''呼呼,处事果断的家伙真令人满意。好,那就雪竹我们准备一下吧。''
*{{StoryIcon|Asella}} '''阿塞拉:''' ''那么,我把解除灵魂的方法告诉尼采吧。''
|ED= 2,002,200
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|EXP= 5,154,470
|EXP= 5,154,470