Story/Lithia Chapter 2: Difference between revisions

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*Complete the '''[Village] Familiarity''' story quest
*Complete the '''[Village] Familiarity''' story quest
*Find Libra Herbs in [[Zaya Mountains]]
|Description=Zaya Mountains is located between Sander and Hamel. Apparently there are many wild animals that like libra herbs.
*{{StoryIcon|?}} '''???:''' ''-''
*''[Senace Border, Middle of Zaya Mountains]''
*{{StoryIcon|?}} '''Sou Sou:''' ''TWIRRP...!!''
*{{StoryIcon|Lithia}} '''Lithia:''' ''Alright, we got it cornered! Mathi, catch it!''
*{{StoryIcon|Mathi2}} '''Mathi:''' ''How am I supposed to catch a wild animal with my bare hands?''
*{{StoryIcon|Mathi2}} '''Mathi:''' ''More importantly, why are we trying to catch one in the first place? I though we were headed to Senace to get on a ship...?''
*{{StoryIcon|Lithia}} '''Litha:''' ''Shouldn't it be obvious? This is where libra herbs grow. Don't you know how rare they are?''
*{{StoryIcon|Lithia}} '''Lithia:''' ''Oh, it's getting away! Hurry!''
*{{StoryIcon|Mathi2}} '''Mathi:''' ''Ah, it escaped!''
*{{StoryIcon|?}} '''Sou Sou:''' ''TWIRP?!''
*{{StoryIcon|Vera}} '''Vera:''' ''Wow, I caught it!''
*{{StoryIcon|?}} '''Sou Sou:''' ''RAAUU...!''
*{{StoryIcon|Vera}} '''Vera:''' ''Ah, stop struggling! Here, good boy...''
*{{StoryIcon|Lithia}} '''Lithia:''' ''You're good at this. Much better than Mathi in any case.''
*{{StoryIcon|Vera}} '''Vera:''' ''Wow! He's so soft... and smells like Sunshine. How adorable...!''
*{{StoryIcon|Mathi2}} '''Mathi:''' ''Don't get too close. It's unsanitary.''
*{{StoryIcon|Mathi2}} '''Mathi:''' ''Lithia. Is this so important you have to drag our client like this? What does this creature have anything to do with this... libra herb anyway?''
*{{StoryIcon|Lithia}} '''Lithia:''' ''Libra herbs are a very rare magical ingredient. It's hard to find, because its habitat is the same as barbera flowers, and trust me, they look similar.''
*{{StoryIcon|Lithia}} '''Lithia:''' ''But this guy here loves libra herbs!''
*{{StoryIcon|?}} '''Sou Sou:''' ''MWUP...''
*{{StoryIcon|Lithia}} '''Lithia:''' ''We're going to use this little fella to find libra herbs. Ok, I have it secured, let's get going.''
*{{StoryIcon|Mathi2}} '''Mathi:''' ''Hm... Please keep your distance from me.''
*{{StoryIcon|Lithia}} '''Lithia:''' ''Weeeee!''
*{{StoryIcon|Mathi2}} '''Mathi:''' ''I told you to stay away!''
*{{StoryIcon|Vera}} '''Vera:''' ''Can I hold the leash? Huhuhu, you're so cute!''
*{{StoryIcon|Lithia}} '''Lithia:''' ''Ok, let's go! All the libra herbs on the way will be mine!''
*{{StoryIcon|Vera}} '''Vera:''' ''Let's go!''

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*Complete the '''Searching for Libra Herbs''' story quest
*Complete the '''Searching for Libra Herbs''' story quest
*Collect libra herbs in [[Zaya Mountains]]
|Description=Libra herbs are also called the slumber weed. Lithia explains the characteristics and effects of the flowers.
*{{StoryIcon|?}} '''???:''' ''-''
*{{StoryIcon|Lithia}} '''Lithia:''' ''Wow, we found a lot more than I expected!''
*{{StoryIcon|Lithia}} '''Lithia:''' ''You're pretty good, little fella! Who's a good boy, yes you are!''
*{{StoryIcon|Vera}} '''Vera:''' ''He's so tame despite not being domesticated. So cute! I want to take him home!''
*{{StoryIcon|?}} '''Sou Sou:''' ''TWIRP! RAUU!''
*{{StoryIcon|Mathi2}} '''Mathi:''' ''... Where's the chapter on wild animal disease on the healing book?''
*{{StoryIcon|Vera}} '''Vera:''' ''Anyway, what is this flower used for?''
*{{StoryIcon|Lithia}} '''Lithia:''' ''You know the ink used to create magic scrolls? It's usually used from this.''
*{{StoryIcon|Mathi2}} '''Mathi:''' ''Libra... That's the scale sign, isn't it?It's and odd name for a plant.''
*{{StoryIcon|Lithia}} '''Lithia:''' ''That's probably where it originated. You know when you make potions, and sometimes the ingredients don't mesh well?''
*{{StoryIcon|Mathi2}} '''Mathi:''' ''Because it has different qualities or opposite properties.''
*{{StoryIcon|Lithia}} '''Lithia:''' ''Yeah. But when you use a libra herb, it magically balances it out.''
*{{StoryIcon|Lithia}} '''Lithia:''' ''Lik it mediates between clashing ingredients. It's really ideal for a catalyst.''
*{{StoryIcon|Mathi2}} '''Mathi:''' ''Strange... If it's so ideal, you would think it would be used more widely, but this is the first time I've heard of it.''
*{{StoryIcon|Lithia}} '''Lithia:''' ''That's because it's poisonous.''
*{{StoryIcon|Vera}} '''Vera:''' ''Poisonous?''
*{{StoryIcon|Lithia}} '''Lithia:''' ''Yeah, it can turn anything into poison.''
*{{StoryIcon|Lithia}} '''Lithia:''' ''A lethal dose will cause someone to sleep forever. It's covert, and deadly.''
*{{StoryIcon|Lithia}} '''Lithia:''' ''That's why in some regions, it's called the slumber weed.''
*{{StoryIcon|Vera}} '''Vera:''' ''T, this is the slumber weed?''
*{{StoryIcon|Lithia}} '''Lithia:''' ''Yes. There's a complicated, bloody incident involving this plant during the Ancient Kingdom Era!''
*{{StoryIcon|Vera}} '''Vera:''' ''Uuh... What a terrible story.''
*{{StoryIcon|Lithia}} '''Lithia:''' ''It's a long one, so I won't bore you with it. Anyway, other than the fact that it's poisonous, it's a useful plant.''
*{{StoryIcon|Lithia}} '''Lithia:''' ''Joy always kept it in stock, so I used it a lot.''
*{{StoryIcon|Mathi2}} '''Mathi:''' ''Don't use poisonous plants when you're a kid...''
*{{StoryIcon|Lithia}} '''Lithia:''' ''We've definitely got enough, so I guess I'll be spending my time preparing these.''
*{{StoryIcon|Mathi2}} '''Mathi:''' ''And work on your curse?''
*{{StoryIcon|Lithia}} '''Lithia:''' ''Aww...''
*{{StoryIcon|Mathi2}} '''Mathi:''' ''Excuse me?''
*{{StoryIcon|Lithia}} '''Lithia:''' ''Noooo... I don't wanna...''
*{{StoryIcon|Vera}} '''Vera:''' ''Huhu, The sun is setting. Let's find a place to set up camp. We should find somewhere with enough space to handle the flower and heal.''
|CImage1=[[File:Consumable - Elrios Nutritious Bread.png]]
|CReward1= [Ariel] Elrios Nutritious Bread x20
|CImage2=[[File:Consumable - Elrios Fruit Juice.png]]
|CReward2= [Ariel] Elrios Fruit Juice x20

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*Complete the '''Mediating Poison''' story quest
*Complete the '''Mediating Poison''' story quest
*Encounter demons in [[Zaya Mountains]]
|Description=Beasts appear before them. As Lithia uses magic, she realizes something has changed within her.
*{{StoryIcon|?}} '''???:''' ''-''
*{{StoryIcon|?}} '''Beast:''' ''(KREEE!!)''
*{{StoryIcon|Lithia}} '''Lithia:''' ''Ugh, what's going on? Where did all these come from?!''
*{{StoryIcon|Lithia}} '''Lithia:''' ''Not only that, there are demons!''
*{{StoryIcon|Vera}} '''Vera:''' ''D, Demons?! Kya!''
*{{StoryIcon|Mathi2}} '''Mathi:''' ''Shoot, Lithia! Go protect Vera! I'll create a shield...''
*{{StoryIcon|Lithia}} '''Lithia:''' ''I'm not gonna listen to the healer! You stand back!''
*{{StoryIcon|?}} '''Beast:''' ''(KEEKEEKEE-!!)''
*{{StoryIcon|?}} '''Beast:''' ''(KEE-KEEE!)''
*{{StoryIcon|Lithia}} '''Lithia:''' ''Ha, there's quite a number of them. The mountains must have provided cover.''
*{{StoryIcon|Mathi2}} '''Mathi:''' ''What should we do? There's too many of them. I think I can handle three...''
*{{StoryIcon|Lithia}} '''Lithia:''' ''I know one thing that might work! Everyone stay behind me!''
*{{StoryIcon|Lithia}} '''Lithia:''' ''Series, displodo!''
*{{StoryIcon|Mathi2}} '''Mathi:''' ''Wait, that spell...!''
*{{StoryIcon|Mathi2}} '''Mathi:''' ''Ugh, Vera! Cover your ears!''
*{{StoryIcon|?}} '''Beast:''' ''(KEEKEE-!!)''
*{{StoryIcon|?}} '''Beast:''' ''(KEEE!!!)''
*{{StoryIcon|Lithia}} '''Lithia:''' ''Oh...?''
*{{StoryIcon|Mathi2}} '''Mathi:''' ''Ugh... The spell became more powerful. What did you do?''
*{{StoryIcon|Lithia}} '''Lithia:''' ''Oooh...! So it wasn't only in my head!''
*{{StoryIcon|Mathi2}} '''Mathi:''' ''What do you mean by that?''
*{{StoryIcon|Lithia}} '''Lithia:''' ''I didn't even use Chrysonas, but it's so much more powerful! It must be the mana that spirit gave me!''
*{{StoryIcon|Mathi2}} '''Mathi:''' ''You got more mana because of a curse?''
*{{StoryIcon|Lithia}} '''Lithia:''' ''Wow... This vast amount of mana... this is great! Haha!''
*{{StoryIcon|Lithia}} '''Lithia:''' ''This should be helpful for Joy's research as well!''
*{{StoryIcon|Mathi2}} '''Mathi:''' ''Ugh... This isn't something you should be happy about. The sudden increase in mana could be a temporary symptom of the curse.''
*{{StoryIcon|Mathi2}} '''Mathi:''' ''And... you promised you weren't going to use that spell again! It's dangerous!''
*{{StoryIcon|Lithia}} '''Lithia:''' ''Ugh, starting to nag again. You're such a killjoy.''
*{{StoryIcon|Lithia}} '''Lithia:''' ''Fine, fine. I wouldn't have used it anyway if we weren't in danger. I can't exactly let us all die here, you know?''
*{{StoryIcon|Mathi2}} '''Mathi:''' ''You're incorrigible... Be careful with it. You know it's hard for us to handle Felix's magic.''
*{{StoryIcon|Vera}} '''Vera:''' ''Felix...?''
*{{StoryIcon|Lithia}} '''Lithia:''' ''Someone you don't know. Phew, in any case, I guess we have to find a new camping site.''
*{{StoryIcon|Lithia}} '''Lithia:''' ''A shame too... Oh well, let's find the next location.''
*{{StoryIcon|Lithia}} '''Lithia:''' ''Hold on. According to the map, there should be one around... here.''
*{{StoryIcon|Lithia}} '''Lithia:''' ''What are you doing?''
*{{StoryIcon|Mathi2}} '''Mathi:''' ''I marked the location. Zaya mountains is under Senace. I'll need to inform someone that there are demons in the mountains once we arrive at port.''
*{{StoryIcon|Lithia}} '''Lithia:''' ''Isn't it a hassle?''
*{{StoryIcon|Mathi2}} '''Mathi:''' ''... Dear Ms. True Intellect, Future Lead of Knowledge, and Elite Magician''
*{{StoryIcon|Mathi2}} '''Mathi:''' ''Finding out what's dangerous to travelers and passing that to others is  one of an adventurers' duties.''
*{{StoryIcon|Lithia}} '''Lithia:''' ''Yeah they say that, but nobody really does it.''
*{{StoryIcon|Lithia}} '''Lithia:''' ''Even if you do, all you get is an obligatory thank you, with no one doing anything about it.''
*{{StoryIcon|Mathi2}} '''Mathi:''' ''Why do you have so little faith in the world. I really worry about you sometimes...''
|CImage1=[[File:Consumable - Elrios Nutritious Bread.png]]
|CReward1=- [Ariel] Elrios Nutritious Bread x20
|CImage2=[[File:Consumable - Elrios Fruit Juice.png]]
|CReward= [Ariel] Elrios Fruit Juice x20

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*Complete the '''Effect of the Curse''' story quest
*Complete the '''Effect of the Curse''' story quest
*Regroup from the Resting Area in [[Zaya Mountains]]
|Description=Mathi heals everyone with great proficiency
*{{StoryIcon|?}} '''???:''' ''-''
*{{StoryIcon|?}} '''???:''' ''-''

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*Complete the '''The Forbidden Healing Spell''' story quest
*Complete the '''The Forbidden Healing Spell''' story quest
*Stay on guard in the Resting Area in [[Zaya Mountains]]
|Description=A strange march disturbs their rest. Lithia watches the strange behaviors of the animals and realizes something is going wrong.
*{{StoryIcon|?}} '''???:''' ''-''
*{{StoryIcon|?}} '''???:''' ''-''
*{{StoryIcon|?}} '''???:''' ''-''
|CImage1=[[File:HQ Shop Item 109945.png]]
|CReward1= Magic Stone x10

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*Complete the '''March of the Uninvited''' story quest
*Complete the '''March of the Uninvited''' story quest
*The party climbs up the mountain to find the cause for the march and arrive at the lake at the top of the mountain.
|Description=Defeat 'Naius' in [[Zaya Mountains]]
*{{StoryIcon|?}} '''???:''' ''-''
*{{StoryIcon|?}} '''???:''' ''-''

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*Complete the '''Silver Lake''' story quest
*Complete the '''Silver Lake''' story quest
*Rest in [[Zaya Mountains]]
|Description=Exhausted, Lithia and others return to camp to rest.
*{{StoryIcon|?}} '''???:''' ''-''
*{{StoryIcon|?}} '''???:''' ''-''
*{{StoryIcon|?}} '''???:''' ''-''

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*Complete the '''Camping''' story quest
*Complete the '''Camping''' story quest
*Talk to [[Rift Inside the Rift]] in [[Beyond the Rift]]
*Achieve 1st Class
|Description=Lithia tells the story of libra herbs in self-deprecation.
*{{StoryIcon|?}} '''???:''' ''-''
*{{StoryIcon|?}} '''???:''' ''-''
|CReward=Mochi's Ears x1
|CReward=Ocean Eyepatch x1
|CReward3=[Ariel] Resurrection Stone (10) Cube x1