
From Elwiki
Revision as of 18:17, 25 September 2022 by Ritsu (talk | contribs)
Max HP = FLOOR((340 + 60 * L) * (9.994 + 0.006 * H²) * L * F)
  • FLOOR = This function rounds the input number down to the closest integer.
  • L = The enemy's level. Enemies from Elrianode onwards have level 99, and 100 from Plegas's Gaze onwards.
  • H = A hidden HP base depending on the enemy
  • F =
    {{A function that takes two parameters: the stat and the game mode.
    0 - Normal, 1 - Henir, 2 - Secret Dungeon, 3 - Secret Dungeon (Luto Mode)
    Uses the following:
  • If Secret Dungeon: 0.9 * (1.8 * ((H - 70) / 36)^(2.5) + 0.7)
    If Luto: 0.9 * (1 * ((H - 70) / 36)^(3.5) + 1.5)
    Otherwise equals to 1.}}
    Game mode multiplier