Ignition Crow - Incinerator

From Elwiki
[Special Active: Strength]

Shoot flaming crows which flies to surrounding areas. The crows will explode to deal damage and inflicts a burn on whoever it touches. (Can also be activated in midair)
  • Uses HP to increase.
  • Activate by repeated presses of the skill key.
  • Attack power +5% for 10 seconds.


Class Level Required Base Skill
Nova Imperator 99 Ignition Crow - Incinerator

Skill Information


Level Required Damage (Magical) Incineration Duration Max Hits MP Usage Cooldown
Flaming Crows Explosion Incineration Normal Overheat Flaming Crows Explosion Incineration
Normal Overheat Normal Overheat
99 1487% 2761% 3838% 50% 10 Seconds 15 Seconds 1 1 9 14 200 MP 15 Seconds


Level Required Damage (Magical)
Flaming Crows Explosion Incineration
Normal Overheat
99 508% 944% 1312% 50%

Skill Traits

Absorbing Ignition Crow - Incinerator Empowered Ignition Crow - Incinerator
Attribute Effect Attribute Effect
MP Gain of the skill increased to 140% Damage increased to 120%

Total Damage

Mode Regular
Normal Overheat
Normal Empowered Normal Empowered
PvE 4,698% 5,637.6% 6,025% 7,230%
PvP 1,902% 2,282.4% 2,520% 3,024%

Related Skills


Date Changes
08/09/2018 08/22/2018
  • [Mod] Ignition Crow - Incinerator added.

Alternative Names

Server Name Translation
South Korea 이그니션 크로우 - 인시네레이션 Ignition Crow - Incineration
Japan イグニッションクロウ - インシノレーション Ignition Crow - Incineration
China (Simplified Chinese) 烈焰乌鸦 - 焚化 Flame Crow - Incineration
Germany Glühender Schrei - Einäscherung Burning Scream - Cremation
Spain Grito Ardoroso - Cremación Burning Scream - Cremation
France Cri fervent : incinération Burning Scream : Incineration
Italy Urlo Rovente - Cremazione Burning Scream - Cremation
Poland Rozżażony Krzyk - Spopielenie Burning Scream - Incineration
United Kingdom Blistering Scream - Incinerator
Brazil Corvo Incendiário - Incinerador Ignition Crow - Incinerator
