User talk:EonFlamewing

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NL's Chinese Name

“夜暝”同“夜冥”释义夜晚。“魂梦”由“魂”与“梦”2个字组合而成,中国古代人认为“魂”是人精神的分支,而“梦”拥有预兆未来、补偿现实、经历未知的事情、思考、审视自心的作用。其中要谈到的就是“补偿现实”。“魂梦”除了现代的基本含义外,还包含了“在梦里达成现实中无法完成的心愿”的其他释义,常见于中国古代诗词曲中。最著名的是北宋著名词人晏几道的《鹧鸪天》中的“几回魂梦与君同”,意为“多少次在梦中与你相拥”(在现实中无法与对方拥抱,只能在梦中达成这个心愿),而这个释义相比基本含义来说,更符合NL的背景介绍。Laby从一开始就想离开森林之外,但因为各种事情而害怕、孤独、痛苦,想要逃避。离开森林、在森林外自由生活是Laby的梦想,但这也是NL path中她无法完成的梦想,所以Nisha为了让她完成自己的梦想,才会创造一个幸福的世界。所以这里的“魂梦”的含义是这个。“者”,助词,表示“……的人、东西、事物”。所以连起来就是,“(在夜晚的背景环境下)在梦中实现现实无法完成的心愿的人/物”。

-IceSoulMOG (talk) 12:13, 10 June 2020 (CEST)

I know what it means. You have already explained the naming in the trivia section of the page itself. The excessively long translation not only detracts from the style of all Elsword class names in English, which are at most two words long, it is also very unwieldy and difficult to read. It has become a topic of ridicule amongst some foreign players. I do think it should be shortened to at most two words, of which I have already placed in the wiki multiple times.