Heat Body Fire Resistance +50 +1% Burning effect chance
Heat Blast Lv.1 Throw an exploding sphere towards the enemy. Shot - 260% of your average Physical and Magical Attack power Explosion - 1040% of your average Physical and Magical Attack power to the surrounding enemies.
Troop of the Soul Physical Attack +2% Magical Attack +2% Physical Defense +1% Magical Defense +1%
Heat Blast Lv.2 Throw an exploding sphere towards the enemy. Shot - 480% of your average Physical and Magical Attack power Explosion - 1920% of your average Physical and Magical Attack power to the surrounding enemies.
Non Compassionate Stance Critical +2% MP Gain on Receiving Attack +1% Jump Speed +1% Movement Speed +1%
Heat Blast Lv.3 Throw an exploding sphere towards the enemy. Shot - 1000% of your average Physical and Magical Attack power Explosion - 4000% of your average Physical and Magical Attack power to the surrounding enemies.