Fantasiegebilde Speer

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Project [Fantasiegebilde Speer] diagonally from the ground and maintain them for a certain period of time.
Projection Skill
  • Skill uses projected weapon created from the borrowed power of god
Fantasiegebilde Speer
  • Inflict [Bleed] per hit at a 33% chance.
  • Fantasiegebilde Speer lasts for 7 seconds.
Final Enhanced Skill
  • MP Usage is decreased by 5.


Class Level Required
Arme Thaumaturgy 35

Skill Information

Mode Fantasiegebilde
Speer (Physical)
  Max Hits Duration MP Usage Cooldown
Chance Duration Hits Per Spear Spear Count
PvE 122% 33% 7 Seconds 2 6 10 Seconds 35 MP 10 Seconds
PvP 49%
PvE 122% 33% 7 Seconds 2 6 10 Seconds 30 MP 10 Seconds
PvP 49%

Skill Traits

Stage Critical Fantasiegebilde Speer Regenerating (1) Fantasiegebilde Speer
Attribute Effect MP Usage Attribute Effect MP Recovery
Normal MP Usage increased to 120%
Skill will ignore 50% defense (25% defense in PvP)
42 MP 10% chance of regaining 50% of the MP Usage 17.5 MP
[Enhanced] 36 MP 15 MP

Total Damage

Mode Base
PvE 1,464%
PvP 588%

Related Skills


  • This skill's name is German for Fantasy Construct Spear
  • In Europe, Abies Fantasia is Latin for Fantasy Spear. "Abies" means essentially anything made of fir wood.
    • Correctly spelled it would be Abies Fantasiae.


Date Changes
12/15/2016 12/21/2016
  • Fantasiegebilde Speer added.
02/23/2017 03/15/2017
  • Duration increased.
  • Damage decreased.
04/27/2017 05/10/2017
  • Damage decreased.
06/15/2017 06/28/2017
  • Hitbox revamped.
07/27/2017 08/09/2017
  • Spears do not do hitstun after a certain amount of time.
  • Evil trait changed to Regenerating (1).
04/05/2018 04/18/2018
  • Damage increased.

Alternative Names

Server Name Translation
South Korea 판타지그빌드 슈퍼어 Fantasiegebilde Speer
China (Simplified Chinese) 幻影之枪 Phantom Spear
Germany Abies Fantasia
Spain Abies Fantasia
France Abies Fantasia
Italy Abies Fantasia
Poland Abies Fantasia
United Kingdom Abies Fantasia
Brazil Lança Fantasiosa Fancy Spear
