Pet Guide/Growth

From Elwiki


On April 25, 2019 in the Korean Server, the Personality System was replaced with the Growth System. The users that had personality points already invested before, received a certain number of Growth points.

Growth points can be invested in additional effects for the pet:

  • Cheer decreases Encouragement and Special Encouragement cooldown by 0.0333% per point.
  • Patience increases Encouragement and Special Encouragement duration by 0.05% per point.
  • Mastery increases the pet skill's damage by 0.05% per point.
  • Focus decreases MP cost of the pet skill by 0.015% per point.
Basic Digestive Medicine

You can acquire Growth points by either feeding your pet or Refilling Nutrition. You can only gain a maximum of 216 points every 72 hours by Refilling Nutrition because the pet must digest the food. You can help your pet digest the food by giving it Digestion Medicine.

Table of Growth Points
Icon Name Amount of Growth Points Digesting Duration
El Tree Fruit 3 1
Lots of Petit El Jelly 3
Odd Flavored Candy 2 1
El Tree Seed 2
Strange El Tree Seed
Some Petite El Jelly 3
Fantastic QPL Jelly
Strange QPL Jelly
Petite El Jelly 1 3
QPL Jelly (Step 11)
Any piece of equipment/weapon 5
Mysterious Weeds N/A
  • Note: Refilling Nutrition with Strange El Seeds or Strange QPL Jelly will not decrease your pet's Affinity. Likewise, Fantastic QPL Jellies will not increase Affinity when used to Refill Nutrition.