Eternal Fire

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Revision as of 18:43, 9 February 2018 by Antiaris (talk | contribs)
[Special Active: Bravery]

Concentrate flames to create blast explosion. Remaining flames will spin around you for 10 seconds burning any enemies that come close.
Gale Skill
  • Consumes Gale gauge and acquire Annihilation gauge
  • MP Cost ↓ Cooldown ↓ when Gale is activated


Class Level Required Base Skill
Flame Lord 99 Eternal Fire

Skill Information


Level Required Damage (Magical) Eternal Fire Duration Max Hits MP Usage Cooldown
99 222% 10 Seconds 28 300 MP 22 Seconds


Level Required Damage (Magical)
99 62%

Skill Traits


Enhanced Eternal Fire Useful Eternal Fire
Attribute Effect Details Attribute Effect Details
Damage Critical Rate Damage Max Hits
Critical Hit Rate increased to 100%
Damage decreased to 80%
177.6% 100% Max Hits increased
Damage decreased to 80%
177.6% 46


Enhanced Eternal Fire Useful Eternal Fire
Details Details
Damage Damage
49.6% 49.6%

Tips and Details

  • [Mod] Eternal Fire can deal up to 6,216% (1,736% in PvP) Magical Damage. With Useful, it can deal up to 8,169.6% (2,281.6% in PvP) Magical Damage.

Alternative Names

Server Name Translation
South Korea 이터널 파이어 Eternal Fire
Japan エターナルファイア Eternal Fire
China (Simplified Chinese) 无尽火焰 Unlimited Flame
Germany Ewiges Feuer Eternal Fire
Spain Fuego eterno Eternal Fire
France Feu éternel Eternal Fire
Italy Fuoco infinito Infinite Fire
Poland Wieczny Ogień Eternal Fire
Brazil Chama Eterna Eternal Flame
