Sling Rift

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Revision as of 04:53, 16 October 2024 by Shironsaki (talk | contribs) (Text replacement - "'''{{PvE}}'''" to " {{PvE}} ")
  • English
Attach a magical item to the sling and create an instant Rift where it connects.
The Rift will remain for a set duration after forming, and decrease Movement/Jump Speed of enemies that come in contact with it.
(Can also be activated midair)
Final Enhanced Skill
  • Range is increased by 1.2 times.


Class Level Required
Rima Clavis 35

Skill Information

Mode Rift Creation (Magical)  Self BuffSling GapSelf BuffSling Gap  Enemy DebuffSling GapEnemy DebuffSling Gap Max Hits MP Usage Cooldown
Usage Count Duration Movement / Jump Speed Decrease
This effect is multiplicative
to your current stats. 
PvE 301% 1 15 Seconds 50% 3 Seconds 4 40 MP 6 Seconds
PvP 120% 2 Seconds

Skill Traits

Light Sling GapRegenerating (2) Sling Gap
Attribute EffectMP UsageAttribute EffectCooldown
MP Usage decreased to 80%32 MP50% chance of lowering cooldown to 60%3.6 Seconds

Total Damage

  • Average damage is tested on small (e.g., Lowe) to medium targets (e.g., Wooden Doll) with realistic positioning.
  • Maximum damage for large-hitbox skills may be unattainable in-game and is estimated.
  • Timed buffs are included only if they alter skill function or appear in the tooltip; permanent boosts are always included.


Date Changes
03/28/2024 04/24/2024
  • Sling Rift added.

Alternative Names

Server Name Translation
South Korea 슬링 갭 Sling Gap