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#REDIRECT [[Epic_NPCs/zh-hant]]
{{Languages|Epic NPCs}}
'''史詩對戰NPC''' 是一個被添加到“PvP匹配賽”(一說PvP排位賽、正式對戰)的功能,所謂“PvP匹配賽”就是可以讓玩家隨機與實力(對戰等級)相當的玩家進行切磋的系統。但是,戰鬥史詩NPC在匹配賽里幹嘛用的?當一個玩家使用匹配系統匹配玩家進行對戰時,有一定的非常細微的機率可以碰到戰鬥史詩NPC。戰鬥史詩NPC不由玩家操控,但是進行操控的AI能夠使用一些進階技巧和正確使用連段。現在一共有10個戰鬥史詩NPC,每個NPC代表一個職業及其招牌技能。眾所周知,和戰鬥史詩NPC對戰非常有意思也非常有挑戰性(非常的累),但係統提供了極大的回報。打敗他們可以獲得特殊的稱號,以及相當多的等級分數(20到30),競技場點數(AP)以及經驗值。如果你在和戰鬥史詩NPC的對戰中輸了(不管是否造成一方被打倒),只會獲得競技場點數(AP)以及經驗值。
== 史詩NPC的屬性 ==
* 每個NPC都有著30%的攻擊速度,30%的移動速度和30%的跳躍高度,這讓他們擁有極強的反應速度——他們在空中被擊,落地是沒有硬直的!因此絕對不可以挑空。
* 每個NPC都有約22%的迴避,這意味著你的命中至少要達到20%。
* 每個NPC都有個被動叫“強化魔力回复”,這讓他們有著約450的MP上限,1秒10點左右的MP恢復能力以及擊打和被擊獲得額外的MP值,但是放心,為了防止他們不斷進行斷魔,有一個斷魔冷卻的AI裝在他們身上,因此並不會一直斷魔,不過動不動就放招依然很讓人頭疼。雖然說有這個完全一邊倒的強化魔力回复系統,但是——某些NPC還是MP不夠用——比如[[Blood_Colonel_Edan/zh-hanst|艾登]],一個勁的在用暗影步伐和有99%機率耗費10MP發動暗影步伐的緊急逃生技能。
* 與NPC多人對戰(3對3)時是和副本一樣的主機選擇方式:選擇玩家隊伍最早創建角色的一名玩家作為暫時性的鏈接主機。因此如果你資歷最老,用的又是ADSL、什麼移動鐵通廣電長城歌華有線珠江寬頻教育網e家寬,抑或是捨友開著迅雷下東西的話,就會陷入相當尷尬的境地……* 史诗NPC拿不到道具(如密药以及各种纹章),即使他们直接站在上面也拿不到。
* 史詩NPC的行動方式和副本里的怪物是一樣的。因此諸如[[Status Effects/zh-hant|傷口]]此類的異常狀態是不會發生在史詩NPC上的。
* 每個NPC都有極高的各種元素抗性——大約是300左右。
* 史詩NPC對你的傷害數值主要體現在你有多少“減少傷害”。當你擁有30%減傷的時候,他們所有的特殊活性技能打在你身上只會有原本攻擊力1%的效果。同樣的,你給史詩NPC的傷害隨著你的“追加傷害”數值而增加。
*  在史詩NPC模式裡,你的裝備攻擊力和防禦力都會被系統調整到一個“默認”平等的狀態,無論你有什麼裝備,能直接大幅影響​​傷害的只有“追加傷害/減少傷害”(當然暴擊也能左右傷害)。就和[[Henir's_Time_and_Space/zh-hant|赫尼爾時空]]的挑戰模式、[[Gates_of_Darkness(S3)/zh-hant|黑暗之門]]一樣。
== 怎样遇到史诗NPC ==
* 有一群人曾經測試過,1對1匹配時間如果超過2分30秒,就能匹配到NPC。
* 對戰等級並不影響你匹配到NPC的概率;同樣,匹配到NPC的概率都是相同的,無論你是1對1匹配或是3對3匹配。
* 在給定時間內,用於作戰的NPC數量有限——如果一個NPC正在對戰,那你是匹配不到他的。
** 因此,當匹配隊伍中的玩家比較少時(例如凌晨),匹配到NPC的概率會更高。
** 有的時候(特定的活動或者是時間裡),NPC的數量有可能隨機的增加。
* NPC只出現在特定的地圖裡。
* 相對於3對3而言,隨機匹配比組隊匹配更容易碰到NPC隊伍。
* 經過測試,一個玩家如果總是用“碰到人就點取消”這種辦法來匹配NPC,那麼沒有NPC會去與他匹配。如上所示,匹配賽你需要和一些玩家對戰以後才能獲得匹配到NPC的機會。
** 當雙方都點開始比賽的時候,對面匹配到的玩家或者隊伍很有可能被替換成NPC。
== 史詩NPC一覽 ==
{| cellspacing="0" cellpadding="5" border="1" style="border-collapse: collapse;"
! style="width: 1px;"| 圖例
! 介紹
! 特殊屬性
| style="text-align: center;"| [[Image:LoweNPC.png]]
| style="text-align: center;"| ''' 名稱:[[El Search Captain Lowe/zh-hant|艾爾搜查隊長 - 羅悟]]'''<br />''' 職業: [[Lord Knight/zh-hant|領主騎士]]'''<br />'''對戰等級: A'''<br />'''對戰難度:★★★☆☆'''<br />取回魔奇的艾爾結晶之後,羅悟訪問了受到好評的艾里奧斯競技場,並且開始幫助新人冒險者學習技術。精通劍法招式[[Mega Slash/zh-hant|斜劈斬]],可以熟練的運用這項基本戰鬥招數。
| style="text-align: center;"|
* 增強版[[Mega Slash/zh-hant|斜劈斬]]<br />
* 劍的攻擊範圍加大
| style="text-align: center;"| [[Image:EpicPenensio.png]]
| style="text-align: center;"|  '''名稱: [[Red Cross Guard Penensio/zh-hant|紅色騎士團十字隊長 - 潘恩西歐]]'''<br />'''職業: [[Rune Slayer/zh-hant|符文殺手]]'''<br />'''對戰等級: S'''<br />'''對戰難度:★★★★☆'''<br />經過了哈梅爾地區的魔族攻防戰,潘恩西歐意識到了能力的不足。災害重建完成後,潘恩西歐這次站上競技場擂台和全大陸的冒險者一同戰鬥修練。嚴肅的表情中散發出實力與經驗的強勁,只有少數冒險者可以將他擊倒。
| style="text-align: center;"|* 更大的符文<br /><br />
*  能够''“召唤”''元素符文<br>
<p style="text-align: center;">[[File:PenesioRune.png|thumb|潘恩西歐的元素符文]]</p>
| style="text-align: center;"| [[Image:Speka.png]]
| style="text-align: center;"|  '''名稱: [[Shadow Witch Speka/zh-hant|影之魔女 - 絲碧卡]]'''<br />'''職業: [[Void Princess/zh-hant|虛無公主]]'''<br />'''對戰等級: SS'''<br />'''對戰難度:★★★★☆'''<br />絲碧卡是個喜歡黑暗力量的虛無公主。就連衣著的配色也是深色系的紫色或是黑色。總是想要尋找一切黑暗。冷酷的外表,碰上戰鬥時更能發揮出前所未有的集中 力。熟練各種召喚術,改進了魔神"安古勒",將之變成巨大化的[[Petite_Angkor_-_Heavy_Doll/zh-hant|波奇安古勒]]。利用召喚出來的巨大安古勒進行各種攻擊和連續技。想要獲得更高等級的魔神" 安古勒"契約,因此參加了競技場來提高自己的黑魔法實力。
| style="text-align: center;"|
* 增強版[[Mana Intake/zh-hant|魔法黑洞]]<br />(一次吸取60MP)<br />
* 擁有[[Petite_Angkor_-_Heavy_Doll/zh-hant|空虚球體 - 重石]]<br />
* 被動技[[Mana Shield/zh-hant|魔法護盾]]
| style="text-align: center;"| [[Image:Noah.png]]
| style="text-align: center;"|  '''名稱: [[Ice Princess Noah/zh-hant|近衛隊長 - 諾雅]]'''<br />'''職業: [[Elemental Master/zh-hant|元素魔導]]'''<br />'''對戰等級: SS'''<br />'''對戰難度:★★★★☆''''<br />Don't let Noah's heavy armor deceive you. She is an [[Elemental Master]] in disguise! Noah has mastered the basic elemental skills of fire and can convert them all to ice skills. You will want to watch out for Ice Magic Balls when in battle against her. Noah also has the ability to freeze opponents that are right in front of her. Gather all the adventurers and come challenge her to see her magical powers!
| style="text-align: center;"|
* Buffed [[Blizzard Shower]]<br />
* All Fireball attacks converted to '''Ice Balls''', which are capable of inflicting [[Status Effects#Freeze|Freezing]].<br />
* Can summon ''Ice Spikes'' that freeze victims upon hit<br />
* Infinite [[Mana Shield]]
| style="text-align: center;"| [[Image:Amelia.png]]
| style="text-align: center;"|  '''Name: [[Wind Shooter Amelia]]'''<br />'''Class: [[Grand Archer]]'''<br />'''Rank: S'''<br />Believe in the strength of the grand bow and try to follow Amelia's tactics. Friendly Elves are known treasure hunters that practice the mechanisms of archery. She can subdue an enemy from a long distance without getting hurt. Also, Amelia's arrows can be used to attack targets in a wide range.
[[Velder]] is a good source of equipment and rare goods for adventurers and information on how to knock down your opponents. Practice those skills there!
| style="text-align: center;"|
* Able to ''"throw"'' arrows<br />
* Revamped [[Siege|Siege Mode]]<br />
* Increased Arrow attack speed<br />
* Buffed and increased range for [[Humming Wind]]
| style="text-align: center;"| [[Image:Lime.png]]
| style="text-align: center;"|  '''Name: [[Green Forest Ranger Lime]]'''<br />'''Class: [[Wind Sneaker]]'''<br />'''Rank: S'''<br />Lime's purpose is to guard the forest and protect mother nature. She trains her combat skills in the forests of Elrios and focuses mostly on her kicks, which are proven deadly, though her skills with the bow are lacking. However, she can summon the wind spirit to strengthen her bow if she is in a tight situation.
| style="text-align: center;"|
* Infinite [[Friendship with Nature]]<br />
* Increased [[Slide Double Kick]] range<br />
* Able to shoot a ''special'' arrow that knocksback the enemy
| style="text-align: center;"| [[Image:Edan.png]]
| style="text-align: center;"|  '''Name: [[Blood Colonel Edan]]'''<br />'''Class: [[Blade Master]]'''<br />'''Rank: SSS'''<br />Edan uses a powerful bloody sword that is one of a kind. It is said that he made a deal with something outside the realm of Elrios. No one really knows if it's true or not, but his uniform used to be white. The red is from all the blood stains from his fallen opponents. There is an old [[Feita]] folklore about a cursed demon sword hidden in this region's caves. Could he have made a contract with the sword?
| style="text-align: center;"|
* Infinite [[Bloody Excel]] buff<br />
* Increased Attack Speed<br />
* Exclusive ''"slash"'' combo<br />
* Able to ''Howl''
| style="text-align: center;"| [[Image:Valak.png]]
| style="text-align: center;"|  '''Name: [[Lord of Pain Valak]]'''<br />'''Class: [[Reckless Fist]]'''<br />'''Rank: SSS'''<br />Valak roamed around Velder in his heavy armor. In fact, we don't think he takes it off when he showers. He believed everyone was jealous of his powers and keeps it on in order to protect himself if he's ever ambushed. The demon that bonded into the armor has taken over his true personality. His armor can be damaged but his claw can still tear enemies apart. One day, he encountered Edan in the forest and they fought day and night. No one dared enter the forest until the clashing sound of swords stopped. Now...there is a search party looking for Colonel Edan.
| style="text-align: center;"|
*Enlarged [[Charged Bolt - Hedgehog]]<br />
* Increased Critical Rate<br />
* Exclusive ''"claw"'' combo<br />
* Able to ''Howl''
| style="text-align: center;"| [[Image:Proto.png]]
| style="text-align: center;"|  '''Name: [[Code Q-Proto 00|Code: Q-PROTO_00]]'''<br />'''Class: [[Code Nemesis]]'''<br />'''Rank: SS'''<br />Code: Q-PROTO_00 is known as one of the most powerful Ancient Nasod Prototype Drones. She failed to develop normal human senses, so instead she became one of the strongest Nasod combat troopers that ever existed in Elrios. She has the potential to do everything herself by installing a core of countless data to progress her self-image. She has the ability to maximize combat capability by destroying thousands at a time and making them disappear! After some time, some unknown spirit from [[4-6|Altera Core]] has revealed another hidden Ancient Nasod, 'Apple'. Apple is known to be reckless. Visit the Arena and find out what these Ancient Nasods are up to!
| style="text-align: center;"|
* Infinite [[Queen's Throne]] buff<br />
* Increased Critical Rate<br />
* Increased Attack Speed<br />
* Exclusive ''"Stinger Field"'' combo<br />
* Able to ''Howl''
| style="text-align: center;"| [[Image:Apple.png]]
| style="text-align: center;"|  '''Name: [[Ancient Nasod Princess Apple]]'''<br />'''Class: [[Code Empress]]'''<br />'''Rank: S'''<br />Apple is the Ancient Nasod Princess that has been asleep for centuries but was awakened by King Nasod. Apple is very gentle and intelligent. She was quietly hiding at Altera Core until it was time to come out. However, the Ancient Nasod Code: Q-PROTO_00 was not able to rest due to the El's explosion. Now, Code: Q-PROTO_00 is aware of Apple's existence and is headed to [[4-6|Altera Core]]. Apple intends to use all of the power remaining from the El and use it against Code: Q-PROTO_00 to modify and control her code. Apple seeks to gain more of the Elstone's power but realizes that Colonel Edan, the Bloody Officer, holds the power of El. She now hopes to use the modified Q-PROTO_00 to attack him.
| style="text-align: center;"|
* Increased Attack Speed<br />
<br />
== 史诗NPC称号 ==
{| cellspacing="0" cellpadding="5" border="1" width="100%" style="border-collapse: collapse;"
! width=10% | 图标(KR)
! width=10% | 图标(CN)
! width=13% | 名称
! width=20% | 前置
! width=20% | 取得条件
! width=27% | 属性
| align="center" colspan="2"| [[Image:Title_20160.png]]
| '''艾尔搜查队优秀毕业生'''
| (打倒正式对战史诗NPC)<br />艾尔搜查队队长罗尔
| (打倒正式对战史诗NPC)<br />艾尔搜查队队长罗尔 7次
| 物理攻击力 +200<br>[[0转基础技能]] +4<br>[[0转基础MP0]] +4<br>暴击 +1%<br />装备修理折扣 +10%(最大 10%)
| align="center" colspan="2"| [[Image:Title_20170.png]]
| '''百夫长'''<br />'''<font color=red>※国服未开放此称号</font>'''<br />
| (打倒正式对战史诗NPC)<br />红骑士团十夫长范恩西欧
| (打倒正式对战史诗NPC)<br />红骑士团十夫长范恩西欧 25次
| 物理攻击力 +200<br>魔法攻击力 +200<br>物理防御力 +100<br>魔法防御力 +100<br>攻击或使用主动技时,2%几率[[:File:Double.png|'''''加倍集中''''']]
| style="text-align: center;"| [[Image:Title_20180.png]]
| style="text-align: center;"| [[Image:Title_20180_CN.png]]
| '''击倒铁墙'''
| (打倒正式对战史诗NPC)<br />亲卫队长冰公主诺亚
| (打倒正式对战史诗NPC)<br />亲卫队长冰公主诺亚 25次
| 暴击 +3%<br />追加伤害 +3%<br>武器水属性触发几率 +2%<br>(需要赋予水属性后才有效)
| align="center" colspan="2"|[[Image:Title_20190.png]]
| '''倒下的安古勒女王'''
| (打倒正式对战史诗NPC)<br />影子魔女斯皮卡
| (打倒正式对战史诗NPC)<br />影子魔女斯皮卡 15次
| 抗暗属性(暗抗) +250<br>武器暗属性触发几率 +1.2%<br>(需要赋予暗属性后才有效)<br>命中 +6%
| style="text-align: center;"| [[Image:Title_20200.png]]
| style="text-align: center;"| [[Image:Title_20200_CN.png]]
| '''格斗高手'''
| (打倒正式对战史诗NPC)<br />绿森林拉银
| (打倒正式对战史诗NPC)<br />绿森林拉银 15次
| 追加伤害 +2.5%<br>动作速度 +2.5%<br>移动力 +10%
| align="center" colspan="2"| [[Image:Title_20210.png]]
| '''折断的箭'''
| (打倒正式对战史诗NPC)<br />风之射手阿梅利亚
| (打倒正式对战史诗NPC)<br />风之射手阿梅利亚 15次
| 物理攻击力 +75<br>魔法攻击力 +75<br>抗风属性(风抗) +250<br />武器风属性发动几率 +2%<br>(需要赋予风属性后才有效)
| align="center" colspan="2"| [[Image:Title_20220.png]]
| '''Born to Blood'''
| (打倒正式对战史诗NPC)<br />铁血上校艾丹
| (打倒正式对战史诗NPC)<br />铁血上校艾丹 40次
| 进入异常状态后每秒MP恢复+5'''<font color=red> 无法重复</font>'''<br />追加伤害 +7%
| align="center" colspan="2"| [[Image:Title_20230.png]]
| '''忍住痛苦的人'''
| (打倒正式对战史诗NPC)<br />痛苦的君主芭乐
| (打倒正式对战史诗NPC)<br />痛苦的君主芭乐 60次
| 减少伤害 +10%<br />攻击被击倒的敌人,伤害1.5倍'''<font color=red>(副本)</font>'''<br />被击时5%几率MP +7
| align="center" colspan="2"|[[Image:Title_20240.png]]
| '''暴走的自我'''
| (打倒正式对战史诗NPC)<br />代码:Q-PROTO_00
| (打倒正式对战史诗NPC)<br />代码:Q-PROTO_00 75次
| 物理防御力 -200<br>魔法防御力 -200<br>觉醒聚气速度 +20%<br />最大HP -50%<br />最大MP -33%<br />[[0转MP0]] +4<br>[[0转MP1]] +4<br>[[0转MP2]] +4<br>[[1转MP0]] +3<br>[[1转MP1]] +3<br>[[1转MP2]] +3<br>[[2转MP0]] +2<ref>[[Wrathful_Seed/zh-hans|愤怒之种]]、[[Eldrasil%27s_Rage/zh-hans|艾兰蒂的愤怒]]和[[Assist Shelling/zh-hans|支援炮击]] +1</ref><br>[[2转MP1]] +2<br>[[2转MP2]] +2
| style="text-align: center;"| [[Image:Title_20250.png]]
| style="text-align: center;"| [[Image:Title_20250_CN.png]]
| '''古代种的限制'''
| (打倒正式对战史诗NPC)<br />古代纳斯德公主苹果
| (打倒正式对战史诗NPC)<br />古代纳斯德公主苹果 10次
| 魔法攻击力 +200<br>[[0转基础技能]] +4<br>[[0转基础MP0]] +4<br>动作速度 +1%<br>被击时7%几率产生1秒霸体'''<font color=red>(副本)</font>'''
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Latest revision as of 09:06, 15 November 2014

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