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*持有1张'''野生骑宠的藏身处地图''' [[File:Special_109992.png|50px]] 。
*持有1张'''野生骑宠的藏身处地图''' [[File:Special_109992.png|50px]] 。
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|'''奇怪的格雷特枪兵''' - 用长矛攻击你的魔族士兵,如果在空中受到攻击会立刻进行反击,请尽量不要将它挑空。
|'''奇怪的格雷特锤子兵''' - 挥舞着大锤的魔族士兵,它的攻击会将玩家[[Status Effects/zh-hans|压扁]],当玩家在它身后时,它有时会因为失去平衡而向后倒地。
|'''奇怪的格雷特盾牌兵''' - 用盾牌保护自己和其他格雷特的魔族士兵。
|'''奇怪的格雷特弓箭手''' - 用长弓从远距离攻击你的魔族士兵,当你在它的正下方时,它会朝下方射击。
|'''精锐格雷特枪兵''' - 除了头上有角,灰色皮肤,穿着黄金甲,拿着一把锋利的枪,动作速度快打人更痛以外,其余和[[Feita/zh-hans|沛塔]]的'''格雷特长矛兵'''相同。
|'''精锐格雷特锤子兵''' - 除了头上有角,灰色皮肤,穿着黄金甲,拿着一把发光的锤子,当你靠近他的时候会自动靠近你并攻击你以外,其余和[[Feita/zh-hans|沛塔]]的'''格雷特突击兵'''相同。(小心锤子,被他的锤子砸中会阻断你的连招。)
|'''精锐格雷特盾牌兵''' - 除了头上有角,灰色皮肤,穿着黄金甲,拿着一把发光的盾,攻击更加频繁以外,其余和[[Feita/zh-hans|沛塔]]的'''格雷特盾牌兵'''相同。
|'''精锐格雷特弓箭手''' - 除了头上有角,灰色皮肤,穿着黄金甲,拿着一把闪亮的弓,攻击速度更快,攻击频率更高以外,其余和[[Feita/zh-hans|沛塔]]的'''格雷特狙击兵'''相同。
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|'''阴森的督特''' - '''精锐格雷特'''的领导者,比普通格雷特更加强大,更加狡猾。
-''灵魂爆落'':当玩家过于接近或者正在被近身攻击时,督特会召唤黑暗能量,从地面上召唤灵魂体环绕自身造成大量伤害,并使受到攻击的玩家进入[[Status Effects/zh-hans|诅咒]]状态,持续减少MP。
-[[Poisonous Cloud/zh-hans|''诅咒之雾'']]:督特用法杖敲击地面,召唤巨大的灰色云雾。接触到灰色云雾的玩家会持续受到伤害,同时MP会迅速减少。
| [[File:GlitterForceRed.png|60px]]
| '''格雷特战队:红''' - 格雷特'''黑暗执法者'''的首领,一个中距离的战士。
| '''格雷特战队:红'''拥有'''暗黑格雷特突击兵'''的所有攻击方式。
| [[File:GlitterForcePink.png|60px]]
| '''格雷特战队:粉''' - 格雷特'''黑暗执法者'''中的一个远距离射击的战士。
| '''格雷特战队:粉'''拥有'''暗黑格雷特狙击兵'''的所有攻击方式。
| [[File:GlitterForceBlack.png|60px]]
| '''格雷特战队:黑''' - 格雷特'''黑暗执法者'''中像忍者一样的战士。
| '''格雷特战队:黑'''拥有'''暗黑格雷特暗杀兵'''的所有攻击方式。
| [[File:GlitterForceYellow.png|60px]]
| '''格雷特战队:黄''' - 格雷特'''黑暗执法者'''中手持巨大的铁锤的战士,能够粉碎任何对手!
| '''格雷特战队:黄'''拥有'''暗黑格雷特袭击兵'''的所有攻击方式。
| [[File:GlitterForceBlue.png|60px]]
| '''格雷特战队:蓝''' - 格雷特'''黑暗执法者'''中的守卫,他拥有坚不可摧的防御能力。
| '''格雷特战队:蓝'''拥有'''暗黑格雷特守卫'''的所有攻击方式。
|'''邪恶的霍亚金''' - 霍亚金又来了!这次它居然在用骑宠做生物体实验!
-''Magic Shield:'' Joaquin will set up a shield that will drastically reduce all damage taken while drinking his potion to recover his health at an alarming rate.
*He appears to be limited to using this ability 3~6 times total, and may vary depending on his skill selection and difficulty mode. (Needs more research, after Hunting Fields patch he appears to be able to heal more times and more often.)
*He can heal up to almost half of his total HP each time he uses this skill.
*Joaquin will not use this skill for the same HP threshold twice, however he will remember to use 'missed' thresholds.
*He cannot use this skill while in Dwarf mode.
-''Hallucination:'' When you are in a party, Joaquin will randomly debuff one of the characters in your group. All attacks that the debuffed character makes will damage their teammates as well, including Special Actives. It is very possible to kill your own teammates while you are suffering from the debuff's effects.
*''Possible Glitch:'' The electrical aura of Raven's [[Anger of Raven| Nasod Core]] may continue to damage party members even after Hallucination has subsided.
-''Dwarf:'' Joaquin will drink a potion and after flexing, he will release ghosts in all directions from his body, potentially dealing high damage.  If you are standing close to him when he uses this it is possible to get hit by multiple ghosts. After the ghosts move off-screen, Joaquin will be minimized, therefore reducing his hitbox and making attacks difficult to use.  Additionally he will gain super armor, 100% critical rate buff, and he will not possess a collision hitbox causing players to pass through him for the duration.  This skill lasts for approximately 30 seconds.
*Much like for his '''Magic Shield''' this appears based on HP thresholds, however this shares many of the same HP thresholds as well.
*Rather than using '''Magic Shield''' and healing, it is possible that he will use this skill instead, which appears to count against the usage of his healing skill for a threshold point.  However the reverse does not always seem to apply.
*Identified HP threshold points on Normal Mode are at 25.5, 18.8, 13, and 7 life bars. (This may no longer be accurate after Hunting Field update.)
*The ghosts released count as magic projectiles and can be blocked\reflected\absorbed by skills like [[Reflect Kick]], [[Phoenix Talon]], and [[Statue of Glory]].
*Joaquin is now significantly larger than before when minimized. (About the same size as a player character, but still does not possess a collision hitbox.)
-''Thunderstorm:'' Joaquin will release several clouds in the air which will regularly shoot lightning at intervals, an electric effect will appear in the clouds over the player if this has targeted them.  This move can be avoided if you move far away.
*Each bolt will strike a player twice if they don't move.
*It is dangerous for multiple players to be in the same area when he uses this.
-''Thunder:'' Joaquin can create smaller clouds in the air that will shoot a single bolt of lightning that can inflict status ailments such as Curse, Burn, Poison, and Confusion.
-''Puppet Summoning:'' Joaquin will occasionally spawn '''Puppet Stones''' to distract and attack you.
-''Zombie Summoning:'' Joaquin will occasionally create '''Zombie Glitter Graves''' at both ends of the map to spawn '''Zombie Glitters''' to slow you down.
-''Building Crash:'' Throughout the battle, Joaquin will repeatedly create large portals in the air that will create buildings from the background and have them crash into the ground. These buildings will do damage and will act as large barricades to limit you from moving around the stage.
-''Combustion:'' Joaquin can still use his old move where he toss black powder around him and ignite them to create an explosion.
*The resulting explosion's hitbox is significantly larger than the actual explosion would indicate.
-''Potion Fling:'' In the same style as the Arc Glitter Alchemists, Joaquin will throw a potion at you to create a cloud that can inflict various status ailments.
*This cloud is larger and the effects are more potent than the version used by Glitter Alchemists.
-''Throw Molotov cocktails:'' Joaquin tosses black powder in the air and causes it to explode.
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|'''发狂的高卡速龙''' - 因霍亚金的生物体实验而发狂的'''风之高卡速龙'''!
|'''发狂的赛亚噗鲁''' - 因霍亚金的生物体实验而发狂的'''赛亚噗鲁'''!
|'''发狂的冰龙''' - 因霍亚金的生物体实验而发狂的'''冰龙'''!
|'''发狂的火龙''' - 因霍亚金的生物体实验而发狂的'''火龙'''!
|'''发狂的黑龙''' - 因霍亚金的生物体实验而发狂的'''黑龙'''!
|'''发狂的赤灵''' - 因霍亚金的生物体实验而发狂的'''飞狐 - 赤灵'''!
|'''发狂的赛纳尔''' - 因霍亚金的生物体实验而发狂的'''赛纳尔'''!
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