Eid Weise

From Elwiki
Revision as of 16:56, 16 December 2017 by Gameboy224 (talk | contribs)

Concentrate and gather the El energy in the air, convert it into the [Eid] required resulting in a powerful radiance.
Eid : Creation
  • Create 1 selected [Eid].
Swaying El Keim
  • Inflicts  Enemy DebuffSwaying El KeimEnemy DebuffSwaying El Keim debuff when hit by [Eid Light].
Final Enhanced Skill
  • Grants  Self BuffSuper ArmorSelf BuffSuper Armor when selecting an [Eid].


Class Level Required
Lofty: Anpassen 15

Skill Information


Level Required Damage (Magical) Max Hits MP Usage Cooldown
Magic Release Eid Light Light Explosion Magic Release Eid Light Light Explosion
15 100% 401% 272% 1 2 1 35 MP 6 Seconds


Level Required Damage (Magical)
Magic Release Eid Light Light Explosion
15 50% 112% 108%

Skill Traits

Regenerating (1) Eid Weise Evil Eid Weise
Attribute Effect Details Attribute Effect Details
MP Recovery MP Burn
33% chance of regaining 100% of the MP Usage 35 MP Skill will burn 7 MP per hit -28 MP


  • Eid Weise is German and translates to Wise Oath.
    • Correctly translated it would be Weiser Eid.
  • In Europe, this skill is translated as Ius Iurandum Prudens and means Wise Oath in Latin.
    • Ius Iurandum means literally Vowed Law.


  • 01/25/2017 KR
    • Fixed issue where skill slot changing to El Crystal Spectrum Icon when other characters use certain skills.
    • Fixed issue of all Eids disappearing if pressing Eid Weise skill key exactly upon end of cooldown time.
  • 02/23/2017 (KR) / 3/15/2017 (NA)
    • Damage decreased.
  • 03/30/2017 KR
    • Fixed issue where using Edel Eid skills immediately after converting, the previous Edel Eid will still be applied.
  • 04/27/2017 KR
    • PvE Eid Light damage increased.
    • PvE Eid Explosion damage increased.

Alternative Names

Server Name Translation
South Korea 아이트 바이제 Eid Weise
Taiwan (Traditional Chinese) 神之鎖百制 Hundred Styles of God's Lock
China (Simplified Chinese) 艾伊特转换 Eid Conversion
Germany Ius Iurandum Prudens
Spain Ius Iurandum Prudens
France Ius Iurandum Prudens
Italy Ius Iurandum Prudens
Poland Ius Iurandum Prudens
United Kingdom Ius Iurandum Prudens
Brazil Juramento do Sábio Wise Man's Oath
