
From Elwiki

[Magical] Drops a huge nuclear missile on the field, it then explodes into a huge "mushroom cloud" and deals insanely high magic damage.


Class Master Prerequisite(s) Required for
Skill Tree Skill
Over Taker Lv5 55SP

Skill Information

Skill Lv Max Hits Damage MP Usage
Cool Down
1 55
(Missile 1, explosion 43-54 times)
The missile impact does 347%, each explosion hit does 71%. 300 MP

30 seconds

2 The missile impact does 416%, each explosion hit does 86%.
3 The missile impact does 485%, each explosion hit does 100%.
4 The missile impact does 554%, each explosion hit does 114%.
5 (M) The missile impact does 658%, each explosion hit does 136%.

Tips and Details

  • Nuclear is unlocked through the High Branch Skill Quest. The quest can be obtained at Lv32 from Camilla, the PvP NPC.
  • As of 3/4/2011's patch, the missile no longer knocks away, but instead pulls people in.
  • The explosion hits are also faster, and the invincibility frames last longer.
