Story/Elder/zh-hans: Difference between revisions

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:*在城里盗走的物品(波鲁,卡鲁,双胞胎监视塔) 0/10
:*在城里盗走的物品(波鲁,卡鲁,双胞胎监视塔) 0/10
: <u>简介</u>:You finally reached <font color=blue>Suburbs of Wally’s Castle</font> past the Underground Waterway. Let’s infiltrate the castle under the cover of night as Luichel recommended.
: <u>简介</u>:原本想通过地下水路到城里,但听说现在到处都是行窃的噗鲁。本来就森严的警戒现在变得更厉害都是他们害的。首先制止噗鲁的行窃吧。淸除<font color=red>双胞胎监视塔</font>出没的<font color=blue>窃贼噗鲁和盗贼噗鲁</font>。把偷去的东西都还给村民吧。
: <u>接受任务对话</u>:
: <u>接受任务对话</u>:
:: 路易莎:''You wanted to enter through Suburbs of Wally’s Castle but it’s heavily guarded because of phorus?! Ugh…… at this rate, our plan of sneaking in won’t work……
:: 路易莎:''想进入瓦利城堡外围,但是因为噗魯盗贼警卫增加了?!哎,这样下去就不能偷偷潜入了。''
:: 霍夫曼:''It’s odd to see wild phorus causing this much trouble. I’m quite shocked. First then, we need to stop those phorus and return the stolen goods.
:: 霍夫曼:''野生噗鲁第一次这么顽皮。我也很惊讶。首先要制止噗鲁的行窃,收回盗走的物品。''
: <u>完成任务对话</u>:
: <u>完成任务对话</u>:
:: 路易莎:''Never imagined our plan of sneaking in would go to waste because of the phorus!
:: 路易莎:''真没想到会因为噗鲁破坏我们的计划!''
:: 霍夫曼:''For now, some of the phorus are taken care of, but still there are phorus near Suburbs of Wally’s Castle causing problems.
:: 霍夫曼:''虽然已经制止了行窃的噗鲁,但瓦利城堡外围的噗鲁还在继续着。''
: <u>奖励</u>:
: <u>奖励</u>:
:: '''ED:'''13300
:: '''ED:'''13300
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:*威廉的检讨书(威廉噗鲁,瓦利城堡外围‘普通’以上) 0/1
:*威廉的检讨书(威廉噗鲁,瓦利城堡外围‘普通’以上) 0/1
: <u>简介</u>
: <u>简介</u>:这次噗鲁的骚动也是威廉煽动起来的。威廉居然想成为恶徒,不过是个小噗鲁罢了。为了遵守在魔奇村庄写的检讨书,好像在艾徳活动。霍夫曼也饶恕了<font color=red>瓦利城堡外围</font>的威廉,为了防止再次闹事委托拿到<font color=blue>检讨书</font>
: <u>接受任务对话</u>:These Phorus have turned out to be just like William! William is trying to be the bad guy but he is merely just thoughtless and immature. Let’s go to <font color=red>The Suburbs of Wally’s Castle</font> to forgive William and just get his <font color=blue>Apology Letter</font>!
: <u>接受任务对话</u>:
:: 路易莎:''From what I hear, that phoru named William is behind all this mess. He used to be a menace in Ruben Village, why is he even here?!
:: 路易莎:''听说那个叫威廉的和噗鲁煽动了其他噗鲁。在魔奇村庄捣乱的家伙怎么会出现在这个地方?!''
:: 霍夫曼:''William promised Hagus that he won’t cause any more trouble. So he’s being a smart-butt and moved to Elder. You can’t look soft here. Please teach them a lesson so they don’t think about doing anything bad ever again. Should we get a written promise note too? Sometimes keeping a strict rule is the best. Hahaha.
:: 霍夫曼:''给夏格斯村长写检讨书的威廉,躲着夏格斯村长来到艾德。既然这样就不能掉以轻心,就让他不能再为非作歹,好好教训他吧。我们也要检讨书吧?对捣蛋鬼来说,惩罚也是一种良药。哈哈哈……''
: <u>完成任务对话</u>:
: <u>完成任务对话</u>:
:: 霍夫曼:''Hmm…… this is indeed William’s writing. He kept his promise with Hagus so hopefully he keeps his word and doesn’t cause any trouble in Elder too.
:: 霍夫曼:''嗯,是威廉的检讨书。既然已经跟夏格斯村长说好了,现在不会在艾德地区捣乱吧。''
: <u>奖励</u>:
: <u>奖励</u>:
:: '''ED:'''8200
:: '''ED:'''8200
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:*窃贼噗鲁(瓦利城堡外围‘中等’以上) 0/10
:*窃贼噗鲁(瓦利城堡外围‘中等’以上) 0/10
:*盗贼噗鲁(瓦利城堡外围‘中等’以上) 0/10
:*盗贼噗鲁(瓦利城堡外围‘中等’以上) 0/10
: <u>简介</u>:William has surely made some mistakes, but he’s not the only one who caused trouble. <font color=blue>William’s Men</font> are dressed as thieves, so we must teach them a lesson! Let’s <font color=blue>teach these lost Phorus a lesson</font>!
: <u>简介</u>:虽然威廉不懂事,但部下也有错误。<font color=blue>威廉的手下</font>变得更像盗贼了,但还只是没有目标的漂流罢了。把被队长带坏的噗鲁<font color=blue>教训一下吧</font>
: <u>接受任务对话</u>:
: <u>接受任务对话</u>:
:: 路易莎:''Although William was behind all this, other phorus should also be blamed for the trouble too!
:: 路易莎:''虽然是受威廉噗鲁的煽动,但不能就这么放了参加行窃的噗鲁!''
:: 霍夫曼:''Even the soldiers form Wally’s Castle have turned their backon us, so it would wise to take care of the rest too.
:: 霍夫曼:''原本是保护我们的士兵都已经变了样,这次要彻底清除。''
: <u>完成任务对话</u>:
: <u>完成任务对话</u>:
:: 霍夫曼:''Issues with William seem to be sorted out now but…… still the problem remains. Because of William, the Castle security is more tightened.
:: 霍夫曼:''威廉的事差不多处理完了……问题是以后。因为这次骚动会加强了城里的警备。''
: <u>奖励</u>:
: <u>奖励</u>:
:: '''ED:'''9400
:: '''ED:'''9400
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:*清除瓦利8号(瓦利城堡‘普通’以上) 0/1
:*清除瓦利8号(瓦利城堡‘普通’以上) 0/1
: <u>简介</u>: William’s plan to sneak into <font color=red>Wally’s Castle</font> has been undermined and now he’s boldly trying to enter. There is only one motive. We must find <font color=blue>Wally</font> to make him pay for all this trouble and retrieve the El!
: <u>简介</u>:威廉的出现导致之前的潜入计划泡汤,既然这样就直接冲进<font color=red>瓦利城堡</font>中心。目标只有一个,找到<font color=blue>瓦利</font>让他们付出恶行的代价,找回艾尔吧!
: <u>接受任务对话</u>:
: <u>接受任务对话</u>:
:: 霍夫曼:''This won’t be easy. Wally’s Castle is guarded by an army of soldiers, inside and out. It’ll be almost impossible to break through and reach the El in Wally’s possession. Need to eliminate the guards slowly and steadily. Then find Wally and punish him for his evil deeds and retrieve the El. I trust you will be able to do it.
:: 霍夫曼:''现在才是真正的开始,瓦力城内部的兵力很多,盲目的进攻是不可能拿回艾尔之石的。从外围开始慢慢减少警卫的数量吧。找到瓦利让他付出代价后找回艾尔。如果是你,应该可以做到。''
: <u>完成任务对话</u>:
: <u>完成任务对话</u>:
:: 霍夫曼:''Thank you so much! All our citizens thank you, for saving us from Wally’s tyranny. We still have a major problem, though. Wally ran off with the Els. He must need them to continue his Nasod researEP.
:: 霍夫曼:''非常感谢,对瓦力的暴政不满的市民也会很高兴的。但有点担心,瓦力带着艾尔之石逃走,想必是为了继续研究纳斯德吧。''
: <u>奖励</u>:
: <u>奖励</u>:
:: '''ED:'''10800
:: '''ED:'''10800
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:*钥匙串(拜伦格特,瓦利城堡‘中等’以上) 0/1
:*钥匙串(拜伦格特,瓦利城堡‘中等’以上) 0/1
: <u>简介</u>:According to Hoffman, Verngert is the captain of the guards in Wally’s Castle. We must get the main gate <font color=blue>Key</font> from Verngert to open <font color=red>Wally’s Castle’s</font> main gate! Be careful, this guard is as formidable as Lenphad!
: <u>简介</u>:听霍夫曼说瓦利的士兵中有个叫拜伦格特的警卫队长。<font color=red>瓦利城堡</font>的地下有很多怀疑瓦利而被抓起来的人,管理钥匙的人就是<font color=blue>拜伦格特。找回<font color=blue>钥匙</font>救出那些人吧。拜伦格特是以前跟兰帕徳并肩作战的勇士,小心点。
: <u>接受任务对话</u>:
: <u>接受任务对话</u>:
:: 霍夫曼:''Also…… It is said that those missing villagers are imprisoned in Wally’s castle. The castle security is still very tight too. I think Verngert, the captain of the guards in Wally’s Castle, has the prison key.
:: 霍夫曼:''而且,消失的村民还被困在瓦利城堡。城里的警备还是很严。城地下监狱的钥匙在瓦利城堡警卫队长拜伦格特的手里。''
:: 兰帕德:''Ah, right. That guy. He was my partner when we were mercenaries. Of course he wasn’t as good as me. He was only after money and fame so everyone hated him and he’s a guard captain eh……
:: 兰帕德:''对,那家伙在佣兵时期跟我是同伴,但实力不如我。为了当官不顾一切,他就被别人排斥,没想到后来当了警卫队长。''
:: 霍夫曼:''Like Lenphad said, do not let your guard down and take him lightly. We need the key to rescue the villagers. Could you get it please?
:: 霍夫曼:''就像兰帕德所说的不能掉以轻心。想救出村民需要钥匙,能找回来吗?''
: <u>完成任务对话</u>:
: <u>完成任务对话</u>:
:: 霍夫曼:''Thank you very muEP. The villagers have reunited with their families and everyone’s very grateful.
:: 霍夫曼:''非常感谢。被绑架的村民都回到家里很高兴。''
: <u>奖励</u>:
: <u>奖励</u>:
:: '''ED:'''12400
:: '''ED:'''12400
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:*不明的发条装置(皇家警卫兵,瓦利城堡‘困难’) 0/10
:*不明的发条装置(皇家警卫兵,瓦利城堡‘困难’) 0/10
:*瓦利8号的配件(瓦利8号,瓦利城堡‘困难’) 0/1
:*瓦利8号的配件(瓦利8号,瓦利城堡‘困难’) 0/1
: <u>简介</u>: Lord Wally has stolen the El and tax money to create a Legendary Ancient Nasod machine. Let’s gather <font color=blue>Evidence</font> and look for the missing El from <font color=red>Wally’s Castle</font>!
: <u>简介</u>:艾徳领主瓦利偷用市民的纳税金,利用艾尔亲自做出了古代遗产纳斯徳。收集<font color=blue>有关恶行的证据</font>,找回藏在<font color=red>瓦利城堡</font>的艾尔回到魔奇村庄吧!
: <u>接受任务对话</u>:
: <u>接受任务对话</u>:
:: 霍夫曼:''Did you really see Nasods? I thought they were unreal!
:: 霍夫曼:''嗯?你见到纳斯德了?只知道有个传说而已,但从未听说在哪片大陆出现过。''
:: 艾可:''Lord Wally has been studying the Nasods.
:: 艾可:''瓦力领主……研究纳斯德……''
:: 霍夫曼:''Huh? Echo, you knew that already?
:: 霍夫曼:''嗯?艾可小姐原来就知道的吗?''
:: 艾可:''Yes. He showed some Nasod components and asked several questions. I don’t know where or how he found them. I hadn’t seen anything like them before, so I gave him a few reference files for his information.
:: 艾可:''嗯,当时他拿了稀奇古怪的纳斯德的配件过来问这问那的。虽然不知道是哪来的……艾可也第一次看到,所以给了些资料。''
:: 霍夫曼:''If I guessed correctly, he wasted our taxes to study Nasods, hired thieves to collect the El, and locked his castle up tight, to hide what he’s done! Now everything’s clear, and he must be punished for deceiving his people. The El must be in the center of the castle. Wish you the best of luck.
:: 霍夫曼:''用我们上缴的税在研究纳斯德,还驱使盗贼,就是因为这些才把城门关起来了。现在彻底明白真相了,要让领主为欺骗市民付出代价!艾尔肯定在城里的中心。去找回来吧。''
: <u>完成任务对话</u>:
: <u>完成任务对话</u>:
:: 霍夫曼:''Thank you so much! All our citizens thank you, for saving us from Wally’s tyranny. We feel bad that you went out of your ways to help us and that resulted in the failure of retrieving the El. If there is anything we can do to help, please let us know.
:: 霍夫曼:''非常感谢,对瓦力的暴政不满的市民也会很高兴的。为了帮我们耽误了你们的正事,没能拿回艾尔之石。需要我们帮助请随时说出来。''
: <u>奖励</u>:
: <u>奖励</u>:
:: '''ED:'''12400
:: '''ED:'''12400