Dignity (Stage 4)

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Revision as of 14:21, 14 February 2020 by Antiaris (talk | contribs)
  • English
[Master Skill Stage 4]
여왕의 명령으로 나소드들이 나타나 적을 처치한다.
오베론이 정면을 나아가며 적을 베어낸다. 이후 오필리어가 전자포를 발사하여 에너지 폭풍을 일으킨다.
이어 페르디난드가 소환되어 정면을 베어내면 그 힘의 파동을 인해 에너지 폭풍이 정면으로 나아가며 적을 해치운다.
에너지 폭풍이 지나간 자리에는 여왕의 표식이 나타난다.
Core Activation Skill
  • Successful attack made during Awakening will activate the Core Attack.
Master Skill is unaffected by skill enhance effects except Master-only effects.


Class Level Required
Code: Esencia : Master Class 99

Skill Information


Level Required Damage (Physical) Max Hits MP Usage Cooldown
Oberon's Sword Ophelia's Energy Storm Ferdinand's Moving Storm Queen's Mark Mark's Explosion Oberon's Sword Ophelia's Energy Storm Ferdinand's Moving Storm Queen's Mark
Per Queen's Mark Number of Queen's Marks
Queen's Mark Mark's Explosion
99 980% 677% 1338% 156% 690% - - - - 1 3 400 MP 49 Seconds


Level Required Damage (Physical)
Oberon's Sword Ophelia's Energy Storm Ferdinand's Moving Storm Queen's Mark Mark's Explosion
99 200% 138% 274% 31% 140%

Total Damage

Mode Regular
PvE %
PvP %

Tips and Details


Alternative Names

Server Name Translation
South Korea 디그니티 Dignity
