Specter Walk

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Revision as of 18:01, 14 August 2017 by Gameboy224 (talk | contribs)
File:ALS 2.png [Active]
Veils the body in shadows, allowing movement through obstacles for 7 seconds. Gain 20% movement speed while in Specter Walk and gain Super Armor along with reducing defense of enemies Ara passes through by 20% for 5 seconds. Specter Walk will be removed if Ara attacks.
Energy Consumption
  • Costs 1 Energy
Final Enhanced Skill
  • Cooldown is decreased by 3 seconds.


Class Level Required
Asura 50

Skill Information


Level Required Shadow Jutsu Damage
Cloaking Dark Fox Flame Energy Consumption MP Usage Cooldown
Movement Speed
Duration Physical Defense Decrease
(up to 3 stacks)
50 962% 20% 7 Seconds 20% 5 Seconds 1 0 MP 15 Seconds
[Enhanced] 12 Seconds


Level Required Shadow Jutsu Damage (Physical)
50 307%

Skill Traits

Killing Blow (1) Specter Walk Killing Blow (2) Specter Walk
Attribute Effect Details Attribute Effect Details
Invisibility Duration Dark Fox Flame Duration Movement Speed
Defense Decrease
Skill effect's duration increased to 130% 9.1 Seconds 6.5 Seconds Skill effect's effectiveness increased by 30% 26% 26%

Tips and Details

  • While invisible, Ara's movement speed is increased and fox fire will orbit targets near Ara, decreasing their physical defense.
    • Fox fire duration is separate from Specter Walk. If the invisibility ends, the fox fire remains on targets.
  • Ara can walk through foes while this skill is active.
    • Similar to Raven's ability to pass through foes with Shadow Step.
    • If Ara uses another skill while Specter Walk is still active, she may pass through the enemy during the entire duration of the activated skill.
    • Passing through enemies counts as a hit and can activate attribute effects.
  • Z and X input is possible after activation, but they instantly stop the skill.
  • While this skill is active, Ara is super armored, preventing her from flinching when attacked.
  • Super Armor does not end even when stunned.
  • The opponent's skills will still do damage when invisible.


  • 09/03/2015 KR
  • 02/04/2016 (KR) / 03/16/2016 (NA)
    • Stealth duration and physical defense decrease duration decreased.
  • 03/10/2016 KR
    • Fixed decrease debuff duration passive effects not working on Dark Fox Flame.
  • 01/25/2017 KR
    • Damage decreased.
  • 04/27/2017 KR
    • PvE damage increased.
    • PvP damage decreased.

Alternative Names

Server Name Translation
South Korea 귀신걸음 Specter Walk
Japan 鬼神之歩 Specter's Step
China (Simplified Chinese) 鬼步 Specter Step
Germany Geisterschritt Spirit Step
France Pas des esprits Spirit Step
Italy Passo spettrale Spectral Step
Poland Krok Ducha Spirit Step
United Kingdom Spirit Step
Brazil Passo Espiritual Spiritual Step
